
Paolo Ligorio - The Colors of My Life

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Use the hitsound :c
AdRon Zh3Ro
52:537 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4) This may be too odd for players, the previous were better.
1:22:962 (Kiai) Perhaps till end.
1:47:682 (Spacing) Maybe something like this?
1:48:421 (Spin) End at 1:50:006

Topic Starter
Thanks Adron :3


00:22:429 (2) - Delete clap
00:22:535 (3) - Add clap
01:41:132 (2)- Cntrl+r
01:41:977 (4) - ^


01:29:723 (5) - New combo
01:39:864 (6) - ^
01:40:710 (1) - Delete new combo
01:43:245 (4) - New combo

/badmodding :|
Topic Starter
Thanks ^^
great note placements as usual.

Cyril Scarlet
Bella song e mappa ;)


on every diff, make sure you check the epilepsy warning box.

00:28:240 (3) - 1 grid left so that it is symmetrical to (1)
00:31:198 (2) - make symmetrical to (1)?
00:40:705 (1) - remove new combo
00:41:339 (2) - new combo
00:52:960 (1,2) - i'm a little curious, whats the reason for the new combo here
01:07:961 (11) - 1 grid left so that it is symmetrical to (7)
01:15:567 (5) - new combo?
01:19:581 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - was this supposed to be symmetrical? if so, use this code
01:35:428 (7,8,9) - move 1 grid up so that it is symmetrical to (3,4,5)?
01:43:668 (2) - if you want this to be symmetrical to (1),
  • delete (2)
    copy (1) and paste it on the timeline where(2) was
    do a horizontal flip with the new (2)
01:48:210 (4) - 1 grid up so that (1,2,3,4) is spaced evenly

00:23:169 (5) - move one grid right so that it is symmetrical to (7)

00:54:016 (9) - move 1 grid left so that it is symmetrical to (6)
00:54:227 (10) - move 1 grid right so that it is symmetrical to (5)
01:12:609 (x) - add a note here?
01:14:299 (x) - ^
01:23:384 (2,3) - these aren't quite symmetical, so move the end sliderpoint on (3) down one grid.
01:30:779 (5) - move this 1 grid down so that it is symmetrical to (1)?

Easy - increase the OD and AR by 1 tick?
00:31:409 (6) - if you want this symmetrical to (4)
  • delete (6)
    copy (4) and paste it on the timeline where (6) was
    do a horizontal flip with the new (6)
00:33:944 (5,6) - move 1 grid left so that it is symmetrical to (1,2)?
00:42:818 (3) - 1 grid up so that it is symmetrical to (1)
00:47:044 (3,4) - move 1 grid left?
00:48:312 (1) - how about this:

here is the code if you want that slider
00:51:692 (5,6) - move 1 grid left so that (5) is symmetrical to (3)
01:12:820 (3) - new combo
01:29:723 (1) - move the red slider point up 1 grid
01:22:962 (1,2,3,4) - on an easy diff it probably wouldn't be a good idea to place sliders like that

Good Map.
Topic Starter
All Done :)
star :)

I never felt this way about a map before O-O Loved it <3
here is my star <3
starr x)
nice <3
I FCed

:3 :)
Nice =)
Easy of read and play, nothing wrong for me :>
Star ~
My mod is only suggestions~

This map could really use a Normal difficulty, since the difficulty jump from Easy to Hard is just huge. I hope you will make one
Insane and Hard shouldn't have same approach speed imo

01:05:425 (2,3) - jump in a calm section? I dunno... feels wrong to me, feels better to me when 01:05:425 (2,4) are removed~
01:07:750 (1) - imo its better to remove this spinner and let the previous one (01:06:059 (1)) end at 01:09:017 ; add a beat 01:09:440
01:19:581 (1,2,3) - Current flow in those stream sliders is very odd, id suggest add 2 reverse on 1 and another same length return slider

Easy and Insane diff are fine imo, just didnt like the "calm" part in Insane that much.
Nice mapset, have a star~
Topic Starter
Thanks Kite
-You don't need Italian in tags as it is a language choice after a map is ranked now
-A Normal would help the difficulty spread of this map alot

