
Why do so many low rank ppl play high star maps in Multiplayer?

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Whenever I join multiplayer lobbys around 3.9 - 4.9* I always see a bunch of people ranked 900k and lower.
I can see them doing badly and barely being able to play, yet they stay and keep playing map after map. Why do so many people keep playing maps that are too hard for them? Am I missing something?
I mean, do what you what makes you happy but I just can't imagine that to be fun
Duck o-o
no idea, it is kinda fun to play with them tho
and some of them might be cracked as hell for no reason, like i remember this one guy as 700k passing one of my troll maps
It's just fun playing with other people
being a pass player is fun
I see the same on leaderboards. I play CTB so my country ranking leaderboards will often take a while to fully fill out with a competent top 50 (especially on higher maps) and I see a few names that play almost every 7*+ map and every time they have a NF D rank on the map. They usually have around 20-30% accuracy so I know without NF there is absolutely no way they would ever pass this map.

I can understand players that enjoy playing for passes or if these players were trying to get Quick Draw medal but in this instance it's neither of those things.

Now another theory is that these players simply want to "enjoy the music" however if that was the case I'd only see them on high star maps when it's a single difficulty set. They could easily play the lower difficulty maps and still enjoy the music when a spread is involved.

My only remaining conclusion is that some people have a misguided conclusion that the only way to improve is to throw yourself into the deep end and play strictly the hardest maps. Probably with the mindset that if they bash their heads over and over eventually they'll be able to play super hard maps.

In my experience this does not work and while it is important to push yourself there is a limit to what will actually give you benefit. Also if you "mash" through patterns just to not fail this will just build bad habits for the future. It's important to learn your fundamentals (regardless of gamemode) before you try to push higher. It would be like telling a kid to just immediately learn calculus before knowing basic arithmetic. There is a reason schools don't just skip all the simpler concepts and you shouldn't skip in osu either.
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Edgar_Figaro wrote:

My only remaining conclusion is that some people have a misguided conclusion that the only way to improve is to throw yourself into the deep end and play strictly the hardest maps. Probably with the mindset that if they bash their heads over and over eventually they'll be able to play super hard maps.

In my experience this does not work and while it is important to push yourself there is a limit to what will actually give you benefit. Also if you "mash" through patterns just to not fail this will just build bad habits for the future.

Yeah that was my theory aswell and I was thinking the same thing. If you just throw yourself in like that you're just gonna end up building bad habits that are hard to get rid of.
I can see the fun in being a pass player but I personally would get frustrated because I actually wanna improve. I guess those people are a mix of the two. Either pass player or hoping to get better by playing difficult maps over and over. Or both
I love when people randomly pick some stupid 8 stars that were made to challenge top players and kill the whole lobby :D

birdseedpro wrote:

I love when people randomly pick some stupid 8 stars that were made to challenge top players and kill the whole lobby :D
That's me lmao

birdseedpro wrote:

I love when people randomly pick some stupid 8 stars that were made to challenge top players and kill the whole lobby :D
that's why you play auto host rotate lobbies with a star limit, although the problem isn't entirely solved bc some people pick lobby-clearer maps like beatmapsets/1063163#osu/2231816
It's fun to play high star maps. They probably just want to goof around, or pretend that they're better than they actually are by joining high-star lobbies. There are also people that like to play everything with like 3 mod and NF, take noodleshredder for example.

yoony1 wrote:

It's fun to play high star maps. They probably just want to goof around, or pretend that they're better than they actually are by joining high-star lobbies. There are also people that like to play everything with like 3 mod and NF, take noodleshredder for example.

