As title reads; this is something that's held back the creativity and polish of certain catch maps in the ranked section. Due to the way big droplets work in catch, the gameplay of a tr2 slider that is 1/3 or 1/6 turns subpar.
One example of a ranked map with this problem would be Rustyy's mapset Ahoy beatmaps/2796772, the section at 02:43:592 - all the way to 03:51:357 - is entirely 1/3, yet the rest of the map is 1/2. This creates the problem that all of the sliders in this section are both 1. completely ugly, and 2. unrepresentative of gameplay due to the big droplets being on the 1/2. I myself actually had the same problem while mapping this song, but decided to go towards tr1 due to there being no better alternatives. The solution of tr1 is a solution that lowers the potential quality of the beatmap as a whole.
An even more example of this would fall under Nelly's difficulty of Toono Gensou Monogatari beatmapsets/1474955#fruits/3026892. Starting at 00:53:934 - , a full 1/3 section starts for approximately 20 seconds until 01:11:934 - . These sliders don't represent gameplay at all by having the 1/2 slidertick be on the 1/2. Instead, for optimal gameplay these would have been much prefered to be on the 1/3 beat directly in the middle of them. There also isn't an option to really go for tr1 on this map either due to the patterning used in the earlier parts of the map 00:25:134 - completely relying on the 1/2 ticks to be there. If the bpm was allowed to be manipulated so that the TR would even out at 1/2 during the 1/3 section, the gameplay would be much better during that earlier 20 second part.
Ofcourse, all of this could be solved if we were given the solution to use multiple tickrates during a map aswell. If this could be a feasible option atleast for catch, these cases would be completely eliminated. Given the current state of lazer being a priority though, I don't think this is an option, hence why im making this proposal to allow catch maps the ability to manipulate the bpm for better slidertick usage.
This would probably come in the form of a new guideline in the catch specific section. The current reasoning this can't be done already is because of the general RC rule that lists:
Beatmaps must be perfectly timed. This means BPM and offset are exactly synchronized with the song. Beatmaps with constantly changing BPM may be impossible to perfectly time and should instead be as accurate as possible without negatively affecting gameplay. Complex timing during breaks or spinners is optional.
Along with this, the proposal linked here: community/forums/topics/1315020?n=9 would be the second step for this to work perfectly. This would allow different difficulties within the set to follow different layers. Combined with the allowance of manipulated bpm changes for sliderticks, this would allow difficulties in a beatmapset to follow everything proplerly.
TLDR; Let mappers manipulate bpm in catch maps so sliderticks aren't on 1/2 ticks during a completely 1/3 section (or just add the option for us to manually change tickrate...)
One example of a ranked map with this problem would be Rustyy's mapset Ahoy beatmaps/2796772, the section at 02:43:592 - all the way to 03:51:357 - is entirely 1/3, yet the rest of the map is 1/2. This creates the problem that all of the sliders in this section are both 1. completely ugly, and 2. unrepresentative of gameplay due to the big droplets being on the 1/2. I myself actually had the same problem while mapping this song, but decided to go towards tr1 due to there being no better alternatives. The solution of tr1 is a solution that lowers the potential quality of the beatmap as a whole.
An even more example of this would fall under Nelly's difficulty of Toono Gensou Monogatari beatmapsets/1474955#fruits/3026892. Starting at 00:53:934 - , a full 1/3 section starts for approximately 20 seconds until 01:11:934 - . These sliders don't represent gameplay at all by having the 1/2 slidertick be on the 1/2. Instead, for optimal gameplay these would have been much prefered to be on the 1/3 beat directly in the middle of them. There also isn't an option to really go for tr1 on this map either due to the patterning used in the earlier parts of the map 00:25:134 - completely relying on the 1/2 ticks to be there. If the bpm was allowed to be manipulated so that the TR would even out at 1/2 during the 1/3 section, the gameplay would be much better during that earlier 20 second part.
Ofcourse, all of this could be solved if we were given the solution to use multiple tickrates during a map aswell. If this could be a feasible option atleast for catch, these cases would be completely eliminated. Given the current state of lazer being a priority though, I don't think this is an option, hence why im making this proposal to allow catch maps the ability to manipulate the bpm for better slidertick usage.
This would probably come in the form of a new guideline in the catch specific section. The current reasoning this can't be done already is because of the general RC rule that lists:
Beatmaps must be perfectly timed. This means BPM and offset are exactly synchronized with the song. Beatmaps with constantly changing BPM may be impossible to perfectly time and should instead be as accurate as possible without negatively affecting gameplay. Complex timing during breaks or spinners is optional.
Along with this, the proposal linked here: community/forums/topics/1315020?n=9 would be the second step for this to work perfectly. This would allow different difficulties within the set to follow different layers. Combined with the allowance of manipulated bpm changes for sliderticks, this would allow difficulties in a beatmapset to follow everything proplerly.
TLDR; Let mappers manipulate bpm in catch maps so sliderticks aren't on 1/2 ticks during a completely 1/3 section (or just add the option for us to manually change tickrate...)