
Hideyuki Fukasawa - Theme of Vergil

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 1:27:43 PM

Artist: Hideyuki Fukasawa
Title: Theme of Vergil
Source: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Tags: fate of two worlds umvc3 devil may cry 3 dmc3 dante twin brother Playstation PS3 xbox 360 hybrid579 mmzz mittenmasterzz
BPM: 150
Filesize: 4232kb
Play Time: 01:43
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.76 stars, 91 notes)
  2. Hard (4.63 stars, 176 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 385 notes)
  4. MM's Taiko (4.94 stars, 477 notes)
  5. Normal (3.68 stars, 124 notes)
Download: Hideyuki Fukasawa - Theme of Vergil
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Might controls everything.

Ready for modding!

02/23-MMzz's Taiko difficulty added.
-Appreciate the help ztrot. :)

02/24-Hard compelted.
-Accepted Lucy-Kaede's mod.
-Took La Cataline's advice about the hitsounds.

02/28-Accepted Neptunus' mod.

02/29-Accepted Muya's mod.

03/07-Accepted Scorpiour's mod.

03/11-Accepted phonic's mod.

03/14-Accepted Leorda's mod.

03/17-Accepted Kawayi Rika's mod.

03/24-Easy difficulty added.

05/13-Accepted Crimmi's mod.

05/14-Accepted mancusojuanmattos' mod.

05/22-Applause added.
-Tags updated.

05/23-Accepted -Bakari-'s mod.
-Accepted Kawayi Rika's mod through in-game chat.

05/29-Accepted Aleks719's mod.
Heey! Modding from my queue!

Hard+Normal = 41

=5ms difference, needless to say the kiai is then also different on the respective difficulties by 5ms.

Theres also an unused .osb you can scrap (delete) ^^

00:28:841 (1) - The whistle on the end sounds off.
00:38:441 (1,2,1,2) - You should line these up more closely like such:

00:09:041 (3) - It sounds a little funny. Perhaps the same rythm as before?
(Clap on 4, and 2, moving the NC to the downbeat)

00:24:841 (1,2,3) - Instead of stacking 3x 1/2 followed by a 1/1.

01:09:641 (3) - A clap doesn't sound too bad here.
01:40:241 (7) - I would do the same thing as at 0:09:041
=> 01:40:241 (7) - Circle
=> 01:40:441 (8) - Circle with a clap
=> 01:40:841 (1) - Circle with a NC
=> 01:41:241 (1) - RNC

*I can't play insane*
00:32:736 (2,3,4,5) - I would stack 2+3 and 4+5 in 2 separate stacks to easier see the approach circles change from 1/4 to 1/2.
(Such as 00:34:336 (2,3,4,5,6) - the 1/4 are separated from the 1/2)

Gotta be one of the shortest mods I've done in a while >_>
Nice map, have one of these *things* ;)
Topic Starter

Lucy-Kaede wrote:

Heey! Modding from my queue!

Hard+Normal = 41

=5ms difference, needless to say the kiai is then also different on the respective difficulties by 5ms. Why didn't I spot that? ): Anyway, fixed.

Theres also an unused .osb you can scrap (delete) ^^ Sure.

00:28:841 (1) - The whistle on the end sounds off. Alright, I'll get rid of it.
00:38:441 (1,2,1,2) - You should line these up more closely like such: I did something different.

00:09:041 (3) - It sounds a little funny. Perhaps the same rythm as before?
(Clap on 4, and 2, moving the NC to the downbeat) I'm sure it's fine. It actually follows the rhythm a bit. However, if this because an issue later on the future, I'll rearrange something else.

00:24:841 (1,2,3) - Instead of stacking 3x 1/2 followed by a 1/1. I left the spacing there on purpose. So, not going to change that.

