
Hatsune Miku - Nekomimi Switch

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 at 10:23:21 AM

Artist: Hatsune Miku
Title: Nekomimi Switch
Source: daniwellP
Tags: Vocaloid
BPM: 160
Filesize: 16266kb
Play Time: 02:38
Difficulties Available:
  1. Challenging (5 stars, 448 notes)
  2. Piece of Cake (3.88 stars, 127 notes)
  3. Relaxing (4.66 stars, 274 notes)
Download: Hatsune Miku - Nekomimi Switch
Download: Hatsune Miku - Nekomimi Switch (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
my 10th beatmap *O*

star ranking fails me T_T
OSU! Timing Help!
  • 1. BPM 160 , Offset 110
Topic Starter
soradg123 is always my hero :)
Awesome >w<

00:59:360 (11) - new combo?
01:18:297 (2) - move 1 grid to the left(level3)~nazi~
01:35:360 (11) - new combo?

Nice map
This is... a bit hard for normal? Although I almost SS'd on my first try, I suggest a name like "relaxing" or something else.

These hitsound moddings are a bit nazi, you don't need to change if you don't agree.
00:35:360 (8) - Whistle on this slider?
01:31:422 (3) - Remove the whistle on this slider
01:34:985 (9) - Clap
02:29:547 (11) - Whistle on returning arrow

Star'd, call me for recheck and pubble.

01:03:860 (4) - new combo? it's pretty hard to see this coming ><
01:05:547 (12) - just move this closer to (11). this jump is not fun, it only adds difficulty... or you can change the spacing, horizontal jumps are hard to play.

relaxing is too hard to be the easiest diff IMO
it's like a [hard]

remove .osb and full submit < i really hate this, what's the point :(

great map, nice hitsounds, here a star :P
AdRon Zh3Ro
>>1:14:360 Instead of 5 cirlces in the slider, only 3(sounds better).

>>0:35:360 end at 0:35:547 (again, sounds better).
>>Is advisable to keep circles in-screen.

Very nice ;)
Topic Starter
thanks :)
uploadeddd an easier difficulty!
Neo Adonis
Technically, your map is good and correct. These are only tips. No need to follow then if you don't want to.

Why don't you use a 135,110 PreviewTime?

Piece of cake:
01:15:485 (1) - Align the slider vertically (move the finish one grid left)
01:20:735 (6) - Align the slider horizontally

00:30:860 (2) - See image below:

00:55:422 (4) - Do this slider symmetrical
01:38:735 (3) - Align the slider horizontally (move the finish one grid up)

00:38:360 (5) - Align the slider horizontally
01:03:860 (1,2,3,4) - Doing that jumps makes the map confuse. At least make a new combo at 01:04:610 (5)
01:09:860 (6) - Do new combo due of the jumps
01:19:422 (7) - ^
01:28:985 (8) - Align it vertically with 01:28:610 (6)
01:32:360 (8) - Align horizontally
02:00:860 (3,5) - Align vertically and horizontally making a right angle.
02:22:985 (6) - New combo due of the jumps.
I now have three copies of this song on osu ._.;;
Star rating is high cuz you have a lot of notes~
Source: "daniwellP" (the composer) if you would~?

Piece of Cake- Fair enough
01:25:422 (2) - just stack this >: (turn off grid snap)
01:28:610 (3) - whoa random soft whistle much.. xD
01:33:860 (2) - this one sounded better than ^ for some reason (the ones in last combo sound fine)

00:28:235 (3,4,5) - left a tick (makes 1,2,3,4's spacing consistent)
01:22:235 (3,4,5,6,7) - ^
01:53:360 (5) - slider whistle here sounds odd, and shouldn't 01:53:735 be a clap instead?
01:57:485 (2) - clap?
02:03:860 - wouldn't clap fit here? though it might make this part sound a bit fast...
02:09:860 - clap?
02:19:235 (3) - clap instead? though I can't hear the whistle xD
02:30:860 (3,4) - right a tick? (for 1,2,3 and 4,5's spacing)
02:32:735 (7,8) - down a tick? (for straighter line)

