
Kawada Mami - INITIATIVE

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lunedì 23 luglio 2012 at 12:23:11

Artist: Kawada Mami
Source: Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate
Tags: Love Election Collab cRyo[iceeicee] Gabe osuplayer111 Saten-san Vicho-kun ykcarrot
BPM: 134
Filesize: 12477kb
Play Time: 03:55
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,42 stars, 192 notes)
  2. Hard (4,76 stars, 429 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 703 notes)
  4. Normal (2,73 stars, 278 notes)
Download: Kawada Mami - INITIATIVE
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 157th Beatmap.

I hope you will like and enjoy it :3

Special thanks to Vicho-kun for the BG and to sherrie__fay for the wonderful SB >w<


Insane - Done.
Hard - Done.
Normal - Done.
Easy - Done.
1st ww
2nd wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Third ♫
Workin' on Easy.

edit; 52% done. I will be fully done tonight or maybe tomorrow.
4th !!
5th o.O

Serious business now.
Wut is this o.o
Topic Starter
Difficulties are ready, waiting only for SB by sherrie__fay!
Snowy Dream
頑張れ~ Andrea w
Wating for the Rank > <

00:09:915 (1) - I know this isnt big problem but I think it's almost offscreen.. maybe make 2,3,1 like this?
00:34:989 (4) - (nazi) 1 grid right to make the distance equal (2-3-4)
01:07:228 (1,2) - curve a little like this? I think it fits more because next (3) is curved

00:34:542 (3) - wouldn't it be better to blanket (2) 'o'?
00:34:542 (3,1,3) - these sliders are not perfectly symmetrical, nothing big but just pointing out in case if this was mistake 'o'/
03:39:467 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - just personnal opinion but I think this better can be better if you just map with slider+circle, still not a big deal 'o'/

00:36:780 (3) - end grid 1 left to make nice blanket with next 00:37:676 (6) - ?
01:54:019 (2,3) - I think it's better when slider (3) starts from where (2) is, and add some circles between 3 and 1
02:07:228 (1) - add spiner here..? feels little empty imo


00:13:497 (1) - x408 y196
00:28:161 - add note?
00:44:392 (2) - slider's 3rd point x184 y80
01:06:333 (1) - x344 y64
01:07:340 (5) - x32 y116
01:07:340 (5) - slider's 3rd point x408 y184
01:51:557 (5,6) - change one slider?
02:07:900 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - delete NC or 01:16:855 (9) - add NC
03:20:661 (4) - slider's 4th point x200 y20

Overall the map seemed to have no big problems :3
i tried my best but this is preety much all i got ;o;
nice map ><
good luck with this!
M4M to gift /o/


  • Why 5 names in tags and 4 diffs?



  • 134 bpm? Then AR -1 or OD and HP +1
    CS +1, please.
    00:48:870 (4) NC due a rhythm change, please.
    01:55:139 (4) ^

    This diff is too much COPY/PASTE, and I don't like it.


  • 00:30:288 (2) Why not blanket?
    01:00:960 - Breaktime? Too many time without notes for 6 HP Drain.
    01:57:825 (1) This semi-stack is intentional?
    02:07:228 - Same as 01:00:960
    02:58:273 - Circle + Finish, sounds empty there.
    03:26:482 (6) - Move this circle to the same place as 03:25:810 (4)


  • 02:58:273 - Same as Hard

First long song that I see you map in a while.

Good Luck Andrea.
i like this :o

00:22:452 (1) - why not shorten this by 1/2 beat? o.o
01:54:243 (1) - too far from the center imo
01:57:825 (1,2,3,4) - make straight line or natural curve?
02:30:960 - finish here since i can hear it in the music, maybe with lower volume would be nice
02:56:482 (1,2,3) - looks not that great imo, try something more beautiful (symmetrical pattern will be nice to me
03:25:139 - finish here? just suggestion
03:33:198 (3) - make symmetrical here?
03:46:631 (1) - way too soon after a spinner, because the spinner is too long, beginners may need 3~4 beat- recovery time
03:53:795 (1,1) - make them into one spinner plz, first one is too short

00:26:482 (1,3) - they can be stacked better i think
01:20:885 (3,4) - i'm sooo nazi but spacing is a bit larger than 01:19:765 (1,2) -'s not a problem but looks kinda messy to me
03:29:840 (3,4) - ^

