
Hashimoto Miyuki - NEVERLAND (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年7月25日 星期三 at 18:01:41

Artist: Hashimoto Miyuki
Title: NEVERLAND (TV Size)
Source: Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai
Tags: wmfchris ending
BPM: 139
Filesize: 15871kb
Play Time: 01:21
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.38 stars, 90 notes)
  2. Hard (4.96 stars, 191 notes)
  3. Normal (3.98 stars, 127 notes)
  4. Wmf's Taiko (4.94 stars, 391 notes)
Download: Hashimoto Miyuki - NEVERLAND (TV Size)
Download: Hashimoto Miyuki - NEVERLAND (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
#16 「俺たちに翼はない」anime ED 橋本みゆき - NEVERLAND

Miyuki >www<
Wmf's Taiko by wmfchris
哇 前排围观屁股掉节操/w\ (嗑瓜子
oh my looks like the full version isn't enough :P
Yes! TV Size *--*
Take a star for now <3
ok I'll do the taiko
00:56:049 (1) - Remove may be better?
00:11:157 (2) - NC
00:11:373 (1) - Remove NC
00:56:049 (1) - 略丑
01:20:222 (1) - 略丑 分开来点?
Hi ~ Mod request from M78.

Just suggestions:




00:48:927 (6,7,1) - 感觉三连的移动方向反过来flow会好点
00:57:128 (3) - 如果(3)是两个circle的话这么跳还挺有意思,像这样slider感觉是在坑人。。很容易读成晚1/2的

That's all I can find. GL~

request from game PM


  1. Tag加上wmf的大名(?
  2. Tag可以加上OP、ED、OVA之類的東西
  3. 找了一下Wiki資料,看看要不要將它們的羅馬拼音也加上Tag裡
    作詞 : 西又葵
    作曲 : アッチョリケ
    編曲 : 斎藤裕彌 /

  1. 00:54:323 (1,2,3,4,5) - 從這個角度看的似乎歪了→ 試試從這個角度去調整這5點
  1. 00:00:798 (1,2) - 這裡是唯二用了1/2 beat的地方,可以的話用其他代替比較貼切這個難度;例如00:00:798放一個Circle代替滑條
  2. 00:04:251 (1,2) - ^
  3. 01:21:841 (1) - 有種說法是Easy的轉盤,最少跟前面的Note留下1/2 beat的空間;某些BAT會吐糟這個(我曾經就試過orz)
  1. 00:00:798 - Useless inherited point
  2. 01:02:956 - Useless inherited point
  3. 01:03:388 - Resnap inherited point
  4. 01:04:683 - Resnap inherited point
  5. 01:13:316 - Resnap inherited point
  6. 01:13:748 - Resnap inherited point
  7. 01:15:043 - Resnap inherited point
  8. 01:17:201 - Resnap inherited point

Fine :)
  1. 00:00:798 - Useless inherited point
  2. 00:37:920 - Resnap inherited point
  3. 01:02:956 - Useless inherited point
  4. 01:04:683 - Resnap inherited point
  5. 01:09:647 - Resnap inherited point
  6. 01:09:863 - Resnap inherited point
  7. 01:10:726 - Useless inherited point
  8. 01:11:373 - Useless inherited point
  9. 01:12:237 - Resnap inherited point
  10. 01:13:316 - Resnap inherited point
  11. 01:15:043 - Resnap inherited point
  12. 01:15:906 - Resnap inherited point
  13. 01:16:338 - Resnap inherited point
  14. 01:17:201 - Resnap inherited point

  1. 這個是Hard來 QAQ HP和OD您不能調這麼高!!!!!! 幸好我無聊看一看才發現這個大BUG=口=
    我建議的數值是 → HP6 AR7 OD5 比較適合這柔和的曲風
  1. 00:21:517 (1) - 碰到HP線感覺不太好,雖然Hard的話應該都沒所謂lol
  2. 00:42:884 (2) - 向下移動1格,跟00:42:236 (1)對稱;或者在中間放1個圈圈就會發現不對稱
  3. 00:55:618 (5,6,1) - 這首歌的Bpm是139,以我這種正常手速來說是雙指掃過去(單指按對我來說略快),不過這三個點之間的距離有點遠0.0 以Hard來說是很容易失誤;看看要不要縮短這個距離,以這首柔和的歌來說,給人的感覺應該是很慢~ 而不是串燒需要快速掃過去
  4. 00:58:208 (2) - 結尾沒有跟00:57:776 (1)完全重疊,按Ctrl+R再調整一下;如果因為Ctrl+R導致出現偏差,可以調整00:57:776(1)的第3點,使它在尾巴圈圈的中間,再用Ctrl+R的方法疊合00:58:208 (2)就可以;當然如果是故意不疊行就當我沒說過(炸
  5. 01:05:114 (2) - ^
  6. 01:08:136 (1) - ^
  7. 01:12:021 (2) - ^
  8. 01:20:222 (1) - ^
  9. 01:09:646 (4,5,1) - 這裡用0.15x的用意是?感覺像前面用0.4x~0.5x的距離,會比較適合和閱讀
  1. 00:55:186 (3) - 雖然猜想到既然創作節奏不會改,不過不得不吐糟這個Note搬到00:54:970比較好聽~
  1. 00:37:920 - Resnap inherited point
  2. 01:02:956 - Useless inherited point
  3. 01:03:388 - Resnap inherited point
  4. 01:04:683 - Resnap inherited point
  5. 01:07:057 - Resnap inherited point
  6. 01:09:863 - Resnap inherited point
  7. 01:13:316 - Resnap inherited point
  8. 01:13:748 - Resnap inherited point
  9. 01:14:611 - Resnap inherited point
  10. 01:14:827 - Resnap inherited point
  11. 01:15:043 - Resnap inherited point
  12. 01:15:906 - Resnap inherited point
  13. 01:16:122 - Resnap inherited point
  14. 01:16:338 - Resnap inherited point
  15. 01:17:417 - Resnap inherited point
That all
Hi there~~mod for request~