01:09:641 (3) - A clap doesn't sound too bad here. Oops, forgot to put that in. Thanks for pointing that out.
01:40:241 (7) - I would do the same thing as at 0:09:041 Same thing I mentioned before. If it becomes an issue later in the future, I'll rearrange it.
=> 01:40:241 (7) - Circle
=> 01:40:441 (8) - Circle with a clap
=> 01:40:841 (1) - Circle with a NC
=> 01:41:241 (1) - RNC

*I can't play insane* :(
00:32:736 (2,3,4,5) - I would stack 2+3 and 4+5 in 2 separate stacks to easier see the approach circles change from 1/4 to 1/2.
(Such as 00:34:336 (2,3,4,5,6) - the 1/4 are separated from the 1/2) I left that there intentionally. Just to make things a little interesting. (: So, I won't be changing that.

Gotta be one of the shortest mods I've done in a while >_>
Nice map, have one of these *things* ;)
Thank you for the mod and star, Lucy. ;)

00:24:036 (3) - add whistle
01:01:236 (2) - I suggest re-arrange this since it is hard to read(consindering this is the easiest diff in the mapset) when doing in-game play due to the hitburst of 01:00:036 (3) -

01:08:836 (3) - suggest newcombo this since it is a whole set of beat (accordance: 00:11:236 (1) - )
01:19:636 - add a note like 01:16:436 (3) - here? or maybe you can add a note here like this 01:32:436 (4) -
01:38:036 (1) - a little bit too close after a spinner for the easiest diff

00:09:036 (3) - no, I dont think this one fits either rhythme or vocal
00:41:436 - add a note would be cooler~
00:44:236 - also here
01:15:236 (3,4,5,6) - I suggest that these are rearranged as 01:17:636 (2,3,4,5) -

fine to me

That's it , good luck on ranking~
Topic Starter

Neptunus wrote:


00:24:036 (3) - add whistle No. ._.
01:01:236 (2) - I suggest re-arrange this since it is hard to read(consindering this is the easiest diff in the mapset) when doing in-game play due to the hitburst of 01:00:036 (3) - Okay.

01:08:836 (3) - suggest newcombo this since it is a whole set of beat (accordance: 00:11:236 (1) - ) Sure.
01:19:636 - add a note like 01:16:436 (3) - here? Sure. or maybe you can add a note here like this 01:32:436 (4) - Nah.
01:38:036 (1) - a little bit too close after a spinner for the easiest diff It's fine like that I'm sure.

00:09:036 (3) - no, I dont think this one fits either rhythme or vocal But I think it does if you listen real close. You're the second modder that has mention this. If i get more modders complaining about this in the later future, then I'll rearrange it.
00:41:436 - add a note would be cooler~ I disagree.
00:44:236 - also here ^
01:15:236 (3,4,5,6) - I suggest that these are rearranged as 01:17:636 (2,3,4,5) - I'm sure it plays well that way. So no changes.

fine to me

That's it , good luck on ranking~
Thanks for the mod, Neptunus. :D
HP -1 or -2 plaese. too high now

AR -1 (BPM150's AR 9... this is really doesn't match.)
00:22:636 (2,3,4) - why same spacing here? confusing :o
00:30:636 (2,3,4) - same as ^
Topic Starter

Muya wrote:

HP -1 or -2 plaese. too high now Okay, sure.

AR -1 (BPM150's AR 9... this is really doesn't match.) Look, I know what I'm doing when using an AR of 9. It's about being the intense feel, you know? It doesn't matter about the bpm. What matters is about the song.
00:22:636 (2,3,4) - why same spacing here? confusing :o Fixed.
00:30:636 (2,3,4) - same as ^ ^
Alright, thank you.
Hi there~~mod 4 mod

