
Kajiura Yuki - Credens justitiam

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on venerdì 29 giugno 2012 at 22:52:23

Artist: Kajiura Yuki
Title: Credens justitiam
Source: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Tags: Hinacle Tomoe Mami Charlotte Theme
BPM: 136
Filesize: 3250kb
Play Time: 01:39
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hinacle's Hard (4,65 stars, 197 notes)
  2. Insane (4,96 stars, 259 notes)
  3. Normal (2,8 stars, 111 notes)
Download: Kajiura Yuki - Credens justitiam
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Tomoe Mami big boobs.

Normal: 100%
Hard: 100% by Hinacle <3
Insane: 100%

Ready for mod! Thanks :3
Hi. Mod request taken from #modreqs.

  1. You added some timing sections with 5% volume. 5% volume is unrankable. You should raise it up at least to 15%. You decreased it at the end of a spinner, and it makes sense so it's ok.
  2. The bg is so bright that making an SB would be great idea, imo.
  1. 00:08:121 (2) - Here's missing a whistle.
  2. 00:11:210 (1) - I don't think that making jumps in a Normal is a good idea. I'm against this because this is your easiest difficulty. If you had an easy, this would be a different history.
  3. 00:31:945 (4) - ^
  4. 00:36:357 (1,2,3) - You should move this notes in a way that they don't get covered by the spinner-osu so that beginners can read and see the pattern better:
  5. 00:39:445 (1) - Another jump. Removing jumps would mean remap so you should add a Easy diff instead to avoid this. I can map one for you if you want.
  6. 00:58:085 (1) - This spinner starts way too early after 00:57:092 (1). You should consider moving it a bit away.
  7. 01:14:739 (1) - A finish here sounds very good to me. How about adding it?
  8. 01:18:269 (1) - ^
  9. 01:20:033 (3) - Hm. This MIGHT be confusing for beginners if you're going to keep your mapset as it is. I suggest you to remove 1 repeat of this slider and add a note at 01:21:357. Beginners may think that this slider has 1 repeat like your previous ones.
  10. 01:25:327 (1) - I personally dislike notes a so.. low volume. I suggest you to increase it a bit. I guess that you did this intentionally to keep following the calm voice, but I find it annoying and kinda monotonous when I click notes and they don't have any sound.
  11. 01:33:378 (1) - Same thing about spinner starting way too early after clicking a note.
  12. 01:36:798 (1) - A finish here would fit perfectly with the song in my opinion.

    Nice difficulty. I just don't agree about jumps and so many consecutive long spinners.
[Hinacle's Hard]
  1. 00:21:577 (1) - I think that this nc is inconsistent with your previous ones. I suggest you to remove nc here and add then add it to 00:21:798 (3) instead for consistency. This also will avoid that high combo number (10).
  2. 00:30:621 (5) - Same thing about combos. You always add a nc when you use a clap hitsound so I suggest you to add a nc here, remove nc of 00:31:724 (1) and then add nc to 00:32:386 (6).
  3. 00:34:151 (1) - If I'm not wrong, here's a missing clap (with clap I mean this kind of clap -> 00:32:386 (1))
  4. 00:41:210 (1) - ^ I also suggest you to replace this note and (2) with a slider to follow better the voice.
  5. 00:57:092 (6) - A nc here fits nice with the music imo. I suggest you to add it.
  6. 01:39:445 (5) - The vocals end here, and here's a kinda loud sound, so a hitfinish would logical.

    Really good difficulty.
  1. 00:09:445 (1) - Here's a missing clap. That's why this slider sounds so.. empty.
  2. 00:20:916 (1) - I don't really get the purpose of this change of volume, but I personally dislike it because it is all off a sudden. Sounds weird in my opinion.
  3. 00:42:533 (8) - I suggest you to add a NC here. Fits with the music and avoids that high combo number (10).
  4. 00:44:739 (1) - This slider looks awkward because your previous pattern was symmetric, so this weird slider makes it look like this. You should make it symmetrical too.
  5. 00:49:151 (2) - Same thing about the change of volume.
  6. 01:14:739 (1) - A finish here sounds great with the music to me. Perhaps add it?
  7. 01:18:269 (1) - ^
  8. 01:36:908 (1) - ^

    Another great difficulty. I'm still wondering the reason of those volume changes but it's ok, I guess.
That's all. Overall, this mapset is very good. To make it more solid, you should add an Easy. Have a star from me, and good luck! :3
Topic Starter

Kei wrote:

Hi. Mod request taken from #modreqs.

  1. You added some timing sections with 5% volume. 5% volume is unrankable. You should raise it up at least to 15%. You decreased it at the end of a spinner, and it makes sense so it's ok.
  2. The bg is so bright that making an SB would be great idea, imo. Lazy to make one -w-
  1. 00:08:121 (2) - Here's missing a whistle. true, added
  2. 00:11:210 (1) - I don't think that making jumps in a Normal is a good idea. I'm against this because this is your easiest difficulty. If you had an easy, this would be a different history. fixed
  3. 00:31:945 (4) - ^ ^
  4. 00:36:357 (1,2,3) - You should move this notes in a way that they don't get covered by the spinner-osu so that beginners can read and see the pattern better: I reduced the spinner and added a circle on the long white tick so it's also symmetric with 00:37:680 (1,2,3,4). It should be ok now
  5. 00:39:445 (1) - Another jump. Removing jumps would mean remap so you should add a Easy diff instead to avoid this. I can map one for you if you want. Fixed ç_ç I did these jumps 'cause it was my intention to make an easy diff too but so lazy.
  6. 00:58:085 (1) - This spinner starts way too early after 00:57:092 (1). You should consider moving it a bit away. Nah it's ok. It's just a spinner and I could keep it in this way
  7. 01:14:739 (1) - A finish here sounds very good to me. How about adding it? Good catch bt I prefer to keep clap here
  8. 01:18:269 (1) - ^ ^
  9. 01:20:033 (3) - Hm. This MIGHT be confusing for beginners if you're going to keep your mapset as it is. I suggest you to remove 1 repeat of this slider and add a note at 01:21:357. Beginners may think that this slider has 1 repeat like your previous ones. Right! Fixed
  10. 01:25:327 (1) - I personally dislike notes a so.. low volume. I suggest you to increase it a bit. I guess that you did this intentionally to keep following the calm voice, but I find it annoying and kinda monotonous when I click notes and they don't have any sound. For now I keep it, and I will see, thank you
  11. 01:33:378 (1) - Same thing about spinner starting way too early after clicking a note. Same I wrote above
  12. 01:36:798 (1) - A finish here would fit perfectly with the song in my opinion. Really nice, added ;3