01:06:059 (1) - add some hitsounds to part after this if possible

00:20:211 (1) - new combo isn't really needed
01:06:059 (1) - again could use some more hitsounds after this point

01:17:257 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - use your finish pattern here too?
01:28:667 (5) - doesn't look great going through the hp bar

Some nice symmetrical mapping
Deserves a star~
00:26:338 (2,3) - Heavily contrasts with 00:34:789 (1,2), it's very unexpected, especially for an Easy.
00:39:438 (5,6) - Make these two have the same Y position, it just looks bad now
01:36:907 - Take a look at this slider...
   Notice anything wrong? The reverse icon is reversed! That's because that slider has 3 points instead of 2. Remove one.

01:14:088 - I'd new combo here because the combo gets big otherwise.

00:42:396 - Try to have the tick precisely on the turn, like
00:46:833 - That's cute new comboing, but it seems excessive. I'd remove only this one.
01:05:003 - This combo gets a bit big, but it's not really a problem.
01:20:427 - New combo this, seriously.
01:21:272 - Consider newcomboing
01:36:061 (1,1) - I'd remove these two new combos

You did pretty good with this.
Star :D
Little star for support you, Anto :)
starrrrr!!!! 8-)
Great job <3
Barney Stinson
Star! :)

ShaggoN wrote:

Great job <3
:) :) :)
Huge IRC Modding, especially about improving hitsounds on every difficulty.

