
[invalid] [Web] Remove Shadowbans

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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When a map receives a DMCA, the DMCA content gets removed and the rest stays, as it should.
However, the map also gets shadowbanned, making it almost impossble to find.
I think that this should not happen as the problematic content has already removed and the content that stays is completely fine. Just because a map reveices a DMCA for the mp3, background, storyboard...
doesn't mean that the rest of the community should be unable/ have it as difficult as possible to find the map, since everybody should have the right to choose what to play themselves (which is also one of the things that makes osu so great).
the stance on this has regularly been a hard "no". most recently you can read peppy's comment here
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