
LiSA - crossing field (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年7月25日 at 19:00:44

Artist: LiSA
Title: crossing field (TV Size)
Source: Sword Art Online
Tags: opening Rare R_a_r_e
BPM: 179
Filesize: 13530kb
Play Time: 01:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.92 stars, 102 notes)
  2. Insane (5 stars, 317 notes)
  3. Normal (4.43 stars, 155 notes)
  4. Rare's Hard (4.97 stars, 255 notes)
Download: LiSA - crossing field (TV Size)
Download: LiSA - crossing field (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing


my Full size ver is here.
Topic Starter

R a r e wrote:
Can I make a Normal or Easy for the map?
Topic Starter

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

Can I make a Normal or Easy for the map?
no~,sorry ;_;
omg please pm me right away when all diffs are complete o_o. for now here's a star as my token of gratitude.
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

omg please pm me right away when all diffs are complete o_o. for now here's a star as my token of gratitude.
and thanks star~ ><
modding ;)

00:10:154 (1) - 始点と終点にsoftカスタムclap
00:38:143 (3) - softカスタムclap追加
00:45:852 (1) - 叩くタイミング的な意味でスピナーの後すぎるって言われそうな気がして怖いかも

00:10:158 (1,2) - 始点にsoftのカスタムclap
00:21:718 (4) - clap追加
00:57:253 (3) - NC


00:04:959 (2) - 始点にwhistleの音ないのでは
00:05:964 (5) - この始点にwhistle付けるよりは前のスライダーの終点に付ける方が曲に合う
00:10:825 (3) - このスライダーいらないかも or 単発1つに変える (00:10:992の音が曲にないから浮いちゃってる)
00:21:048 (5,6) - 無理に逆流するaimの流れにしなくてもいいんじゃない? それぞれ1つずつ選択した状態でctrl+R試してみて
00:22:892 (2) - どの音を取ってるのかは分かるけど、個人的には00:23:059にも配置したい!

00:25:573 (4) - 上と同じくだけど、こっちは単純に長さ伸ばすだけでいいかもしれない
00:29:428 (7,8) - 家庭教師のトライ ディス

00:32:445 (5) - clapが3連続でついてるからかちょっとうるさく感じた
00:54:903 (4) - whistleあったほうがベター?

00:10:154 (2,4) - それぞれ始点にsoftのカスタムclap
00:21:718 (3) - 始点にclap
00:34:121 (3,1) - 00:35:461 (3,1)のスペーシングと統一?
00:40:489 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - 00:38:478 (1)~00:39:819 (5)の音の付け方と比べてclapの印象が弱い気ががが
00:40:489 (1,2) - 始点
00:41:160 (3) - 始点と終点
00:41:663 (1,2) - 始点
00:42:334 (3,4) -
00:50:378 (2,3) - 歌詞が「からーっだーはー」なら青線で大丈夫だと思うけど、
01:01:104 (4,5) - same as previous suggestion
01:06:635 (1,2) - この譜面で特にいやらしく感じるw 終点に重なる音がないからあまり良くはないのかもしれない(主観)
01:10:322 (6) - ちょっと位置が読みにくいかも

改行したところまでで1セット x2
00:17:361 (2) -
00:17:528 (3) - 終点
00:18:366 (1) - 始点
00:18:702 (2) - 終点
00:19:372 (5) - 始点
00:20:378 (3) - ^
00:21:048 (1,3) - ^

00:27:752 (1) - 終点
00:28:255 (2) - 始点と終点
00:29:093 (5) - 始点
00:29:595 (6) -
00:30:098 (1) - 始点
00:31:104 (1,3) - ^


KSHR wrote:

00:04:959 (2) - 始点にwhistleの音ないのでは 元々ついてるよ
00:21:048 (5,6) - 無理に逆流するaimの流れにしなくてもいいんじゃない? それぞれ1つずつ選択した状態でctrl+R試してみて 逆に流れ悪くなると思うからこのままで
00:22:892 (2) - どの音を取ってるのかは分かるけど、個人的には00:23:059にも配置したい!この音取り好きなのでこのままで
thanks for modding~
OMG i'm gonna enjoy modding this map. i just finished the 1st episode and i wanna see what happens next :D. that ending at the 1st episode made me a bit sad :(

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.

The preview time should be at 45769. the "Yume de" part sounded a bit too faded. if you do this, you'll hear that part of the song clearly.
There should be 1 more combo color. how about a combo color to match the girl's hair?
the timing sounded a bit too late for me. try a -408(+4) and tell me what you think.
idk about you but i think the video is a bit blurry for me...maybe you can find a better quality vid?

00:00:266 (1) - maybe add a whistle at both ends to match the piano in the song?
00:10:154 (1) - i think this should be stacked on (1) facing vertically to that it'd form an isosceles triangle. it'll look neater if it's stacked perfectly IMO.
00:10:825 (2) - since this is the easiest diff, i don't think beginners would hit this note in time since the end of the slider and the circle are 1/2 apart. so to make it easier, remove (2) and extend (1) by 1/2.
00:11:327 - maybe you can add a circle here to follow the drums if you follow the suggestion above? i think it'd confuse beginners if there's only 1 note in the combo during gameplay..
00:16:355 (3) - hmm add that custom whistle with the finish to keep the consistency in whistles.
00:33:115 (1,1,1) - what is with the new combo spam? this would confuse beginners as in where they should go. although the path is straightforward, it'd look odd seeing something like this during gameplay. remove the NCs for the 2nd and 3rd (1) to make it easier for beginners.
00:43:841 (1,1) - it'd be easier if you can remove this 1/1 slider and add a circle to where the clap is in the song. it'll give a lot of time for beginners to get ready for the next note IMO.
00:56:579 (1) - hmm maybe add claps at both ends? it'll match the drumroll in the song and i think it sounds a lot better IMO.
01:16:020 (1,1,1) - same as 00:33:115 but this time, since they're 1/2 sliders, they might just hit it because they might think that this is a circle. to make it easier, make a 2/2 repeat slider to follow the vocals accurately. if you ignore this, then you can do something similar to what i said.
01:21:718 (1) - i think you forgot to add a clap at the end. add it to keep the consistency in claps.
01:24:065 (1) - extend this spinner till 01:34:456 to follow the long hold in the guitar.
if you can follow a few suggestions, then the star rating should be less than 3.