19.30 <Anto> : sempre orc modding?
19.30 <Anto> : irc*
19.30 <osuplayer111> : yes
19.30 <osuplayer111> : la folder è ok
19.30 <osuplayer111> : disablilita il Letterbox
19.30 <osuplayer111> : in tutte le difficoltà
19.31 <Anto> : si boos
19.31 <osuplayer111> : [Easy]
19.31 <osuplayer111> : 00:15:351 (1) - Finish all'inizio
19.32 <Anto> : fix'd
19.32 <osuplayer111> : 00:55:918 (1) - Finish
19.32 <Anto> : fix'd
19.32 <osuplayer111> : 01:22:962 (1) - Finish all'inizio
19.33 <osuplayer111> : 01:36:484 (1) - Finish
19.33 <Anto> : fix'd
19.33 <osuplayer111> : 01:37:329 (3) - Ricrea questo slider e rimetti il clap. Come vedi la reverse arrow è brutta o_O
19.34 <osuplayer111> : 01:48:316 (1) - Finish
19.34 <osuplayer111> : [Normal]
19.34 <osuplayer111> : Approach Rate +1
19.34 <osuplayer111> : 00:15:351 (1) - Finish
19.35 <osuplayer111> : 00:25:493 (1) - Finish. Ma te li dimentichi per caso? D:
19.35 <Anto> : :3
19.35 <osuplayer111> : 00:39:015 (1) - ^
19.35 <osuplayer111> : 00:54:227 (1) - ^
19.36 <osuplayer111> : 01:06:059 (1) - ^
19.36 <osuplayer111> : 01:16:201 (6) - ^
19.36 <osuplayer111> : 01:16:623 (7) - New combo
19.36 <osuplayer111> : 01:17:891 (8) - Finish
19.37 <osuplayer111> : 01:22:962 (1) - Finish all'inizio
19.37 <osuplayer111> : 01:36:484 (1) - ^
19.37 <Anto> : fix'd
19.37 <osuplayer111> : 01:44:090 (5) - New combo
19.38 <Anto> : Yep
19.38 <osuplayer111> : 01:48:316 (1) - Finish
19.38 <osuplayer111> : [Hard]
19.38 <osuplayer111> : 00:15:351 (1) - Indovina?...
19.38 <Anto> : ahahahzh
19.38 <Anto> : finish? :D
19.38 <osuplayer111> : bingo
19.39 <osuplayer111> : 00:28:874 (6) - ODDIO HAI MESSO IL FINISH
19.39 <Anto> : che maestro :D
19.39 <Anto> : SI CAZZO
19.39 <Anto> : :D
19.39 <osuplayer111> : 00:35:635 (4) - ODDIO ODDIO
19.39 <Anto> : solo per questo mi devi dare la bolla ù.ù
19.39 <Anto> : asuasuhas lol
19.39 <osuplayer111> : 00:54:333 (1) - Finish
19.39 <Anto> : no :<
19.39 <Anto> : che peccato D:
19.40 <osuplayer111> : 00:57:608 (6) - whistle e rimuovi finish
19.40 <osuplayer111> : 00:58:876 (8) - ^ idem per la fine di questo slider
19.40 <osuplayer111> : 01:06:059 (1) - ODDIO LO HAI MESSO PURE QUA
19.40 <osuplayer111> : 01:11:130 (7) - whistle all'inizio
19.41 <osuplayer111> : 01:12:820 (4) - whistle
19.41 <osuplayer111> : 01:14:088 (7) - New combo
19.41 <osuplayer111> : 01:14:511 (9) - whistle
19.41 <osuplayer111> : 01:15:778 (11) - finish alla fine
19.41 <osuplayer111> : 01:16:835 (3) - rimuovi il finish
19.42 <osuplayer111> : 01:19:581 (5,6) - prova ad aggiungere i finish in questi slider ascoltando la musica, fanno un effetto figo
19.42 <osuplayer111> : 01:22:962 (1) - finish all'inizio
19.42 <osuplayer111> : 01:34:899 (1) - finish
19.43 <osuplayer111> : 01:48:316 (8) - ^
19.43 <osuplayer111> : 01:48:421 (1) - ^
19.43 <Anto> : BASTAAA
19.43 <Anto> : sono indietro
19.43 <osuplayer111> : non solo ti aiuto
19.43 <Anto> : prenditi un po d'acqua
19.43 <osuplayer111> : sto impazzendo io lol
19.43 <Anto> : ahhaha
19.43 <osuplayer111> : voglio rendertela perfetta
19.43 <osuplayer111> : :3
19.43 <Anto> : 1 minuti di pausa fatti
19.43 <osuplayer111> : vabbè, mi fermo
19.43 <Anto> : minuto*
19.43 <osuplayer111> : è tutto per la Hard
19.44 <osuplayer111> : quasi quasi farei prima a fixarti tutto io
19.44 <osuplayer111> : lol
19.44 <Anto> : waaaa
19.45 <osuplayer111> : dimmi te...
19.45 <osuplayer111> : mi sto riposando