    Nice difficulty. I just don't agree about jumps and so many consecutive long spinners.
[Hinacle's Hard]
  1. 00:21:577 (1) - I think that this nc is inconsistent with your previous ones. I suggest you to remove nc here and add then add it to 00:21:798 (3) instead for consistency. This also will avoid that high combo number (10).
  2. 00:30:621 (5) - Same thing about combos. You always add a nc when you use a clap hitsound so I suggest you to add a nc here, remove nc of 00:31:724 (1) and then add nc to 00:32:386 (6).
  3. 00:34:151 (1) - If I'm not wrong, here's a missing clap (with clap I mean this kind of clap -> 00:32:386 (1))
  4. 00:41:210 (1) - ^ I also suggest you to replace this note and (2) with a slider to follow better the voice.
  5. 00:57:092 (6) - A nc here fits nice with the music imo. I suggest you to add it.
  6. 01:39:445 (5) - The vocals end here, and here's a kinda loud sound, so a hitfinish would logical.

    Really good difficulty.
  1. 00:09:445 (1) - Here's a missing clap. That's why this slider sounds so.. empty. yea ;;
  2. 00:20:916 (1) - I don't really get the purpose of this change of volume, but I personally dislike it because it is all off a sudden. Sounds weird in my opinion. it's good imho c.c I keep it
  3. 00:42:533 (8) - I suggest you to add a NC here. Fits with the music and avoids that high combo number (10). New combo is good here. Infact I tried to use new combo somewhere for the long combo. And here its very nice, thanks!
  4. 00:44:739 (1) - This slider looks awkward because your previous pattern was symmetric, so this weird slider makes it look like this. You should make it symmetrical too. I tried, but to overlap the tail with 00:42:974 (3) this means I can't overlap head too with 00:42:754 (2) :\ Btw I tried again making it less curves and.. it should be ok now
  5. 00:49:151 (2) - Same thing about the change of volume. same thing I wrote above
  6. 01:14:739 (1) - A finish here sounds great with the music to me. Perhaps add it? uhuh k removed clap and added finish
  7. 01:18:269 (1) - ^ ^
  8. 01:36:908 (1) - ^ ^

    Another great difficulty. I'm still wondering the reason of those volume changes but it's ok, I guess.
That's all. Overall, this mapset is very good. To make it more solid, you should add an Easy. Have a star from me, and good luck! :3
Oh really. This is one of the best mod I received.
Very useful and clear, very thanks *-* And thanks for the star too <3


00:08:563 (3) - Il movimento è contrario, io farei
00:19:371 (8) - In DT sarebbe molto divertente un reverse jump,
01:05:916 (5) - Niente clap/finish?
01:07:680 (1) - ^
01:12:313 (1,2,3) - Sarebbe meglio mettere un pattern a triangolo, per renderla piu' divertente.
01:31:504 (6,7,1) - Siccome lo slider non avrebbe tanto senso mettere NC, dato che queste 3 note hanno lo stesso beat, metti NC sul (6) e togli dallo slider.
Risistema il pattern.

[Hinacle's Hard]

00:12:754 (4) - Make a circular movement
00:22:680 (5) - NC
00:39:666 (2,3,4) - Red Beat sliders are not good, fix this please.
00:43:636 (2) - ^
00:44:739 (6) - NC
00:50:916 (1) - It's ok that you changed the patter, but I suggest putting a slider here as usual.
00:57:092 (6) - NC
01:03:930 (1) - Delete NC
01:04:151 (3) - NC
01:05:916 (7) - NC
01:06:798 (1) - Delete NC
01:06:798 (1,2,3) - This overlapping is pretty big for an Hard. Consider it.

Overall very nice layout.


00:21:798 (1) - Slider orribili xD

GL :3
Topic Starter

Maddy wrote:



00:08:563 (3) - Il movimento è contrario, io farei Non sono d'accordo, l'ho fatto così di proposito per far apparire la map più.. "estesa" ;p
00:19:371 (8) - In DT sarebbe molto divertente un reverse jump, Ho tolto l'overlap ma non ho fatto come mostra il tuo screen che non mi piace :3 Editato in un altro modo
01:05:916 (5) - Niente clap/finish? True story, added
01:07:680 (1) - ^ ^
01:12:313 (1,2,3) - Sarebbe meglio mettere un pattern a triangolo, per renderla piu' divertente. Nu
01:31:504 (6,7,1) - Siccome lo slider non avrebbe tanto senso mettere NC, dato che queste 3 note hanno lo stesso beat, metti NC sul (6) e togli dallo slider.
Risistema il pattern. Disapprovo siccome lo slider segue new combo insieme al nuovo vocal


00:21:798 (1) - Slider orribili xD NOOO COME OSI ç_ç <3 Lascio.