00:14:168 (1,2,3) - i prefer stream here, because they're harder to hit than normal stream, for Hard-player like me...
01:00:064 (5) - kinda dislike this slider because it breaks your nice flow.. maybe making jump here would be good
01:26:706 (3,4,1) - make natural curve for better flow?
02:22:452 (2) - clap at the end sounds nice to me

00:00:960 (1) - somehow this slider looks messy...
00:19:542 (4) - stream here?
01:01:855 - spacing of this stream is kinda huge imo, maybe 0.5x or so would be nice
01:43:833 - add note here to make it symmetrical and follow vocal better?
02:04:542 (6,1) - maybe switch these newcombo? previous combo is kinda long and this one looks better imo
02:52:452 (1) - what's point of this spinner?? it should start at 02:51:892 or 02:52:900 - imo

omg i have no bubbled map! lol good luck anyway!
Hi Andrea, since I tried downloading this map once and got to DT it insane diff :P
that makes me to be here xD and also M4M , I hope it will be useful :D

01:46:631 (1) - sorry for nazi , move around to x:210 y:185 , it will improve its blanket :3 (the current almost touch previous(1))
02:13:497 (1) - sorry again =_='' left 1 grid , It will equal to between (2) and (3)
02:34:989 (1) - at the end of this slider, maybe whistle ? , I think it fits with finish sound from background of music
02:38:571 (1) - from my opinion xD , add clap at the end ? ,
02:42:154 (1) - ^ same reason , add at repeat of this slider
^but I recommend you to reduce volume a bit on those claps if you choose to use it

00:45:736 (6) - finish or whistle :3 ? , I think it sounds very well to add it , but it's kinda loud if you add finish =.= , choose what you want
00:50:661 (1) - I feel that it must be whistle after I hear it :p , from the pattern you used in this part
01:25:139 (3) - slider instead ? , end at (4) , I think it follows vocal and it makes better while playing :3
01:30:512 (1) - curve a bit ? , it makes better flow with previous and next note ww
01:52:005 (6) - same as I mentioned
01:56:930 (1) - ^
02:39:019 (3) - maybe new combo for beginner's hp ? , I guess this slider 02:36:780 (1) - probably make beginner lose thier life ww
03:23:347 (2) - it's last part \:D/ , try adding finish here ? , will make more exciting a bit :p
03:25:138 (5) - ^

nice remix !
00:27:377 (5) - clap ? from my own ears = =
00:47:527 (1) - finish? , it's going to new part so this will be nice 8-)
01:00:960 (1) - maybe add spin to 01:01:855 ?
01:53:795 (1) - same as I mentioned, finish?
02:07:228 (5) - spin?
02:36:557 (1) - it's kinda hard to guess that is 2 repeat slider..
02:51:109 (4) - from 1 2 3 , maybe curve ? , better flow for me :D
03:33:086 (3) - don't want to ruin your symmetry , just mention , move slider to 03:33:086 (3) - (back 1/4 since it follows vocal) and extend slider to the same point

01:07:340 (5) - maybe make something like this? , I will let player know that it is 1/4 not 1/2 more obviously like : 01:10:922 (4) -
^maybe you can choose what you want for other position for this placement if you want to :p
01:31:183 (3,4,5,6,7) - maybe curve like this ? , it took me many times that it should be curved , it will make it easier and be not tough while playing (my Double time o..o)
01:31:855 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
03:46:631 (3) - finish at the start ?

that's all I can find from my testplaying =.=''

I will go practicing DT HD from now on :P

Good Luck \:D/

intoon wrote:


00:09:915 (1) - I know this isnt big problem but I think it's almost offscreen.. maybe make 2,3,1 like this?
00:34:989 (4) - (nazi) 1 grid right to make the distance equal (2-3-4)
01:07:228 (1,2) - curve a little like this? I think it fits more because next (3) is curved
All done

iMercurial wrote:

M4M to gift /o/


  • Why 5 names in tags and 4 diffs?
cRyo[iceeicee], Vicho-kun and ykcarrot are collab-ing on Insane.


