
How do I vibro using wrist up?

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I have always been a wrist up player and 4 months ago I was interested in learning vibro, after a month I was already able to vibro with my right hand but not with my left, that took 2 months, and to this day its still a lot worse than my right even if I can do it, both never being able to get over 180 bpm. I always wondered if it would ever be possible for me to get to a decent skill level at vibro while playing wrist up which I heard is not as good as wrist down for this type of skill, so here's my question: Are there any good wrist up vibro players? Is it worth the time and trouble if i'll never really be good at it?
wrist up is better for vibro and jacking, it makes it harder to control and do oh trills
always been wrist up, never could vibro only chordjack
As far as I'm aware, everyone vibros with wrist up style, since it's ridiculously harder to do it wrist down. Wrist up just gives you much more control over vibration and speed with the downside of losing most dexterity.
ehh hello? :)
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