GL :3
Grazie mille maddy :3
Hi~ from in-game PM xD
Sorry for my little mod >w<


00:01:504 - whistle
00:01:945 - remove
00:02:386 (3,5) - whistle
00:02:827 (4,6) - remove
00:28:857 - remove clap and add finish? it sounds better >w<
00:34:151 - clap (N:C)
00:51:798 - ^
01:09:445 - ^

[Hinacle's Hard]

01:21:577 - remove whistle


00:05:916 - clap
00:31:945 (4) - remove clap
01:07:239 (6) - ^
01:09:445 - clap?
01:21:378 - remove this note
01:39:555 - too hard for beginners :c

That's all i have found, sorry :c i love Madoka, nice map <3 Good luck ~
Topic Starter

KersiTyan wrote:

Hi~ from in-game PM xD
Sorry for my little mod >w<


00:01:504 - whistle oki
00:01:945 - remove nope D:
00:02:386 (3,5) - whistle nop
00:02:827 (4,6) - remove ^ sorry it follows my hitsound pattern çwç
00:28:857 - remove clap and add finish? it sounds better >w< ya k
00:34:151 - clap (N:C) added clap but not nc
00:51:798 - ^ added
01:09:445 - ^ ^


00:05:916 - clap Maybe I removed it o.o added lol
00:31:945 (4) - remove clap yes
01:07:239 (6) - ^ ^
01:09:445 - clap? yup
01:21:378 - remove this note mh? o.o
01:39:555 - too hard for beginners :c You are not the first that say this D: Okay, I dediced to make an "M" slider (from the name of MAMI) and.. it should be k now ;3

That's all i have found, sorry :c i love Madoka, nice map <3 Good luck ~
Thank you kersi chan *-* And thank you for the star!

Thank you mod~!!
Topic Starter
Updated :3
Thank you for requesting via Illumined's Modding Queue (・∀・)

  1. Mamiiiiiiiiii mogumogu

00:10:769 (1) - I doubt there will be complains about these notes. It's too near to spinner.
00:21:357 (1) - If you're not removing them, try whistle here. \:D/
00:27:092 (1,2) - Not balanced. (btw (1) should have sth wrong:;
00:49:592 - Unused section.
00:57:092 (1) - Reduce for volume for finish a little bit? Sounds too harsh. @_@
01:05:916 (5) - Kinda ugly, try to move the 2nd point to centre.
01:14:739 (1) - Not symmetrical :( Try Ctrl+H to flip it horizontally and fix. ( 01:16:504 (2) - this also)
01:18:269 (1) - ^, I guess you may keep grid snap on while drawing these sliders.
01:24:445 - Move this section to spinner's end? Since it affects the volume while spinning.
01:25:327 - to 01:33:269 - Volume...:\ uh. I wonder such a low volume here...Increase to 30?
01:39:445 - Unused section.
01:35:916 (1) - M \:D/ Other diffs had A, M and I, am I correct? /slap

Hinacle's Hard
00:03:269 (4) - I have a suggestion on these type of sliders, try to use such combo color to do a classification?
00:08:563 (2) - ^
00:41:210 (1) - Use normal hitsound here?
00:59:739 (3,4,5,6) - Suggest to use normal hitsound with 25~35% volume.
01:03:930 (1,2,3) - Move down a bit
01:07:791 - Unused section.
01:10:107 (3) - Ctrl+R and check the selection centre. Then rotate it +~20 degree?

00:42:974 (3) - Try clap instead. Not a right place to use finish :P
00:44:739 - Seems missing a clap.
00:48:710 (1,2) - Similar suggestion with Hinacle's Hard on 0:59:739 (3,4,5,6) - , feel like to use normal hitsounds here.
00:49:592 - Unused section.
00:53:563 (6) - Same as 00:42:974 (3) -
00:59:739 - , 00:59:960 - , 01:00:180 - Keep these with a relatively clear hitsounds here due to drums.
01:00:511 (5,1) - This spacing doesn't match the song much, yea?
01:25:327 - Same with Normal.
01:35:916 - Ahhhh Neither A, M nor I here! ゚(゚´Д`゚)゚

Pretty nice mapset! Good luck (´∀`*)
Topic Starter

Illumined wrote:

Thank you for requesting via Illumined's Modding Queue (・∀・)

00:10:769 (1) - I doubt there will be complains about these notes. It's too near to spinner. removed
00:21:357 (1) - If you're not removing them, try whistle here. \:D/ I removed the first but I'll keep this, added whistle
00:27:092 (1,2) - Not balanced. (btw (1) should have sth wrong:; oh what lol fixed
00:49:592 - Unused section. removed
00:57:092 (1) - Reduce for volume for finish a little bit? Sounds too harsh. @_@ Nu it's k
01:05:916 (5) - Kinda ugly, try to move the 2nd point to centre. k
01:14:739 (1) - Not symmetrical :( Try Ctrl+H to flip it horizontally and fix. ( 01:16:504 (2) - this also) done
01:18:269 (1) - ^, I guess you may keep grid snap on while drawing these sliders. why? buh, k.
01:24:445 - Move this section to spinner's end? Since it affects the volume while spinning. ehm, I don't need to do that lol
01:25:327 - to 01:33:269 - Volume...:\ uh. I wonder such a low volume here...Increase to 30? Increased to 40% like hinacle's diff
01:39:445 - Unused section.
01:35:916 (1) - M \:D/ Other diffs had A, M and I, am I correct? /slap No, since there are just 3 diff D:

00:42:974 (3) - Try clap instead. Not a right place to use finish :P yes
00:44:739 - Seems missing a clap. added
00:48:710 (1,2) - Similar suggestion with Hinacle's Hard on 0:59:739 (3,4,5,6) - , feel like to use normal hitsounds here. not for me, since there is a whistle too
00:49:592 - Unused section. removed
00:53:563 (6) - Same as 00:42:974 (3) - ^
00:59:739 - , 00:59:960 - , 01:00:180 - Keep these with a relatively clear hitsounds here due to drums. used normal volume 40%
01:00:511 (5,1) - This spacing doesn't match the song much, yea? i think it's good o.o
01:25:327 - Same with Normal. k
01:35:916 - Ahhhh Neither A, M nor I here! ゚(゚´Д`゚)゚ orz çwç

Pretty nice mapset! Good luck (´∀`*)
Thank you for the good mod :3
Illumined That link was broken orz
Anyway, thank you for kds!

