
Scariest game you have ever played.

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Firo Prochainezo
I made this topic for Lunah. <3

My scariest game was Silent Hill 3 (when I played it the first time with no lights on of course).
Clock Tower for the SNES is still the scariest game ever.
Fatal Frame is probably the scariest game I ever played.

adam2046 wrote:

Clock Tower for the SNES is still the scariest game ever.
Is it still scary if you would play it in this day and age?
I'd say that it would be a tie between Silent Hill 2 and Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly for me. Silent Hill 2 for meandering throughout the worst parts of your psyche, scaring you due to the atmosphere never letting go of any tension (it doesn't even need enemies on screen to terrify oneself). Fatal Frame 2 for combining jump scares, atmospheric horror, and spirit-related horror in bone-chilling ways. Most of both of these series are insanely scary (let's forget about Silent Hill being scary at all after 4), but in both series, the second game seems to be the paramount of their frightening capabilities.

Remco32 wrote:

adam2046 wrote:

Clock Tower for the SNES is still the scariest game ever.
Is it still scary if you would play it in this day and age?
I only ever played it via translation on an emulator.
Meikyuuiri Tsumi
Fatal Frame 2 for sure. Other than that, a tie between Silent Hill(first) and Condemned(first).
I haven't played so many horror games, so I have to answer just Condemned: Criminal Origins. It was creepy.
Wow, I thought I would be the only one to answer Condemned. I was on edge the entire time I played that game.
Vain Vair
To me the "Penumbra" games (Mainly Penumbra Overture) are so scary that at one point I had to pause the game and run out of the room out of sheer horror :o and it takes a lot to make ME do that (I watch a lot of horror films but find most of them not that scary)

I have not tried the new game "Amnesia: The Dark Descent" but I hear it's just as scary.

Other then a few games that gave me jump scares (FEAR, Dead Space, STALKER) that's about it
Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask

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Firo Prochainezo

Zerostarry wrote:

Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask

;~; I hate you.

I have not tried the new game "Amnesia: The Dark Descent" but I hear it's just as scary.
Amnesia is fucking scary. Didn't play it (I have the game though) because I'm too scared.

Mogsworth wrote:

Silent Hill 2 for meandering throughout the worst parts of your psyche, scaring you due to the atmosphere never letting go of any tension (it doesn't even need enemies on screen to terrify oneself)
When I first dove into Silent Hill 2 I was using a pirated PAL ISO on my NTSC PS2, which made it even scarier. It was in black and white (something I thought was actually part of the game and not a formatting bug) and everything was darker than it should be. When I was wandering the halls in that hotel, if I wasn't in a lighted area the screen was PITCH BLACK and enemies were really difficult to see (but still very easy to hear) and so that set the tension even higher

Zerostarry wrote:

Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask

Creepy? Yes. Scary? Not by a longshot.
+1 to fatal frame 2 and Silent Hill 2

Mogsworth pretty much say why this is very scary, but if I might add the game play using camera obscura too exorcise the ghost is another element that make this games/series even scarier. Well maybe the slow movement of the character is kind of annoying but you'll get used to it.
As for Silent Hill 2 I've also got the pirated PAL ISO, it's funny how a black and white picture can really boost the scariness of the game.Btw Fatal Frame 3 also used this
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Firo Prochainezo

awp wrote:

When I first dove into Silent Hill 2 I was using a pirated PAL ISO on my NTSC PS2, which made it even scarier. It was in black and white (something I thought was actually part of the game and not a formatting bug) and everything was darker than it should be. When I was wandering the halls in that hotel, if I wasn't in a lighted area the screen was PITCH BLACK and enemies were really difficult to see (but still very easy to hear) and so that set the tension even higher
I should try that.

Zerostarry wrote:

Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask
Having not played the game, I didn't realize this was a ROM hack at first.

Even still, now I HAVE to play it!
^ lol
Early resident evil series did horror games better than anybody else. It's a shame I pretty much know every window that breaks, car door that slams open, cutscenes, and pretty much every other scary aspect of the game like the back of my hand. I'd assume that even if you'd play RE 1 2 or 3 today you'll still at least jump a few times.

Other than that, a slightly more recent game, is Manhunt for the PS2. Its a pretty unknown game, but I remember it being pretty fucking scary. We're talking guys with baseball bats and clown masks creeping around corners when you have to remain stealthy so you can suffocate them with a bag, slit their throat, etc. It's an awesome game and I recommend it to anybody who can get their hands on it.
Uhm, I played Zelda OoT back when I was 9 or so, and I had my older sister pass the forest/shadow temples for me because I was too scared >:

I had her defeat Dark Link and those ReDeads for me as well. Damn.
Minecraft LSD: Dream Emulator.
I swear middle of the night, no lights, no knowledge of game, final destination.
Also when I escaped out of ePSXe it closed the window but the game apparently kept running and freaked the shit out of me when it started making noises a minute or two after I thought I closed it.
Topic Starter
Firo Prochainezo

Pokebis wrote:

Minecraft LSD: Dream Emulator.
I swear middle of the night, no lights, no knowledge of game, final destination.
Also when I escaped out of ePSXe it closed the window but the game apparently kept running and freaked the shit out of me when it started making noises a minute or two after I thought I closed it.
I found LSD: DE to be creepy, not scary.

