
ave;new feat. Sakura Saori - Vivid Affection

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2011年10月26日 at 1:03:06

Artist: ave;new feat. Sakura Saori
Title: Vivid Affection
Source: Hinata Terrace -We don't abandon you.-
Tags: Thite swish GIGA
BPM: 136
Filesize: 10677kb
Play Time: 01:36
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (5 stars, 327 notes)
  2. swish's Easy (2.35 stars, 106 notes)
  3. Thite's Normal (3.97 stars, 127 notes)
Download: ave;new feat. Sakura Saori - Vivid Affection
Download: ave;new feat. Sakura Saori - Vivid Affection (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
3rd map

swish's Easy by swish
Thite's normal by Thite
naruhodo ne
S o r d a
:? 8-) :shock:
m i z u k i
quo quolity :oops:

00:34:928~ ブレイクポイント入れておきませう
Cyril Scarlet
Topic Starter
PSPDS Eddie >> thx IRC mod~

All >> thx star~
nice ;)

期待 8-)
  (\  ∞ ノ
   \ヽ  /
nice map
Topic Starter
>>Hinacle Rigeru Takos MiLu flatps CherryCherry MForever
thx star~ :D

>>swish thx easy diff ^^
Topic Starter
>>Suzully thx star~~
as per swish's request

[swish's Easy]
i kinda don't like how you used those finishes at the end of the patterns... maybe use them at the beginning instead? sounds a lot better imo.
0:26:555 (1) - delete new combo
0:28:320 (3) - add new combo
0:30:526 (1) - delete new combo
0:58:320 (1) - ^
1:25:232 (1) - ^
1:26:104 (t) - shouldn't the kiai section end at 1:36:702? use 76702 offset for this section.

[Thite's Normal]
0:04:497 (1) - delete new combo
0:08:026 (1) - ^
0:17:291 (1) - maybe delete that note? it's not following anything in the music at all... that also applies to 0:24:350 (5), 0:27:879 (5), 1:19:055 (5) and 1:22:585 (5).
0:19:717 (4) - a bit inconsistent spacing, should be placed a bit further
0:23:467 (4) - end it 1/2 earlier, like this?
1:04:055 (1,1) - i'm not a fan of this kind of new combo usage.
1:12:207 (t) - this kiai section should start 1/2 later, at 1:12:438.
1:18:173 (4) - just like before, shorten that slider by 1/2.
1:31:408 (2) - a bit misaligned with the previous slider's end... or is it like that on purpose?
1:33:173 (2) - ^

both AR and OD -1, since this is a Hard?
0:03:394 (7) - move it a bit higher, for better flow.
0:18:835 (1) - move it to the same place, where the stacked notes are, or delete that (7) note and move it a bit further.
0:22:144 (1) - delete new combo
1:02:291 (14) - inconsistent spacing, it's placed too far
1:12:107 (t) - this kiai section should start 1/1 later, at 1:12:438.
1:36:261 (1,1) - delete new combos on both notes
1:36:702 (t) - add a timing section ending the kiai time at that point.

it looks like you've used to change the offset by +10ms... but, you know, you shouldn't change only the offset, you should snap all the timing sections too. move all the timing sections by +10ms, so they're perfectly snapped.

uh, i love ave;new <3
good luck!

rEdo wrote:

as per swish's request

[swish's Easy]
i kinda don't like how you used those finishes at the end of the patterns... maybe use them at the beginning instead? sounds a lot better imo.
oops.. some pattern fixed

0:26:555 (1) - delete new combo
0:28:320 (3) - add new combo
0:30:526 (1) - delete new combo
0:58:320 (1) - ^
1:25:232 (1) - ^
1:26:104 (t) - shouldn't the kiai section end at 1:36:702? use 76702 offset for this section.

these all fixed~
thanks modding rEdo~ ;)