  1. BG换成JPG吧这PNG的1.14MB吓到我了……Taiko的也是
  2. 因为有视频所以Letterbox关掉
  1. 00:11:157 (1) - 这里和前面那句的一样加个finish?
  2. 01:21:085 (4) - 这里第2个vocal重音在01:21:301 - 而不是蓝线,所以感觉off了
  1. 我能吐槽Normal的SV比Easy还低么…………然后绿线double...真没问题……不用这么压星吧……?
  2. 00:04:251 (1) - finish?
  3. 00:11:157 (1) - ^
  4. 01:11:157 (5) - 这里clap似乎用错了?
  1. 00:04:251 (1) - 这里和后面依然是建议finish
  2. 00:47:848 (2,3,4) - 这三个跳回来的方向感觉很别扭…… 尝试下把(2)改成向下弯,然后(4)放到212:180?
  3. 01:01:661 (2) - ctrl+r?
Topic Starter
Sun Rainbow
00:07:704 (1,2,3,4) - 这样跳不行吧……对于HARD来说……
00:11:157 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:17:200 (2,1) - 没叠好
00:19:574 (1,2) - 会不会太远了……
00:48:927 (6,7,1) - 会不会太勉强了……
01:21:517 (4) - 既然是最后这里就别跳了……

01:04:467 (7,5) - 没有叠好?

00:00:798 (1,2) - 这是N的了吧……
00:04:251 (1,2) - ^
00:04:251 (1,2) - ^
00:24:539 (3) -
X:364 y:144
00:56:049 (5) -
X244 y:192
00:57:344 (1) -
Alrighty let's get started. Mod requested in game :)

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. Just putting this for fun :P

since you have a video, disable the latterbox during breaks.

AR5 on an easy diff o.o? beginners won't be able to react in time with an AR that high. since this is an easy diff, I highly suggest that yo do HP and OD2 and AR3. it'd be easier for beginners and they can keep up with the pace.
00:00:798 - remove the green line. the timing points have the same volume and putting a green line there is unnecessary.
00:03:172 (3) - hmm instead of a circle, add a slider and end it till 00:03:819 to follow the guitar in this song. not only that but you'll hear a low sound of the snare if i'm right. correct me if i'm wrong i think it'd be easier for beginners since the end of the slider ends at a 1/1 line.
00:06:625 (3) - ^
00:10:078 (3) - ^
00:13:531 (3) - you did it on this so why don't you do it on the rest?
00:19:790 (3) - i feel that a hitsound is missing at the beginning to match that sound...try to add a finish and reduce the volume to 30% and tell me what you think. it doesn't feel right at all when there's no hitsound there.
00:26:697 (3) - ^
00:33:603 (3) - ^
00:37:056 (3,4) - hmm for a smoother flow from the previous notes, make these sliders curved sliders.
00:38:783 (1,2,3,4) - make a diamond for these notes. it'll look a lot nicer during gameplay.
00:42:236 (1) - end this till 00:42:884 to follow the instrumental and vocals, and replace the clap for a finish to match the cymbals. i felt uncomfortable when this was a 1/1 slider.
00:43:747 (2,3) - NOTE: this suggestion is if you followed the suggestion above: move these notes here to follow the cymbals and instrumental accurately.
00:45:690 (1,2,3) - same as the 2 suggestions above.
00:49:143 (1) - same as 00:42:236.
00:56:481 - i think that if you can add a 1/1 slider, it'll continue the rhythm in vocals. i don't like how the rhythm suddenly stops, and since the circle is stacked, beginners would most likely hit that too early.
01:18:495 (1) - since (2) is a curved slider, make this a curved slider as well for flow.
01:21:949 (1) - moe this to the white tick. if you put it at the blue tick , it might surprise beginners.