Zerostarry wrote:

Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask
Rather than getting freaked out by this, I only laughed at it.

Anyway, I don't play that many scary games, so I'll say the scariest I played is Eternal Darkness.

Firo Prochainezo wrote:

I found LSD: DE to be creepy, not scary.
I guess I haven't really played a scary game then, really. Or I don't know what scary is. I only seem to get scared when I miss my deadline for something being done and then I have to confront a person about it. That shit is scary.
last time i played a game that's supposed to scare me was like 8-9 years ago lol

RE 1/2. now that's some scary games <33

Silent hill is aswell
I honestly never found RE that scary. They had jump moments, but there are differences between jump moments and pure terror. I will admit that RE 1/2 were a bit more frightening than any later game in the series (Code Veronica gets close for me, but 4 absolutely did away with trying to be creepy after the first level).

Manhut had a great way of building up suspense, but the final level utterly ruined it. Just replace the stealth with pure action; that's not horror, that's an action game.

LSD:DE was creepy, and that's it. However, LSD does its job all too well and creates a memorable sort of "what the fuck did I just play?" experience.

Eternal Darkness is fucking terrifying if you know nothing of what's going on. Once you know about how the sanity metre works, though, you'll be wanting to fuck around with it to see what else could have happened.
I have never really played any scary games, beacuse well.. I don't like them.
Since Resident Evil 4 and 5 aren't scary you can't count those.
Also played Eternal Darkness for like 5mins and that was enough.

But I tend to watch if someone else plays. (IRL or in the Internet)
Penumbra series and Amnesia are pretty creepy stuff.

RL Link wrote:

Anyway, I don't play that many scary games, so I'll say the scariest I played is Eternal Darkness.
Topic Starter
Firo Prochainezo

Pokebis wrote:

I guess I haven't really played a scary game then, really. Or I don't know what scary is. I only seem to get scared when I miss my deadline for something being done and then I have to confront a person about it. That shit is scary.
I know that feeling.
Penumbra, that game is absolutely horrifying.

I also remember being scared by Obscure, I played that game co-op with a friend and I still remember how we both jumped out of our seats when the first(I think) boss jumped out at us through the wall. xD
Majora's mask. Hack or not, it's d*nm freaky. Along with Pokemon creepy black, although it was a hack.
@above: try Pokémon Lost Silver too.
F.E.A.R. 2. nuff' said
My first PC game happened to be Doom 1
on my cousin's PC. I was about 6 (Since my second game
was AoE 2 and I was 7 at that time).
I was always scared when I played it but
I somehow enjoyed cocking the gun and putting a hole through
what appeared to be a scary monster.
There are some other games I played when I got older
but I was never as frightened as I was when I was playing Doom.
silent hill 3.. not really scary but i always freak out with those walls turning to black things~
When I was little, that level in Rayman 3 with the invincible things reduced me to tears.
My bro made me play some RE game and some Silent Hill game, both on the Wii. I found those kinda creepy.

For games I've played on my own? Easily MapleStory. It scared me because I was 13 and it was my first time on real-time chat things like that, and I learned just how cruel people could be just because you couldn't beat them up.

James wrote:

silent hill 3.. not really scary but i always freak out with those walls turning to black things~
SH3 had a fair share of frightening moments, at least when first playing the game. Personally, this is one of the more memorable ones:
Not allowed in many of countries.
Manhunt is intense in its buildup, but it ends up awful towards the end. Also, a ban in certain countries does not mean it is frightening.
Dead Space ..

its shocked me
+1 again to Silent Hill 2 and Fatal Frame.

Also I saw Amnesia mentioned before, and that one's on there too. Amnesia is freaked me to the point that I was physically incapable of playing it. Like "couldn't move my hands to exit the game" incapable. And I'm normally quite badass with horror games.
In all cases, my wife has yelled at me for screeching like a frightened child. The first Fatal Frame doubly so as I didn't even touch the controller, just watching other people play it.

I am a wuss at heart :c
F.E.A.R anyone? It's hardly imposing if you play it in the day. I deliberately played in total darkness at 1:00am for the feel. Try it.
F.E.A.R. tried way too hard IMO, which ruined it.
RE3 don't know why but holy shit that big ass dude with a rocket launcher my god!
Been playing Fatal Frame 4 recently. It's pretty crazy when I play by myself, lights off and surround sound. Just did it twice and it gets pretty damn creepy. None of the RE or Silent Hill series has creeped me out that much. The Wii-mote being the flashlight adds to the whole "it's like you're really there" feel as well.
Amnesia the dark descent :o it's the more scariest game for me D:! and other is silent hill V and 2

Zekira wrote:

@above: try Pokémon Lost Silver too.
No shit. That was mildly bad.
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