
The Pillows - All The Way To The End Of This World

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peppyedit: linked to new osz file - the last one was broken/old version.

Finished with both the insane and the hard map. If you think the hard map is too easy, I could rename it; after creating the insane map I think I lost my definition of difficulty :)
Oh. My. GAWD.
my mouse can't keep up ;.; FAST SLIDERS are FAST!

Nicely mapped though ;o. Have you considered using some bezier curve sliders though? Some of your curves seem like they could be smoothed out a lot by changing over to bezier.
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You know, I completely glossed over different curve types when I was making it. I'll have to go over it again next chance I get.

peppy wrote:

Have you considered using some bezier curve sliders though? Some of your curves seem like they could be smoothed out a lot by changing over to bezier.
OMG, I didn't even realize there were different curve types! :shock:
I suggest you guys read the guide/watch the 5minute tutorial!

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Gilrad Pillows - All The Way To The Edge Of This World.mp3 (Gilrad) [Hard].osu

Fixed the beatmap, now with smoother curves!

There was also a timing section that I fixed. It should all be spot-on now.
I have to agree with peppy and say that those sliders are DAMN fast >_> Espescially the shakey ones in the middle. Either put it up to insane and make the notes match the difficulty of the sliders, or tone down the slider speed.

Other than that, it's timed well and the song is great.
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[url] Pillows - All The Way To The Edge Of This World.mp3 (Gilrad) [Insane].osu[/url]

Alright, here's what I'm going to do:

The hard mode will have it's slider speed reduced by 1/3rd, and a few difficult areas trimmed back. I have made an insane mode from modifying the hard mode, by spreading out the beat distribution. Now the sliders and the normal beats move at roughly the same speed (I don't subscribe to the 'throw a crapload of beats at them with an insane mode' line of thought. At least, not for this song).

Let me know how the insane mode works, I'll have a hard mode out there somewhere sometime.
I beat it on my first try 8-)

but with a D. The sliders are amazingly fast, like others have said. However, this is very well done. You just need to slow down the sliders.
Have you changed the old Hard mode beatmap at all, or have you simply renamed the old Hard mode as Insane? As far as I can tell, nothing much has changed in Insane.

An easy and hard mode with slower sliders would be a very good idea. It's already a very well made map.
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I'm still working on the hard mode.

And, unless you're playing on a tablet, I would think that there's quite a big difference between hard mode and insane :)
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See first post.
Nice beatmap. I'm ready to rank this, waiting for another mod.
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Bumping this before it disappears :)
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bumping again...
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bumping again...
Pretty good Hard mode. One thing I suggest you fix up - that random scrambled slider looks OK in Insane because the notes (and hence slider widths) are smaller. But in Hard mode with the fatter slider width it's pretty much impossible to work out where the mouse is meant to go. Can you maybe space those two sliders out a bit?

In general for both modes a lot of sliders could do with a bit of prettying up but that's not a big deal I guess.
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Is the slider thing something you noticed, or is it a problem you had when playing it? The hard mode slider is actually incredibly easy despite how jumbled it looks; you barely have to move your mouse at all to get all the ticks; Just a little bit in the general direction that it's moving.
Well the problem is, it looks like one big lump in Hard so I can't even tell which general direction it's going in! Pretty hard to see what's going on.

In future I recommend you stay away from those sort of sliders - detracts from the look of the beatmap in my opinion. Some of your other sliders may need a bit of tidying up as well - they look sort of slapped on with a couple of casual mouse clicks, if you know what I mean. EVERYTHING else with this beatmap is so good, why let a few wonky sliders spoil the overall package?

If you insist on the current sliders, I don't mind ranking this... but I recommend a bit of cleaning up before ranking. Tell me what you want! :)
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Give me the times of some of the sliders that look a bit wonky, and I'll work on 'em. And I'll probably do something with the jumbled sliders on hard mode while still maintaining the difficult section.
Reposition slider at 1:36.66 because it is obscured by previous slider
2:25.57 - I suggest you copy the very next slider at 2:26.98, paste it over this one and flip horizontally. Looks a LOT nicer rather than having two similar but not-quite-the-same sliders!

There are probably a few more but that's enough for now :D It's just beautification anyway ;)
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Alright, I think I fixed everything I think needed fixing from that list :)

Download: The Pillows - All The Way To The Edge Of This World.mp3 (Gilrad) [Hard].osu
You really should fix the title of this beatmap too - the mp3 in it screws stuff up badly! Like my poor browser :(.
Great song and some very good parts just make me want to play this song often.
Some weird/crazy slider designs, but I don't really have an issue with them.
I think all the fixing up has paid off and I would love to see this in the ranked list! :D
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This has now been ranked - congrats! Also thanks for putting up with all the requests for change (most of them mine :oops: ) - the end result is a great set of maps!

Looking forward to your next ones!
This Beatmap is fun to play :D
Thx ;)

But : the pillows : Without capitals !!!
And, the real original title : Koyo no Hate Made

Thanks again :)
"This beatmap has not been uploaded correctly!"


Beuchi-chan wrote:

"This beatmap has not been uploaded correctly!"

Reported it here for ya.
should be fixed
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