Challenging- wheee~! fun~
00:35:360 (7) - does this have to be a 1/4 slider..?
01:23:922 (12) - up a tick please (straighten this line)
01:25:235 - use the normal soft clap instead of whatever custom clap here? (shift the timing panel back, basically)
I think this needs a lot more new combos, for the sake of jumps, patterns, and.... readability... though I don't wanna be the one to make the list =]
Topic Starter
thanks :) fixed~
Nothing wrong from what I can see :o

Star ~ ☆

1) You have to map to the end for all diff OR cut the mp3

[Piece of Cake]
00:22:235 (3) - Make symetric?
00:23:172 (5) - ^
00:33:485 (2) - Make parallel?
00:37:422 (3) - Make symetric?
00:57:485 (1) - ^
01:00:485 (2) - ^
01:12:110 (1) - ^
01:19:235 (3) - ^
01:22:422 (3) - ^
01:30:485 (1) - ^
01:34:422 (4) - ^

00:30:110 (1) - Make symetric?
00:32:360 (5) - Move 2 grid right?
00:56:360 (7) - Make symetric?
01:05:172 (5,6) - Move 1 grid down?
01:06:672 (x) - Add note?

01:19:422 (6) - Move to the right place, make sure this object is not overlapped by previous slider
01:25:422 (3) - ^
01:34:422 (5) - Make parallel, don't this object overlapped by hitcircle
01:36:110 (1) - Move to the right place, make sure this object is not overlapped by previous slider

02:04:422 (4) - Make symetric?
02:06:860 (5) - Move 1 grid up?
02:07:422 (6) - Make symetric?

00:19:423 (6) - Move to the right place, make sure this object is not overlapped by previous slider
00:38:360 (5) - Make parallel?
00:56:360 (10) - Make symetric?

01:08:360 (4) - Move to the right place, make sure this object is not overlapped by previous slider
01:31:422 (3) - Make parallel?
01:36:860 (3) - Move to the right place, make sure this object is not overlapped by previous slider
01:37:797 (1) - Offscreen
02:14:360 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Move 1 grid up?
02:22:422 (6) - Make parallel, don't this object overlapped by hitcircle

Good Map
Arusha Shuna
Request Accepted

Piece of Cake
00:19:985 (6) - align w/00:19:422 (5) ?
00:19:422 (5) - follow dist. snap and align w/ 00:31:985 (4)
00:32:547 (6) - follow dist. snap and align w/ 00:32:735 (7)
00:32:735 (7) - follow dist. snap
01:06:672 (3) - add a note?
01:18:485 (4) - spacing issue, consider moving it
01:23:172 (x) - add a note
01:52:985 (x) - ^?
01:56:172 (x) - ^
01:59:360 (7) - move 1 tiny grid right
02:00:297 (2) - remove
02:12:860 (3) - shorten the slider by 1/2 beat
...i can't really mod this because there's so many random spacing and even if i send some suggestions, it may not suit your tastes

Yeah nekomimi! :) STAR!
Topic Starter
gosh so many nazis xD fixed some of them
I would cut mp3..

Piece of Cake:
01:28:610 (3) - this note sounds odd

00:23:922 (7) - add note?
01:06:672 (3) - add note?
01:02:172 (6) - ^
01:23:172 (6) - ^
01:53:172 (4,5) - align?
02:06:485 (4,5) - ^
02:07:422 (6,7) - spacing
02:10:422 (5,6,7) - I still prefer it aligned....meh (stops mentioning aligning cuz its up to you)
02:32:547 (7) - add note?

not sure I really understand combo changing in this diff....
00:16:048 (1) - remove new combo?
00:27:110 (9,1) - switch new combo
00:31:797 (1) - new combo not needed
00:32:360 (4) - new combo?
00:37:798 (1) - remove new combo
00:58:797 (1) - remove new combo
00:59:360 (11) - new combo?
01:01:797 (1) - remove new combo
01:07:422 (1) - ^
01:34:797 (1) - ^
01:35:360 (13) - new combo
02:04:235 (1) - remove new combo
02:11:360 (8,9) - spacing
02:19:985 (1) - remove new combo
02:22:985 (1) - ^
02:25:985 (1) - ^
02:29:172 (1) - ^
02:29:547 (11) - new combo?
02:35:360 (8) - ^
02:38:172 (1) - remove new combo?

you only need the new combo's for jumps and alot of those werent...but take them as suggestions anyway
sorry if all those combo suggestions make no sense...but I think it works better :P
Decrease Overall diff by 1 tick
00:19:610 (3) - whistle

Increase HP drain diff by 1 tick and Decrease Overall diff by 1 tick
Pretty hard to say it Relaxing. But map is Fine!

