
Stuck/Getting Worse

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I've played osu for a while now, and every time I was stuck I just listened to advice and played more, and eventually i will improve. But this time it's different. I've been stuck on the same skill level for months, even though I still play a lot. It's kind of discouraging because I feel like I am getting worse, my aim, my streaming speed, etc. are all getting worse, at least it feels like that to me.

Any advice on getting over this stuckness? To be clear, I'm not looking for PP, just want to get better :P
Acceptance is always an option
The better you get the more you have to play to get better.
exact same situation, lets hope it goes away :P
Try some graveyard maps
dung eater
Try to play better. If you aren't focusing on playing as well as possible, stop playing more until you are.
Try playing maps you haven't played before, maps you know you suck at but aren't that high in star rating, play marathons...basically, play a LOT more, it goes away eventually.
Trust me, to get better at doing things you must play the maps that you want to be able to do more often than comfort maps. Play lots of stream maps till your fingers get tired; this is how I made it to being able to play maps with ridiculous streams and bursts of 5 notes non-stop and pass them. Do a rotation of jump maps everyday until you pass some to get better at jumping. So in other words, play more as they say. I used to struggle doing 3.5* maps but now I can pass many 5* maps after a couple months of play more - it will happen.
[ Scarlet Red ]
Enter tournaments if you can do that. I'm at the same situation but tournaments help you in terms of consistency and performing under pressure. If you can do the maps well normally and also well on tournament nerves you can improve just like that. At this point it's not really about skill it's about consistency.
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thanks for all the advice every1! :)
focus play more git gud
Take breaks, and don't be afraid to play maps above your skill level. Failing doesn't exactly mean you're doing bad.
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