I think increasing the OD and AR by 1 would fit with a song like this.
00:00:266 (1) - same as easy, but at the beginning and the end.
00:03:618 (1) - maybe a clap at the repeat arrow to give off a nice clap pattern?
00:11:327 - maybe add a circle to follow the guitar?
00:12:333 (3) - how about a clap to match the background instrumental if you listen carefully?
00:13:674 (6) - same as above but at the beginning.
00:15:014 (2) - same as 00:12:333.
00:31:104 (3) - add a clap at the end to continue the clap pattern from (2).
01:24:065 (1) - same as easy.
nice diff you got here.

[Rare's Hard]
ooh let's see what we got here. Left-handed tablet player :P
00:00:936 (1) - Do manual stacking on this note since you did it on the other stacked notes in the map.
00:11:160 - add a repeat on this slider and 2 more circles to follow the bass in the song. i feel that something is missing in this part.
00:11:327-00:15:014 - do the same clap pattern like the one in the normal diff and tell me what you think.
00:17:026 (1) - how about a curved slider to start the flow for this combo? the sliders in this combo are curved sliders, so a straight slider would break the flow IMO.
00:26:746 (8) - extend this slider by 1/4 so that it'd be consistent with 00:24:400. the vocals tone for this sounds the same so i think it'd make sense if this is extended by 1/4.
00:44:847 (3) - you should know that hidden repeat sliders are unrankable. the hitburst from (1) is covering the repeat arrow on (3). find a way to make this repeat arrow fully visible for players to see.
01:18:199 (5) - to be consistent wit the other diffs, make this a NC.
01:23:981 (1) - same as easy.
not bad. besides that hidden repeat, this diff is good.

Try AR9? AR8 looks too slow for a upbeat song like this IMO.
00:03:618 (5) - add a clap at the end. it should be consistent with the previous clap pattern.
00:05:629 - maybe add a circle since it connects with the end of the previous slider which is following the piano?
00:10:573 (3,4) - i think by stacking the ends together, it'll look a lot neater during gameplay. if not, then the beginning of the slider and the circle should be stacked like a triplet.
00:10:992 - add notes to follow the guitar? again i find it odd that it stops here.
00:11:327-00:15:014 - same as normal.
00:35:797 (1) - do manual stacking for this slider. it'll be consistent with your other stacks in the map.
00:36:802 (3) - ^ this time it's a circle.
00:38:478 (1) - move this slider to the beginning of (3) instead of the end. it made me feel uncomfortable when i reached this part of the song.
00:54:400 (5) - add a whistle here to keep the whistle pattern going.
00:55:070 (1) - same as above but at the beginning.
01:13:255 (4,1) - maybe stack this on the end of (3) to make it easier for players?
01:17:696 - maybe add a circle to follow the drums in the song?
01:20:629 (3,4) - same as 01:13:255 but if you ignore this, put this in the middle of the 2 sliders for a better flow to and from the notes.
01:23:981 (1) - same as easy.
with AR9, this map is fun and enjoyable to play IMO.

I guess that's it. GL :D

Byakugan249 wrote:

[Rare's Hard]
ooh let's see what we got here. Left-handed tablet player :P did remembering? thanks ;)
00:11:160 - add a repeat on this slider and 2 more circles to follow the bass in the song. i feel that something is missing in this part. follow the Violin.
00:11:327-00:15:014 - do the same clap pattern like the one in the normal diff and tell me what you think. following the bass drum
00:26:746 (8) - extend this slider by 1/4 so that it'd be consistent with 00:24:400. the vocals tone for this sounds the same so i think it'd make sense if this is extended by 1/4. no change
01:23:981 (1) - same as easy. well, to make the other diff uniform...?
almost fixed.
thanks for modding~
Topic Starter

KSHR wrote:

modding ;)

00:10:154 (1) - 始点と終点にsoftカスタムclap
00:38:143 (3) - softカスタムclap追加
00:45:852 (1) - 叩くタイミング的な意味でスピナーの後すぎるって言われそうな気がして怖いかも とりあえず保留で!

00:10:158 (1,2) - 始点にsoftのカスタムclap
00:21:718 (4) - clap追加
00:57:253 (3) - NC


00:04:959 (2) - 始点にwhistleの音ないのでは
00:05:964 (5) - この始点にwhistle付けるよりは前のスライダーの終点に付ける方が曲に合う
00:10:825 (3) - このスライダーいらないかも or 単発1つに変える (00:10:992の音が曲にないから浮いちゃってる)
00:21:048 (5,6) - 無理に逆流するaimの流れにしなくてもいいんじゃない? それぞれ1つずつ選択した状態でctrl+R試してみて
00:22:892 (2) - どの音を取ってるのかは分かるけど、個人的には00:23:059にも配置したい!

00:25:573 (4) - 上と同じくだけど、こっちは単純に長さ伸ばすだけでいいかもしれない
00:29:428 (7,8) - 家庭教師のトライ ディス

00:32:445 (5) - clapが3連続でついてるからかちょっとうるさく感じた
00:54:903 (4) - whistleあったほうがベター?