  1. Remove .osb?
  2. Different Preview time! (12836 in Normal&Hard, 12841 in Taiko&Insane), forget to reset it after change timing?
  3. I suppose the single digit '3' is useless in tags so remove it?
  1. 00:02:836 (2) - change to 2 notes? for the sliderslide is obvious here and not heard good, and also to be consistent as prev beats.
  2. 00:59:236 (1) - finish here?
  3. 01:00:836 (1) - ^
  4. 01:02:436 (1) - ^
  5. 01:08:836 - i suppose u can add some green lines from here to kiai to increase volumn graduately
  6. 01:14:836 - add a note here? heard better
  7. 01:44:036 - i suppose NC2's finish is better here :)
  1. 00:09:036 (3) - heard weird here...i can't undserstand why here's a blue-line suggest to use the same beats as prev.
  2. 00:19:036 - add a note here? heard better
  3. 00:37:236 (2,4) - ctrl+r separately?
  4. 00:42:236 (2) - (nazi) move tail to 196:152 to parallelize (1)
  5. 00:44:436 (3) - i suppose end with finish is better :)
  6. 01:16:036 - add note here? the blank felt weird
  7. 01:40:236 (7) - another weird blue-line reverse....
  8. 01:44:036 - still suggest to use NC2's finish for ending...
  1. OD-1?
  2. 00:33:036 (4,5) - move the away from (2,3)? this stack may be confusing...and ur (6) is away so i suppose u can make a triangle pattern here?
  3. 00:57:636 (1,2,1,2) - reduce volumn here graudately? maybe 5% to each slider, and back to 50% at 01:02:436 (1) - and then reducing..twice :)
  4. 01:06:436 (4,5,6) - ctrl+h?
  5. 01:09:336 (3) - move to prev white line, i suppose it's heard much better :)
  6. 01:44:036 - still...NC2's finish?
that's all ~~ star for i like the beats. good luck :)
Topic Starter

Scorpiour wrote:

Hi there~~mod 4 mod

  1. Remove .osb? Sure.
  2. Different Preview time! (12836 in Normal&Hard, 12841 in Taiko&Insane), forget to reset it after change timing? Fixed.
  3. I suppose the single digit '3' is useless in tags so remove it? Nope.
  1. 00:02:836 (2) - change to 2 notes? for the sliderslide is obvious here and not heard good, and also to be consistent as prev beats. Very well.
  2. 00:59:236 (1) - finish here? No. ._.
  3. 01:00:836 (1) - ^ ^
  4. 01:02:436 (1) - ^ ^
  5. 01:08:836 - i suppose u can add some green lines from here to kiai to increase volumn graduately Alright then.
  6. 01:14:836 - add a note here? heard better I'll just leave it as it is for now.
  7. 01:44:036 - i suppose NC2's finish is better here :) But I don't have a NC2's finish. ):
  1. 00:09:036 (3) - heard weird here...i can't undserstand why here's a blue-line suggest to use the same beats as prev. I don't understand this... The beat on that 1/4 repeat slider sounds fine to me. In fact, it follows the beat of the song well. Well, if I get more modders that mention about this again, I'll think of a different pattern.
  2. 00:19:036 - add a note here? heard better Ah, very good. Added.
  3. 00:37:236 (2,4) - ctrl+r separately? Nah.
  4. 00:42:236 (2) - (nazi) move tail to 196:152 to parallelize (1) I rearrange to something different.
  5. 00:44:436 (3) - i suppose end with finish is better :) I disagree.
  6. 01:16:036 - add note here? the blank felt weird Nah.
  7. 01:40:236 (7) - another weird blue-line reverse.... Like I said before. I'll change it if more modders mentions the same thing.
  8. 01:44:036 - still suggest to use NC2's finish for ending... Again, I don't have a NC2's finish.
  1. OD-1? No.
  2. 00:33:036 (4,5) - move the away from (2,3)? this stack may be confusing...and ur (6) is away so i suppose u can make a triangle pattern here? Alright then. Rearranged.
  3. 00:57:636 (1,2,1,2) - reduce volumn here graudately? maybe 5% to each slider, and back to 50% at 01:02:436 (1) - and then reducing..twice :) Probably not.
  4. 01:06:436 (4,5,6) - ctrl+h? Intentional.
  5. 01:09:336 (3) - move to prev white line, i suppose it's heard much better :) Nope. (:
  6. 01:44:036 - still...NC2's finish? Once again, I don't have a NC2's Finish.
that's all ~~ star for i like the beats. good luck :)
Alright, thanks! :D