It's up to you, but increase the OD by 1 to put a bit of a challenge for players.
00:03:819 - add a circle to follow that snare or clap?
00:04:251 (1) - add a whistle here. you did it on easy so why not do it here?
00:07:272 - same as 00:03:819.
00:10:726 - same as above but to follow the drums.
00:13:747 (4) - replace this for a 1/2 repeat slider. it'll play nicely to the guitar.
00:19:574 (3) - try to adjust this slider so that the turn goes in sync with that sound.
00:26:481 (4) - ^
00:35:330 (1,2,3,4) - idk about this. i don't find this fun because it's just going back and forth. do something creative, like make these curved sliders for a smoother flow, or change the direction of these sliders. An example would be to do a diagonal pattern so that it'd look like a diamond, etc...something like at 00:38:783 (1,2,3,4) - should be fine.
00:56:481 - same as easy but you can do 2 circles stacked on (2).
01:02:956 (5) - hmm this curved slider breaks the flow in this combo because since (1,3) are shaped like this, a plain curved slider would ruin the flow and when i reached this, i was confused on why this isn't shaped like (1,2). so make this slider look like (1,3) for a smoother flow for this combo.
01:21:517 (8) - make this point to the left. personally i don't like to see overlaps like this. it gets in the way during gameplay.
01:21:841 (1) - same as easy.

orz the settings in this diff questions me because it's a hard diff. since this is a Hard diff, i highly suggest that you do, OD and HP6 and AR7. settings like that would be perfect for a hard diff. it'll flow a lot smoother to the song during gameplay.
00:03:819 - similar to easy and normal.
00:07:920 (2) - hmm put this between (1,3) so that the shape would look like a triangle.
00:08:351 (4) - if you follow the suggestion above, align this to (2) so that it'd look like a diamond.
00:18:064 (1) - try to stack the end of this slider perfectly on (2) at the previous combo.
00:27:560 (3) - how about Ctrl+R for a smoother flow to and from the sliders?
00:27:992 (4) - if you follow the direction above, adjust the direction this slider is taking to make sure that players clear this with ease.
00:42:021 - add a circle to follow "yu" the slider follows "me" so the circle and slider would follow "yume"
i saw a few notes that arent perfectly stacked. if you want, you can fix them.

I guess that's it. I starred this because of the song, now here's another star because the mapset is pretty fun to play. anyways GL :D
x847's mod,just some suggestions.


00:01:445 (4) - 这里可以拉得跟00:00:798 (1) - 嗯,不知道咋描述。如果改得话,后面的00:04:898 (4) - 也要改
00:21:517 (1) - 激碰到血条了,虽然不影响打图,但是总会有蛋疼的人来啥啥啥的~ ~
01:09:754 (5,1) - 就这里用的0.1sd,有啥特别意义么0.0

01:02:740 (4,5) - 这里slider不再拉下么


That's all i can find,有8个star就不射了。。。GL
Topic Starter
fixed some..too lazy these days
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ No_Gu ~ :)

Random check beatmap ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Close Letterbox in all diff.


  1. Too high setting for easy diff,so HP-1,AR-2.
  2. 01:21:085 (4) - Try like this rhythm,sound much better.

That's all ~ pretty nice mapset ~

Call me back recheck ~ when you are ready ~
Topic Starter
fixed all.thanks >3<
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ Good job ~

Good luck with moe rank ~

Topic Starter
thanks thanks >~<

01:04:682 (1,2) - These could be stacked better together.

[Wmf's Taiko]

Center the Circle Size.

Do not use custom hitsounds on Taiko difficulty.

Nice map!
Topic Starter
all fixed .thx
Good job.

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Andrea wrote:

Good job.

thanks >3<
Guuuuuuuuuu o(>< )o
Grats :3
No _ Gu
没 屁 股
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Hinacle wrote:

www moe Hinacle

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:

Guuuuuuuuuu o(>< )o
Grats :3
cRyooooooooooo o(>< )o
Thanks www

Breeze wrote:

No _ Gu
没 屁 股

Breeze wrote:

No _ Gu
没 屁 股
Topic Starter

Nymph wrote:

Breeze wrote:

No _ Gu
没 屁 股
好 你就可以直接揍了
Kawayi Rika
恭喜谷子 ><
Topic Starter
=w= thanks both
老板 我要一斤屁股
Topic Starter

JoJo wrote:

老板 我要一斤屁股
| Yes (A) Yes (B) Yes (C) Yes (D) Yes (Y) Yes (N)|
Congrats ~ ;D
1st the full version and now the TV size :). congratz on the rank. you deserve it ;)
哇 恭喜
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