00:10:154 (2,4) - それぞれ始点にsoftのカスタムclap
00:21:718 (3) - 始点にclap
00:34:121 (3,1) - 00:35:461 (3,1)のスペーシングと統一? ここはプレイ時にstackずれおこしちゃうんでわざとずらしてます 後者のほうを同じようにずらしましたー
00:40:489 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - 00:38:478 (1)~00:39:819 (5)の音の付け方と比べてclapの印象が弱い気ががが
00:40:489 (1,2) - 始点
00:41:160 (3) - 始点と終点
00:41:663 (1,2) - 始点
00:42:334 (3,4) -
00:50:378 (2,3) - 歌詞が「からーっだーはー」なら青線で大丈夫だと思うけど、
01:01:104 (4,5) - same as previous suggestion
01:06:635 (1,2) - この譜面で特にいやらしく感じるw 終点に重なる音がないからあまり良くはないのかもしれない(主観) うーむむ、こっちはのーちぇんじ!
01:10:322 (6) - ちょっと位置が読みにくいかも ここものーちぇんじ!

改行したところまでで1セット x2
00:17:361 (2) -
00:17:528 (3) - 終点
00:18:366 (1) - 始点
00:18:702 (2) - 終点
00:19:372 (5) - 始点
00:20:378 (3) - ^
00:21:048 (1,3) - ^

00:27:752 (1) - 終点
00:28:255 (2) - 始点と終点
00:29:093 (5) - 始点
00:29:595 (6) -
00:30:098 (1) - 始点
00:31:104 (1,3) - ^
プロ? 全部採用しました

thanks KaSuHaRa!

Byakugan249 wrote:

OMG i'm gonna enjoy modding this map. i just finished the 1st episode and i wanna see what happens next :D. that ending at the 1st episode made me a bit sad :(

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.

The preview time should be at 45769. the "Yume de" part sounded a bit too faded. if you do this, you'll hear that part of the song clearly. ya. but,I was changed into 45765. because it has been changed offset :P
There should be 1 more combo color. how about a combo color to match the girl's hair? okay, I added new combo color.
the timing sounded a bit too late for me. try a -408(+4) and tell me what you think. ok,but I think that is (-4) :P
idk about you but i think the video is a bit blurry for me...maybe you can find a better quality vid? hmm..I will try find other video..

00:00:266 (1) - maybe add a whistle at both ends to match the piano in the song?
00:10:154 (1) - i think this should be stacked on (1) facing vertically to that it'd form an isosceles triangle. it'll look neater if it's stacked perfectly IMO.
00:10:825 (2) - since this is the easiest diff, i don't think beginners would hit this note in time since the end of the slider and the circle are 1/2 apart. so to make it easier, remove (2) and extend (1) by 1/2.
00:11:327 - maybe you can add a circle here to follow the drums if you follow the suggestion above? i think it'd confuse beginners if there's only 1 note in the combo during gameplay.. no change T_T
00:16:355 (3) - hmm add that custom whistle with the finish to keep the consistency in whistles.
00:33:115 (1,1,1) - what is with the new combo spam? this would confuse beginners as in where they should go. although the path is straightforward, it'd look odd seeing something like this during gameplay. remove the NCs for the 2nd and 3rd (1) to make it easier for beginners.
00:43:841 (1,1) - it'd be easier if you can remove this 1/1 slider and add a circle to where the clap is in the song. it'll give a lot of time for beginners to get ready for the next note IMO.
00:56:579 (1) - hmm maybe add claps at both ends? it'll match the drumroll in the song and i think it sounds a lot better IMO.
01:16:020 (1,1,1) - same as 00:33:115 but this time, since they're 1/2 sliders, they might just hit it because they might think that this is a circle. to make it easier, make a 2/2 repeat slider to follow the vocals accurately. if you ignore this, then you can do something similar to what i said. ok,I was changed.
01:21:718 (1) - i think you forgot to add a clap at the end. add it to keep the consistency in claps. ya :)
01:24:065 (1) - extend this spinner till 01:34:456 to follow the long hold in the guitar. no change,because I follow end of the vocal.. Your suggested is not bad,but that is too long spinner,I think..
if you can follow a few suggestions, then the star rating should be less than 3. ya :) I should say thanks for you ><

I think increasing the OD and AR by 1 would fit with a song like this.
00:00:266 (1) - same as easy, but at the beginning and the end.
00:03:618 (1) - maybe a clap at the repeat arrow to give off a nice clap pattern?
00:11:327 - maybe add a circle to follow the guitar? no change~
00:12:333 (3) - how about a clap to match the background instrumental if you listen carefully? ya, I could listen.I Added soft-hitclap2.wav for this part.
00:13:674 (6) - same as above but at the beginning.
00:15:014 (2) - same as 00:12:333.
00:31:104 (3) - add a clap at the end to continue the clap pattern from (2). no change. because I think clap of back music has new pattern.
01:24:065 (1) - same as easy. no change,because same as easy~
nice diff you got here.

[Rare's Hard]
ooh let's see what we got here. Left-handed tablet player :P
00:00:936 (1) - Do manual stacking on this note since you did it on the other stacked notes in the map.
00:11:160 - add a repeat on this slider and 2 more circles to follow the bass in the song. i feel that something is missing in this part.
00:11:327-00:15:014 - do the same clap pattern like the one in the normal diff and tell me what you think.
00:17:026 (1) - how about a curved slider to start the flow for this combo? the sliders in this combo are curved sliders, so a straight slider would break the flow IMO.
00:26:746 (8) - extend this slider by 1/4 so that it'd be consistent with 00:24:400. the vocals tone for this sounds the same so i think it'd make sense if this is extended by 1/4.
00:44:847 (3) - you should know that hidden repeat sliders are unrankable. the hitburst from (1) is covering the repeat arrow on (3). find a way to make this repeat arrow fully visible for players to see.
01:18:199 (5) - to be consistent wit the other diffs, make this a NC.
01:23:981 (1) - same as easy.
not bad. besides that hidden repeat, this diff is good.