*watches vid of willy explaining something about this dude*
Happy Satoko
I'd imagine it's mainly cos they haven't found the fun lower star maps, so it's funner to do poorly on higher star than do well on boring map
beginners like to play hard maps with NF
beginners love multis
take that and you have 16 people who des not know between themselves playing DT gallaxy collapse lmao (Also having a pretty good and fun time)
So I am one of these people. As bad as it is in terms of getting better and what not, I enjoy the struggle. If its an easier map, I'll put HR on to make it harder. I find the fun in just trying to pass hard maps and getting high combos dosnt really interest me as much even as weird as it is. Also, I struggle with 4.5-5 star maps and I really enjoy alot of the maps around this range.
Insane necropost, bossman.

CloverBO9 wrote:

So I am one of these people. As bad as it is in terms of getting better and what not, I enjoy the struggle. If its an easier map, I'll put HR on to make it harder. I find the fun in just trying to pass hard maps and getting high combos dosnt really interest me as much even as weird as it is. Also, I struggle with 4.5-5 star maps and I really enjoy alot of the maps around this range.
you are better than me i struggle on 4.5* never pass any 4.7*+
It's the same all the way up. You'll see 5 digit lobbies that only want to play high 7* and 8* lmao, soooo not fun 💀

CloverBO9 wrote:

So I am one of these people. As bad as it is in terms of getting better and what not, I enjoy the struggle. If its an easier map, I'll put HR on to make it harder. I find the fun in just trying to pass hard maps and getting high combos dosnt really interest me as much even as weird as it is. Also, I struggle with 4.5-5 star maps and I really enjoy alot of the maps around this range.
so basically you suck and think that if you just make the map hard enough you'll magically be able to play them properly one day?

That might not be what you're actually saying, but that's how it translates to me. And either way, it's stupid as hell. Play them for fun if you want but stick to the proper SR for your rank/skill level, which is likely in the 1.5-2* range. A very miniscule amount of people improve purely through playing shit beyond their means, and you are not going to be one of them.

(PS: you struggle with 4.5-5 maps because they're possibly just inside the range of what you can do, but you never bothered to develop the skills to actually play them because you're too busy flailing on 7* maps and thinking you're having more fun than you are and/or learning something. The secret is that learning the basics of how this game works on the easier maps lets you play the harder maps better.)
Probably to fit in a bunch of higher ranked players in a multi. The fact this map throws him off don't really matter.

Voidedosu wrote:

CloverBO9 wrote:

So I am one of these people. As bad as it is in terms of getting better and what not, I enjoy the struggle. If its an easier map, I'll put HR on to make it harder. I find the fun in just trying to pass hard maps and getting high combos dosnt really interest me as much even as weird as it is. Also, I struggle with 4.5-5 star maps and I really enjoy alot of the maps around this range.
so basically you suck and think that if you just make the map hard enough you'll magically be able to play them properly one day?

That might not be what you're actually saying, but that's how it translates to me. And either way, it's stupid as hell. Play them for fun if you want but stick to the proper SR for your rank/skill level, which is likely in the 1.5-2* range. A very miniscule amount of people improve purely through playing shit beyond their means, and you are not going to be one of them.

(PS: you struggle with 4.5-5 maps because they're possibly just inside the range of what you can do, but you never bothered to develop the skills to actually play them because you're too busy flailing on 7* maps and thinking you're having more fun than you are and/or learning something. The secret is that learning the basics of how this game works on the easier maps lets you play the harder maps better.)
I truly don't care about getting better that does not matter to me, as I said,"I like the struggle". Also, I don't think anyone with a brain is stuck to 2*, I see that you got actually mad almost which is kinda insane, LOL.

CloverBO9 wrote:

Voidedosu wrote:

CloverBO9 wrote:

So I am one of these people. As bad as it is in terms of getting better and what not, I enjoy the struggle. If its an easier map, I'll put HR on to make it harder. I find the fun in just trying to pass hard maps and getting high combos dosnt really interest me as much even as weird as it is. Also, I struggle with 4.5-5 star maps and I really enjoy alot of the maps around this range.
so basically you suck and think that if you just make the map hard enough you'll magically be able to play them properly one day?

