
[STD] [2v2] [250k-100k] Non-Professional Cup 5 (Ended)

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  1. This is an international osu! standard 2v2 team tournament for the 250k-100k rank range, inclusive. Teams will consist of a minimum of 2 players up to a maximum of 4 players.
  2. You are not eligible to participate if you fall under any of these categories: you are a past winner of the NPC tournament series, you were restricted within the past 12 months, and/or you have earned a osu! standard tournament profile badge.
  3. All participants MUST join the Discord server in order to verify their registration.
  4. All participants MUST be within the rank range before end of registrations; otherwise, you will not be allowed to participate.
  5. All participants will undergo a manual screening by admins after registrations end. Any players who have been screened out or found to have suspicious behaviors will be disqualified, and teams whose member counts drop below 2 will become free agents.
  6. Our screening criteria is as follows: 4,000 minimum play count, 36 hours minimum online play time, 3-month minimum account age, and maximum top PP play of 260 PP.
  7. Any remaining free agents after registrations end will be grouped by the admins into free agent teams.
  8. The tournament will go from a Qualifiers stage to at most a Round of 32 double-elimination bracket. Seeding for the bracket rounds will be from #1 to at most #32 dependent on qualifier results, and match-ups will follow traditional format: #1 vs #32, #2 vs #31, etc.
  9. All matches in Round of 32 and Round of 16 will be Best of 9.
  10. All matches in Quarterfinals and Semifinals will be Best of 11.
  11. All matches in Finals and Grand Finals will be Best of 13.
  12. There will be a bracket reset in the grand finals if necessary.
  13. ScoreV2 and NoFail will be enabled in all lobbies.
  14. All times and dates will be in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). You are responsible for properly converting all times and dates to your respective time zone.
  15. Each week, schedules and mappools will be released by Tuesday 0 UTC at the latest, and lobbies will be played in the weekend.
  16. Admins, Spreadsheeters, Mappoolers, Playtesters/Replayers, and Referees are NOT allowed to play in this tournament.
  17. Host/admins reserve the right to report any and all suspicious player activity to osu! staff for further instructions on possible disqualification of said players during the course of the tournament. Should this result in disqualification, the players’ team(s) will be disqualified from further participation in this tournament.
  18. Hosts/admins reserve the right to ban any players whose conduct is bannable on Discord and Twitch from participation in the tournament.
  19. Hostile behavior against any member of the staff or any participant in this tournament is not allowed at any time, and upon further examination, may or may not result in the team’s disqualification from the tournament.
Mappool Information
  1. Qualifiers: 4 NM / 2 HD / 2 HR / 2 DT [~4.6* NM1]
  2. Round of 32: 4 NM / 2 HD / 2 HR / 3 DT / 2 FM / 1 TB [~4.3* NM1]
  3. Round of 16: 5 NM / 2 HD / 2 HR / 3 DT / 2 FM / 1 TB [~4.5* NM1]
  4. Quarterfinals: 5 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 3 DT / 2 FM / 1 TB [~4.7* NM1]
  5. Semifinals: 5 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 3 DT / 3 FM / 1 TB [~4.85* NM1]
  6. Finals: 6 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 4 DT / 3 FM / 1 TB [~5* NM1]
  7. Grand Finals: 6 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 4 DT / 3 FM / 1 TB [~5.1* NM1]
(NM = No Mod, HD = Hidden, HR = Hard Rock, DT = Double Time, FM = Force Mod, TB = Tiebreaker)
(Star ratings subject to change)