Try AR9? AR8 looks too slow for a upbeat song like this IMO. ya. changed~
00:03:618 (5) - add a clap at the end. it should be consistent with the previous clap pattern.
00:05:629 - maybe add a circle since it connects with the end of the previous slider which is following the piano? nah~
00:10:573 (3,4) - i think by stacking the ends together, it'll look a lot neater during gameplay. if not, then the beginning of the slider and the circle should be stacked like a triplet. nah.because I don't want overlap the two sliders.
00:10:992 - add notes to follow the guitar? again i find it odd that it stops here. no~
00:11:327-00:15:014 - same as normal.
00:35:797 (1) - do manual stacking for this slider. it'll be consistent with your other stacks in the map.
00:36:802 (3) - ^ this time it's a circle.
00:38:478 (1) - move this slider to the beginning of (3) instead of the end. it made me feel uncomfortable when i reached this part of the song.
00:54:400 (5) - add a whistle here to keep the whistle pattern going.
00:55:070 (1) - same as above but at the beginning.
01:13:255 (4,1) - maybe stack this on the end of (3) to make it easier for players? no change~
01:17:696 - maybe add a circle to follow the drums in the song?
01:20:629 (3,4) - same as 01:13:255 but if you ignore this, put this in the middle of the 2 sliders for a better flow to and from the notes. hmm..sorry no is very difficult pattern,but isn't a bad flow I think.
01:23:981 (1) - same as easy. no,because same as easy~
with AR9, this map is fun and enjoyable to play IMO.

I guess that's it. GL :D
thanks 249 ></
did i say late? i meant too early :o. sorry :(. when i modded this, i lost my sense of direction in the offset >.<

  1. 無音化したsoft-sliderslide2.wavを入れていないのはなぜ?
  1. 00:00:932 (1) - 少しスライダーの始点、終点の高さが違います
    このあとの00:06:966 (1)を意識するとそれらの高さは揃えたほうが私は良いと思います
  2. 00:13:837 (1) - 1 grid right (Tiny)
    00:12:999 (2)のアプローチサークルを意識した配置のようですが、1 gridだけ左にずれています
  3. 00:31:100 (5,1) - (1)の延長線上に(5)が来るように調節したほうが私は好きです
  4. 01:02:608 (1) - 1 grid down (Tiny)?
    01:01:938 (3)の延長線上に綺麗に来ていません

  1. 00:07:636 (3,4) - プレイ時に00:06:295 (1)の始点と綺麗にスタックするように位置を調節してみてはどうでしょう
    1 grid down & right (Tiny)でプレイ時に綺麗に重なります
  2. 00:37:636 (2,1) - (2)の延長線上に(1)を置いたほうが見た目が良くなるように私は思いました
    00:38:474 (1,2) - x:340 y:80
  3. 00:54:396 (5,1) - ここのNCを挟んだスタックに関してですが、
    00:27:413 (5,1)と00:42:832 (5,1)と違い時間の空きが異なるのが気になりました

[Rare's Hard]
  1. 00:03:446 (1,2,3) - なぜここは00:00:597 (3,1)や00:02:608 (4,5)と違い完全にスタックをさせているのでしょうか?
  2. 00:19:368 (8,2) - Hardであることを考えるともう少し見やすさを考え、スライダーの重なり部分を減らしたほうが良いように思いました
  3. 00:21:714 (7,1,2,3,4,5) - この(7)とStreamの(ほぼ)スタックが良くない配置のように感じました
  4. 01:01:770 (6,7,8,1) - overlapのように思えます
  5. 01:17:860 (2,3) - この2つのnoteのターン回数は統一するべきです

  1. 01:17:189 (2,3,1) - (1)のキックスライダーが短く、(2,3)のヒットバーストでスライダー全体が8~9割隠れてしまいます


Topic Starter

NewRulerNA wrote:


  1. 無音化したsoft-sliderslide2.wavを入れていないのはなぜ? 入れ忘れてましたのでいれましたー!

  1. 00:00:932 (1) - 少しスライダーの始点、終点の高さが違います
    このあとの00:06:966 (1)を意識するとそれらの高さは揃えたほうが私は良いと思います
  2. 00:13:837 (1) - 1 grid right (Tiny)
    00:12:999 (2)のアプローチサークルを意識した配置のようですが、1 gridだけ左にずれています
  3. 00:31:100 (5,1) - (1)の延長線上に(5)が来るように調節したほうが私は好きです 右上の時間表示などに被ってしまうので、その後からも全体的に少し下げましたー
  4. 01:02:608 (1) - 1 grid down (Tiny)?
    01:01:938 (3)の延長線上に綺麗に来ていません

  1. 00:07:636 (3,4) - プレイ時に00:06:295 (1)の始点と綺麗にスタックするように位置を調節してみてはどうでしょう
    1 grid down & right (Tiny)でプレイ時に綺麗に重なります
  2. 00:37:636 (2,1) - (2)の延長線上に(1)を置いたほうが見た目が良くなるように私は思いました ここはnoで!
    00:38:474 (1,2) - x:340 y:80
  3. 00:54:396 (5,1) - ここのNCを挟んだスタックに関してですが、
    00:27:413 (5,1)と00:42:832 (5,1)と違い時間の空きが異なるのが気になりました
    パターンの統一という意味でこれはスタックをさせない配置としてしまうのがより良いと思います うーむ・・ここもnoで・・

