
Abraker can’t and won’t do shit.

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Hello fellow ot “denizens”

Haha just kidding, I won’t be calling you guys that because you aren’t “denizens” you are people who post in the Off Topic forum.

What do you actually think abraker will do as ‘president’?

I mean, being president of a forum is so ridiculously stupid I only ran to see if those other loonies running ‘ot parliament’ would give me the role LOL

But no; it was obvious the election was bugged. I mean, abraker has close associations with the person running the election. Not to mention 25% of the votes were not accounted for.

But, that shit doesn’t matter.

What is he actually going to do? Post a few ‘law threads’ that can’t be enforced even if you break them to the rim?

Hah! Don’t make me laugh...

Consider me the “official opposition” (or whatever shit you want to call it) from now on for now I am anti-role play.

That’s right. One of the most active role players is stepping down. Goodbye. See ya. Throw me in prison, don’t give a shit.
Tad Fibonacci
lol stop being a sore loser.
Isshiki Kaname
nice role play. where do I apply?
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Tad Fibonacci wrote:

lol stop being a sore loser.

Can’t lose something that doesn’t exist.
no erp in ot pls
You were part of OT Parliament once upon a time. What are you trying to accomplish?
Isshiki Kaname

Plini wrote:

no erp in ot pls

is this tg station
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abraker wrote:

You were part of OT Parliament once upon a time. What are you trying to accomplish?

Key word once upon a time. Until I realized it was all a fairytale.

Ashton wrote:

Tad Fibonacci wrote:

lol stop being a sore loser.

Can’t lose something that doesn’t exist.

ooh, semantics seems like a fun game: the OT!Government and the position of OT President does exist. however, it's not really something you would consider serious like presidency/minister/leader of an actual nation, and it doesn't come with any particularly special powers like a moderator, having the ability to take people down with one swift bwoah. it's more like an odd cool-kids club of sorts where we fuck around and try to make the forum interesting.

and yes, you could consider this whole thing "pretend", but at least we're pretending to be something instead of not doing a damn thing at all and letting the forum quietly die, had we not created this OT!Government mess. frankly, it didn't seem like OT would be worth looking at anymore until now.

to be fair, my presidency sorta sucked as i was content with the forum and didn't really do much other than sit around and look pretty (aside from some participation in creating OT!Parliament and other events like those of course). i mean, i'm still managing school life and balancing this with my work in art and music.


whether this complaint is serious or not, i'm alright with how things are going from here. abraker seems to take this more seriously than i did and i'd imagine him being much more proactive than i was, although i hoped sam would get the chance to take on presidency.

so, eh. interesting read, though.
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The majority of threads on the front page are not roleplaying threads, and usually well thought out incredibly detailed role play threads get one or two response before they die.

Nobody cares about the roleplaying and only a few people are truly invested. Most others just kinda respond and is done with it.

The forum would thrive without roleplaying.
hi just saying
r u retarded
like just a genuine question
like who the fuck comes to ot to actually "accomplish" something like the base of your argument is wrong
if you're gonna be salty about what abraker wants to achieve don't you think you should start posting contents that are at least a tenth of decent quality as the content brakey makes
anyways i feel like spamming so here u go idk why peppy removed the duplicate post limit
i come to ot to read some good drama and story and im immensely disappointed with the threads youve made LMAO
anyways looking for water tap gf
and some spaghett (ever since i am considering quarantining myself)
pasta is a good post-apocalyptic food
don't you miss the good ole times when mods used to silence u for this shit
my profile pic is cute
anyways stay healthy yall
i must admit i was never a fan of roleplaying myself but reading those threads was fun and i might as well necro one up
time to get silenced B)
here's an actually interesting topic to debate on: are silences worth it if the poster actually doesn't really care if they get silenced or not? sure it used to be a big deal when i used to be active on forums but if i write these posts and don't give a fuck there's nothing silence can do to hurt me

Ashton wrote:

The majority of threads on the front page are not roleplaying threads, and usually well thought out incredibly detailed role play threads get one or two response before they die.

hope you're having the time of your life having a lot of replies to your thread because your thread didn't just "die" from one or two responses :-)
i realized this thread is literally why people dont appreciate visual arts
just appreciate it ffs
anyways my questions stand valid
1. is this thread retarded
2. are silences worth it if the silencee is not a hardcore poster
take it easy kai

abraker wrote:

take it easy kai

yo,,, can u believe im graduating next year (hopefully) time has passed and you're still active here you really need to find a new partner other than blitz
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I can’t take you seriously when you decide to have a spasm...

