This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 1:27:43 PM
Artist: Hideyuki Fukasawa
Title: Theme of Vergil
Source: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Tags: fate of two worlds umvc3 devil may cry 3 dmc3 dante twin brother Playstation PS3 xbox 360 hybrid579 mmzz mittenmasterzz
BPM: 150
Filesize: 4232kb
Play Time: 01:43
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Might controls everything.
Ready for modding!
02/23-MMzz's Taiko difficulty added.
-Appreciate the help ztrot.
02/24-Hard compelted.
-Accepted Lucy-Kaede's mod.
-Took La Cataline's advice about the hitsounds.
02/28-Accepted Neptunus' mod.
02/29-Accepted Muya's mod.
03/07-Accepted Scorpiour's mod.
03/11-Accepted phonic's mod.
03/14-Accepted Leorda's mod.
03/17-Accepted Kawayi Rika's mod.
03/24-Easy difficulty added.
05/13-Accepted Crimmi's mod.
05/14-Accepted mancusojuanmattos' mod.
05/22-Applause added.
-Tags updated.
05/23-Accepted -Bakari-'s mod.
-Accepted Kawayi Rika's mod through in-game chat.
05/29-Accepted Aleks719's mod.
Artist: Hideyuki Fukasawa
Title: Theme of Vergil
Source: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Tags: fate of two worlds umvc3 devil may cry 3 dmc3 dante twin brother Playstation PS3 xbox 360 hybrid579 mmzz mittenmasterzz
BPM: 150
Filesize: 4232kb
Play Time: 01:43
Difficulties Available:
- Easy (1.76 stars, 91 notes)
- Hard (4.63 stars, 176 notes)
- Insane (5 stars, 385 notes)
- MM's Taiko (4.94 stars, 477 notes)
- Normal (3.68 stars, 124 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Might controls everything.
Ready for modding!
02/23-MMzz's Taiko difficulty added.
-Appreciate the help ztrot.

02/24-Hard compelted.
-Accepted Lucy-Kaede's mod.
-Took La Cataline's advice about the hitsounds.
02/28-Accepted Neptunus' mod.
02/29-Accepted Muya's mod.
03/07-Accepted Scorpiour's mod.
03/11-Accepted phonic's mod.
03/14-Accepted Leorda's mod.
03/17-Accepted Kawayi Rika's mod.
03/24-Easy difficulty added.
05/13-Accepted Crimmi's mod.
05/14-Accepted mancusojuanmattos' mod.
05/22-Applause added.
-Tags updated.
05/23-Accepted -Bakari-'s mod.
-Accepted Kawayi Rika's mod through in-game chat.
05/29-Accepted Aleks719's mod.