  1. 00:12:974 (3) - Visto che negli slider in precedenza hai usato waypoint rossi,perchè non li usi anche qui?
  2. 00:31:945 (4,1,2,3) - Per mantenere la simmetria,potresti riarragiare il pattern così
  3. 01:07:239 (6,1) - Il blanket qui non è proprio esatto,non tutte le parti son equidistanti. Per fixare,fai qualcosa del genere (se vuoi però puoi evitare di fixare,visto che questo è piuttosto nazi)
  4. 01:25:327 (1) - Come 00:12:974 (3) -
[Hinacle's Hard]

  1. 00:31:724 (1,2,3) - Manual stack here,since this stack is covering a bit the end of 00:32:386 (5) - ?
    Awesome as always,good job :D

  1. 00:09:004 (4,5,6) - Magari potresti mettere questa tripletta a x:72 y:336 per renderlo equidistante con 00:08:563 (3) - e 00:09:445 (1) -
  2. 00:23:342 (4) - 1 grid left per centrare il blanket con 00:23:563 (1) - ?
  3. 00:39:114 - Sezione timing non usata,rimuovila
Sono piacevolmente sorpreso,vedo che sei migliorato molto nel mapping! Prendi questa mod come un'insieme di suggerimenti,visto che di sbagliato non c'è poi tanto :D
Topic Starter

-kevincela- wrote:


  1. 00:12:974 (3) - Visto che negli slider in precedenza hai usato waypoint rossi,perchè non li usi anche qui? Perchè quelli sono simmetrici l'un l'altro, mentre questo è forever alone >: Lascio così xD
  2. 00:31:945 (4,1,2,3) - Per mantenere la simmetria,potresti riarragiare il pattern così Nice! k
  3. 01:07:239 (6,1) - Il blanket qui non è proprio esatto,non tutte le parti son equidistanti. Per fixare,fai qualcosa del genere (se vuoi però puoi evitare di fixare,visto che questo è piuttosto nazi) Migliorato un po'
  4. 01:25:327 (1) - Come 00:12:974 (3) - Stessa risposta

  1. 00:09:004 (4,5,6) - Magari potresti mettere questa tripletta a x:72 y:336 per renderlo equidistante con 00:08:563 (3) - e 00:09:445 (1) - k
  2. 00:23:342 (4) - 1 grid left per centrare il blanket con 00:23:563 (1) - ? k
  3. 00:39:114 - Sezione timing non usata,rimuovila k
Sono piacevolmente sorpreso,vedo che sei migliorato molto nel mapping! Prendi questa mod come un'insieme di suggerimenti,visto che di sbagliato non c'è poi tanto :D Grazie <3
Seguito quasi tutto, grazie mille kevin :3

justitiam should be capitalized.

Same circle size for all diffs? why not make circle size bigger in normal diff?

01:28:416 (4,5,6) - I think this doesn't fit, I suggest something like this:
Nice diff btw<3

00:03:269 (4) - Maybe you should give a different shape to this slider since it have this slowdown.
00:08:563 (2) - And Same here.
Nothing else, lovely map..

Generally fine, I dont see anything confusing on layout, but I think slider velocity could be lower. Since this is the easiest diff on the set. If you had an easy this wouldn't bug me though.

That's all for now~
Topic Starter

Lizbeth wrote:


justitiam should be capitalized. D:

Same circle size for all diffs? why not make circle size bigger in normal diff? You are right, k <3

01:28:416 (4,5,6) - I think this doesn't fit, I suggest something like this: okay :3
Nice diff btw<3

Generally fine, I dont see anything confusing on layout, but I think slider velocity could be lower. Since this is the easiest diff on the set. If you had an easy this wouldn't bug me though. I think this SV is fine >w<

That's all for now~
Thanks lizbeth :3

Thank you mod~!!>w<//
Topic Starter
Thanks Hinacle sama, updated!
Hi~ From my Queue
Almost Modding is Suggestion so you can ignore this

AR -1?
00:06:577 (8) - delete note
01:00:180 (1) - add finish

Hinacle's Hard
00:23:563 (7) - NC
00:06:798 (6) - how about round slider?

00:28:857 (1) - add clap
00:37:680 (1) - add finish
00:42:974 (3) - finish -> clap
01:00:180 (5) - how about clap?
01:00:621 (1) - check distance is this your purpsoe?
01:08:563 (3) - how about round slider than straight slider?

lol nice beatmap! :D
good luck!
Mod from my queue, sorry for delay, I was too lazy. q__q

01:08:563 (2,3) - this might be a bit too hard to read for a Normal :x Maybe use a consistent shape for 2?

[Hinacle's Hard]
00:03:269 (1) - hard to get that this one is slower. Consider using a different shape to make sure one can identify a change.

OD+1 (or maybe even +2 :O )
01:28:857 (5) - remove whistle, it doesn't fit at all IMO q__q

God, this map is too good to be further modded. :D

Star for epic map and not much to do for me <3

Search a MAT please.

No KDS for this "mod" please~
deny as Kokatsu's request
and sorry for delay to your mod ><
I will clean my mod list asap~
Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:

deny as Kokatsu's request
and sorry for delay to your mod ><
I will clean my mod list asap~
Sorry Kokatsu, I clicked on "give kudos" for my mistake >w<
Thanks spboxer and don't worry, take your time :3

※ Notice

red is unrankable issue.
blue is recommended to fix.
Black is just suggestion.


