
Discord Automatic Voice Mute

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Voice activation calls do not normally merge well with osu, so I made this script. It will mute you while tapping and unmute you 1 second after you stop tapping. Hopefully this is the right place to post this. If it isn't, let me know and I can correct the situation. I spent way too much time on this, so I felt like my solution could help someone else with this problem.

  1. Install Auto Hot Key:
  2. Set a push to mute button in the section called "Keybinds" in Discord's options. (For example, F11)
  3. If you don't use the "x" and "z" keys to tap in osu, note down which keys you use.
  4. Create an empty text file and rename it to osu-mute.ahk. (Make sure the icon updates to an ahk script)
  5. Copy and paste the script below into osu-mute.ahk. (Using any text editor)
  6. Replace "z", "x", and "f11" with your corresponding keys.

#ifwinactive osu!

global pressed := %a_tickcount%
settimer mutecheck, 100

; edit "z" and "x" below to your corresponding tapping keys
pressed = %a_tickcount%
send {f11 down}

getkeystate, state, f11
if state = d
if pressed + 2000 > a_tickcount
if pressed + 1000 < a_tickcount
send {f11 up}

I hope this can help someone else out there.
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