Download: ave;new feat. Sakura Saori - Vivid Affection (quo) [swish's Easy].osu
>w</ star~

eh and a little timing advice...
I think maybe offset 1835(-15ms for current) will better? xD
hmmm please try it and decide whether you change it or not :3
Topic Starter
both AR and OD -1, since this is a Hard?
0:03:394 (7) - move it a bit higher, for better flow.
0:18:835 (1) - move it to the same place, where the stacked notes are, or delete that (7) note and move it a bit further.
0:22:144 (1) - delete new combo
1:02:291 (14) - inconsistent spacing, it's placed too far
1:12:107 (t) - this kiai section should start 1/1 later, at 1:12:438.
1:36:261 (1,1) - delete new combos on both notes
1:36:702 (t) - add a timing section ending the kiai time at that point.

it looks like you've used to change the offset by +10ms... but, you know, you shouldn't change only the offset, you should snap all the timing sections too. move all the timing sections by +10ms, so they're perfectly snapped.

All fixed~

thx mod! and star~
Topic Starter
>>quintitem star arigatou~
[Thite's Normal]
0:04:497 (1) - delete new combo
0:08:026 (1) - ^
0:17:291 (1) - maybe delete that note? it's not following anything in the music at all... that also applies to 0:24:350 (5), 0:27:879 (5), 1:19:055 (5) and 1:22:585 (5).
0:19:717 (4) - a bit inconsistent spacing, should be placed a bit further
0:23:467 (4) - end it 1/2 earlier, like this?
1:04:055 (1,1) - i'm not a fan of this kind of new combo usage.
1:12:207 (t) - this kiai section should start 1/2 later, at 1:12:438.
1:18:173 (4) - just like before, shorten that slider by 1/2.
1:31:408 (2) - a bit misaligned with the previous slider's end... or is it like that on purpose?
1:33:173 (2) - ^

almost all fixed~
thanks~ :)
Topic Starter
>> quintitem change offset 1835 thx
[swish's Easy]

00:35:158 Add break


00:41:997 (2) Add finish
00:45:305 (1) ^
00:48:283 (12) delete note? it's too far away from the slider 00:48:394 (1)
00:58:764 add a note here

Good luck~ :D and star :)
すたー :)
Topic Starter

Copter-kun wrote:

[swish's Easy]

00:35:158 Add break Fixed


00:41:997 (2) Add finish Fixed
00:45:305 (1) ^ Fixed
00:48:283 (12) delete note? it's too far away from the slider 00:48:394 (1) No,thank you
00:58:764 add a note here Fixed

Good luck~ :D and star :)
thx mod~ and star! :)
Topic Starter
>>AisamaDX thx star-!
you forget to adjust the note XD
Enna Alouette
Topic Starter
thx star ~!
Topic Starter
Melancholy>> thx

[!] = You NEED to change.
[.] = If possible, change.
[?] = Suggestion/nazi.

[NC] = Add New Combo.
[RNC] = Remove New Combo.

hitsound modは完全に僕の好みなので気に入らなければ無視して下さい

[swish's Easy]
00:01:835 (1) - 始点にFinishを追加し、終点のwhistleを削除
00:03:379 (3) - 終点にWhistle
00:05:364 (1) - 始点にFinish?
00:08:893 (1) - Whistle
00:09:334 (2) - Remove Whis
00:23:452 (4) - Whistle
00:23:893 (5) - 始点のFinishを削除し、終点にFinishを追加
00:25:658 (2) - Finish?
00:27:423 (4) - 終点のWhisをFinishに変更
00:35:364 - Breakの始まりをここへ移動 ?
00:37:570 - Breakの終わりry ?
00:45:070 (5) - 終点にFinish?
00:49:040 (5) - Remove Circle. 音の取り方が突然変わっているのと、折り返しスライダーの終点にあるサークルは、初心者には難しいと思います
01:04:923 (*) - Add circle with finish sound?
01:08:893 (1) - 始点Whis終点Finish
01:12:423 (1) - 始点Finish?
01:15:070 (5) - Finish
01:32:717 (4) - Finish
01:19:482 (1) - 始点Finish
01:36:246 (4) - Finish