  • Settings
    (For the setting/general issue.)
  1. none~


  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. duplicated timeline:
  2. unused green line (It's not effect to player. but I suggest you should to remove it):
(For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 01:00:180 - sound the volume it's too low. had better to used 30%~50% to here.
  2. 01:25:327 - to 01:33:269 - It's too empty hitsound. so I suggest to add whistle to:
    1. 01:26:210 -
    2. 01:27:974 -
    3. 01:31:504 -
    4. 01:33:269 -
(These are about your pattern.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 01:18:269 (1) - [curve] awkward slider~you can make the layout better~ How about used this code ?

  2. 01:31:283 (4,1) -Umm... I'm not sure about that. but I think you want to set the center

Hinacle's Hard

  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. duplicated timeline:
  2. unused green line (It's not effect to player. but I suggest you should to remove it):

(For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 00:28:857 - used finish. reason: sentence start point.
  2. 01:07:019 (2,3,4,5) - [suggestion] sound used clap is better.
  3. 01:07:680 - used finish. same as 00:28:857 - reason.
(These are about your pattern.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:07:460 (7,8,1) - [suggestion] Umm... I think make 00:08:563 (1) - up 1 grid it's better (size 3). you should (7,8 (slider head),9(slider tail)) used same spacing.



  • Settings
    (For the setting. like Song Setup/timing or break time~)
  1. duplicated timeline:
  2. unused green line (It's not effect to player. but I suggest you should to remove it):
(For my listened. Just some suggest for the hitsound.)
  1. 00:20:916 - sound the volume it's too low. had better to used 30%~50% to here.
  2. 00:49:151 - same as 00:20:916 -
  3. 01:36:908 (1) - used N:C1 clap? Just like "Hinacle's Hard" hitsound. It's more fit then used finish.
(These are about your pattern.Mostly for the suggest, Just some unrankable issue I will use red color to highlight it.)
  1. 00:10:768 (4) - unsnap slider although it's just differ 1ms.
  2. 00:28:416 (3,4,5,6,1) - uneven spacing. look this "00:28:526 (4) - ":
  3. 00:49:151 (2,3) - It isn't the horizontal symmetry pattern you can used "flip horizontal" to check it.anyway. I try to help you make this ↓

  4. 01:25:989 (2,3,4) - [spacing issue] why don't you used different to 01:25:989 (2,3) -

Sorry for delay your request~ and... :o
Topic Starter
Thanks guys, fixed some :3
Hey there.

Here is the chatlog for Normal and Insane.