01:22:985 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - consistent spacing is better IMO.
02:17:735 (9) - reverse ? (ctrl+R)

I would say Offset 90

00:15:485 (2,3) - symetry
00:16:985 (4,5,6) - consider centering (6) better
01:09:860 (1,2,3,4) - symetry
01:15:485 (3,4) - ^
02:25:985 (1,2) - align?
02:35:172 (7,8) - ^

Offset: 100

The mp3 you are using is a lot longer than the part which is mapped. Consider cropping it to reduce filesize

That's all~ Nice map :)
Topic Starter
ahhh :( people telling me different offsets. not sure which one sounds better x_o

thanks for the mods <3
I would say Offset 90
others are all fine
great map
star :)
  1. There are no video (*゚д゚*) Download with video and without the video are the same
    If you have video, please re-full submit. Or, you should delete the red part code in your osu.file
    //Background and Video events
    Video,0,"nekomimi switch.flv"
    //Break Periods
    //Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
    //Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)[/code]
  2. Preview Time : [Challenging] is 135110 while other two diff. are 135109, please unify them
[Piece of Cake]
  1. I don't think whistle sound fit this song :/
  2. 01:15:110 timing section - There is sound volume change, so you'd better put another timing section at 01:15:016 with same sound volume set but without KIAI set, it's in case of early hit in playing reslut in different hit volume
  3. And also, easier diff. doesn't mean shorter play time : Why not map it to end?
  1. 00:53:360 (6,7,1) - put them like this seem more beautiful o.o
  2. 01:38:735 (3) - why it's 1 grid down, you put it on purpose?
  3. 01:53:360 (5) - ^, well, if you like, it's fine for me
  • There are few place I thinks new combo better, 'cause jump :
  1. 00:32:360 (4,5,6,7)
  2. 00:59:735 (7,8)
  3. 01:35:360 (5,6,7,8)
  4. 02:29:453 (3,4,5,6) - here just (4,5,6) jump feel a little werid, as front put (3,4,5,6) jump better
  5. 02:35:360 (8,9,10,11)
nice map
Wawawawa ~

sorry late mod ;_; but it's here ~~~~

alright ~

00:27:110 [9] new combo then get rid of the next beats new combo ~
01:02:173 [4] is this clap supposed to be here? but then again.. *looks at signature ;_;*

Um: the song.... are you going to CHOP (lol) the mp3 that you didn't use? just wondering >< i wasn't alot to keep my 30 seconds of mp3 left so yeah ^^

nice map ~~


Topic Starter
thanks for mods! ill update later~~~~

okay hopefully the video is working now @-@
Hi , here's my mod =]
(All hitsound mods are just suggestion , I am not sure about them)

Resnap all the notes
00:17:715 (5) - add clap at the second
00:20:715 (5) - ^
00:21:465 (1,2) - move 1 grid right
00:29:715 (5) - add clap
00:34:777 (4) - add clap at the second
00:54:840 (3) - whistle
00:56:715 (6) - add clap at the second
00:57:840 (1) - whistle at start
01:00:840 (2) - whistle at the end
01:02:715 (6) - add clap
01:03:840 (1) - add whistle at the end
01:05:340 (4) - whistle at start only
01:07:590 (4) - start (normal) (clap) (whistle) (whistle) End
01:09:840 (2) - add whistle at the end
01:11:340 (5) - add 1 repeat , remove whistle and add clap at the end
01:20:902 (6) - remove whistle at the second

00:29:715 (8) - add clap
00:32:715 (7) - add clap at start
00:55:965 (5,6,7) - 1 grid left
00:59:152 (1) - remove new combo
02:00:840 - add whistle at the end
02:01:402 - ^
02:04:590 - add whistle at the middle
02:05:340 (5,6) add clap
02:07:965 (7) add clap at start and the end
02:35:715 (7) add clap at start

Fine,just suggestion:
02:35:621 (1,2,3,4) :

Good map and song~~ star!