That might not be what you're actually saying, but that's how it translates to me. And either way, it's stupid as hell. Play them for fun if you want but stick to the proper SR for your rank/skill level, which is likely in the 1.5-2* range. A very miniscule amount of people improve purely through playing shit beyond their means, and you are not going to be one of them.

(PS: you struggle with 4.5-5 maps because they're possibly just inside the range of what you can do, but you never bothered to develop the skills to actually play them because you're too busy flailing on 7* maps and thinking you're having more fun than you are and/or learning something. The secret is that learning the basics of how this game works on the easier maps lets you play the harder maps better.)
I truly don't care about getting better that does not matter to me, as I said,"I like the struggle". Also, I don't think anyone with a brain is stuck to 2*, I see that you got actually mad almost which is kinda insane, LOL.
You like struggling to climb a 90-degree wall with zero handholds that you will literally never be able to climb instead of the shallower incline with multiple holds and paths that will still lead to a similar 90-degree wall but will also net you skills to make that climb? Stupid as fuck, but you do you.

Also, I get irritated when people play maps way beyond their means and then complain about the game being too hard. The sooner they get the wake-up call and start playing where they should be to gain skill and competency, the better. Or in your case, I'm dumbfounded at your absurdity. Not at you playing those above-your-skill maps for fun, but in seemingly believing you're going to get better that way. You're not. End of story. You can try to laugh it off and dismiss me like I'm mad, but the only two roads you have with that mindset are either quitting or mediocrity with some level of denial. If you can make peace with the latter, then fine.

Thirdly, if your rank is over 1M, you need to be starting on 2*'s maximum as far as skill learning and progression. That's basically non-negotiable. Sure, you might be able to leapfrog from 2* to 3* and so on quickly from there, but it starts at 1-2*.
cute and funny

Toph wrote:

It's the same all the way up. You'll see 5 digit lobbies that only want to play high 7* and 8* lmao, soooo not fun 💀
This so much. I hate how 5* maps have become a dead zone in multi lobbies. This is the map range I enjoy the most and its the range I want to chill with in multi but seems nowadays that people jump straight to 6-7* rooms after 4*. Theres the occasional 5.5* room but its filled with mid 6 digit players and I don't want to join a room as the only 5 digit and be the highest rank by a large margin, unless I feel like putting on NF or EZ. Its a shame since I remember the 5.5* rooms used to be popular even among 5 digit players and I used to go there regularly to relax and find new songs.

Voidedosu wrote:

CloverBO9 wrote:

Voidedosu wrote:

CloverBO9 wrote:

So I am one of these people. As bad as it is in terms of getting better and what not, I enjoy the struggle. If its an easier map, I'll put HR on to make it harder. I find the fun in just trying to pass hard maps and getting high combos dosnt really interest me as much even as weird as it is. Also, I struggle with 4.5-5 star maps and I really enjoy alot of the maps around this range.
so basically you suck and think that if you just make the map hard enough you'll magically be able to play them properly one day?

That might not be what you're actually saying, but that's how it translates to me. And either way, it's stupid as hell. Play them for fun if you want but stick to the proper SR for your rank/skill level, which is likely in the 1.5-2* range. A very miniscule amount of people improve purely through playing shit beyond their means, and you are not going to be one of them.

(PS: you struggle with 4.5-5 maps because they're possibly just inside the range of what you can do, but you never bothered to develop the skills to actually play them because you're too busy flailing on 7* maps and thinking you're having more fun than you are and/or learning something. The secret is that learning the basics of how this game works on the easier maps lets you play the harder maps better.)
I truly don't care about getting better that does not matter to me, as I said,"I like the struggle". Also, I don't think anyone with a brain is stuck to 2*, I see that you got actually mad almost which is kinda insane, LOL.
You like struggling to climb a 90-degree wall with zero handholds that you will literally never be able to climb instead of the shallower incline with multiple holds and paths that will still lead to a similar 90-degree wall but will also net you skills to make that climb? Stupid as fuck, but you do you.