  • 00:34:542 (3,4) Maybe you could use this blanket like this Not used it
    01:59:168 (4) OMEGA SLIDER BIG BIG YEAH. *thumbs up*
    02:56:482 (1,2,3) Looks better like this Done&LOL "Gabe is now Online"
    02:58:273 - Finish I won't add a finish here. That's why I added a whistle because a finish was too loud.

Melophobia wrote:

i like this :o

00:22:452 (1) - why not shorten this by 1/2 beat? o.o Sure.
01:54:243 (1) - too far from the center imo Changed it a bit.
01:57:825 (1,2,3,4) - make straight line or natural curve? [Changed due to ^[/b]
02:30:960 - finish here since i can hear it in the music, maybe with lower volume would be nice Actually, I already have a finish at 02:31:407 so I don't think having two finishes in a row will sound good.
02:56:482 (1,2,3) - looks not that great imo, try something more beautiful (symmetrical pattern will be nice to me Changed it by iMercurial's mod.
03:25:139 - finish here? just suggestion I will also say no for this one since I am adding a Finish at each two big line.
03:33:198 (3) - make symmetrical here? It's more natural if I reverse it.
03:46:631 (1) - way too soon after a spinner, because the spinner is too long, beginners may need 3~4 beat- recovery time Seems great o3o
03:53:795 (1,1) - make them into one spinner plz, first one is too short Andrea made this part. So I guess it's fine.

Frostmourne wrote:

Hi Andrea, since I tried downloading this map once and got to DT it insane diff :P
that makes me to be here xD and also M4M , I hope it will be useful :D

01:46:631 (1) - sorry for nazi , move around to x:210 y:185 , it will improve its blanket :3 (the current almost touch previous(1)) It looks great the way it is because (1,4) are aligned and (2,3) are also aligned. No changes.
02:13:497 (1) - sorry again =_='' left 1 grid , It will equal to between (2) and (3) Done
02:34:989 (1) - at the end of this slider, maybe whistle ? , I think it fits with finish sound from background of music That's true. Added.
02:38:571 (1) - from my opinion xD , add clap at the end ? , Added a 60%
02:42:154 (1) - ^ same reason , add at repeat of this slider ^
^but I recommend you to reduce volume a bit on those claps if you choose to use it


Gabe wrote:

  • Why 5 names in tags and 4 diffs?
cRyo[iceeicee], Vicho-kun and ykcarrot are collab-ing on Insane.
Andrea must specify that on the main post of the thread, also, tags: "Collab Collaboration."

iMercurial wrote:

Gabe wrote:

  • Why 5 names in tags and 4 diffs?
cRyo[iceeicee], Vicho-kun and ykcarrot are collab-ing on Insane.
Andrea must specify that on the main post of the thread, also, tags: "Collab Collaboration."
He did it before but Mercu, we're gonna get a Storyboard so the names will appear while playing.
Topic Starter
Updated, thanks everyone :3
03:53:571 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I hate you.
Just saying. ;_;

lolcubes wrote:

03:53:571 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I hate you.
Just saying. ;_;
Thank you xD
Anytime! :D
Was a bit hard to read cause of the super stacking and the spacing between those 2, maybe consider doing something about it?

Oh and one more thing, I spoke to Andrea about it, but seeing as it's your part, how about removing a repeat on 03:56:482 (1) - and moving it 1/4 later on a blue tick? It creates a better rhythm and I find it more intuitive due to the pattern used just before it.
No kd.
Andrea n000b

The 2nd kiai time should end to 02:27:825 for consistency with the previous vocal's part 01:19:765

00:25:586 (4) - 1 grid down for symmetry with 00:24:243 (2,3)
00:29:616 (1,2,1) - I don't like where you placed this pattern. I mean, you could to center the slider 00:29:616 (1) moving it to x:72 y:92 and distance snapping the next elements too. It's much better to play and see:
00:32:527 (1) - I know the vocal starts here but.. I think it'd be better if you remove NC here adding it on 00:33:198 (2). It's less confusing for beginners and it fits much better the hitsound you used on the slider
00:42:154 (2) - I highly suggest you to extend this by 1/2
00:43:945 (4) - What bad finish here. This sounds too loud in my opinion. Remove it or maybe decrease the volume till 40/50%?
00:45:736 (1) - This spinner is too short for the easiest diff. Just extend this spinner by 1/1 (till the long white tick) using a finish 40% hitsound on it and follow this rhythm:

