
Inferi - Those Who from the Heavens Came [OsuMa...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on dimanche 7 mai 2023 at 15:34:50

Artist: Inferi
Title: Those Who from the Heavens Came
Tags: the path of apotheosis thrash melodic technical death metal marathon deathstream english fa
BPM: 220
Filesize: 10249kb
Play Time: 05:58
Difficulties Available:
  1. Investiture of the Gods - 4Key (5,39 stars, 5915 notes)
Download: Inferi - Those Who from the Heavens Came
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
07/05/23 Metadata update for loved

Probably my best/favourite map so far.
Timing points from the original standard map by Mazzerin.

From playtesting
IRC mod
2016-02-06 16:40 ZeroCalamity: this beginning
2016-02-06 16:40 ZeroCalamity: feels sooo good
2016-02-06 16:40 XeoStyle: lol
2016-02-06 16:41 XeoStyle: maybe too much handtrill
2016-02-06 16:41 ZeroCalamity: except those patterns that go outwards are hard
2016-02-06 16:46 XeoStyle: yeah
2016-02-06 16:46 ZeroCalamity: lol
2016-02-06 16:46 XeoStyle: really need to fix theses handtrill haha
2016-02-06 16:47 ZeroCalamity: yeah I suck at this kind of patterns
2016-02-06 16:47 ZeroCalamity: 00:45:296 (45296|2,45356|3,45356|1,45416|0,45476|1,45476|2) -
2016-02-06 16:47 XeoStyle: Maybe gonna put the HP a little bit lower too
2016-02-06 16:47 ZeroCalamity: handtrills?
2016-02-06 16:48 XeoStyle:
2016-02-06 16:48 ZeroCalamity: ah
2016-02-06 16:49 ZeroCalamity: but the middle of the map
2016-02-06 16:49 ZeroCalamity: feels very good to play
2016-02-06 16:49 ZeroCalamity: satisfying
2016-02-06 16:49 XeoStyle: Yeah, i'm kinda happy about it
2016-02-06 16:49 ZeroCalamity: like from here
2016-02-06 16:49 ZeroCalamity: 04:54:756
2016-02-06 16:49 ZeroCalamity: is great
2016-02-06 16:51 XeoStyle: the music is cool for this too :P
2016-02-06 16:51 ZeroCalamity: yeah
2016-02-06 16:51 ZeroCalamity: what I would do is
2016-02-06 16:51 ZeroCalamity: add different js pattern in the beginning
2016-02-06 16:52 ZeroCalamity: because the current one is hard, and, doesn't feel comfortable to play
2016-02-06 16:52 XeoStyle: 00:45:296 (45296|2,45356|1,45356|3,45416|0,45476|2,45476|1) - this kind ?
2016-02-06 16:52 ZeroCalamity: ofc, those kind of patterns need to exist, but there's a lot of them at the end
2016-02-06 16:53 ZeroCalamity: yep
2016-02-06 16:53 XeoStyle: gonna fix some of them then
2016-02-06 16:53 ZeroCalamity: I saw you added them in appartion
2016-02-06 16:53 ZeroCalamity: yeah
2016-02-06 16:53 ZeroCalamity: don't remove all of them
2016-02-06 16:53 ZeroCalamity: but split them up
2016-02-06 16:53 ZeroCalamity: because they're hard to follow if you're not fast enough
2016-02-06 16:53 XeoStyle: yeah I see
2016-02-06 16:53 ZeroCalamity: and I'd say it's pretty annoying when you can't get past first 20 seconds
2016-02-06 16:54 ZeroCalamity: and leave those at the end
2016-02-06 16:54 ZeroCalamity: the ending sounds harder than the beginning so it's fine
2016-02-06 16:54 ZeroCalamity: I mean, you can always change it a little bit, but the difficulty of it is fine
2016-02-06 16:55 XeoStyle: Ok ok gonna do this thanks
2016-02-06 16:55 XeoStyle: (you can post the log on the forum if you want kudo, you actually helped me a lot haha
2016-02-06 16:56 ZeroCalamity:
2016-02-06 16:56 ZeroCalamity: this kind of pattern is much easier
2016-02-06 16:56 ZeroCalamity: compared to
2016-02-06 16:57 ZeroCalamity: something like this
2016-02-06 16:57 ZeroCalamity:
2016-02-06 16:57 ZeroCalamity: because of the 2 into 1
2016-02-06 16:57 ZeroCalamity: oh
2016-02-06 16:58 XeoStyle: oh exact I see
2016-02-06 16:59 ZeroCalamity: I'll post it then
2016-02-06 16:59 ZeroCalamity: thanks friend
2016-02-06 16:59 XeoStyle: yeah np, thanks for the help, i'm gonna do some changes
Hello, some IRC