Also, I get irritated when people play maps way beyond their means and then complain about the game being too hard. The sooner they get the wake-up call and start playing where they should be to gain skill and competency, the better. Or in your case, I'm dumbfounded at your absurdity. Not at you playing those above-your-skill maps for fun, but in seemingly believing you're going to get better that way. You're not. End of story. You can try to laugh it off and dismiss me like I'm mad, but the only two roads you have with that mindset are either quitting or mediocrity with some level of denial. If you can make peace with the latter, then fine.

Thirdly, if your rank is over 1M, you need to be starting on 2*'s maximum as far as skill learning and progression. That's basically non-negotiable. Sure, you might be able to leapfrog from 2* to 3* and so on quickly from there, but it starts at 1-2*.

let the dude have fun void, he just wants to play maps that challenge him, he himself said that yes is it bad for improvement even in his first post, so he already knows that it isnt the way for improvement, he is just having fun playing.

why are you getting mad at people for doing what gives them fun?

cute and funny wrote:

Toph wrote:

It's the same all the way up. You'll see 5 digit lobbies that only want to play high 7* and 8* lmao, soooo not fun 💀
This so much. I hate how 5* maps have become a dead zone in multi lobbies. This is the map range I enjoy the most and its the range I want to chill with in multi but seems nowadays that people jump straight to 6-7* rooms after 4*. Theres the occasional 5.5* room but its filled with mid 6 digit players and I don't want to join a room as the only 5 digit and be the highest rank by a large margin, unless I feel like putting on NF or EZ. Its a shame since I remember the 5.5* rooms used to be popular even among 5 digit players and I used to go there regularly to relax and find new songs.
I feel 5* is still appropriate for most 5 digits player, especially when it comes to stream-heavy maps, tech, and low AR. I also agree with you on that matter! 5*s are the most fun while still provide a challenge sometimes. When I feel masochistic, sightreading with EZ is also an option personally lmao
real pros can SS 2* with sub 100 ur

Voidedosu wrote:

CloverBO9 wrote:

Voidedosu wrote:

CloverBO9 wrote:

So I am one of these people. As bad as it is in terms of getting better and what not, I enjoy the struggle. If its an easier map, I'll put HR on to make it harder. I find the fun in just trying to pass hard maps and getting high combos dosnt really interest me as much even as weird as it is. Also, I struggle with 4.5-5 star maps and I really enjoy alot of the maps around this range.
so basically you suck and think that if you just make the map hard enough you'll magically be able to play them properly one day?

That might not be what you're actually saying, but that's how it translates to me. And either way, it's stupid as hell. Play them for fun if you want but stick to the proper SR for your rank/skill level, which is likely in the 1.5-2* range. A very miniscule amount of people improve purely through playing shit beyond their means, and you are not going to be one of them.

(PS: you struggle with 4.5-5 maps because they're possibly just inside the range of what you can do, but you never bothered to develop the skills to actually play them because you're too busy flailing on 7* maps and thinking you're having more fun than you are and/or learning something. The secret is that learning the basics of how this game works on the easier maps lets you play the harder maps better.)
I truly don't care about getting better that does not matter to me, as I said,"I like the struggle". Also, I don't think anyone with a brain is stuck to 2*, I see that you got actually mad almost which is kinda insane, LOL.
You like struggling to climb a 90-degree wall with zero handholds that you will literally never be able to climb instead of the shallower incline with multiple holds and paths that will still lead to a similar 90-degree wall but will also net you skills to make that climb? Stupid as fuck, but you do you.

Also, I get irritated when people play maps way beyond their means and then complain about the game being too hard. The sooner they get the wake-up call and start playing where they should be to gain skill and competency, the better. Or in your case, I'm dumbfounded at your absurdity. Not at you playing those above-your-skill maps for fun, but in seemingly believing you're going to get better that way. You're not. End of story. You can try to laugh it off and dismiss me like I'm mad, but the only two roads you have with that mindset are either quitting or mediocrity with some level of denial. If you can make peace with the latter, then fine.