00:52:900 (4) - 1 grid right to center it plz
00:57:825 (4) - move to x:256 y:188
01:12:601 (3) - Ouch, this slider touches hp bar. Consider to move it together with 01:10:810 (1,2) keeping symmetry
01:50:213 (1) - Mh. I really disagree where you decided to end this spinner. I mean, why don't you reduce it till 01:52:004 and map something after it? For example, really much better:

02:38:571 (1,2,3) - I don't see a reason to use 1/4 snap divisor here. It's really hard for beginners to play even if doesn't seem.
02:57:825 (3) - A finish on this slider's end would sound very good imho
I think this map needs more work.

02:57:825 (3) - Userei NC qui per creare simmetria con 00:43:945 (4,5,6), anche perchè hai usato un finish hitsound/inizia un nuovo ritmo e sarebbe meglio usarla la new combo.
00:50:661 (1) - Whistle qui starebbe perfetto
01:04:094 (1) - Anche se non è la difficoltà più facile del mapset disapprovo ad usare questo circle subito dopo lo spinner. E' sempre una Normal.
01:07:228 (5,1) - Scambia le NC
01:16:183 (5) - NC?
01:56:930 (1) - Se hai seguito sopra, whistle
02:10:363 (1) - Lol visto che è copied e pasted, lo stesso che ho scritto sopra
02:13:497 (5,1) - Sopra
02:22:452 (5) - ^
03:16:183 (6,1) - ^
03:25:138 (5) - ^

00:22:228 (1) - Finish on this slider's end, on the long white tick
00:29:616 (1) - ^ this time on the head
00:33:198 (4) - I think using NC here would fit better
01:21:780 (2) - Overlap with 01:21:109 (5) :\
02:28:833 (6) - I would prefer you delete this circle, a triple is better for an Hard diff
02:34:206 (6) - ^ the sound is anyways good
Nice diff

00:41:034 (2,3) - Use 3 circles here instead? ç_ç I have always hated a 1/4 slider after 1 circle çwç
00:58:273 (8) - New combo
00:59:392 (1) - Remove New combo
00:59:616 (3) - Use New Combo
01:44:616 (1,2) - To keep symmetry with 01:42:154 (3) you should to remove NC from (1) and add it on 01:44:840 (2). It flows better
01:46:183 (1) - Remove NC
01:46:631 (3) - Add NC
01:52:676 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - Mh. Why this spacing. WHY. ç_ç Especially for 01:53:795 (1,2) o.o' Some players will hate you for this :3 Including me ahah
03:20:661 (4) - HP bar lol
03:34:094 (5) - New combo

Buona fortuna amore mio ♥
Topic Starter
Thanks for the useful modding, Chewin :3

Fixed some stuff~
I wanted to kill your map with a super effective ryuuta, but my attack missed. o.o
Kawayi Rika
Nyan ~ :3

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Add 'collab,love' in tags.


  1. 02:12:713 (4) - Move to 02:12:937 sound better to me.


  1. 00:23:795 (5) - You are missing add clap here.
  2. 00:38:571 (1) - Try make more symmetry.


  1. 00:13:945 - Add clap sound better to me.
  2. 00:26:482 (1,3) - Try perfect stack.
  3. 00:31:407 (3) - Try move down this slider,arrow touch HP bar.
  4. 02:51:109 (2) - ^


  1. 00:48:422 (1) - Just putting a new combo here.
  2. 02:02:302 (2,3) - Make symmetry here.
  3. 02:45:288 (5) - Remove whistle and Add clap.

Topic Starter
Thanks a lot Rika, fixed most of your mod <3
Add "Election" to the tags.

Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate = Love and Election and Chocolate, and considering you have "Love" on the tags, might as well get everything there.

Just passing by randomly :P
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:

Add "Election" to the tags.

Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate = Love and Election and Chocolate, and considering you have "Love" on the tags, might as well get everything there.

Just passing by randomly :P
Thanks, added.
00:40:362 (1,2) - Overlap is ugly D: Move (2) down a tiny bit?
01:21:557 (3,4,1) - A bit cramped?
01:56:930 (4) - Move up a bit, it's very close to (3).
02:09:467 (1) - Up a bit.

Looks good.