18:36 XeoStyle: [ mfw]
18:37 _underjoy: hyhy
18:37 _underjoy: can we IRC
18:38 XeoStyle: ye
18:38 _underjoy: 00:31:128 (31128|0) - that's a ghost note
18:39 _underjoy: this reflects pitch better
18:41 XeoStyle: ghost note removed
18:41 _underjoy: 00:33:308 (33308|1,33376|3) -
18:41 _underjoy: first note to 3, second to 2, and the LN to 4
18:41 _underjoy: to avoid the anchor on 2
18:42 _underjoy: also the lengths of the LNs are a bit strange
18:42 _underjoy: shouldn't they be just 1/2
18:42 _underjoy: 00:36:035 (36035|0,36035|1,36035|2,36581|3,36581|2,36581|0) - those should be musically doubles
18:42 XeoStyle: hum
18:43 _underjoy: you can rearrange all of this like you did here 00:37:262 (37262|0,37262|2,37331|3,37331|1,37399|2,37399|0,37467|3,37535|2,37535|1,37535|0) -
18:43 _underjoy: this is more reasonable
18:43 _underjoy: trills are ok too
18:43 XeoStyle: i'm gonna change to this ok
18:44 _underjoy: 00:41:353 (41353|1,41353|3,41353|2) - I don't feel it's strong enough for a 3-chord, 2-chord would suffice
18:44 XeoStyle: it's a cymbal
18:45 XeoStyle: maybe I can change the hitsound for a cymbal then ?
18:45 _underjoy: since you use one hand chords in this section
18:45 _underjoy: I feel like this should be a split chord like [14] or [24]
18:46 _underjoy: reasonable
18:46 XeoStyle: okok
18:46 XeoStyle: changed
18:46 _underjoy: 00:45:476 (45476|1,45596|1,45716|1,45836|1,45956|1,46076|1) - oops
18:47 _underjoy: also what is with all those metal bands forcing you to chord 1/4
18:47 XeoStyle: oh lol
18:47 _underjoy: it's weird xD
18:47 XeoStyle: basic blast drum technic
18:47 _underjoy: yeah I can imagine
18:48 XeoStyle: empress actually use it too
18:48 XeoStyle: I just map the snare on 2 notes, thats why it's looks weird for you I guess
18:48 _underjoy: 00:50:696 (50696|1,50696|0,50696|3) - that should be double? I hear no crash or cymbal or anything
18:49 XeoStyle: i'm not sure but you're probably right
18:50 XeoStyle: changed
18:50 _underjoy: 00:52:376 (52376|2,52376|3,52376|0,52436|1) -
18:50 _underjoy: wow
18:51 _underjoy: I hear crash at the second note
18:51 _underjoy: 00:52:616 (52616|0,52616|3,52616|1,52676|2) - here too
18:52 XeoStyle: theses one are ok
18:52 XeoStyle: the sound is actually hard to ear but it's ok
18:52 _underjoy: I won't drill into it
18:52 _underjoy: 1/4 triples are too weird anyway
18:53 XeoStyle: lol
18:53 _underjoy: 00:56:696 - triple
18:53 _underjoy: 00:59:570 - same
18:53 XeoStyle: 00:50:936- probably one I forget here
18:53 XeoStyle: oh lol
18:53 _underjoy: 01:02:450 (62450|2,62450|1,62450|0) - compare with
18:54 _underjoy: 01:02:690 (62690|1,62810|0,62810|3,62930|2,63050|3,63050|1) - I liked the doubletaps concept used earlier
18:54 _underjoy: you should stick to it
18:54 XeoStyle: double tap ?
18:54 _underjoy: ops wrong fragment selected
18:55 _underjoy: 00:57:656 (57656|1,57776|1,57896|2,58016|2) - I meant this
18:55 XeoStyle: so like I move this one 01:00:530 (60530|3) - to 3 ?
18:56 _underjoy: mm no
18:56 _underjoy: I'm thinking
18:56 XeoStyle: ok
18:56 XeoStyle: gl brain
18:57 _underjoy: ok
18:57 _underjoy: 01:03:410 (63410|1) - to 3
18:57 _underjoy: 01:03:770 (63770|0) - to 2
18:57 _underjoy: 01:03:890 (63890|1,64010|0) - ctrl+J
18:57 _underjoy: how do you like it
18:58 XeoStyle: 01:03:890 (63890|1) - maybe move to 1 then ?
18:58 _underjoy: yeah that happens when you ctrl+J it
18:59 XeoStyle: ok god
18:59 XeoStyle: good*
19:00 _underjoy: 01:03:890 (63890|1) - I feel you should add a note here but I'm not sure
19:00 _underjoy: oh yes you should
19:00 _underjoy: 01:11:810 (71810|0,71810|1) -