Thirdly, if your rank is over 1M, you need to be starting on 2*'s maximum as far as skill learning and progression. That's basically non-negotiable. Sure, you might be able to leapfrog from 2* to 3* and so on quickly from there, but it starts at 1-2*.

Voidedosu wrote:

CloverBO9 wrote:

Voidedosu wrote:

CloverBO9 wrote:

So I am one of these people. As bad as it is in terms of getting better and what not, I enjoy the struggle. If its an easier map, I'll put HR on to make it harder. I find the fun in just trying to pass hard maps and getting high combos dosnt really interest me as much even as weird as it is. Also, I struggle with 4.5-5 star maps and I really enjoy alot of the maps around this range.
so basically you suck and think that if you just make the map hard enough you'll magically be able to play them properly one day?

That might not be what you're actually saying, but that's how it translates to me. And either way, it's stupid as hell. Play them for fun if you want but stick to the proper SR for your rank/skill level, which is likely in the 1.5-2* range. A very miniscule amount of people improve purely through playing shit beyond their means, and you are not going to be one of them.

(PS: you struggle with 4.5-5 maps because they're possibly just inside the range of what you can do, but you never bothered to develop the skills to actually play them because you're too busy flailing on 7* maps and thinking you're having more fun than you are and/or learning something. The secret is that learning the basics of how this game works on the easier maps lets you play the harder maps better.)
I truly don't care about getting better that does not matter to me, as I said,"I like the struggle". Also, I don't think anyone with a brain is stuck to 2*, I see that you got actually mad almost which is kinda insane, LOL.
You like struggling to climb a 90-degree wall with zero handholds that you will literally never be able to climb instead of the shallower incline with multiple holds and paths that will still lead to a similar 90-degree wall but will also net you skills to make that climb? Stupid as fuck, but you do you.

Also, I get irritated when people play maps way beyond their means and then complain about the game being too hard. The sooner they get the wake-up call and start playing where they should be to gain skill and competency, the better. Or in your case, I'm dumbfounded at your absurdity. Not at you playing those above-your-skill maps for fun, but in seemingly believing you're going to get better that way. You're not. End of story. You can try to laugh it off and dismiss me like I'm mad, but the only two roads you have with that mindset are either quitting or mediocrity with some level of denial. If you can make peace with the latter, then fine.

Thirdly, if your rank is over 1M, you need to be starting on 2*'s maximum as far as skill learning and progression. That's basically non-negotiable. Sure, you might be able to leapfrog from 2* to 3* and so on quickly from there, but it starts at 1-2*.
did u not read that "I dont care about getting better", also you get irritated "when people play above their means". How does this affect you in any way other than living rent free in your head?<-- That goes to everyone else that is sooo concerned about how others play. I get that you guys wanna be the next Mrekk and that little arbitrary number gives you a glass ego but not everyone cares.
cuz its fun, just enjoy
Duck o-o

CloverBO9 wrote:

did u not read that "I dont care about getting better", also you get irritated "when people play above their means". How does this affect you in any way other than living rent free in your head?<-- That goes to everyone else that is sooo concerned about how others play. I get that you guys wanna be the next Mrekk and that little arbitrary number gives you a glass ego but not everyone cares.
ego-maxxing is rampant on g and r lol
dont necro the thing just cos of it tho ;-;

Duck o-o wrote:

CloverBO9 wrote:

did u not read that "I dont care about getting better", also you get irritated "when people play above their means". How does this affect you in any way other than living rent free in your head?<-- That goes to everyone else that is sooo concerned about how others play. I get that you guys wanna be the next Mrekk and that little arbitrary number gives you a glass ego but not everyone cares.
ego-maxxing is rampant on g and r lol
dont necro the thing just cos of it tho ;-;
I think g & r is usually pretty good, personally. voided was probably a bit harsh here.
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