
[Archived] Friend is having bad lag spikes, tried everything, please help

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Problem details:
I will be able to provide a lot of information if needed. I'll just start it from the top.

My friend has been experiencing lag spikes in Osu!Stable (1-2 per 30s-60s in-game), and Lazer (pretty sure, but he also wants to play on stable, which you really can't blame him for staying on for scores and etc.)

Before I get any further, he has a 1050ti, as well as a ryzen 5 2400 w/ red vega graphics. Osu! is running using his 1050ti. Any other hardware information can be supplied if needed. He is running windows 10 as far as I am aware.

Attempted fixes:

So far, he has tried all of the performance issue guide found here besides checking the programs running and seeing if they spike (doubtful this is it): wiki/en/Performance_troubleshooting

He has reinstalled windows, reinstalled osu!, and pretty much everything else. Me and a tech-savvy friend are very stumped about this. He does not lag on any other game. He lags with discord open, or closed, and no other programs open, he has nvidia overlays, and any other overlays disabled or uninstalled including the discord option in-game, which all of these are pretty common now for culprits of lagging. The frame limiter being set to unlimited makes it way worse, with multiple spikes in 5 seconds rather than over a minute or so. He plays on Optimal.

Possible lead to finding out what possibly could be making him Frame Drop:

I can provide more information than this, however it would be redundant. I would however, like to point something out. Below, I will provide some screenshots of his Frame Graph (ctrl+f11) during when he told me he spiked during a beatmap. Beatmap specifics do not matter, he lags on all of them. I think we can narrow this issue down from the Frame Graph, which I unfortunately can not find a guide to explain what the colored spikes mean in English, I know the names of them, but that is no help. Excuse the lack of quality, as these were taken through discord. It would probably not be possible to have him show this any other way besides that. Again, he lags regardless if Discord is open or not.

Frame Graphs:





osu! version: As of 11/25/2022, 9:24PM EST, the latest version of osu!stable.

I would appreciate any replies. I really want to help my friend be able to run this game. He has had these issues for over a year.
Same problem with similar hardware & Discord open. One of my friends had to play osu! with Discord off completely.
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updraft wrote:

Same problem with similar hardware & Discord open. One of my friends had to play osu! with Discord off completely.
According to my friend, Discord being off did seem to help a minute amount, but overall, the issues were still there. I'm going to wait a few days and see if anyone replies to this with any info on the graph or anything else that could help. If nothing comes through, I'm probably going to try to contact peppy, which I feel really bad about doing, as he's so busy and it's not the best thing to do, but I genuinely don't have any clue on what to do. Thanks for the reply. This is nice to keep in mind.
Are you positive your friend does not have anything else running while playing? Even just a browser tab that's displaying something on a different monitor or similar. Are the spikes happening at a consistent interval or is it random?
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Yeah, pretty positive. I don't think it's like a specific time that it happens, but I tried timing it before and it was about 25s to about a minute or so in difference, but that was a small sample, about maybe 5-10.

From what I've heard, having discord closed and everything does seem to make the frame drops happen less but they are still happening which is the bigger issue. He described his inputs as *not working* when he frame drops as well.
Is your friend using the default skin? Have they updated Windows or any drivers (specifically their graphics card driver) since they've started having issues?
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No, he doesn't use the default skin. The skin he uses seems to not matter at all, as I've seen him use quite a few skins and none of them seemed like it was making it better or worse for that matter. I remember he had a skin that was causing some lag issues before because of some animations, which he then removed, but I don't think that ended up being a lasting fix, as other skins as well as that one seemed to do nothing and his game continued to have frame drops.

As for updating windows, I'm not sure if or when they update it, but since this has been happening for a year, with reinstalling windows being done at least once, I figure this probably doesn't have anything to do with it. I can ask him for more info about that if you think it'd be helpful.