  1. Teams will be notified through the Discord server to sign up for various qualifier lobbies that will be scheduled throughout the weekend.
  2. Teams may request custom lobbies if they are unable to make it to any of the default times posted on the main sheet.
  3. All teams MUST play qualifiers in the same weekend. We will NOT accept any custom lobbies beyond Monday 23:59 UTC.
  4. At least 10 minutes before the qualifier lobby, the assigned referee will make the lobby and ping the team captains in the Discord server. Captains should be online in-game to receive their invites. The captain is then responsible for inviting the rest of their team. If the captain of a team is not online, the referee will invite any other player from that team, and that player will be responsible for inviting their team.
  5. Teams have up to 2 minutes after the scheduled lobby time to have at least 2 members present in the lobby. If a team fails to have at least 2 members present in the lobby after the 2 minutes pass, the team must forfeit their participation in the particular qualifiers lobby and sign up for another one. However, with the referee's permission, any late teams may be allowed to make up missed maps at the end of the lobby.
  6. No warmup will be played.
  7. The mappool will be played through ONCE in order.
  8. If a team is seen playing the qualifiers mappool more than once in a qualifier lobby without appropriate reason, they will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.
  9. Each team will be granted one replay on a map due to disconnect/technical/real-life issues should they occur. Any further replay requests will not be granted.
  10. Qualifier results and MP links will not be released until all qualifier lobbies have finished.
Double-Elimination Bracket Stages
  1. At least 10 minutes before the match, the assigned referee will make the lobby and ping the players in the discord server about their match. Captains should be online in-game to receive their invites. The captain is then responsible for inviting the rest of their team. If the captain of a team is not online, the referee will invite any other player from that team, and that player will be responsible for inviting their team.
  2. Teams have a strict 10 minute grace period after the scheduled match time to have at least 2 players from their team present in the lobby. If 10 minutes pass and a team does not have enough players present, the other team will receive a win by default.
  3. At the start of the match, both teams have the option of playing warm-ups, and can choose to decline. The order of warm-ups is not strict, and is at the discretion of the referee.
  4. Warm-up maps must be under 4 minutes in length and comply with Twitch’s Terms of Service. Only standard-mode maps are allowed.
  5. After warm-ups, the referee will instruct team captains to !roll. The winner of the roll chooses either the pick order or the ban order, and the loser chooses the remaining order (ex: Team A wins the roll and chooses to ban second, which means Team B will ban first and get to choose to pick first or second).
  6. IMPORTANT: Each team will have 2 map bans per round. The first bans for each team are done before the first pick, and the second bans will be done after 4 maps have been played in the match. The ban order will be alternating (ex: before the first pick, Team A bans and then Team B bans; after 4 maps, Team A chooses their second ban and then Team B).
  7. Banned maps are not allowed to be picked by any team in the entire match.
  8. Teams are given 90 seconds to determine each ban upon instruction from the referee. If they fail to ban in the allotted time with a little leeway due to Bancho server lag, the ban is given to the other team. This will have no effect on the ban order afterwards.
  9. Each team has 90 seconds to pick a map. If they fail to pick in the allotted time with a little leeway due to Bancho server lag, the pick is given to the other team. This will have no effect on the pick order afterwards.
  10. Double picking AND double banning are allowed.
  11. The NoFail mod will be enforced on every map.
  12. For Force Mod (FM) maps, players must choose from one of 4 options: HD, (HD)HR, (HD)EZ, (EZ/HR)(HD)FL. The 2 players on a team must choose different categories (i.e. HD + HD no, HR + HDHR no, HD + HDHR yes, etc.)
  13. The EZ multiplier for this tournament is 1.8.
  14. For tiebreakers, you can use any mod combination allowed in FM maps, but it is not required. All players must have NoFail on.
  15. After a team picks a map, both teams have 90 seconds to make substitutions and ready up for the map. If a team has not readied up within the 90 seconds, the referee will force start the map, and the map will be played with whoever is in the lobby.
  16. Unlimited substitutions are allowed in between maps.
  17. In case of a genuine disconnection in the first 30 seconds of the map, the map may be replayed ONCE. One replay is allowed in a match per team. The player who disconnected has 5 minutes to reconnect. No substitutions are allowed during this time. If the time allotted has passed and the player has not re-joined, then the point will be awarded to the other team. At this point in time, if the team does not have enough players present due to the disconnection, the disconnected player will have 10 minutes to reconnect. After the allotted time, if the disconnected player has not re-joined the lobby, the other team will be awarded a win by default.
  18. If a team disconnects on the same map twice in a row or on 2 different maps, the point will be automatically awarded to the other team. This is to prevent abuse through manually leaving the game after missing on a map.
  19. Disconnections after 30 seconds will not trigger a replay and only the scores that appear on the MP link will be calculated.
  20. Note that lag is not a valid reason for replaying a map.
  21. If a beatmap ends in a draw, the map will be nullified and replayed. This replay will not be counted as a replay caused by disconnection.

  1. Registrations: October 8 - October 23
  2. Screening: October 23 - October 30
  3. Qualifiers: November 6 - November 7
  4. Round of 64: November 13 - November 14
  5. Round of 32: November 20 - November 21
  6. Round of 16: November 27 - November 28
  7. Quarterfinals: December 4 - December 5
  8. Semifinals: December 11 - December 12
  9. Finals: December 18 - December 19
  10. Grand Finals: December 25th - 26th
Dates may be subject to change dependent on # of sign-ups

  1. First Place Team: 2-month supporter for each player + profile banner
  2. Second Place Team: 1-month supporter for each player + profile banner
  3. Third Place Team: profile banner
Contact tarrigan or Nambulance on Discord if you would like to make a donation to the prize pool.

Redemption arc
Second kek
Prizepool more like NBT Prizepool

tarrigan wrote:

Note that lag is not a valid reason for replaying a map.
what about wrong offset
Joon Yorigami
All hail mouse-only
time for EU to strike.
Topic Starter
Did you just… Quote the entire forum post
Joon Yorigami

tarrigan wrote:

Did you just… Quote the entire forum post
it happens
No sheet to show teams or free agents? There's only a cover sheet.

Franchouchou wrote:

No sheet to show teams or free agents? There's only a cover sheet.
They said they'll do it soon
can you register for one player or do you need to have another person?
Topic Starter

Annaki_ wrote:

can you register for one player or do you need to have another person?
You can register as free agent if you're just by yourself.

Indecipherable wrote:

Redemption arc
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yoooooo lets goo
Glad to be part of the French Catch Chads team!
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