19:01 XeoStyle: ?
19:01 _underjoy: compare those two highlights
19:01 _underjoy: in the first you have a single in the second no
19:01 XeoStyle: what about this double ? + I'm gonna deal with the ride cymbals later I think
19:02 _underjoy: aaaa bad select again
19:02 _underjoy: 01:08:930 (68930|1) -
19:02 _underjoy: this is what I meant
19:02 XeoStyle: lol gg
19:02 XeoStyle: oh good catch
19:03 XeoStyle: fixed
19:04 _underjoy: 01:16:010 (76010|1,76070|0,76130|1,76250|0,76310|1) -
19:04 _underjoy: I would switch the columns for those
19:04 XeoStyle: 01:14:030 (74030|3,74090|2,74150|1,74210|3,74270|0,74330|1,74390|2,74450|1,74510|3,74570|2,74630|1) - I know this part can sounds weird, but it's 1/4 so it's ok
19:04 _underjoy: it sounds ok
19:04 XeoStyle: ok cool
19:04 _underjoy: about those notes, you use mid columns so much
19:05 _underjoy: also pattern [34]2[13]2[34] isn't very comfortable
19:06 XeoStyle: I can 01:16:130 (76130|1) - to 4
19:06 XeoStyle: and 01:16:190 (76190|3) - to 2
19:06 XeoStyle: but this is not a confortable pattern too :/
19:07 _underjoy: it's okay actually
19:07 XeoStyle: Ok I switch to this then
19:07 _underjoy: mm
19:07 _underjoy: second chorus is good
19:07 _underjoy: I like the patterning
19:08 _underjoy: 01:32:690 (92690|2) - uhh why not 2
19:08 XeoStyle: :D
19:08 _underjoy: the single doubletap is perfectionist's nightmare
19:08 XeoStyle: guitar accentuate
19:08 _underjoy: eh ok
19:09 _underjoy: 01:36:290 (96290|0,96350|1,96410|3,96470|2) -
19:10 XeoStyle: I'm gonna stay like this since the section is actually very boring with basic JS
19:10 _underjoy: ctrl+J then ctrl+H
19:10 _underjoy: 1 after [14] is strange
19:10 _underjoy: the roll, I mean
19:11 XeoStyle: still guitar accentuate
19:11 _underjoy: aaa
19:11 _underjoy: 01:41:210 (101210|2,101330|2) - this too?
19:11 _underjoy: 01:42:350 (102350|2,102470|1) - ghost notes
19:11 XeoStyle: I can move it too 2 like [ this]
19:12 XeoStyle: yeah like this
19:12 _underjoy: well it's good now
19:12 _underjoy: I
19:12 _underjoy: I'd rather thing about moving first two one column to the left but if you want the doubletap then it's fune
19:12 XeoStyle: ok
19:12 _underjoy: fine*
19:13 XeoStyle: yup
19:13 _underjoy: 01:45:650 (105650|0,105650|3,105650|1) - why a triple?
19:13 XeoStyle: because cymbal ? lol
19:13 _underjoy: 01:47:870 (107870|0,107870|1,107930|2,107990|0,107990|3,108050|1,108110|2,108110|3,108170|0,108230|2,108230|1,108290|3,108350|1,108350|0,108410|2,108470|3) - you went full jumptrill here, maybe tweak a bitr
19:14 _underjoy: damn I should get new headphones
19:14 _underjoy: or new ears
19:14 XeoStyle: haha
19:14 XeoStyle: why just tweak just here ?
19:15 XeoStyle: Oh ok
19:15 XeoStyle: Understand
19:15 XeoStyle: gonna change it a little bit
19:15 _underjoy: 01:51:890 (111890|2,111890|0,111890|3,112130|3,112130|1,112370|3,112370|2,112370|1,112610|0,112610|1,112610|2) - I'd see this rather as a 3-3-2-2 chords
19:15 _underjoy: but you map triples to cymbals so hm
19:15 _underjoy: your decision
19:16 _underjoy: 01:54:290 - add 3
19:16 _underjoy: 01:55:970 (115970|0) - move to 3 for nice trill
19:16 _underjoy: and same idea 01:56:570 (116570|3,116630|2,116690|1) - maybe?
19:17 XeoStyle: lemme 2 secs to check lol
19:17 XeoStyle: (people at home because of my birthday so it's hard to focus lol)
19:17 _underjoy: LOL
19:17 _underjoy: am I disturbing you then
19:18 XeoStyle: all applied
19:18 XeoStyle: not really, just my familly who start to say come home when I'm modding lol
19:18 XeoStyle: no a problem np
19:18 XeoStyle: not*
