
whats a good way to get *experienced* gds?

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TJ Hess
before i begin, i know about the beatmap projects forum and all that stuff. problem is, people hardly want to do gds for my maps, and the people that do aren't really the most experienced, to my liking anyways. so what is a surefire way to get gds from experienced mappers? or just gds in general, because the beatmap projects forum is definitely not helping me.

ontop of that, most of the maps that do get gds in the beatmap project forum are very, very generic farm maps (make a move, harumachi clover, basically anything sotarks has mapped in the past) and i dont want to resort to mapping stuff i don't like just so i can get gds for it and push it for ranked.

cuyra33 wrote:

and the people that do aren't really the most experienced

cuyra33 wrote:

and i dont want to resort to mapping stuff i don't like just so i can get gds for it and push it for ranked.
if you want to push something to ranked, the beatmap projects subforum is probably the worst place you could ask gds for. people that are frequent in there are mostly beginner mappers, with limited mapping knowledge. that subforum basically only works if you're a new mapper and you're looking to socialize with other new mappers. that's it.

as for how to get gds from rather experienced mappers, you will have to start socializing more with said mappers. having connections and reputation is essential on the mapping community. there's also people that accept gd requests according to their me! and there's also gd queues, but it can be more difficult to get a gd from those type of people.

on another note, you could do full spreads too. that also works
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TJ Hess

Aiq wrote:

you will have to start socializing more with said mappers. having connections and reputation is essential on the mapping community.
with this being said, is there like a mappers discord i could join? i really don't like doing 1 on 1 talk and i would like to socialize with a lot of mappers at once.
this thread has a lot of suggestions plus the Mentorship Server that i cant find the link anywhere
I mean... the in-game #mapping channel is technically in place for that exact reason.
Mapping, as much as anything else on this game, is a social thing. You can't get anywhere until you do that.

As a personal suggestion, birds of a feather flock together, hence why it's also a good thing to start improving your own mapping before asking someone "experienced" to help you out. I, for one, am more inclined to put my time towards something I believe has better chances to get ranked, don't you agree?

As for external gatherings with mappers, once again, you'll have to socialize in some way through chat.
Most servers are born only after a certain someone has enough experience and so do his peers. Start mapping more and you'll eventually attract people who will help you get in touch with more people.
Second the top posts. Also, just because theyre still new now doesnt mean they wont get better. I'm an early 2020 BP batch and that time we were all very inexperienced and most of our maps were barely rankable. Now, I see many from my batch that have ranked maps and one became a BN, some are crazy good at mapping anything while here I am barely able to rank a 2nd map (since I prefer ranking my sets in hybrid, only few BNs are interested).

That's why you don't take socializing with fellow new mappers for granted-- build a good relationship with them and interact more. It's worth investing your time on them also. But don't do that just for the sake of the future prospect but create a genuine relationship with them.

You can search these mappers up, they're from my batch. They either have ranked GD's or sets or just unranked but crazy good. It's a proof that you don't take new mappers for granted. Note: Not all are a close friend/acquaintances.

Adinda, Ajisai-, Akane-_, Kyairie, CallieCube, Itsuuki, Uniform, Li Syaoran, Tycani, renzthegreat, icytors, MyLonelyAlpaca, Matthewwwwww, forgot the other guys.... Also, Mahiro- is one of notable guys I've met, his 5-minute full-spread IdolMaster map isnt forgettable and will forever remain in my mind.
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TJ Hess

Asphiee wrote:

Adinda, Ajisai-, Akane-_, Kyairie, CallieCube, Itsuuki, Uniform, Li Syaoran, Tycani, renzthegreat, icytors, MyLonelyAlpaca, Matthewwwwww, forgot the other guys.... Also, Mahiro- is one of notable guys I've met, his 5-minute full-spread IdolMaster map isnt forgettable and will forever remain in my mind.
a good portion of these people are from my batch as well, most notably uniform, icytors and matthewwwwww

in all honestly im just really bad with socializing in general though so i might want to work on that before i go into the mapping chat. regardless thank you all for the advice and i'll take all of it into consideration. who knows, maybe a few weeks from now i'll finally be able to get a set ranked :p
Sophie Twilight

Asphiee wrote:

Adinda, Ajisai-, Akane-_, Kyairie, CallieCube, Itsuuki, Uniform, Li Syaoran, Tycani, renzthegreat, icytors, MyLonelyAlpaca, Matthewwwwww, forgot the other guys.... Also, Mahiro- is one of notable guys I've met, his 5-minute full-spread IdolMaster map isnt forgettable and will forever remain in my mind.
I feel honorable, thank you for you kind word.
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