[Rare's Hard]
  1. 00:03:446 (1,2,3) - なぜここは00:00:597 (3,1)や00:02:608 (4,5)と違い完全にスタックをさせているのでしょうか?
  2. 00:19:368 (8,2) - Hardであることを考えるともう少し見やすさを考え、スライダーの重なり部分を減らしたほうが良いように思いました
  3. 00:21:714 (7,1,2,3,4,5) - この(7)とStreamの(ほぼ)スタックが良くない配置のように感じました
  4. 01:01:770 (6,7,8,1) - overlapのように思えます
  5. 01:17:860 (2,3) - この2つのnoteのターン回数は統一するべきです

  1. 01:17:189 (2,3,1) - (1)のキックスライダーが短く、(2,3)のヒットバーストでスライダー全体が8~9割隠れてしまいます
    この配置はUnrank要素となるかもしれません とりあえず保留で!


thanks modding~ :)
最後のspinnerの終点を01:26:407 - (follow vocal) or 01:26:910 - (piano)に

00:10:150 - finish
00:10:150 (1) - どちらかというと00:10:653 - の音を拾いたい気がする
00:18:362 (3) - 1/2短くしてpiano拾ってみても良いと思う
00:40:485 (1) - 実はNormal hitsoundだとslidertickがやや大きくなるんですよね
00:58:251 (2) - 下に置いた方が好き
00:55:402 (5) - whistle?
01:06:128 (2) - ^ 最低でもclap(↑ではついてる)

00:10:150 (1) - 始点finish
00:10:653 (2) - 終点はsoftのwhistleでいいんでないかな finishは合わないと思う
00:37:133 (1) - 逆に反らせた方が好き
00:42:664 - ここ音欲しいかな 前のsliderを1/2動かせば良いと思う
00:55:066 (2) - 終点whistle
00:56:575 (1,2) - 折り返しsliderにするとか 00:45:848 (1) - 的な意味で
01:02:943 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 00:51:882 (1,2,3,4) - との差に
01:05:793 (2) - 折り返しwhistle

00:03:530 (2,3) - whistle煩いからここだけちょっと音量下げて欲しい(願望)
00:04:955 (2) - 終点clap
00:16:351 (7) - 始点finish? 音量低いと直義
00:21:714 (7) - unstackされてるのは意図的なんだろうけど、変化がわかりにくいし
00:22:050 (1,2,3,4,5) - このBPMのHardに5連打は僕なら通さないかな・・
00:43:167 (7) - 角度がやや中途半端かな・・(1)への流れ方を意識するともっと美しいと思う
00:43:837 (1,2,3) - 素晴らしい
00:45:848 (1,2,3) - KSHRスタックはSliderの↓にやると読みにくいし美しくない上
それより00:46:184 (3,1) - をKSHRスタックにしたいところである
01:17:860 (2,3) - まぁHardだから大丈夫そうだけど違う長さのkickを連続で使うのは読みにくいような気もするから(2)を3連打に?

00:10:150 (2) - 始点finish
00:10:821 - softのwhislte推します
00:33:111 (1) - Normalの音のstreamの後にsoftのfinishってなんかしょぼいのでNormalにしてみるとか?
00:35:457 (3,1) - こっちもちょっとKSHRの頭っぽくしてみよう
00:35:793 - finishが煩いから-10~20%推奨
00:39:983 - 音欲しいと思います
00:53:558 (2) - 見た目的には良さそうだけどこのnoteの位置が中途半端で流れを悪くしてるように思った
00:55:737 (3) - (4.5)の音と聴き比べてみるとこっちは結構大きいのでfinishの方がいいかなーと
00:57:245 (1) - 始点のclapは合わないかな・・音強くしたいならnormalのfinish
01:06:463 (4,1) - アクセントが赤線なのでnewcombo入れ替え?見た目的にもベター

NewRulerNA wrote:

[Rare's Hard]
00:03:446 (1,2,3) - なぜここは00:00:597 (3,1)や00:02:608 (4,5)と違い完全にスタックをさせているのでしょうか? 1テンポずらしているところにだけマニュアルスタックを使っています
00:19:368 (8,2) - Hardであることを考えるともう少し見やすさを考え、スライダーの重なり部分を減らしたほうが良いように思いました コンボバーストで見えなくなることもないのでこのままで
01:01:770 (6,7,8,1) - overlapのように思えます その指摘だと(7)とどこがoverlapしてるかよくわかんないです…

Melophobia wrote:

最後のspinnerの終点を01:26:407 - (follow vocal) or 01:26:910 - (piano)に りゃふかさんにまかせるよ
soft-hitclap2使わないん? 途中で加えてたから使うの迷ってる
00:04:955 (2) - 終点clap mp3に音はないのでnoで
00:43:837 (1,2,3) - 素晴らしい 神が囁いた
thanks for modding guys~ ;)
Topic Starter

Melophobia wrote:

最後のspinnerの終点を01:26:407 - (follow vocal) or 01:26:910 - (piano)に

00:10:150 - finish
00:10:150 (1) - どちらかというと00:10:653 - の音を拾いたい気がする 一応finishの部分と両方拾ってたんだけどやっぱこっちのほうがいいかなあ。とりあえず保留でー
00:18:362 (3) - 1/2短くしてpiano拾ってみても良いと思う [/color]
00:40:485 (1) - 実はNormal hitsoundだとslidertickがやや大きくなるんですよね
00:58:251 (2) - 下に置いた方が好き
00:55:402 (5) - whistle? no-
01:06:128 (2) - ^ 最低でもclap(↑ではついてる) clapだけつけましたー