17:26 <Roddie> : heey
17:26 <Roddie> : there you are
17:26 <Roddie> : I wanted to talk to you about your map
17:26 *Roddie is listening to (Kajiura Yuki - Credens justitiam)[]
17:26 <Chewin> : hi roddie ;3
17:27 <Chewin> : I'm fixing sp3's mod now
17:27 <Roddie> : okay
17:27 <Roddie> : let me know when you're daon
17:27 <Chewin> : thank you >w<
17:27 <Chewin> : yes
17:27 <Roddie> : done*
17:40 <Chewin> : okay, I can now
17:40 <Chewin> : ;3
17:43 <Roddie> : hold on
17:44 <Chewin> : I'm ready :3
17:44 <Roddie> : yes yes, but please wait
17:44 <Chewin> : yes wait sec plz
17:44 <Chewin> : my dad wants me.
17:44 <Chewin> : afk 5 mins plz sorry
17:44 <Roddie> : okay
17:48 <Chewin> : okok sorry back
17:48 <Chewin> : i'm all your now <3
17:48 <Chewin> : yours*
17:48 *Chewin runs
18:36 <Roddie> : sorry
18:36 <Roddie> : about that
18:36 <Roddie> : okay let's do it
18:37 <Chewin> : okkay
18:38 <Chewin> : start from normal?
18:38 <Roddie> : yes
18:38 <Chewin> : k
18:44 <Roddie> : 00:00:622 (1)-
18:45 <Roddie> : any reason why you think a clap in the beginning sounds better than a finish?
18:45 <Chewin> : I think clap here sounds better than finish
18:45 <Chewin> : In other parts I used finsh cuz it fits good
18:46 <Roddie> : okay
18:46 <Chewin> : for example here: 00:21:798 (1) -
18:46 <Chewin> : when the vocal is increasing
18:47 <Chewin> : I followed this logic ;
18:47 <Chewin> : ;3
18:47 <Roddie> : okay
18:49 <Roddie> : 01:10:989-
18:50 <Roddie> : a new combo here would be fitting
18:50 <Roddie> : since the next part of the verse starts off here, you know?
18:50 <Chewin> : you mean use NC here and remove from 01:11:210 (1) - ?
18:50 <Roddie> : I was getting to that and yes
18:51 <Chewin> : I just used nc here because in next parts I used it on the long white tick
18:51 <Chewin> : so.. should I fix here or keep in this way? o:
18:52 <Roddie> : you should
18:52 <Roddie> : it looks more fitting that way
18:52 <Chewin> : okay ;3
18:52 <Chewin> : yea now that I see you're right
18:52 <Chewin> : fixed
18:53 <Roddie> : I'll just do a regular mod for hinacle's diff
18:53 <Chewin> : it's ok ;3
18:53 <Roddie> : moving on to insane
18:54 <Chewin> : go :D
18:59 <Roddie> : 00:37:570-
18:59 <Roddie> : this is useless
18:59 <Roddie> : 00:37:791-
18:59 <Roddie> : same with this one
19:00 <Chewin> : true, fixed!
19:01 <Roddie> : yes, those timing points are useless
19:01 <Roddie> : lol should have made it a bit more clear
19:01 <Chewin> : where? o:
19:01 <Roddie> : the timing points
19:02 <Chewin> : aah yup
19:02 <Roddie> : I didn't say those before
19:02 <Chewin> : no just because here I copied the timing points from normal
19:02 <Chewin> : Normal has been my first diff xD
19:02 <Roddie> : okay
19:02 <Roddie> : 01:00:621 (1)-
19:02 <Roddie> : is this a spacing error?
19:03 <Chewin> : yup, moved to x:456 y:164
19:03 <Roddie> : okay
19:04 <Chewin> : btw maybe I should do this slider curved: 01:00:621 (1) -
19:04 <Roddie> : 01:11:320-
19:04 <Chewin> : fixed
19:04 <Roddie> : this timing point is useless
19:05 <Chewin> : yea xD
19:05 <Roddie> : and the slider looks fine to me
19:05 <Roddie> : but well, its your call to redesign it
19:05 <Roddie> : if you don't like how it is
19:05 <Chewin> : yup
19:06 <Roddie> : 01:13:085-
19:06 <Roddie> : this timing point is useless
19:06 <Chewin> : done
19:12 <Chewin> : ..
19:12 <Chewin> : sorry, my internet.
19:14 <Chewin> : let me know when I can submit .w.
19:17 <Roddie> : oh sorry
19:17 <Chewin> : can I? xD
19:17 <Roddie> : hold on
19:18 <Roddie> : I'm not done looking through your diff
19:18 <Chewin> : okay sorry u.u
19:26 <Roddie> : 01:13:445-
19:26 <Chewin> : normal?
19:26 <Roddie> : all those timing points where the spinner is at except for the last one
19:26 <Roddie> : are useless
19:26 <Roddie> : and on your insane too
19:27 <Chewin> : there aren't timing points there.. °-°
19:27 <Roddie> : did I point out the wrong time length?
19:27 <Chewin> : I think yes xD
19:27 <Roddie> : oh sorry
19:27 <Roddie> : its this one
19:27 <Roddie> : 01:39:445-
19:28 <Chewin> : they aren't useless ;3
19:28 <Chewin> : I used them for the spinner points bonus
19:28 <Chewin> : you can hear it in test play
19:28 <Chewin> : the volume decrese during the spinner
19:28 <Chewin> : try it
19:28 <Roddie> : I don't
19:28 <Roddie> : because
19:28 <Roddie> : of the spinnerspin
19:29 <Chewin> : I can hear .-.
19:29 <Roddie> : that's weird
19:29 <Roddie> : hold on
19:29 <Chewin> : wait, I use headphones lol
19:29 <Roddie> : nope
19:30 <Roddie> : I don't hear any sound playing
19:30 <Roddie> : where the spinner is at
19:30 <Chewin> : you have to listen in test mode..
19:30 <Roddie> : I did
19:30 <Roddie> : no sound
19:30 <Roddie> : because the spinnerspin is silent
19:31 <Chewin> : infact timing points aren't for spinnerspin
19:31 <Roddie> : that's my point, those timing points there are useless
19:31 <Chewin> : but for the "1000"s of the spinner
19:32 <Roddie> : ah
19:32 <Roddie> : okay
19:32 <Roddie> : now I understand
19:33 <Roddie> : very well then
19:33 <Chewin> : ya >w<

Oh and Hinacle's Hard is okay. There isn't any problems I encountered.

Have a star from me, good luck, man.
Topic Starter
thanks ;3
sorry for late mod >.<


00:01:945 (2) - spacing

Hinacle's Hard

01:35:916 (1) - remove whistle at the end
01:37:239 (2) - whistle

nice map :3 good luck ^^
Oh man it's been such a long time. Can I still do this ?...

Anyway, please answer to this mod providing reasons for the fixes you didn't apply.
If you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)