  1. osb.file is not necessary for this map
  2. The kind of the file of Normal BG is different from Taiko BG. Of these BG think that should unify it


  1. 01:30:836 (2,3) - move to the left 1 grid


  1. 00:11:436 (2,4,6) - move to the right 1 grid
  2. 00:18:036 (3) - move to the left 1 grid
  3. 00:20:436 (7) - move to the right 1 grid
  4. 00:20:636 (8) - move to the right and top 1 grid
  5. 01:42:636 (2,4,6) - move to the right 1 grid
Topic Starter

phonic wrote:


  1. osb.file is not necessary for this map It actually doesn't mater.
  2. The kind of the file of Normal BG is different from Taiko BG. Of these BG think that should unify it It's fine?


  1. 01:30:836 (2,3) - move to the left 1 grid Okay.


  1. 00:11:436 (2,4,6) - move to the right 1 grid Okay.
  2. 00:18:036 (3) - move to the left 1 grid ^
  3. 00:20:436 (7) - move to the right 1 grid Actually, I'm using a distance snap on that. So, no changes.
  4. 00:20:636 (8) - move to the right and top 1 grid Okay.
  5. 01:42:636 (2,4,6) - move to the right 1 grid ^
Well, thanks.
Hello, moe boy~


* Your custom normal-clap is makes hitsound goes noisy. Try find another clap?
* "devil may cry" in tags?

00:06:836 (3,4) - Covered by spinner-osu. Some beginners are slowly to read this object while spinning the spinner. I suggest you to move further away
00:24:036 (3) - Add whistle at sliderbody?
01:19:636 (4) - Clap here please


01:16:036 (x) - Add note here?
01:38:036 (1) - Overlapped by spinner-osu. This makes hidden while gameplay

01:37:836 (1) - Overlapped by spinner-osu. This makes hidden while gameplay

Ganbatte! Roddie-sama~
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Hello, moe boy~


* Your custom normal-clap is makes hitsound goes noisy. Try find another clap? Nah. I'm sure it's fine.
* "devil may cry" in tags? Devil may cry is a video game where Vergil is from. Well, from the third game at least.

00:06:836 (3,4) - Covered by spinner-osu. Some beginners are slowly to read this object while spinning the spinner. I suggest you to move further away Sure.
00:24:036 (3) - Add whistle at sliderbody? Fixed.
01:19:636 (4) - Clap here please I don't actually hear a clap being needed here. So, no.


01:16:036 (x) - Add note here? Sure.
01:38:036 (1) - Overlapped by spinner-osu. This makes hidden while gameplay Fixed.

01:37:836 (1) - Overlapped by spinner-osu. This makes hidden while gameplay Fixed.

Ganbatte! Roddie-sama~
Thanks, Leo! 8-)
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ Roddie ~ :)

My mod to here ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Don't forgot Remove OSB file and full submit.


  1. 00:19:936 (4,5,6,7,8) - Make a symmetry,like this.
  2. 00:23:136 (4) - Maybe Add new combo to here.
  3. 00:26:336 (4) - ^
  4. 00:37:436 (4) - Move 3 gird up(symmetry).
  5. 01:38:836 (6,7) - Move 1 gird right(symmetry).


  1. Maybe AR+1 much better play with me.
  2. 01:12:836 (4) - Try Ctrl+J flow much better.
  3. 01:41:236 (1) - Flip this slider like this.

That's all ~ pretty nice mapset ~

Good luck ~
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ Roddie ~ :)

My mod to here ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Don't forgot Remove OSB file and full submit.Alright, fine.


  1. 00:19:936 (4,5,6,7,8) - Make a symmetry,like this. Sure.
  2. 00:23:136 (4) - Maybe Add new combo to here. Yea, since there is a jumping pattern here.
  3. 00:26:336 (4) - ^ ^
  4. 00:37:436 (4) - Move 3 gird up(symmetry). I think moving this one grid up is enough.
  5. 01:38:836 (6,7) - Move 1 gird right(symmetry). Alright.