19.46 <Anto> : fatto
19.46 <Anto> : andiamo alla insane T_T
19.46 <osuplayer111> : k
19.46 <osuplayer111> : Overall Difficulty +1
19.46 <osuplayer111> : 00:15:351 (1) - Finish
19.47 <osuplayer111> : 00:54:227 (1) - ^
19.47 <Anto> : fix'd
19.48 <osuplayer111> : 01:09:229 (5) - Finish e rimuovi whistle
19.48 <osuplayer111> : 01:10:074 (8) - Rimuovi finish e whistle
19.48 <osuplayer111> : 01:11:130 (4) - Whistle
19.48 <osuplayer111> : 01:11:764 (7) - Rimuovi finish
19.49 <osuplayer111> : 01:12:820 (3) - Whistle all'inizio
19.49 <osuplayer111> : 01:13:454 (5) - Rimuovi finish
19.49 <osuplayer111> : 01:14:299 (2) - Whistle alla fine
19.49 <osuplayer111> : 01:15:144 (4) - Rimuovi finish all'inizio
19.49 <osuplayer111> : 01:15:990 (3) - Finish alla fine
19.49 <osuplayer111> : 01:16:623 (5) - Rimuovi finish alla fine
19.50 <osuplayer111> : 01:17:257 (1) - Rimuovi finish
19.50 <osuplayer111> : 01:17:891 (3) - Finish
19.50 <osuplayer111> : 01:19:581 (1) - ^
19.50 <osuplayer111> : 01:21:272 (17) - Ripiazza bene i finish in questo slider... Hai sbagliato qualcosa :P
19.50 <osuplayer111> : 01:22:962 (1) - Finish all'inizio
19.51 <osuplayer111> : 01:36:061 (1,1) - Rimuovi queste 2 new combo
19.52 <osuplayer111> : 01:43:668 (2) - Clap all'inizio
19.52 <osuplayer111> : 01:48:316 (1) - Finish, ed è tutto!
19.52 <osuplayer111> : *muore*
19.52 <osuplayer111> : cioè, mi merito un kudosu di brutto dopo tutto questo D:
19.52 <Anto> : wewe
19.53 <Anto> : voglio la bolla
19.53 <Anto> : senò niente ù.ù
19.54 <osuplayer111> : la avrai se fixi tutto per bene bello pulito ;)
19.54 <Anto> : si cazzo cazzo *.*
19.55 <Anto> : ho fatto
19.55 <Anto> : per uppare faccio full?
19.55 <Anto> : o normal?
19.56 <osuplayer111> : normal
19.56 <Anto> : ffatttttto <3<3<3<3<
19.56 <osuplayer111> : ok, vediamo
19.56 <Anto> : omg insane sotto la hard
19.57 <Anto> : non mi piace >.<
19.57 <osuplayer111> : davvero? D:
19.57 <Anto> : si :'(
19.57 <osuplayer111> : diminuisci HP Drain e Overall Difficulty di un tick
19.57 <osuplayer111> : e vedi
19.57 <osuplayer111> : nella Hard
19.57 <Anto> : dove
19.57 <Anto> : ok
19.58 <Anto> : na
19.58 <Anto> : sta sempre sopra :Q
19.58 <osuplayer111> : :S
19.58 <Anto> : con Overral a 5 sta sotto
19.58 <Anto> : :Q
19.58 <osuplayer111> : hai risolto?
19.59 <Anto> : allora
19.59 <Anto> : HP 6
19.59 <osuplayer111> : diminuisci l'OD nella Insane allora di 1
19.59 <Anto> : no asp
19.59 <Anto> : AR 8
20.00 <Anto> : OD 5 nell hard
20.00 <Anto> : ed la hard sta sotto :3
20.00 <osuplayer111> : fai cosi
20.00 <Anto> : ok
20.00 <osuplayer111> : HP e OD 6 nella Hard
20.00 <osuplayer111> : HP e OD 7 nella Insane
20.00 <osuplayer111> : chiuso
20.00 <osuplayer111> : L'approach lascialo 8 in entrambe
20.01 <osuplayer111> : cosi sono bilanciate e corrette
20.01 <osuplayer111> : ;D
20.01 <osuplayer111> : ed uppa.
20.01 <Anto> : si ma la hard è sopra
20.01 <Anto> : D:
20.01 <Anto> : come hai datto te :Q
20.01 <osuplayer111> : Non lo è se fai come ho detto
20.01 <Anto> : vabbe uppo e vediamo arghhh
20.02 <Anto> : e vero
20.02 <Anto> : lurido patatone :Q
20.02 <osuplayer111> : ce la so ^^
20.02 <osuplayer111> : ok, fammi ricontrollare
20.02 <osuplayer111> : non uppare più lol
20.02 <Anto> : ok uppato
20.02 <Anto> : dopo la lista della spesa di hitsound
20.03 <Anto> : magari ho saltato qualcosina xDDD
20.03 <osuplayer111> : ora vedo