[Thite's Normal]
Slider早いです Hardな気がします
00:04:482 (6) - 終点Clap
00:10:879 (3) - clap?
00:14:629 (1) - ここへサークルを追加して、スライダーを右にずらした方が音楽に合うと思います
00:17:496 (1) - RNC.
00:17:717 (2) - スタックさせない方がいいと思います ?
00:23:452 (4) - (4)を1つ右の赤線へ移動して、ここにサークルを追加
00:27:643 (5) - add circle.
00:27:864 (5) - ↑を変更したならここにFinishを追加
00:40:658 (4) - 1grid right.
00:52:790 (1) - remove circle?
00:59:849 (1) - ^
01:07:129 (4) - NC.
01:15:511 (5) - clap削除Finish追加
01:18:820 (*) - サークル追加
01:19:040 (5) - clap削除Finish追加
01:22:349 (*,5) - 上の(*,5)と同じ

00:02:496 (3,5) - whistle
00:06:026 (3,5) - ^
00:08:011 (13) - 終点Finish
00:11:099 (8) - NC, Whistle
00:11:540 (11) - Whistle
00:13:305 (*) - Add circle?
00:13:526 (1-6) - overmapping imo.
00:18:268 (3-7) - ^
00:20:364 (6) - 終点Finish
00:24:776 (3) - 始点Finish
00:26:540 (7) - NC
00:26:761 (8) - Whistle
00:27:864 (16) - Finish
00:29:187 (4,6) - Whistle
00:29:849 (7) - Finish
00:31:062 (5) - remove circle!
00:31:393 (8) - 終点のWhisを削除
00:39:334 (2) - Whistle
00:39:776 (4) - 始点終点Whis
00:45:070 (6) - Add circle?
00:48:268 (12) - remove circle!
00:49:923 (2) - Whis
00:53:011 (2) - Finish
00:56:761 (2,4) - whis
00:58:746 (3) - remove circle!
01:00:732 (3,4) - (1)と被らない方がいいかもです
01:01:393 (6) - overmap.
01:02:276 (14) - 終点finish
01:10:658 (6) - NC !
01:21:687 (1) - RNC !
01:22:790 (4) - NC !
01:22:790 (4) - NC ?
01:31:393 (7) - ^
01:36:246 (6) - NC
Topic Starter
00:02:496 (3,5) - whistle Fixed
00:06:026 (3,5) - ^ Fixed
00:08:011 (13) - 終点Finish Fixed
00:11:099 (8) - NC, Whistle Fixed
00:11:540 (11) - Whistle Fixed
00:13:305 (*) - Add circle? No,thank you
00:13:526 (1-6) - overmapping imo. No,thank you
00:18:268 (3-7) - ^ No,thank you
00:20:364 (6) - 終点Finish Fixed
00:24:776 (3) - 始点Finish Fixed
00:26:540 (7) - NC Fixed
00:26:761 (8) - Whistle Fixed
00:27:864 (16) - Finish No, thank you
00:29:187 (4,6) - Whistle Fixed
00:29:849 (7) - Finish Fixed
00:31:062 (5) - remove circle! No,thank you
00:31:393 (8) - 終点のWhisを削除 Fixed
00:39:334 (2) - Whistle Fixed
00:39:776 (4) - 始点終点Whis Fixed
00:45:070 (6) - Add circle? No,thank you
00:48:268 (12) - remove circle! Fixed
00:49:923 (2) - Whis No,thank you
00:53:011 (2) - Finish Fixed
00:56:761 (2,4) - whis Fixed
00:58:746 (3) - remove circle! Fixed
01:00:732 (3,4) - (1)と被らない方がいいかもです Fixed
01:01:393 (6) - overmap. No,thank you
01:02:276 (14) - 終点finish Fixed
01:10:658 (6) - NC ! Fixed
01:21:687 (1) - RNC ! No,thank you
01:22:790 (4) - NC ! Fixed
01:22:790 (4) - NC ? Fixed
01:31:393 (7) - ^ No,thank you
01:36:246 (6) - NC Fixed

thx mod!!
mod thanks~

Download: ave;new feat. Sakura Saori - Vivid Affection (quo) [Thite's Normal].osu
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