This thread is serious and true. There are very few people who take roleplaying seriously. Chill out and take a break from the internet.
congratz on graduating next year! So you decided on major?

abraker wrote:

congratz on graduating next year! So you decided on major?

cognitive systems, not that happy but graduating with some decent knowledge of computers and neural nets we gucci
can't work with code long enough nowadays (i think i'm getting burnt out) looking for rando jobs
hopefully after some break off code i'll be happy to make things i like!! and i know i always say this but sigma is still on my list
brakey needs to make more cooking content i enjoyed that
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kai99 wrote:

brakey needs to make more cooking content i enjoyed that

That type of content is what Ot needs more of, not lists upon lists of laws and declarations nobody is going to read besides tad and abraker...
also rp threads are fun if you're writing your brain away
it's sad to think no one wants to use that much brain matter to keep the fun going anymore

Ashton wrote:

I can’t take you seriously when you decide to have a spasm...

This thread is serious and true. There are very few people who take roleplaying seriously. Chill out and take a break from the internet.

Yet here you are being the only one opposed to roleplaying, how curious.
I am going to be doing BBQ one of these weeks, so expect something if I remember to take photos

abraker wrote:

I am going to be doing BBQ one of these weeks, so expect something if I remember to take photos

just remember to not get corona and douse urself in 99% alcohol!
will do and 99% alcohol is a must yea!

Weirdly I havent been burnt out on coding yet. I code at work. I code at home. I read this shit like this for pp dev. I am making up speeches and photoshoping stuffs for OT events. idk how I am not burnt out yet

abraker wrote:

will do and 99% alcohol is a must yea!

Weirdly I havent been burnt out on coding yet. I code at work. I code at home. I read this shit like this for pp dev. I am making up speeches and photoshoping stuffs for OT events. idk how I am not burnt out yet

this is because you're made to code
im not made to code ahhhhhhhhhhh u coded personal projects in school i tried that and i wanted to make stuff but ended up being a simple script and im like IM DONE
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samX500 wrote:

Ashton wrote:

I can’t take you seriously when you decide to have a spasm...

This thread is serious and true. There are very few people who take roleplaying seriously. Chill out and take a break from the internet.

Yet here you are being the only one opposed to roleplaying, how curious.

look at the front page and tell me how many roleplaying threads there are in comparison to non-roleplaying threads.

Now look at all of the ‘big’ declarations from the ‘ot parliament’ and how many responses that has and compare that to my fucking “I’m poppy” thread

Roleplaying OT is nowhere near as interesting and fun as normal OT. There are more people who don’t give a shit about ot more than there are people who do, you just don’t see them here because THEY DONT GIVE A FUCK.

OT is much less active than it was before roleplaying became prominent, how curious
thats a thread I have long since forgotten... welp im gonna back in time on this one

abraker wrote:

thats a thread I have long since forgotten... welp im gonna back in time on this one

also really craving pancakes rn.,,, it's time to do apocalypse shopping
ok im back from the past

I miss blitzfrog

abraker wrote:

ok im back from the past

I miss blitzfrog

i told u
u need a good partner for these kinds of threads to survive and spit content
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kai99 wrote:

abraker wrote:

ok im back from the past

I miss blitzfrog

i told u
u need a good partner for these kinds of threads to survive and spit content

His partner is tad and together they make even more retarded threads than the normal retarded level...

Ashton wrote:

kai99 wrote:

abraker wrote:

ok im back from the past

I miss blitzfrog

i told u
u need a good partner for these kinds of threads to survive and spit content

His partner is tad and together they make even more retarded threads than the normal retarded level...

oh then that sounds great i appreciate this
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kai99 wrote:

Ashton wrote:

kai99 wrote:

abraker wrote:

ok im back from the past

I miss blitzfrog

i told u
u need a good partner for these kinds of threads to survive and spit content

His partner is tad and together they make even more retarded threads than the normal retarded level...

oh then that sounds great i appreciate this

Kai, it is not the good kind of retarded that makes your inner shitlord want to have a massive orgasm, it’s the bad kind that burns any libido the beast within has
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