  1. First of all I'd suggest you check the symmetry of your sliders. Most are slightly asymmetric, and this bothered me very much while playing. I would also suggest to use new combos only on big white ticks to make the hitsounding more efficient:
    1. 00:04:151 (5,1) - Remove the new combo from (1) and add it to (5).
    2. 00:14:739 (5,1) - Same.
    3. 00:42:974 (5,1) - Same.
    4. 00:53:563 (6,1) - Remove the new combo from (1) and add it to (6).
    5. 01:10:989 (1,2) - Add a new combo on (2) and remove the first new combo.
  2. Few other things too:
    1. 00:08:563 (1) - It would be better to make this spinner start 1/1 later and place a circle where it started. It will be more consistent with the rest of the diff (since you do that later), and right now, the absence of any sound at 00:08:563 - feels weird because there is something in the song.
    2. 00:19:151 (1) - Same.
    3. 00:21:357 (1) - This note is very faint in the song, and you nearly silenced it in the map, which feels weird. I would rather suggest to remove it, as it would give a better effect to the kiai fountain.
    4. 00:21:798 (1,3) - Why these weird shapes and their sharp angle ? Make the sliders blanket the approach circle from 00:23:121 (2) - instead ?
    5. 00:27:092 (1) - To make the map a bit more consistent, I'd suggest to remove this new combo and the hitsound on this. The comboing will be more consistent (in length) this way, and since there isn't the sound in the song that calls for the normal hitsound, the hitsounding will be more consistent as well.
    6. 00:31:945 (4) - Don't give this one a normal hitsound, it kind of ruins the next normal finish.
    7. 00:33:710 (1) - This spinner is pretty short for a Normal. Also, it starts where there should have been a circle to finish 00:32:386 (1,2,3) - . Make it a long slider instead ? If you don't, be careful, as 00:35:916 (1,2,3,4) - are hidden under the text that pops out after completing the spinner.
    8. 00:38:562 (4,1) - Here again, it would sound better and make the kiai fountain better to remove the normal sampleset and finish from (4) and use a finish on (1).
    9. 00:40:327 (2) - The whistle position here sounds weird. Make it whistle-normal to go with the vocals ?
    10. 01:00:180 (1) - This note is very faint in the song, and you nearly silenced it in the map, which feels weird. I would rather suggest to remove it, as it would give a better effect to the kiai fountain.
    11. 01:03:930 (1) - This slider feels weird. There is a pretty long time to wait to reach it (3/2) and it breaks the comboing (as there should be a new combo on 01:04:151 - ). Move it 1/2 back, remove its new combo, and add a circle at 01:04:151 - with a new combo ?
    12. 01:07:239 (6) - Did you missplace the section ? I'm pretty sure this is not supposed to have a normal sampleset.
    13. 01:08:563 (2) - The lact of hitsound on this sounds weird. Use a whistle on the slider's head ?
    14. 01:08:563 (2,3) - I'm going to be blunt but this overlap is ugly. There is plenty of space around (2), so I'm sure you can make a non-overlapping version of this pattern.
    15. 01:12:092 (3) - The lack of hitsounds here feels a bit blank. Add a whistle on both ends of the slider (without using a sliderwhistle) ?
Hinacle's Hard
  1. For the sake of symmetry, and to make your slow downs readable, please use tick rate 2.
  2. This is close to being overmapped. None of these 1/4 make any sense at all and almost all of these jumps are unreasonable. At least it offers a good spread between Normal and Insane, so I'm just going to turn a blind eye on that. There are still a few jumps I would like to see fixed:
    1. 00:24:445 (9,10,1) - I kind of understand why you put a jump here but the jump is wrong. If anything, it should be on 00:25:107 (10,1) - but not on 00:24:445 (9,10) - . Right now, it only looks like broken spacing for the sake of visibility, which is not a good thing.
    2. 00:29:739 (3,4,5) - Same goes for this. That exactly looks like a pattern you made for the sake of it, with no real musical backup.
    3. 00:32:386 (5) - I don't get the jumps before but w/e. I expected a finish on this slider's head.
    4. 00:39:445 (1) - Expected a normal finish instead of a soft finish here.
    5. 00:42:092 (4,5,1) - This spacing was clearly broken for the sake of visuals. Don't do that. There is enough room to keep the spacing consistent and there is absolutely no reason to have a jump here.
    6. 01:00:621 (1) - Expected a normal-finish here.
    7. 01:11:210 (1) - Same.
    8. 01:35:916 (1) - Make this slider symmetric ? It won't be very hard and it will make it look much better.
    For the expected finishes, when you switch from one sampleset to another, and add jumps and/or triples, you're switching the kind of flow you use, and that's supposed to have an end - usually with a finish. In many cases, you deny that end and break your flow because of that.
  1. AR8 OD6 is stupid. This is a free SS and makes the map kind of boring to play. Please raise the OD to at least 7.
  2. If you want your slow downs to be rankable, you need to use tick rate 2.
  3. 00:04:592 (2,3,4,5,6) - This part is pretty neutral in the song, I don't see why you would add such a big jump to it.
  4. 00:12:974 (1,2,3,4) - Why would you break the spacing like that for no reason at all ? D:
  5. 00:18:269 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - These jumps are huuuuuuuge... I understand why you placed jumps here but these are too big for what they are meant to do.
  6. 00:20:916 (1,2) - Same.
  7. 00:24:886 (6,1) - ... Same.
  8. 00:45:401 (2,3,4,5,6) - Any reason why you break the spacing ? =(
  9. 00:46:504 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Here again, these jumps are quite big.
  10. 01:07:680 (1) - Add a finish on this slider's head ?
  11. 01:12:313 (1,2,3) - Why these notes ? They come too soon after the spinner, are hidden by its hitburst, and sound weird. I find it better to remove them so that the focus is entirely on the spinners, thus the vocals.
I'm sad neither you nor Hinacle went for a 1/1 hitnormal pattern starting from 00:11:210 - . I'm sure it would sound pretty amazing. =(
Topic Starter
Okay. Let's start.

Odaril wrote:

Oh man it's been such a long time. Can I still do this ?...

Anyway, please answer to this mod providing reasons for the fixes you didn't apply.
If you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)