00:10:150 (1) - 始点finish
00:10:653 (2) - 終点はsoftのwhistleでいいんでないかな finishは合わないと思う
00:37:133 (1) - 逆に反らせた方が好き
00:42:664 - ここ音欲しいかな 前のsliderを1/2動かせば良いと思う うーむ・・noで・・
00:55:066 (2) - 終点whistle
00:56:575 (1,2) - 折り返しsliderにするとか 00:45:848 (1) - 的な意味で
01:02:943 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 00:51:882 (1,2,3,4) - との差に 二回目で盛り上がりが大きいからとか・・だめですか?
01:05:793 (2) - 折り返しwhistle

00:03:530 (2,3) - whistle煩いからここだけちょっと音量下げて欲しい(願望)
00:04:955 (2) - 終点clap
00:16:351 (7) - 始点finish? 音量低いと直義
00:21:714 (7) - unstackされてるのは意図的なんだろうけど、変化がわかりにくいし
00:22:050 (1,2,3,4,5) - このBPMのHardに5連打は僕なら通さないかな・・
00:43:167 (7) - 角度がやや中途半端かな・・(1)への流れ方を意識するともっと美しいと思う
00:43:837 (1,2,3) - 素晴らしい
00:45:848 (1,2,3) - KSHRスタックはSliderの↓にやると読みにくいし美しくない上
それより00:46:184 (3,1) - をKSHRスタックにしたいところである
01:17:860 (2,3) - まぁHardだから大丈夫そうだけど違う長さのkickを連続で使うのは読みにくいような気もするから(2)を3連打に?

00:10:150 (2) - 始点finish
00:10:821 - softのwhislte推します
00:33:111 (1) - Normalの音のstreamの後にsoftのfinishってなんかしょぼいのでNormalにしてみるとか?
00:35:457 (3,1) - こっちもちょっとKSHRの頭っぽくしてみよう
00:35:793 - finishが煩いから-10~20%推奨 25%ni simasita
00:39:983 - 音欲しいと思います 保留で!
00:53:558 (2) - 見た目的には良さそうだけどこのnoteの位置が中途半端で流れを悪くしてるように思った
00:55:737 (3) - (4.5)の音と聴き比べてみるとこっちは結構大きいのでfinishの方がいいかなーと
00:57:245 (1) - 始点のclapは合わないかな・・音強くしたいならnormalのfinish clapけしましたー
01:06:463 (4,1) - アクセントが赤線なのでnewcombo入れ替え?見た目的にもベター
almost fixed~
thanks modding melochan!
Oh yea Rya the source's letters has to be capitalized since that's the official title. ofc no kd for this.
Hmm, I doubt this, crunchyroll has it uncapitalized and since crunchyroll is a official sub group, I doubt they would mess up the name. Not only this, but wikipedia, myanimelist, animenewsnetwork all have this uncapitalized as well and they are all quite reliable sources for finding information about anime.

I assume they capitalize in the logo because it looks better that way, personally I think it looks better the way it is now in this beatmap than all capitalized.
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

Oh yea Rya the source's letters has to be capitalized since that's the official title. ofc no kd for this.

merchat7 wrote:

Hmm, I doubt this, crunchyroll has it uncapitalized and since crunchyroll is a official sub group, I doubt they would mess up the name. Not only this, but wikipedia, myanimelist, animenewsnetwork all have this uncapitalized as well and they are all quite reliable sources for finding information about anime.

I assume they capitalize in the logo because it looks better that way, personally I think it looks better the way it is now in this beatmap than all capitalized.
hmm...I want to agree to merchat.
Because, if there is it in capital letters, to the example I feel a little discomfort...

But,sadly... source of bubbled map have been with "SWORD ART ONLINE" already.
When it was pointed out to BAT/MAT,probably I should be changed..

thanks for the suggestion~.

I think, that this offset is better
Topic Starter

tiper wrote:

I think, that this offset is better
hmm..currently offset suggested by Byakugan249.
and I think that his offset is match.

but,my ears are not good.
I will wait for other modder's thinking :3

thanks for suggestion :)

thanks again 249~ ></
I tried tiper's timing and it sounded a bit too early. stick with -408 for this.
Hi:3 from My queue.


●00:01:938 - noteを追加?00:02:943 (3) - に合わせている音がここにも聞こえました
●00:03:614 (1) - 終点のclapを削除。もしくはこういった音とりにしてみてはどうでしょうか
●00:16:016 (2) - S:C2 whistle を追加
●00:16:351 (3) - 終点にS:C2 whistle を追加
●00:22:385 (1) - 00:22:720 - にclapが欲しいです!
●00:31:100 (5) - 始点にS:C2 whistle を追加
●01:06:463 (3) - 終点にwhistle を追加
●01:18:027 (2) - 他のdiffに揃えてNew combo追加?
●01:21:714 (1,2) - Easyにしては、この繋ぎが難しいと思います。
提案です↓白い線は01:22:385 - の上に


●ARが5と高めなのでHP Drain Rate を-1にしてみてはどうでしょうか easyが1 hardが5なのでちょうど真ん中に。
●00:44:843 (3) - 終点に40%くらいのS:C1 clapを追加

[Rare's Hard]
●00:01:938 (2) - 終点のwhistleを削除して、始点に追加
●00:02:273 (3) - 始点にwhistle を追加
●00:14:340 (1) - 少し滑らかにしてみてはどうでしょうか
●00:34:452 (4) - New combo追加。00:35:793 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - と同じように
●01:10:485 - ここから01:13:167 - までの音が強く聞こえるので70%にあげてみてはどうでしょうか

●00:01:603 (3) - 始点にwhistle を追加
●00:19:368 (5) - ほんの少しだけ00:19:703 (1) - とぴったり重なってない気がします。
●00:28:754 (3,4,5,6) - 四角形に配置するときれいです
●00:41:994 (2) - 00:40:485 (1,2,3) - の3つが曲がっているので、まげてみてはどうでしょうか 
●01:17:692 (3,1) - ぎりぎりせーふ?

