Find right one for you. If you're just a student who primarily needs one for browsing web, some ms office thingy, and entertainment, then a normal laptop will do. Either newer laptop model of intel core i3 or amd ryzen 3.
If however you're programming, 3d rendering, doing stuff with data, graphic design, drafting, or along those lines, You're likelt to be better off with PC instead of laptop
If you like to walk or travel and you're drawing, consider tablet instead of laptop
Especially refrain from gaming laptop unless you genuinely can find use for it. You pay more for worse performance. Portability is second nature anyway when you have 100W bulky charger and 3kg device to begin with
My experience playing osu with laptop is great! Osu is really lightweight game to begin with so it'll run even withouth dedicated graphic card. If you don't mind the heat for a bit then it's fine.