
Proposal about modding v2 thumbs system

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vergil chair

As a pretty active mapper and modder at times I observed rather problematic thing about how modding v2 kudosu system with thumbs up works, which was being brought up as an issue multiple times on various platforms. In certain cases many mod posts from one modder on certain mapset may lead to what's called "kudosu abuse" which is giving modder more kudosu than he should have. Mostly speaking because of amount of mods being brought but also (what's bringing me to write this) because of random people appearing on modding threads and upvoting posts they shouldn't which results in awarding modder with kudosu, no matter if mod was helpful or not.

As mentioned before it was leading to things like kudosu abuse which sometimes led to silencing the modder (well known Kroytz case for example). Thus here I am writing this simple proposal. Idea is to slightly rework the way how "thumbs up" works next to each mod post so that each person can upvote it like it used to be, but only thumb up from mapset host (and any osu!team member) will indicate a kudosu grant, like it used to be in modding v1 I believe (I'm too young at mapping scene so i dont fully know how v1 worked but yea). This will be a massive improvement towards reducing "kudosu abuse" (and inflation) problem and it won't cause any side effects really.

What I also want to bring on topic is a "thumb down" button being available to use only for osu!team members like bns/nats etc. Using the fact it has no impact on how kudosu works, I tend to believe this will help gather more "statistical"/numerical opinions on questionable mod posts since each mapper/player could express their opinion if that mod (or ideas brought behind those mods) is actually helpful or no. Having feature visible everywhere but barely being used is pretty much useless so why not giving it a try
I think this will receive more attention here:
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vergil chair
O alright then

I guess this post can be resolved then since I re-posted that proposal here on github
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