見るところがなかったのでほとんど提案です :o

られさん、りゃふかさんがんばってくださいー! :oops:
thanks for modding ;)
Topic Starter

alacat wrote:

Hi:3 from My queue.


●00:01:938 - noteを追加?00:02:943 (3) - に合わせている音がここにも聞こえました 音に緩急をつけたいのでのーちぇんじで!
●00:03:614 (1) - 終点のclapを削除。もしくはこういった音とりにしてみてはどうでしょうか Insaneと同様の音つけにしているのでこれものーで!
●00:16:016 (2) - S:C2 whistle を追加
●00:16:351 (3) - 終点にS:C2 whistle を追加
●00:22:385 (1) - 00:22:720 - にclapが欲しいです!
●00:31:100 (5) - 始点にS:C2 whistle を追加
●01:06:463 (3) - 終点にwhistle を追加
●01:18:027 (2) - 他のdiffに揃えてNew combo追加?いれたいところなんですけど、低難易度で連続して1つしかないコンボがあると混乱してしまうと思うのでのーちぇんじで!
●01:21:714 (1,2) - Easyにしては、この繋ぎが難しいと思います。うーむ、音的にこれが一番合っているかなって思うんでこのままでー
提案です↓白い線は01:22:385 - の上に


●ARが5と高めなのでHP Drain Rate を-1にしてみてはどうでしょうか easyが1 hardが5なのでちょうど真ん中に。
●00:44:843 (3) - 終点に40%くらいのS:C1 clapを追加

[Rare's Hard]
●00:01:938 (2) - 終点のwhistleを削除して、始点に追加
●00:02:273 (3) - 始点にwhistle を追加
●00:14:340 (1) - 少し滑らかにしてみてはどうでしょうか
●00:34:452 (4) - New combo追加。00:35:793 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - と同じように
●01:10:485 - ここから01:13:167 - までの音が強く聞こえるので70%にあげてみてはどうでしょうか

●00:01:603 (3) - 始点にwhistle を追加 のーちぇんじでー
●00:19:368 (5) - ほんの少しだけ00:19:703 (1) - とぴったり重なってない気がします。
●00:28:754 (3,4,5,6) - 四角形に配置するときれいです
●00:41:994 (2) - 00:40:485 (1,2,3) - の3つが曲がっているので、まげてみてはどうでしょうか のーちぇんじで! 
●01:17:692 (3,1) - ぎりぎりせーふ?ta,tabun....

見るところがなかったのでほとんど提案です :o

られさん、りゃふかさんがんばってくださいー! :oops:
thanks modding alacat san!
00:10:150 (1) - end at 00:10:653?

[Rare's Hard]

00:56:072 (4,5) - move to x:203 y:267 plz. looks better than now
01:17:692 (3,1) - almost hidden reverse arrow

Normal is fine.
overall hard mapset.
if you can rename Easy to Normal , Normal to Hard, and Rare's Hard to Rare's Insane, please rename it.
also, some HP/CS/AR/OD up plz.
twitter kara kimashita.

  1. i guess it's clear.

  1. fine

  1. 00:51:882 (1) - このサークルを1/2スライダーに変更?
  2. 00:58:251 (3,4,5,1) - 左右対称に配置した方が綺麗に見えるかも?

[Rare's Hard]
  1. 00:19:703 (1) - add a whistle(slider end)
  2. 00:26:742 (2) - 微妙に(1)と平行じゃありません・・・ ごめんなさい, nazi.......
  3. 00:38:474 - ボーカルの声は明らかに大きくなってるのに、ヒットサウンドの音量は下がってて不自然かも・・・(SoftからNormalに変わっててもこの音量の減少は不自然? +10%くらい? :? )
  4. 01:05:290 (3) - add a whistle(slider end)
  5. 01:05:793 (4) - remove a whistle and add a clap(slider end)
  6. 01:06:295 (5) - remove clap
    (上の3つのヒットサウンドは01:03:111 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - と同じリズムの00:51:714 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - との音付けが違ったので!!! 00:51:714の方が正しいと思って書きました。間違ってたらごめんなさい :? )

  1. 00:03:530 (4) - remove whistle?(00:00:429 (2)みたいにピアノの音は鳴ってるけどwhistle無い方が綺麗って感じました!suggestion..)
  2. 00:04:955 (2) - 緑線引いてここのwhistleだけ10%あげるのはどう?slider end (リバースの部分に比べて明らかに後ろの音が大きくなってるので、ここのwhistleだけ音量あげた方がリバース部分のwhistleとの区別がつきやすいかも!!)
  3. 00:10:821 (4) - remove whistle and add a finish(S:C2).(ここのwhistleのシャンッって音が何となく合ってない気がしました(曖昧) S:C2のFinishが使ってなくて余ってたみたいだからこれを音量下げて使ってみてはどうでしょう!!
  4. 01:02:105 (1) - ちょっと重なってて綺麗じゃないかもしれないけど・・・これは無視しても全然大丈夫!!!

役にたたないModでごめんなさい・・・。nice map~!! :)
修正する所が無い可能性が凄いのでNo kudosu please
Topic Starter

Lizsig wrote:

twitter kara kimashita.

  1. i guess it's clear.