01:52:452 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Symmetry... XD
02:03:646 (5,6) - Don't know about this overlap, it looks weird.
03:25:810 (4,6) - This is a little strange. Is there some way you can stack them?

01:31:183 (3,4,5,6,7) - Did you want to centre these? (move left a bit)
01:47:974 (2) - Down for symmetry with (4)?
02:24:131 (8) - Not quite snapped to the end of the slider.

<3 it.
8th full ver SB progress
signature updated.
4:00 here and the day lights again..worked for whole night, feel so sleepy and i dont want to do mods for KDS.
sorry for delay..really.
i think when you see this, i may sleeping :3.
collab SB code is diff specific. i wrote them into .txt files.
any question..let me know after i wake up.
Topic Starter
Thanks for modding Samah, really useful :>

And also, really big thanks to sherrie for her wonderful SB *-*
Snowy Dream

sherrie__fay wrote:
8th full ver SB progress
signature updated.
4:00 here and the day lights again..worked for whole night, feel so sleepy and i dont want to do mods for KDS.
sorry for delay..really.
i think when you see this, i may sleeping :3.
collab SB code is diff specific. i wrote them into .txt files.
any question..let me know after i wake up.
A lengthy IRC mod I don't have a log for since I crashed, however we agreed to polish some sliders so they look prettier and we also made certain changes to some rhythms (removal of 2 notes, adding a note and re-positioned 2 of the patterns on the timeline) and slightly modified certain spacings so they abide by distance snap better (stuff like 1.16x changed to 1.19/1.20x and stuff like 1.26x changed to 1.20~1.22x without touching any of the patterns).
02:18:758 - removed a note
02:22:340 - removed a note
02:33:198 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - changed rhythm
03:24:915 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - changed rhythm
03:32:974 (2,3,4) - changed rhythm (shortened the slider and added a note)
Topic Starter
Thank you really much cubes, updated :3
Fxed the name that was overlapped by the backround several times

osu! wrote:


Fixed mine abit while I was at it
Topic Starter
Thanks a lot for SB Mod/Fixes Saten, updated /o/
Kawayi Rika

EDIT : fixed some SB issue ~
Yay ♥
Topic Starter
Thanks a lot Rika for the helpful recheck and bubble <3
Snowy Dream
I always type this because of the chinese /o/
  1. fixed "w.png" covered by "image 1.jpg"
  2. fixed star shows in front of name collab.
  3. something you dont know(..
Topic Starter
Thanks for the SB fixes again sherrie ;_;

Updated ><

EDIT: Thanks to Rika for repairing the bubble :3

Samah wrote:

01:47:974 (2) - Down for symmetry with (4)?
That combo group is not on center. It should back to old before ranked.

BTW fay, I love your SB (●´ω`●)
Alright lets take a detailed look this time.

  1. 00:25:810 (1,2,3) - Dunno if you were aiming for symmetry here, you probably did, in that case you need to reposition these a little bit so they are properly centered.
  2. 00:50:661 (8) - This slider seems bad to me because you mapped the beats at 00:47:527 (1,2) (you mapped those beats at 01:55:586 (1,2) as well, which is the same thing as what you probably should have done here too). Those beats sound important, so why did you skip them here? I understand that you may have to change this pattern a bit because it won't be symmetrical anymore, but if you ask me it would sound much better and consistent, which is more important to me atleast.
That's the only thing bothering me really. See what you want to do with those and I rank. :D
Topic Starter
Fixed both, thank you so much!
And then, there were hearts.

Oh yeah.
congratz Mr Andrea :3
Kawayi Rika
<3 Yeah
Topic Starter
Thanks everyone :)
what the speed..
So fast lol, congratz :)
offset +无穷大
congrats~ Andrea >w<

congrats. :3

anyway congratz ♥ :3
yay~ :)
congrats ~
Congratz!!~~~ :>
Topic Starter
Thanks once again, guys~

I'm glad if you enjoy the map :3
yay :D
♥ Congratz **
So I just woke up.
Hard looks worse now but okay

ykcarrot wrote:

yay :D

SB is so delightful Lol

lol nice
한 43~47번 깨야 풀콤(1800만 점) 가겠는데요?
저 osu! droid 정말 못해요.
Hey, Did I achieved score 18m on this map?
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