  1. Maybe AR+1 much better play with me. I suppose that couldn't hurt to increase it. So, sure.
  2. 01:12:836 (4) - Try Ctrl+J flow much better. Hm... Alright.
  3. 01:41:236 (1) - Flip this slider like this. Sure.

That's all ~ pretty nice mapset ~

Good luck ~
Thanks for the mod, Rika. <3

Let me mod it, please.
Topic Starter

iMercurial wrote:


Let me mod it, please.
Sure, go ahead.
Modding, CrimmiStyle!!

Alrighty then, some modding retribution (a bit minor though :( ):

Unrankable, Gotta Fix.


Nothing here~~


OD +1?
00:19:236 (1,2,3) - feels better for the novices if it was a slider imo.


Nothing here~~

[MMzz's Taiko]

Nothing here~~


HP Drain +1?

Hmm... I see nothing else that catches my eye, so I hope this shizz gets ranked :3
Topic Starter

Crimmi wrote:

Modding, CrimmiStyle!!

Alrighty then, some modding retribution (a bit minor though :( ):

Unrankable, Gotta Fix.


Nothing here~~


OD +1? Nah. I feel like my Normal doesn't need to be any harder.
00:19:236 (1,2,3) - feels better for the novices if it was a slider imo. You may have a point there. So, rearranged.


Nothing here~~

[MMzz's Taiko]

Nothing here~~


HP Drain +1? An HP Drain of 7 is more reasonable than 8. So, I'll leave it as it is.

Hmm... I see nothing else that catches my eye, so I hope this shizz gets ranked :3 We'll see.
Thanks for the mod, Crimmi.
Let's do that :3


- Combo Colours: I would like to see 3 Combo Colours in a map, try to add another one. Maybe a dark blue is a good option looking your BG


00:01:646 (T): This Inherited Timing Point is unsnapped and affect in your hitsounds. You have to snap it
00:17:636 (3): Sounds better and is consistent with your hitsounds if you add a Whistle on a Sliderbody, when I played the map I were waiting a Whistle in here :P
00:24:836 (5): Sounds a bit noisy the Clap at the beginning of this Slider. Have a better sounds if you remove it from here


00:01:646 (T): Same as Easy
00:40:036 (2): (NAZI)- I think that make more sense and looks better if you move this Slider to x:252 y:252 (same position as previous (4)). Don't forget to move the next notes to fix the Spacing (Anyways you don't have to move a lot because the Break is near)


00:01:646 (T): Same as previous difficulties
00:24:836: Two things to remark in this point:
1st- (1)- This New Combo looks unnecesary, the music doesn't need a New Combo in here, maybe you added it because you want to remark this jump with previous note, but I also think that this jump doesn't fit at all with music
2nd- (1,2,3;1): This Stack with Slider (1) (making a Separation (1,2,3) with (1)) kill the Flow in my opinion, looking the distance in the Timeline (1/1). Is like a big Stop when you play the map, try to make another thing here.
Try to unify these suggestions. Looks better, really


00:01:646 (T): Same as previous difficulties
00:31:136 (1,2;3): I don't like how to play this Stack too (making a separation (1,2) with (3)). Looks like a needles and ugly stop in the mapset, looking (again) the distance in Timeline (1/2) with a lot of 1/4 patterns. Try to fix it.

[MM's Taiko:]

- Great Taiko diff. as Always

And That's All. Really Nice map in General :)
Take my Star and Good Luck with your map, man ;)
Topic Starter

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

Let's do that :3


- Combo Colours: I would like to see 3 Combo Colours in a map, try to add another one. Maybe a dark blue is a good option looking your BG Thanks for the 3rd combo color you suggested over in-game!