All of his drivers I believe are up-to-date. I'm fairly certain that I had him update his GPU's driver within the last month or two, and nothing really changed. Me and my friend guided him through updating his BIOS yesterday too, since it couldn't even identify what version it was using. Still didn't really fix anything. I'm 100% certain that it didn't make it worse, but he claims that it seems to just be happening even more somehow. I don't think that's the case however, it really does seem random, especially because he'll play the same map multiple times and it'll lag at a different part each time.
I would have them use the default skin for a bit and just double check to see if they need to install any Windows or driver updates, just in case.

It really does sound like there might still be something running though, given then randomness you're describing.
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Unfortunately he was still frame dropping with the default skin. He played about 3-5 maps at least with varying mod combinations as well. Tomorrow he will update his windows and I'll post if that changes anything. I would wait until tomorrow to post this update, but I felt like I should at least update you on that.

Also for some reason his discord hardware acceleration turned back on, but after turning it off again, there hasn't been a change in performance.

I'd like to thank you for keeping up to date and continuing to help us trying to narrow down his issue. I am posting on his behalf because he's from Italy and doesn't really know too much about PC stuff, (hes good at speaking english but it would be hard to probably describe what is wrong if hes doing it himself), so I'm trying my best to help him out with that.
Have them keep Discord closed while doing any testing as well. The fewer variables the better.
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Going to update this thread in a few days and will let you know if the issue is resolved. I will also provide what worked if it goes well.
ayo im literally having the same problem. any updates?

found a solution atleast for me. rollback nvidia driver to 512 seems to work with 0 frame jumps like your friend is having.
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MintCoffee wrote:

ayo im literally having the same problem. any updates?

found a solution atleast for me. rollback nvidia driver to 512 seems to work with 0 frame jumps like your friend is having.

Glad you found something that worked for you. Currently, we're testing one more thing, and I should be able to post on here shortly with what's happened since the last time I replied.
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Unfortunately, it seems like he is still having lag spikes, after being relatively better for a few days or so, they're happening again. A kind user who had posted previously in this forum, provided a fix that eliminated probably around 90% of the issues. My friend was still lag spiking at the start sometimes, but he could play through maps without worrying. However, it seems like that did not last too long, as it's back to freezing through the map. I'll go over with him to make sure all of the things we changed are still set to what we want them to be, however, I figure that it is important to post an update. As of now, this is on the latest versions of osu!

I will provide this solution for you guys to also try, if anyone else is having similar unsolvable issues. I can attest for a fact that his game is definitely a lot smoother and was running with less frame times, and yes, I know this doesn't mean much, but it definitely did something because I never saw his game run that low before [from 2.5-3 to 1.6-2.1 on average] (i think thats what the ms at the bottom right means at least)

Credit: users/11688228 <-- really nice and cool person :)

Disclaimer - I am not responsible if this causes any problems for you or your systems.

Note: Make sure to restart your computer after both of these, and as suggested to me, try to try the first solution before the next, so restart after doing so. It is reported that the person who found this had no results until the next day after he had turned his PC back on. Also, make sure that your game is running the same settings shown later here.

1. Disable all non-microsoft services in msconfig, shown here below. Make sure to click "Hide all Microsoft Services", so it's easier to disable them.

2. Right-click your osu! shortcut, or exe, and go to properties. From there, go to "Compatibility" (should be the last tab on the bottom row at the top) and find where it says "Disable fullscreen optimizations". Check box it, and then restart your computer.

After this, make sure your discord has hardware acceleration disabled (under advanced), and that osu! is using Cutting Edge, without compatibility mode on and without reduce dropped frames on as well. This did not cause any problems for my friend, and his pc has been doing fine, so hopefully it wouldn't hurt anyone else.

For now, we'll see if anything else comes up for a solution, or if something changed since we tried the solution provided above. If anyone has anything to add, please reply to this thread if you found ANYTHING that has helped you with similar problems. Even if it doesn't help us, it might help someone else.
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