19:18 XeoStyle: -say wtf
19:19 XeoStyle: I have changed all the little triple for NICE TRILL
19:19 _underjoy: 02:14:450 - 1 too
19:19 _underjoy: oo nice
19:19 _underjoy: NICE
19:20 XeoStyle: NICE TRILL
19:20 XeoStyle: + ok
19:22 _underjoy: 02:35:730 (155730|0) - should be a double?
19:22 XeoStyle: uh yeah i'm blind, exact
19:23 _underjoy: 02:52:737 - missed a note here sir
19:23 XeoStyle: uh
19:24 XeoStyle: You're not the only one that need a new headset I guess
19:24 _underjoy: 03:02:585 - add a note here?
19:25 XeoStyle: nop, follow the I follow the drum concistency
19:25 _underjoy: 03:18:758 (198758|1,198758|3,198758|2) - uhh idk but 1/1 LN?
19:26 XeoStyle: oh yeah like the beggining of the song
19:26 _underjoy: but those 03:01:281 (181281|1,181281|2,181281|0,181672|2,181672|3,181672|0,182063|1,182063|3,182063|2,182455|3,182455|1,182455|0) - are triples
19:26 XeoStyle: But longer
19:26 _underjoy: and 03:02:585 (182585|0,182585|2) - sounds the same
19:27 XeoStyle: 03:01:803 (181803|1,181803|3,182194|0,182194|3,182585|0,182585|2) - same sound
19:27 XeoStyle: go 25% :P
19:28 _underjoy: what
19:28 _underjoy: the third one sounds other
19:28 _underjoy: there's a pedal
19:28 _underjoy: or whatever if this called
19:28 _underjoy: is*
19:28 XeoStyle: yeah
19:28 XeoStyle: look at the hitsounds
19:28 XeoStyle: x)
19:29 XeoStyle: I use triple only for W + F
19:29 XeoStyle: and C + F
19:30 _underjoy: it is weird, the pedal is more transparent here I think
19:30 _underjoy: but if you're confident I'll skip that
19:30 XeoStyle: Yeah, fuck this part
19:30 XeoStyle: x)
19:31 _underjoy: 03:28:345 (208345|3,208410|2,208410|1,208475|0) - I'd make the trill on 12 longer
19:31 _underjoy: to accent the guitar
19:31 XeoStyle: ok
19:31 _underjoy: 03:35:192 - add 1
19:32 XeoStyle: no hit hat sound
19:32 XeoStyle: so nop
19:32 _underjoy: dang
19:32 _underjoy: 03:40:278 - a note on 3?
19:33 XeoStyle: I do the same thing at 03:36:561 (216561|0,216626|3,216692|2,216757|0,216822|1,216887|2,216952|3) -
19:33 XeoStyle: ghost note ?
19:33 _underjoy: no
19:33 _underjoy: it can be added
19:33 XeoStyle: what sound ?
19:34 _underjoy: you mapped the guitar and then the chord looks like guitar+drum
19:34 XeoStyle: i'm ok for 03:46:539 (226539|3) - but why here ?
19:34 _underjoy: well I think I need to learn the english names for all the instruments
19:35 _underjoy: I meant here 03:40:278 -
19:35 XeoStyle: hi hat is charleston :P
19:35 XeoStyle: yeah I know
19:35 XeoStyle: but for the guitar ?
19:35 _underjoy: no
19:35 _underjoy: 03:40:930 (220930|0,221191|2) - for sounds like this
19:36 _underjoy: wait I told you the wrong thing
19:36 _underjoy: aaaartghh
19:36 XeoStyle: wtf hahaha
19:36 _underjoy: I mean, this moment
19:36 _underjoy: but there's the little sound
19:37 XeoStyle: little charleston sound ?
19:37 _underjoy: 03:40:147 (220147|0,220408|0,220408|3) - that connects those two
19:37 _underjoy: I think that's it
19:37 XeoStyle: [ this ? xD]
19:37 _underjoy: eh
19:37 _underjoy: I have no fvcking idea
19:38 _underjoy: let's skip this
19:38 XeoStyle: Yeah fuck this too
19:39 _underjoy: 03:52:408 (232408|0,232539|3,232604|1,232669|3,233191|3,233321|1,233386|2,233452|1) - those are groups of five sounds
19:39 _underjoy: not three
19:39 _underjoy: 03:52:473 - 03:53:256 - there should be notes too
19:39 _underjoy: this is for the whole section
19:40 XeoStyle: wait
19:40 _underjoy: 04:04:147 (244147|1,244147|0,244408|2,244408|1,244408|3) - also you skipped those between those two chords
19:40 _underjoy: 04:04:930 (244930|0,245060|3,245191|1) - they're here too