  1. fine

  1. 00:51:882 (1) - このサークルを1/2スライダーに変更?no change~
  2. 00:58:251 (3,4,5,1) - 左右対称に配置した方が綺麗に見えるかも?

[Rare's Hard]
  1. 00:19:703 (1) - add a whistle(slider end)
  2. 00:26:742 (2) - 微妙に(1)と平行じゃありません・・・ ごめんなさい, nazi.......
  3. 00:38:474 - ボーカルの声は明らかに大きくなってるのに、ヒットサウンドの音量は下がってて不自然かも・・・(SoftからNormalに変わっててもこの音量の減少は不自然? +10%くらい? :? )
  4. 01:05:290 (3) - add a whistle(slider end)
  5. 01:05:793 (4) - remove a whistle and add a clap(slider end)
  6. 01:06:295 (5) - remove clap
    (上の3つのヒットサウンドは01:03:111 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - と同じリズムの00:51:714 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - との音付けが違ったので!!! 00:51:714の方が正しいと思って書きました。間違ってたらごめんなさい :? )

  1. 00:03:530 (4) - remove whistle?(00:00:429 (2)みたいにピアノの音は鳴ってるけどwhistle無い方が綺麗って感じました!suggestion..)
  2. 00:04:955 (2) - 緑線引いてここのwhistleだけ10%あげるのはどう?slider end (リバースの部分に比べて明らかに後ろの音が大きくなってるので、ここのwhistleだけ音量あげた方がリバース部分のwhistleとの区別がつきやすいかも!!)
  3. 00:10:821 (4) - remove whistle and add a finish(S:C2).(ここのwhistleのシャンッって音が何となく合ってない気がしました(曖昧) S:C2のFinishが使ってなくて余ってたみたいだからこれを音量下げて使ってみてはどうでしょう!! うーむ、ここはnoで!
  4. 01:02:105 (1) - ちょっと重なってて綺麗じゃないかもしれないけど・・・これは無視しても全然大丈夫!!!これはあえてなのでnoで~

役にたたないModでごめんなさい・・・。nice map~!! :)
修正する所が無い可能性が凄いのでNo kudosu please いえいえ、いくつか修正するところありました!!
thanks modding Liz san :)

Rare's Hard all no change~
Topic Starter
sorry did not notice ;_;

Muya wrote:

00:10:150 (1) - end at 00:10:653? no change

[Rare's Hard]

00:56:072 (4,5) - move to x:203 y:267 plz. looks better than now ok
01:17:692 (3,1) - almost hidden reverse arrow This is not allowed? I will ask this to the BAT / MAT ;_;

Normal is fine.
overall hard mapset.
if you can rename Easy to Normal , Normal to Hard, and Rare's Hard to Rare's Insane, please rename it. no change these~
also, some HP/CS/AR/OD up plz.
thanks modding Muya san!

Rare's Hard all nochange~
Can I make a diff for Taiko? :)
Topic Starter

kg2161012 wrote:

Can I make a diff for Taiko? :)
sorry,i dont want taiko diff~

Ryafuka wrote:

kg2161012 wrote:

Can I make a diff for Taiko? :)
sorry,i dont want taiko diff~
All right...

Hope your map will be rank :)
Kawayi Rika
Hello ~ Ryafuka ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 00:49:033 (2) - Pls don't stack 00:49:200 (3) - end point,really confused with direction.


  1. AR+1 much better with play.
  2. 01:12:497 (4,5) - Try like this rhythm,more easy playble.

That's all ~ I can't find more issue ~ cool mapset and song ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hello ~ Ryafuka ~ :) hello,Rika!

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 00:49:033 (2) - Pls don't stack 00:49:200 (3) - end point,really confused with direction. ok~


  1. AR+1 much better with play. ok~
  2. 01:12:497 (4,5) - Try like this rhythm,more easy playble. ok~

That's all ~ I can't find more issue ~ cool mapset and song ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
thanks modding Rika~
Kawayi Rika
Yeah ~ Good job ~

Good luck with cool rank ~

Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Yeah ~ Good job ~

Good luck with cool rank ~

thanks ></

Reduce AR by 1 tick.

00:55:737 (6) - New combo.


Increase HP Drain by 1 tick.

00:07:636 (3,4,5,6) - Stack these notes normally, they could be confusing for beginners.

Pretty nice.
Topic Starter

Andrea wrote:


Reduce AR by 1 tick.

00:55:737 (6) - New combo.


Increase HP Drain by 1 tick.

00:07:636 (3,4,5,6) - Stack these notes normally, they could be confusing for beginners.

Pretty nice.
all fixed~
thanks modding Andrea~ :D
After another small fix, I'm fine with this map.

Topic Starter

Andrea wrote:

After another small fix, I'm fine with this map.

thanks Andrea~ ></
Congrats Ryafuka!!
ome~ :)
grats, good map
congratz :D
Kawayi Rika
Omedeto ><
omedeto~ :)
Gratz!!~~~ :D
おめでとーう :) :)
Hurray Congratz on the rank Rya-chan ;)
Most Played?
congratz on ranked!!

The beatmap is not even a month old..
Ibuki Suika
maybe tag need add:SAO..... :)
inb4 this song gets tons more of different ranked beatmaps
Topic Starter
thanks very much everyone :>

o.O i'll just leave this here
oh my 53k O_O? i guess either the song or the anime is starting to become popular :P
Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Asuna.

on a more serious note, one of the reasons why this map has so many plays is because there's something in the mapping style that's really hard to read with Hidden, so people end up retrying it many times

thelewa wrote:

Two years worth of semen made a glopping noise as it flowed endlessly into Asuna.
lol 16.5
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