
Scheduled downtime [2010-02-05 UTC18:00-23:30]

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The main osu! server (Bancho, web, downloads, score submission) briefly in around 14 hours for a memory upgrade. I am adding another 4gb of RAM as a buffer zone as we continue to grow in numbers. A big thank you to everyone who subscribes, as this is only made possible because of you guys.

For those wanting more technical details: the extra memory will allow me to remove two swap files (primary on SSD, secondary on HDD), move the non-binary and static binary components of the osu! website in place of the swap file, and increase memcache allowance.

In other news, I have managed to offset a bandwidth crisis with the help of Rena, strager and awp providing servers to be used as beatmap mirrors. Thanks to you guys.
More memory for online osu! :)
Chaos Anime X
hurray for upgrades and peppy!

Enough RAM so there's no need for swap files! W00T!
All hail the mirror service providers!

Awesome! Sorry I can't offer you a server :(

But I'll keep supporting you by staying subscriber and looking for bugs :D
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Slightly unrelated to the downtime, but since it's been added at the same time:
The user search on top == A++ addition. Very useful and quite simple to integrate.
Might not go well but I'd actually like to see a third one (beatmap or forum search).

Also, somewhere in that list I showed you yesterday, there was the IRC command "!profile <username>" which would be very handy too when doing it from ingame :)

Ph0X wrote:

Might not go well but I'd actually like to see a third one (beatmap search).
yes plz

I'm always trying to search beatmaps, but regular google search doesn't work well and it's so many extra steps to go to the beatmap tab, down to ranked/pending, and then search, etc.

XP [/offtopic]

Photon wrote:

14 hours downtime ? Did i read correctly? :o
It's supposed to have ended already; the downtime is 20 minutes long. 14 hours refers to the time between when the post was made and when the downtime started.
I can't log in to Bancho either,but as you can see the forums works fine
Edit:Oh.. score works fine... It's mostly the chat and multiplayer

Ph0X wrote:

Also, somewhere in that list I showed you yesterday, there was the IRC command "!profile <username>" which would be very handy too when doing it from ingame :)
!stats <username>

Thanks to the complements (I am a mirror provider). <3 Anything to help my dear osu!.
Neo Adonis

Xgor wrote:

I can't log in to Bancho either,but as you can see the forums works fine
Edit:Oh.. score works fine... It's mostly the chat and multiplayer
I have the same problem. Dunno if the downtime is causing it. I unlogged, and now I can't log with my account.

Sorry to bother. I just wanna know if this is the cause.

EDIT: irc doesn't work, neither, but map submission works.
I also can't seem to connect to Bancho. This has lasted much longer than 20 minutes, and I was wondering it it was just me and what I should do.
Just wait.
ok thanks good to know that ....^^; :P :o
Right on! ^^ Go Subscribers :)

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

Right on! ^^ Go Subscribers :)
you're making me feel sad i lost my sub today

strager wrote:

Ph0X wrote:

Also, somewhere in that list I showed you yesterday, there was the IRC command "!profile <username>" which would be very handy too when doing it from ingame :)
!stats <username>
No strager.
Mine would opens the profile page in your browser.
Although technically I guess you could stats then click on their name and it would go to the profile.
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