
tell your felling

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look you can be serious or joking in this forum
*strst playing

so i was felling sad as i dont have friend and life
this one guy tell me to talk to right ppl and i think again i never gonna talk normal
as i say talking to right ppl make me nervous
then i say what ? just coriuos remember we are in discord
so someone tell me they have something to celebrate
so the kimiko (that diffenren guy) kick me
i talk this guy in backup server he say because disrecpect to the onwer now i fell sad
and this is why i never get a friend
but i fell ok because kimiko that guy never gonna find out he never play the game
and my sister say that ppl dont like me because
(here example)
my sister: now you gonna go study at 10:11:38 WIB

me:*shut down the computer

the thing is that i always think oh she want me to stop playing game
and is
(to be continue)
sorry i have to psot this i will continue tho
someone called me "anime lover" because i said "senpai"
fat pear

Aomi wrote:

"English?" is not a proper sentence, let alone a question. Please work on your basic English skills.

microism wrote:

Aomi wrote:

"English?" is not a proper sentence, let alone a question. Please work on your basic English skills.
Coming from someone from Queensland that's a stretch
I actually feel ashamed each time I meet people from my country online. Their English are just the best.

[K]aeL wrote:

Their English are just the best.

faiswusuf wrote:

look you can be serious or joking in this forum
*strst playing

so i was felling sad as i dont have friend and life
this one guy tell me to talk to right ppl and i think again i never gonna talk normal
as i say talking to right ppl make me nervous
then i say what ? just coriuos remember we are in discord
so someone tell me they have something to celebrate
so the kimiko (that diffenren guy) kick me
i talk this guy in backup server he say because disrecpect to the onwer now i fell sad
and this is why i never get a friend
but i fell ok because kimiko that guy never gonna find out he never play the game
and my sister say that ppl dont like me because
(here example)
my sister: now you gonna go study at 10:11:38 WIB

me:*shut down the computer

the thing is that i always think oh she want me to stop playing game
and is
(to be continue)
sorry i have to psot this i will continue tho
"So I was feeling sad because I neither have friends, nor a social life.
This one guy (guy A) was telling me that just talking to the right people might help solve my problem, but I'm always thinking that I'll never be able to do that.
I told guy A that talking to people makes me super nervous,
but what can I say after that? Remember that we were chatting on a public discord channel.
Then someone says that they have something to celebrate and I got kicked from the server by this guy, Kimiko, a different guy from guy A, whom I talked to before. (presumably because he was ruining the mood on the server by being all depressed?)
So now I go to a different server and talk to guy A there
I asked why I got kicked and guy A tells me that what I said was disrespectful towards the owner, which made me very sad.
I think this is why I never make friends.
But it's ok, Kimiko will never find out that I'm friendless because he has no other ways to find me since he's not playing the game that I am playing.

My sister said that people don't like me because ....
[incoherent example]

I also think that she wants me to stop playing this game.
OP legend is
i and OP of best friends are

am I the only one who's turned on by fellings
i want to kill myself
i almost fell for this felling
I anymore nothing feel
I all end it to want
has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Almaz wrote:

I all end it to want

You oneself kill thing see if I happy become
Zain Sugieres
I know kill you is be are a good thing make me happy
Everyone random is sentence-structure made attempted I think but now I write sentence of grammar random not is.
Zain Sugieres
I think into structure be grammar not be
This fun!
This entire thread got me feeling like

EneT wrote:

OP legend is
i and OP of best friends are

Probably added most of the OT users for whatever reasons.
Zain Sugieres
fucking douche didn't add me
no surprise.

am sad and am go kill of self
I fell like felling in love for you
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Kurochiie wrote:

I fell like felling in love for you
coconut milk
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btw what is ot
I fell sad for you
holy shit faiswusuf noticed me
Topic Starter

FelicianoGasai wrote:

I fell sad for you
dont fell sad please everyone hate me so do what people do ok :)
okay i tell felling

>be me
>be furry
>decides my old username on osu sucks, hate it for 3 long years
>notice that "Wolf" as a username becomes available in 60 days
>have free name change left from old supporter days

>spend every day of the next 58 days checking the page to make sure old user doesn't log back in
>he doesn't
>sees 1 day left
>wake up the next day before 7:00 (that's when australia starts a new day in my timezone)
>thinking that username will be ready
>wrong day

"Oh, I'll just wake up for that early tomorrow."

>next day
>wake up at 6:20 AM
>aww yiss
>suddenly realize i'm very tired because i had a bad sleep schedule yesterday
>decide to set alarm to 6:55 so that i can get another good 30 minutes or so of rest before i try to snipe name
>wake up at 12:31
>someone took the name
>mfw i set the alarm to 6:55 PM instead of AM

I'm never going to become the prince of all furries all because of an alarm clock.
nobody had the name catgirl so i got to be the princess of catgirls

you're just bad

Catgirl wrote:

nobody had the name catgirl so i got to be the princess of catgirls

you're just bad
i thought that was pretty obvious
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