00:01:646 (T): This Inherited Timing Point is unsnapped and affect in your hitsounds. You have to snap it I left it intentionally because I wanted the slider path set to normal and put in the whistle slide. It sounds fitting that way.
00:17:636 (3): Sounds better and is consistent with your hitsounds if you add a Whistle on a Sliderbody, when I played the map I were waiting a Whistle in here :P Nah. This doesn't need a whistle on the slider body.
00:24:836 (5): Sounds a bit noisy the Clap at the beginning of this Slider. Have a better sounds if you remove it from here I disagree. That clap on the beginning is fitting to the song.

[Normal:][/ b]

00:01:646 (T): Same as Easy Same answer I replied.
00:40:036 (2): (NAZI)- I think that make more sense and looks better if you move this Slider to x:252 y:252 (same position as previous (4)). Don't forget to move the next notes to fix the Spacing (Anyways you don't have to move a lot because the Break is near) Alright.


00:01:646 (T): Same as previous difficulties Same answer I replied.
00:24:836: Two things to remark in this point:
1st- (1)- This New Combo looks unnecesary, the music doesn't need a New Combo in here, maybe you added it because you want to remark this jump with previous note, but I also think that this jump doesn't fit at all with music
2nd- (1,2,3;1): This Stack with Slider (1) (making a Separation (1,2,3) with (1)) kill the Flow in my opinion, looking the distance in the Timeline (1/1). Is like a big Stop when you play the map, try to make another thing here.
Try to unify these suggestions. Looks better, really Hm... I'll consider changing these if another modder says the same thing.


00:01:646 (T): Same as previous difficulties Same answer I replied.
00:31:136 (1,2;3): I don't like how to play this Stack too (making a separation (1,2) with (3)). Looks like a needles and ugly stop in the mapset, looking (again) the distance in Timeline (1/2) with a lot of 1/4 patterns. Try to fix it. Okay. Fixed.

[MM's Taiko:]

- Great Taiko diff. as Always

And That's All. Really Nice map in General :)
Take my Star and Good Luck with your map, man ;)
Thanks for the mod, man.
I strongly support this beatmap with stars.

just give me a chance to mod it

i want to help you

some unsnapped green points.
Easy, Hard, Normal - 00:01:646
Insane - 00:00:841 and 00:01:646
maybe less loud hitsounds?


00:03:236 (1,1) - thisif you can change slider's shape
00:06:436 (1,2,3) - this placing can confuse beginners and the can miss (2) and click only (1) and (3)
00:24:036 (3,4) - i wanted whistle at one of them or even at both
00:38:436 (1,2) - just a bit not symmetrical
00:57:636 (1,1) - this?
01:32:836 (1) - aren't new players will be confused because of (3)'s hitburst here?

00:00:036 (1,1) - maybe this?
00:43:236 (2) - curve it a bit more and move 1 grid left for better covering (1)
01:11:236 (2) - x264 y220 / don't forget to move (3)!
01:32:836 (1) - mhm.. looks a bit wrong. or it's just me?

00:24:036 (5) - whistles somewhere at this slider?
00:37:636 (3,1) - overlap?
00:57:636 (1,2,3,4) - stack ends for better looking?
01:22:436 (6) - i think it can cover (1) a bit better
01:09:836 (4) - reverse arrow a bit covered by next slider ~_~
01:32:836 (1) - i think this new combo doesn't make sense

00:19:236 (1,2,3,1) - stack them?
00:32:736 (2,3,4,5,6) - i think that this patterns should be in the middle of playfield. anyway it's good for me
00:57:636 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - maybe change some of them into something cooler?


gl~ :3

i just wanted to help. sorry if it's wrong
Kawayi Rika
OK ~ After recheck in IRC ~

Nice bgm and clean mapset :3

Edit :

repaired bubble, because of wrong timing!
We fixed some unsnapped sections, some sliders, stats in taiko...

so, ranked!
Congratz, bro :D
gratz~ Roddie~ :3
Gratz =w= b
Fuck yes ♥
Congrats :3
The 08 team_Bourdon
One of my favorite map was RANKED!!! Oh yea! \:D/
Congratulations!! Rodo 8-)
Offset must be wrong. +10 worked better but not quite.

It's only OD8, I should be able to SS this :(
awesome map!
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