
Nightmare - the WORLD

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on June-27-08 at 3:16:56 PM

Artist: Nightmare
Title: the WORLD
BPM: 60
Filesize: 8779kb
Play Time: 03:42
Difficulties Available:
  1. Normal (2.43 stars, 280 notes)
Download: Nightmare - the WORLD
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My first attempt at a beatmap, I don't think it's too bad but I would like some feedback and perhaps a little assitance on some of the timing.

If all goes well I might just dip into my music folder and make a few more, get a nice wide variety on these boards.
I'll check this out! Gimme a few. =D

EDIT: Actually, no. Gimme an hour. Until you reupload it, I can't do anything. Can you try reuploading it? It didn't seem to register into the site.
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