
Buying and point system for multiplayer powerups

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Current Priority: +0
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I just thought of this *idea* while mapping just now.

How about "buying" these powerups by earning "points" in multiplayer?
Like you get specific/certain "points" whenever you get first, second, third.
Of course this can be applicable when there are 4+ or 6+ players playing.

I thought of this because majority of the players will just use the most versatile(imbalanced) one and ignore the others I think theres at least one(for every level) that will be something like that. While having this buying system at least you get what you deserve.

This is prone to farming points though but its somewhat negated by having many players to participate. And players are greedy to be on top.


blablablabla I ran out of what to say but I still feel I need to add something here.
I think it's better to just make powerups more balanced.

Besides, some powerups will screw people up more than others, and some powerups are shitty on one map but deadly on another.
Darius Ukugagi
I think it'd be a cool idea, as long as it's much more involving than what you get in Ouendan/Elite Beat Agent's multiplayer, that didn't seem rewarding enough. Any ideas what kind of power ups you have in mind exactly?
See the powerups thread.
Topic Starter
Even if all "powerups" are balanced, there is/are at least one per level that will be used mostly. Something like versatile/all-around thing that is really popular.

And... I forgot again what to say.. Just woke up haha..
Do I buy power-ups on a per-game basis or do they store up?

James wrote:

Even if all "powerups" are balanced, there is/are at least one per level that will be used mostly. Something like versatile/all-around thing that is really popular.

And... I forgot again what to say.. Just woke up haha..
I just had an idea for this. You "equip" the powerups that you want (1 of each level/affinity totalling 6, hey TWEWY) prior to going into a match as planned,


In order to prevent people from constantly using the same powerups all the time, I propose a wildcard system. However it is you gain your powerups (maybe like "Star phrases" in Guitar Hero?) the powerups you gain can be randomly pre-determined. Each power-up will have a set probability of appearing in battle. In addition to this, there is a "wildcard" powerup you can get which gives you your pre-equipped powerup, so that what you bring to battle simply has a much higher probability of being the powerup you get, rather than being the ONLY powerup you get.
I say the powerups should be earned by completing combo phrase which contain more than x (predetermined # of) hit circles/sliders combined without missing any beats/ticks (a la Guitar Hero).

If this has already been said, then my apologies.

EDIT: Whoops my bad, awp.

Yea, awps idea. I agree with it.
Topic Starter
Do I buy power-ups on a per-game basis or do they store up?
Its not per game basis but its like after you bought "x" power up it can be used 30 times (example) then after that you will need to buy another one.

And I think its best to have specific points given to first, second, and third and the remaining ones (fourth to xth) will have one point for consolation prize?
Hmm lets see
1. You buy a, at example, Ki Restore powerup. It costs 30 points and it has 50 uses
2. You equip it
3. You play some match in multiplayer
And, I thought about that system:
During a song you have 4 default colors, yeah? So the first color changes into Osu Power Phase (OPP for short) or something like that. You complete it and poof- if the combo is >10 notes you got 1 item level, if its 5-10 you got 0.5 and if its <5 notes you got 0.25.
4. You complete a OPP and you can use a powerup.
5. Two options:
a) You press at example 1 and use the pin oops i mean item
b) You press the pin i mean item
6. If there is a finisher, it`ll change to Random Powerup pin i mean item, when you click it it chooses one of your opponents (your item should be in the wheel too XD) items and adds it to your inventory
7. You win, for 1st place you got 10 points, for 2nd 7 points 3rd 5 points and the rest gets 1 point.

I think i wrote it that way so you know what I mean D=
I kind of dislike the idea of limited uses.
My proposition:

A pool of all power ups that cost nothing, but you are limitted to, let's say, 5 slots for power ups per play. Some of the more powerful power ups could take 2 slots, some weak ones could take 1/2 a slot. Which power ups are available from the pool should be up to the room's creator to decide, and can disable/enable as they please.

Perhaps there can be a way to figure your level in to what power ups are unlocked/available somehow, but you get the general idea.

Saturos wrote:

My proposition:

A pool of all power ups that cost nothing, but you are limitted to, let's say, 5 slots for power ups per play. Some of the more powerful power ups could take 2 slots, some weak ones could take 1/2 a slot. Which power ups are available from the pool should be up to the room's creator to decide, and can disable/enable as they please.

Perhaps there can be a way to figure your level in to what power ups are unlocked/available somehow, but you get the general idea.
I like this. 3-5 slots and each power up takes 1-3 slots depending on strength.

Selection pool is set by the room creator. He could then either disallow some power ups as he pleases, or he could just use one of a few pre-set power up settings, which have certain mods allowed/unallowed, so he doesn't need to use too much time selecting the mods. Some pre-set selections could be "Only 2+ slot power ups", "Only 1 slot power ups", "Only offensive power ups", or what ever themed pre-set selections we can think of when the power ups are implemented.

Of course the unlock system can be used with this, so even if the room settings do allow certain mods you still need to have them unlocked to use them.
Personally, I'm liking Saturos' idea the most....and to encourage people to play more often, perhaps instead of a buying system, maybe have extra powerups unlocked once you reached x amount of points? Maybe even introduce some sort of milestone achievement system? Like "Played a beatmap over 25 times, Unlocked X Powerup!"
I like Psynergy better (GS reference).

Basically, you could come to the shop and increase your maximum MP points. You could go to the shop and buy abilities that use MP. The abilities don't run out; they just use up your MP. Then you have to go to the shop to refill your MP.

Meh. :P

Boxed_Slug wrote:

Maybe even introduce some sort of milestone achievement system? Like "Played a beatmap over 25 times, Unlocked X Powerup!"
Achievement system would be good. Reach level 50 to unlock, play this beatmap to unlock, earn over 5 million points in a ranked beatmap, SS a 2star+ song, those sorts of things. I quite like that.

awp wrote:

Boxed_Slug wrote:

Maybe even introduce some sort of milestone achievement system? Like "Played a beatmap over 25 times, Unlocked X Powerup!"
Achievement system would be good. Reach level 50 to unlock, play this beatmap to unlock, earn over 5 million points in a ranked beatmap, SS a 2star+ song, those sorts of things. I quite like that.
I think this was already in plans, atleast it was discussed on irc some day.
Yeah. I'm regurgitating it for proximity's sake.

I believe the idea was originally peppy's.
Topic Starter
maybe have extra powerups unlocked once you reached x amount of points?
if it goes like this, people would just download maps, beat one time and switch to other (like some people at the top 20 do. BUT if you reach certain points to unlock x powerup on one single map, see below.

Like "Played a beatmap over 25 times, Unlocked X Powerup!"
it sounds like grinding in Osu!
which i dont like.
Grinding is baaaaaaad `till its TWEWY. Also I dont like this milestone system. Why? Because better users would have better powerups, and...
Topic Starter
So the really good Osu players are getting a lot of points, and they buy powerups to pwn lesser good players even more?
Nah, don't like it

Remco32 wrote:

So the really good Osu players are getting a lot of points, and they buy powerups to pwn lesser good players even more?
Nah, don't like it
play with people your skill level then...
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