19:41 XeoStyle: ^ nop
19:41 XeoStyle: not here
19:41 XeoStyle: but for all the others, it's probably 5 sounds
19:41 XeoStyle: you're right
19:41 _underjoy: but they are here
19:41 _underjoy: I can hear them
19:42 XeoStyle: oh wait
19:42 XeoStyle: you're right
19:42 XeoStyle: fuck
19:42 XeoStyle: this part was structured for 3 notes trills
19:42 XeoStyle: i'm sad
19:43 _underjoy: 04:33:104 (273104|2,273104|1,273104|3,273365|3,273365|1,273365|0) - am I deaf or I don't see reason for triples here
19:43 _underjoy: in fact they should be singles?
19:44 XeoStyle: Uh, I was maybe a little bit tired for this part
19:44 _underjoy: 04:39:104 - triple here
19:44 XeoStyle: it's actually single you're right lol
19:45 XeoStyle: fixed
19:45 _underjoy: 04:54:169 - would be cool if you added the note here for the guitar
19:45 _underjoy: 04:56:256 (296256|2,296386|2,296517|2,296647|2) - a small anchor here
19:46 XeoStyle: the guitar is 1/3
19:46 XeoStyle: I can't really do it without making something weird
19:46 _underjoy: 05:03:691 - okay then
19:47 XeoStyle: bitch anchor
19:47 _underjoy: 05:03:691 - 05:04:408 - doubles here?
19:47 _underjoy: 05:07:017 (307017|0,307017|1,307017|2) - double here, differs from other 3-chords
19:47 _underjoy: or even a single
19:48 _underjoy: 05:07:539 (307539|0,307539|2,307539|1,307799|3,307799|2,307799|1) - those two too? they aren't supported by actual pedals or toms or whatever
19:48 XeoStyle: it's all cymbal
19:49 _underjoy: kk
19:49 _underjoy: I have troubles hearing cymbals so pardon me
19:49 XeoStyle: the sound is just really weird and suppressed
19:49 XeoStyle: :P
19:50 XeoStyle: 05:19:278 (319278|1,319408|1,319539|1,319669|1,319800|1) - gonna fix this
19:51 XeoStyle: 05:21:889- probably quad here too ?
19:51 _underjoy: no
19:51 _underjoy: don't fix that
19:51 _underjoy: it's ok actually
19:52 _underjoy: 05:20:322 (320322|1,320452|1,320582|1,320713|1,320843|1) - this if anything
19:52 _underjoy: 05:21:889 - yes quad here
19:52 XeoStyle: ok
19:52 _underjoy: the last chorus is fucking brutal
19:53 XeoStyle: yup
19:53 _underjoy: 05:51:775 -
19:53 XeoStyle: Thats why the HP is 8
19:53 XeoStyle: ?
19:53 _underjoy:
19:53 _underjoy: is better
19:54 _underjoy: 05:55:795 (355795|0,355795|1,355855|2,355915|1,355915|3,355975|2,356035|1,356035|0) - that pattern again but it kinda reflects the guitar so it can stay
19:54 XeoStyle: changed
19:54 _underjoy: 05:56:575 - add 1 here
19:54 _underjoy: 05:56:655 (356655|0,356655|1,356735|2,356735|3) - and [23] [14]
19:54 _underjoy: is cool
19:54 XeoStyle: It was not my intention too
19:55 _underjoy: and you can reflect further trills to not make minijacks
19:55 _underjoy: also
19:55 _underjoy: at the end of the mod
19:56 _underjoy: fix aimod pls
19:56 XeoStyle: why 23 14 ?
19:56 XeoStyle: oh lol aimod hates me
19:56 _underjoy: you didn't map the first chord from these three
19:56 _underjoy: and if you put [14] then natural followup is [23][14]
19:57 _underjoy: well you can also do another thing
19:58 XeoStyle: oh I understand
19:58 _underjoy: 05:56:515 (356515|2,356515|1,356575|3,356655|0,356655|1,356735|3,356735|2) - rearrange this into [34][12][34][12 and mirror later things
19:58 XeoStyle: to avoid this ?
19:58 _underjoy: this too
19:58 XeoStyle: o
19:58 XeoStyle: good idee
19:59 _underjoy: 05:56:575 (356575|3,356655|0,356655|1,356735|2,356735|3) - but mainly because that's a guitar triplet
19:59 _underjoy: and you can arrange the first sound only with [14] if there's [23] before
20:00 XeoStyle: gonna rework this part
20:02 _underjoy: oke
20:02 _underjoy: so that's all