  1. First of all I'd suggest you check the symmetry of your sliders. Most are slightly asymmetric, and this bothered me very much while playing. I would also suggest to use new combos only on big white ticks to make the hitsounding more efficient: I just followed the vocal and sound.
    1. 00:04:151 (5,1) - Remove the new combo from (1) and add it to (5). It follows voice
    2. 00:14:739 (5,1) - Same. ^
    3. 00:42:974 (5,1) - Same. ^
    4. 00:53:563 (6,1) - Remove the new combo from (1) and add it to (6). ^ Here it's also useless to use NC for symmetry with 00:52:680 (4,5)
    5. 01:10:989 (1,2) - Add a new combo on (2) and remove the first new combo.
  2. Few other things too:
    1. 00:08:563 (1) - It would be better to make this spinner start 1/1 later and place a circle where it started. It will be more consistent with the rest of the diff (since you do that later), and right now, the absence of any sound at 00:08:563 - feels weird because there is something in the song. Maybe you are right, but really I'm following the vocal here and.. the vocal just starts on this point.
    2. 00:19:151 (1) - Same. ^
    3. 00:21:357 (1) - This note is very faint in the song, and you nearly silenced it in the map, which feels weird. I would rather suggest to remove it, as it would give a better effect to the kiai fountain. I agree, just cuz it's too soon after the spinner for the easiest diff of my mapset
    4. 00:21:798 (1,3) - Why these weird shapes and their sharp angle ? Make the sliders blanket the approach circle from 00:23:121 (2) - instead ? Nope, I like this slider and so I'll keep it. I think it's awesome just because it's particular.
    5. 00:27:092 (1) - To make the map a bit more consistent, I'd suggest to remove this new combo and the hitsound on this. The comboing will be more consistent (in length) this way, and since there isn't the sound in the song that calls for the normal hitsound, the hitsounding will be more consistent as well. I really don't understand the problem Odaril. The vocal starts here and I followed the same pattern 00:25:327 (1,2)
    6. 00:31:945 (4) - Don't give this one a normal hitsound, it kind of ruins the next normal finish. Agree.
    7. 00:33:710 (1) - This spinner is pretty short for a Normal. Also, it starts where there should have been a circle to finish 00:32:386 (1,2,3) - . Make it a long slider instead ? If you don't, be careful, as 00:35:916 (1,2,3,4) - are hidden under the text that pops out after completing the spinner.You would be right if after the spinner was placed a circle. But it isn't, so I think it's ok for a normal.
    8. 00:38:562 (4,1) - Here again, it would sound better and make the kiai fountain better to remove the normal sampleset and finish from (4) and use a finish on (1). The normal mapset is just used on the tail of the slider (4). And make it consistency with the other diff I just used a finish here that fits very good imho. A finish on the (1) has been already used.
    9. 00:40:327 (2) - The whistle position here sounds weird. Make it whistle-normal to go with the vocals ? Normal whistle? omg no :\ This is my pattern hitsounds with next part
    10. 01:00:180 (1) - This note is very faint in the song, and you nearly silenced it in the map, which feels weird. I would rather suggest to remove it, as it would give a better effect to the kiai fountain. Removed
    11. 01:03:930 (1) - This slider feels weird. There is a pretty long time to wait to reach it (3/2) and it breaks the comboing (as there should be a new combo on 01:04:151 - ). Move it 1/2 back, remove its new combo, and add a circle at 01:04:151 - with a new combo ? It simply is following the vocal.
    12. 01:07:239 (6) - Did you missplace the section ? I'm pretty sure this is not supposed to have a normal sampleset. My mistake, fixed, I decided to add a soft whistle with 30% volume here.
    13. 01:08:563 (2) - The lact of hitsound on this sounds weird. Use a whistle on the slider's head ? It sounds too loud to me
    14. 01:08:563 (2,3) - I'm going to be blunt but this overlap is ugly. There is plenty of space around (2), so I'm sure you can make a non-overlapping version of this pattern. I like it.
    15. 01:12:092 (3) - The lack of hitsounds here feels a bit blank. Add a whistle on both ends of the slider (without using a sliderwhistle) ? No, just because it follows the same hitsound pattern of the next part
  1. AR8 OD6 is stupid. This is a free SS and makes the map kind of boring to play. Please raise the OD to at least 7. There is no reason to say that it's stupid. I just missed it, fixed -.-
  2. If you want your slow downs to be rankable, you need to use tick rate 2. aehm nope
  3. 00:04:592 (2,3,4,5,6) - This part is pretty neutral in the song, I don't see why you would add such a big jump to it.Moved the triplet 00:05:033 (3,4,5) -
  4. 00:12:974 (1,2,3,4) - Why would you break the spacing like that for no reason at all ? D: Plz I don't want my map has to have the same spacing everywhere. It's just awesome in this way.
  5. 00:18:269 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - These jumps are huuuuuuuge... I understand why you placed jumps here but these are too big for what they are meant to do. Not true. It first fits the song and for a second reason everyone played it with DT without problems.
  6. 00:20:916 (1,2) - Same. I can see you want the same spacing everywhere. Really, this is an insane, the jump is good, fits the song, doesn't create any kind of problem, and mapping good doesn't mean that everyone has to use distance snap in every part.
  7. 00:24:886 (6,1) - ... Same. I don't understand why you hate jumps lolol..
  8. 00:45:401 (2,3,4,5,6) - Any reason why you break the spacing ? =( yea, I wrote it above
  9. 00:46:504 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Here again, these jumps are quite big. These jumps are simply okay, playable with DT without problem, and circle are placed to create a triangle.
  10. 01:07:680 (1) - Add a finish on this slider's head ? Okay.
  11. 01:12:313 (1,2,3) - Why these notes ? They come too soon after the spinner, are hidden by its hitburst, and sound weird. I find it better to remove them so that the focus is entirely on the spinners, thus the vocals. You aren't the first that tell it me. Fixed making something
I'm sad neither you nor Hinacle went for a 1/1 hitnormal pattern starting from 00:11:210 - . I'm sure it would sound pretty amazing. =(
okay thanks omg
Topic Starter
thanks hinacle, updated
Kawayi Rika
IRC check map ~ fixed a 00:24:886 (6,1) - too huge jump on Insane ~

Other looks fine for me ~

Topic Starter
Thanks rika chan :3
Gogo :3

01:10:989 (1,2) - This might be confusing to beginners, better to change it to a slider.
01:35:916 (1) - Too soon after spinner for the easiest difficulty.


HP Drain -1, it's too high for this kind of song.

That's it :3
Topic Starter
Thanks andrè, fixed everything :3
Good job ^^

Topic Starter
Thanks andrè *w*
Yay Chewin
gratz once again Chewin ><~
Topic Starter
Thanks iMercurial <3 Thanks moe sekai >w<
Wow so fast~ Congrats!
Congrats ~
hi o.o/

I hate fast ranks ;_;
mammies sanctus

Gratz Bro ♥
Topic Starter

ziin wrote:

mammies sanctus



Chewin wrote:

Tomoe Mami big boobs.
Congrats Chewin >_<
That was incredibly fast!
Soul Rhythm
Congratz :)

I love this song <3.
Topic Starter
Thank you again >w<
Chewin likes big boobs.

Kanna wrote:

Chewin likes big boobs.
I so agree with that ^ =3= Gratz btw~
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