20.03 <osuplayer111> : un altro recheck, pensa che fatica D:
20.03 <Anto> : povero :<
20.04 <osuplayer111> : [Easy]
20.04 <osuplayer111> : 01:16:201 (5) - Finish inizio slider
20.04 <osuplayer111> : l'ho dimenticato D:
20.04 <Anto> : waaaa
20.04 <Anto> : aaa :3
20.04 <osuplayer111> : ok è tutto
20.04 <osuplayer111> : andiamo alla Normal
20.04 <Anto> : fix's
20.04 <Anto> : d*
20.04 <Anto> : ok
20.05 <osuplayer111> : Normal OK
20.05 <Anto> : o yeah
20.06 <osuplayer111> : [Hard]
20.06 <osuplayer111> : 00:58:876 (8) - DOV'E' IL WHISTLE
20.06 <osuplayer111> : C'E' ANCORA IL FINISH
20.06 <Anto> : :)))
20.07 <Anto> : fix'd
20.07 <Anto> : :D
20.07 <osuplayer111> : 01:19:581 (5) - Che hai combinato? D:
20.07 <osuplayer111> : non intendevo, riempilo tutto di finish
20.07 <osuplayer111> : ma segui i finish della musica
20.07 <Anto> : aahahahhaha
20.07 <Anto> : ma come faccio D:
20.07 <osuplayer111> : 01:21:272 (6) - idem per questo dopo
20.08 <osuplayer111> : usa lo zoom
20.08 <Anto> : mi impallo!
20.08 <osuplayer111> : in alto a sinistra
20.08 <Anto> : zoom? :Q
20.08 <osuplayer111> : vedi il + ed il -
20.08 <osuplayer111> : ?
20.08 <Anto> : sisi
20.08 <osuplayer111> : clicca +
20.08 <osuplayer111> : tante volte
20.08 <osuplayer111> : e FALLO
20.08 <osuplayer111> : metti sti santi finish
20.09 <osuplayer111> : tutto qua anche per la Hard
20.10 <osuplayer111> : [Insane]
20.10 <osuplayer111> : 01:11:130 (4) - Whistle
20.10 <osuplayer111> : 01:11:764 (7) - Rimuovi whistle
20.11 <osuplayer111> : 01:21:272 (17) - metti i finish mancanti con lo zoom pure qui
20.11 <osuplayer111> : 01:43:668 (2) - Avevo detto di mettere il clap all'inizio di QUESTO slider, non quello dopo D:
20.11 <osuplayer111> : Fine.
20.12 <osuplayer111> : ti prego fixa tutto per bene cosi la bollo, sto impazzendo D:
20.13 <Anto> : fatto
20.13 <Anto> : uppo
20.13 <Anto> : xDD
20.13 <osuplayer111> : *prega*
20.13 <osuplayer111> : non è molto meglio ora comunque? :p
20.14 <osuplayer111> : con gli hitsounds me ne intendo
20.14 <osuplayer111> : hai uppato?
20.14 <Anto> : si
20.14 <Anto> : vai xD
20.14 <osuplayer111> : vediamo...
20.15 <osuplayer111> : TI UCCIDO
20.15 <osuplayer111> : 01:16:201 (5) - perchè hai messo il finish anche nell'altro repeat?!?!?!
20.15 <osuplayer111> : nella EASY
20.15 <Anto> : nooo D:
20.15 <osuplayer111> : la prossima mappa che ti moddo, ti faccio tutto io
20.16 <osuplayer111> : ok? ^.^
20.16 <Anto> : xD ok
20.16 <Anto> : cmq dove devo mettere il finish?
20.16 <Anto> : allinizio?
20.16 <osuplayer111> : solo la
20.16 <osuplayer111> : e basta
20.16 <Anto> : fatto :D
20.16 <osuplayer111> : la HARD ora è OK !!!!!!!
20.16 <osuplayer111> : EVVAI
20.16 <Anto> : siii :D
20.17 <osuplayer111> : NOOOOO
20.17 <osuplayer111> : [Insane]
20.17 <Anto> : nooo D:
20.17 <osuplayer111> : 01:11:130 (4) - Avevo detto whistleeeee
20.17 <Anto> : waaaa
20.17 <Anto> : xDD fix's
20.17 <Anto> : d*
20.17 <osuplayer111> : UPPA
20.17 <osuplayer111> : SE TROVO ALTRO MI DEBATTO
20.18 <Anto> : fatto <3
20.18 <Anto> : aaaaashashahsahsahs
20.19 <osuplayer111> : ODDIO SI, E' PRONTA.
20.19 <Anto> : siii :D
20.19 <osuplayer111> : mi meriterei 2 kudosu, meh
20.19 <osuplayer111> : sto per postare...
20.19 <Anto> : ee se potessi :D

All looks good, techno ftw

Grats Anto :D <3
OMGYES ! <3333

Congratz Anto ! ;)
Topic Starter
Thanks :D
Awesome beatmap Anto!
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