Resnap all notes on [Piece of Cake] and resnap all green lines on all diffs (or at least the ones for Kiai sections).

00:18:090 (1) - 1 right (lvl3) (stupid nazi fix >.<)

cute song, nice map, fumoffu star :3
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
thanks so much guys. i updated. though i didnt really agree with hitsound mods much. i am hitsound stubborn T-T sorry!

i have been meaning to cut the mp3 but its a bit difficult for me so i am holding off on doing that for now. but i shall cut the mp3 eventually!
fumoffu pubble :3

-Maybe another color of the circles, not the same of the background or video.

[Piece of cake]

-Acc 99%
-U use a different kiai time.


-No problems :3 (Acc 99%)


-Acc 94%
-01:22:965 to 01:23:902 hard of follow, the first time i get it, but still...

I like u work and the song =) Good luck and my star
- in General
  1. Remove .osb file, it's unused (Full Submit after)
- Piece of Cake
  1. Your Timing Sections are all un-snapped, re-snap them.
- Relaxing
  1. Put HP Drain Rate 1 or 2 tick(s) to the right.
  2. Your Timing Sections are all un-snapped, re-snap them.
  3. Try to let your Blanket Sliders have perfect shapes next time (so that they fit in eachother perfectly).
01:57:465 (2,3) - Spacing issue. Fix this.

- Challenging
  1. Your Timing Sections are all un-snapped, re-snap them.
00:59:340 (1,2,3,4) - Confusing, I'd prefer if you change this.
01:22:965 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
02:11:340 (3,4) - This jump feels out of place, change please.

Nice map,
Starred *
Nothing found. Good Job.
You should move it to pending though

star! =)
อ่า.. เพลงน่ารักมากเลย > <
ว่าแต่.. มันยังไม่เสร็จเหรอคะ ทำไมยังอยู่ใน WIP อยู่เลย

~[Piece of Cake]~
00:29:266 - this timing selection seem useless
01:17:266 - ^ ? (หนูไม่มั่นใจนะถามไว้ก่อน เพราะมันขยับจี๊ดเดียวเอง >_<')
01:32:266 - ^ ?

01:57:840 (3) - spacing?
02:26:808 - this timing selection seem useless

00:26:078 - this timing selection seem useless
02:22:891 - ^ ?
funny diff x3

starrrrrr >w<
[Piece of Cake]
IMO there's a lot of whistle here.
01:02:340 (5,6) - Unstack? Most of the other times on this diff you use stacks for 1/2 beats.

stupid nitpick:
The preview point is at a place which isn't mapped in most of the diffs, which seems a little weird to me because you're previewing at a place which people won't play, so maybe move it to 65090? It's not a big deal, though, because the melody repeats.

Topic Starter
what a nice surprise! thank you yaya!!! :)
Yes, you make such flawless maps. =3= <3

Everything looks perfect except for a couple things...

01:33:840 (6) - Felt a tiny tiny bit hidden to me. The hit burst from 01:32:340 (8) kinda covered it up and I didn't see that (6) was a slider until the last second.
02:17:350 (1,2) - Ends of these aren't stacking right :(

Also, the offset is definitely 10ms early. Please use 100. <3
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
ahhh ;_; i keep changing it back and forth from 100 to 90 :(
more opinions maybe? i think 90 sounds okay D:
90 is perfect.

osu_CN_yaya wrote:

90 is perfect.
That ^ and nice map :D
Topic Starter
thanks guys ^^
I love the song since I saw it at nico. :lol:

The map is amazingly made. :)

Topic Starter
thank you soulfear and thepianist :)



02:10:402 (5) - Move this 2 lvl 3 grids to the right (adjust it with the end of the slider)
02:10:590 (6) - Move this 1 lvl 3 grid down
The just move the other notes to fix the spacing :)

nice map, have a star! *

Cool map ^^
Topic Starter
<3 thanks keksi and sesito.

bleh. i think those changes arent worth popping bubble, but if it does get popped i will change ^^
Piece of Cake

00:30:840 (2) - move it a square right
01:28:402 (3) - move it a square up
01:28:965 (4) - ^

Amazing :3

Another star ;3
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