good map have my star
oh it's 4K.. also scary song zz I will try.. (hey puxtu maybe like this more)

00:58:610 (58610|1,58730|1) - move to 1 -> 00:58:850 (58850|0,58970|1) - swap?
00:59:330 (59330|2,59450|2) - move to 4 -> 00:59:570 (59570|3,59690|2) - swap?
01:04:370 (64370|2,64490|2,64610|3,64730|2) - same as before?
01:04:850 (64850|1,64970|1) - move to 1
01:22:610 (82610|3,82610|1,82610|2) - add 1 more note (quad) -> 01:22:730 (82730|0,82850|1) - move 1 col to the right
why quad? it has cymbal louder than 01:24:050 (84050|2,84050|0,84050|1) -
01:24:830 - add?
01:32:630 - add?
02:18:050 (138050|1) - move to 3
03:48:756 (228756|1) - move to 1

hey I like the instrument-time one, but when vocal/scream comes it become scary again lol
good luck
Topic Starter
Yes/No but

ArcherLove wrote:

oh it's 4K.. also scary song zz I will try.. (hey puxtu maybe like this more)

00:58:610 (58610|1,58730|1) - move to 1 -> 00:58:850 (58850|0,58970|1) - swap? Want to stay this big jack, flow better with the guitar
00:59:330 (59330|2,59450|2) - move to 4 -> 00:59:570 (59570|3,59690|2) - swap?
01:04:370 (64370|2,64490|2,64610|3,64730|2) - same as before?
01:04:850 (64850|1,64970|1) - move to 1
01:22:610 (82610|3,82610|1,82610|2) - add 1 more note (quad) -> 01:22:730 (82730|0,82850|1) - move 1 col to the right
why quad? it has cymbal louder than 01:24:050 (84050|2,84050|0,84050|1) - Applied
01:24:830 - add? I map the drum and there is no sounds here
01:32:630 - add? nice catch
02:18:050 (138050|1) - move to 3 I follow guitar + drum and it actually flows really well like this
03:48:756 (228756|1) - move to 1 For the structure of this part, I use collum change for the tom rolls, the kick looks better with jack.

hey I like the instrument-time one, but when vocal/scream comes it become scary again lol The bass solo is so sex *_*
good luck Thanks for the mod, gonna do my M4M soon ! :)

ArcherLove wrote:

oh it's 4K.. also scary song zz I will try.. (hey puxtu maybe like this more)
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