Andrea n000b
The 2nd kiai time should end to 02:27:825 for consistency with the previous vocal's part 01:19:765
00:25:586 (4) - 1 grid down for symmetry with 00:24:243 (2,3)
00:29:616 (1,2,1) - I don't like where you placed this pattern. I mean, you could to center the slider 00:29:616 (1) moving it to x:72 y:92 and distance snapping the next elements too. It's much better to play and see:,92,29616,6,0,B|-37:176|115:337|216:195|115:57|-37:201|69:302,1,400,4|0
00:32:527 (1) - I know the vocal starts here but.. I think it'd be better if you remove NC here adding it on 00:33:198 (2). It's less confusing for beginners and it fits much better the hitsound you used on the slider
00:42:154 (2) - I highly suggest you to extend this by 1/2
00:43:945 (4) - What bad finish here. This sounds too loud in my opinion. Remove it or maybe decrease the volume till 40/50%?
00:45:736 (1) - This spinner is too short for the easiest diff. Just extend this spinner by 1/1 (till the long white tick) using a finish 40% hitsound on it and follow this rhythm:

00:52:900 (4) - 1 grid right to center it plz
00:57:825 (4) - move to x:256 y:188
01:12:601 (3) - Ouch, this slider touches hp bar. Consider to move it together with 01:10:810 (1,2) keeping symmetry
01:50:213 (1) - Mh. I really disagree where you decided to end this spinner. I mean, why don't you reduce it till 01:52:004 and map something after it? For example, really much better:

02:38:571 (1,2,3) - I don't see a reason to use 1/4 snap divisor here. It's really hard for beginners to play even if doesn't seem.
02:57:825 (3) - A finish on this slider's end would sound very good imho
I think this map needs more work.
02:57:825 (3) - Userei NC qui per creare simmetria con 00:43:945 (4,5,6), anche perchè hai usato un finish hitsound/inizia un nuovo ritmo e sarebbe meglio usarla la new combo.
00:50:661 (1) - Whistle qui starebbe perfetto
01:04:094 (1) - Anche se non è la difficoltà più facile del mapset disapprovo ad usare questo circle subito dopo lo spinner. E' sempre una Normal.
01:07:228 (5,1) - Scambia le NC
01:16:183 (5) - NC?
01:56:930 (1) - Se hai seguito sopra, whistle
02:10:363 (1) - Lol visto che è copied e pasted, lo stesso che ho scritto sopra
02:13:497 (5,1) - Sopra
02:22:452 (5) - ^
03:16:183 (6,1) - ^
03:25:138 (5) - ^
00:22:228 (1) - Finish on this slider's end, on the long white tick
00:29:616 (1) - ^ this time on the head
00:33:198 (4) - I think using NC here would fit better
01:21:780 (2) - Overlap with 01:21:109 (5) :\
02:28:833 (6) - I would prefer you delete this circle, a triple is better for an Hard diff
02:34:206 (6) - ^ the sound is anyways good
Nice diff
00:41:034 (2,3) - Use 3 circles here instead? ç_ç I have always hated a 1/4 slider after 1 circle çwç
00:58:273 (8) - New combo
00:59:392 (1) - Remove New combo
00:59:616 (3) - Use New Combo
01:44:616 (1,2) - To keep symmetry with 01:42:154 (3) you should to remove NC from (1) and add it on 01:44:840 (2). It flows better
01:46:183 (1) - Remove NC
01:46:631 (3) - Add NC
01:52:676 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - Mh. Why this spacing. WHY. ç_ç Especially for 01:53:795 (1,2) o.o' Some players will hate you for this :3 Including me ahah
03:20:661 (4) - HP bar lol
03:34:094 (5) - New combo
Buona fortuna amore mio ♥