from your M4M queue
I didn't pay full attention to which person mapped which part, so if I accidentally placed a comment in the wrong mapper's section, sorry in advance[General (for both of you)]
- needs more variety of hitsounds
- also, I think the sliderslide.wav sound ruins some sections (for example, 04:09:748 (1,2,3) - here). maybe silence it or find something else
- 01:49:176 (6) - holy moly deathstreams. there's a huge difficulty increase starting from here even though the music doesn't change that much. I recommend increasing all the distance and jump spacing in the non-stream parts to balance things out. Regardless, unless you change those streams, I think you're gonna have a hard time ranking this.
[Default's Stuff]
One general comment: most downbeats are strong beats and thus deserve emphasis via stacking/flow disruption/jump/etc... For the most part, you already do this intuitively, but there's a couple spots where the wrong beat is emphasized.
There's only one noticeable instrument playing for the first 30 secs, please try to follow that sound with your mapping rhythms
- 00:02:719 - if you're following that bee-boop sound, you need a note here, probably stacking on top of 00:02:548 (4) -
- 00:05:290 (5) - rotate by -10 degrees and move to (~216, ~76) for better flow
- 00:08:033 (1) - move NC to 00:08:376 (2) -
- 00:08:205 - add note here and stack with 00:08:033 (1) , also unstack 00:08:376 (2) - so it follows song better
- 00:11:119 (1) - breaking into 2 sliders would be more fun to play imo, but up to you
- 00:11:119 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - spacing issue, please move 00:12:490 (2,3,4,5,6) - downwards so rhythm is more apparent
- 00:13:519 (1,2) - same comment as 00:08:205
- 00:19:005 (1,2) - ^
- 00:23:976 (1,1) - remove NCs
- 00:27:576 - avoid ending sliders on downbeat since these are important beats. needs something clickable here
- 00:46:605 - add note on top of 00:46:433 (4) here
- 00:43:862 - the beginning part already has a very low note density, there's no need for all these breaks as players will find them boring (especially since this is a 5.5+ star map). imo, there shouldn't be any breaks until 00:52:090 -
- 00:52:090 - add note here
- 01:36:833 (5,6) - maybe make this a triple to keep the same rhythm going.
- 01:47:119 - downbeat needs something clickable imo
- 02:58:090 (1) - move NC to 02:58:433 (3)
- 03:03:748 (1,2) - you're emphasizing the wrong beat -_- if you listen to the music, the stong beat is on 03:03:919 (2) - the downbeat. Thus, you should start your diamond patter and NC on 03:03:919 (2) - NOT 03:03:748 (1) -
- 03:06:662 (3) - same thing. 03:06:662 (3) is a strong beat and needs a break in flow for emphasis (as well as move NC here). please continue jump pattern at 03:06:319 (1,2) and start your circle pattern at 03:06:662 (3) -
- 03:16:176 (1) - move NC to 03:16:262 (2) -
- 03:17:633 - note here maybe?
- 03:42:319 - not a fan of all these breaks, it's boring to the player. suggest you map it out
- 03:53:119 - note here and stack on 03:52:948 (3) -
- 04:32:548 - pauses disrupt rhythmic flow. change to 1/2 slider imo
- 04:43:348 (1) - move NC to 04:43:005 (5) -
- 05:22:433 - streams should start here imo to match strong downbeat. Shorten 05:22:090 (3) - to be the same length as 05:21:748 (2) -
- 06:10:433 (2) - again, emphasis should be here on downbeat instead of 06:10:091 (10,1) - please NC here and use a sharper/bigger change in direction from 06:10:262 (1) -
- 06:45:576 (1) - move NC to 06:46:090 (2) -
[Masala's stuff]
- 01:06:233 (2,3) - maybe unstack here for better flow
- 01:06:833 (6,1) - unstack. this is placing more emphasis on 01:07:005 (1) instead of 01:07:348 (2) - which is the exact opposite of what the music suggests. you do it correctly here 01:08:548 (5,1) - where you emphasize the downbeat with the stack
- 01:07:005 (1) - move NC to 01:07:348 (2) - since downbeat and has more empahsis
- 01:08:719 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - not a fan of these straight line patterns since they make the map feel rigid. consider making these patterns slightly curved
- 01:10:948 (3,4) - needs bigger spacing or stack to emphasize 01:11:119 (4) imo
- 01:12:319 (1) - remove NC
- 01:16:348 (3) - move to 01:16:519 - and readjust stacks to keep rhythm more consistent. you have a nice beat going, so don't change it!
- 01:21:062 (1) - better if unstack and do a jump instead for more emphasis, but up to you
- 01:23:805 (9) - maybe NC
- 02:34:433 (2,3,4) - uhh...players won't get this rhythm, especially w/o DS. I think a simple 1/2 rhythm is the safer choice
- 02:49:005 (2,3,4) - unstack these for better flow with 02:49:519 (5,6,7)
- 02:52:948 (1,2,3) - ^
- 03:20:205 - note here and stack on 03:20:033 (4) -
- 03:36:662 - ^
- 03:20:376 - not a fan of all these breaks, it's boring to the player. suggest you map it out
- 03:41:976 (4,5) - see? Default does it :p
- 04:09:748 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this rhythm felt so different and out of place with the rest of the section
- 04:14:890 - please add a note, pause is awkward. I know you're following the bee-boop sound, but you don't have pauses earlier in this section to reflect that (like 04:13:348 (6,7,8,9) - for example)
- 05:29:290 (1,2,3,4) - confusing rhythm, especially w/o DS
- 06:17:119 (7) - maybe make this a horizontal slider facing towards 06:17:462 (8) -
- 06:19:690 (6) - ^ too many pauses are disrupting the rhythm here
- 06:23:976 (9) - maybe move to (~32, ~304)? gives more movement to reflect song
- 06:27:919 (4,5,6,1) - DS, 06:28:091 (5,6) - totally looks like a 1/2 gap recommend you fill in the gap since Default does it (you should try to match mapping styles so the map plays smoothly)
- 06:30:319 (2,3) - why stack? the two instrument sounds aren't the same pitch and you didn't stack at 06:24:833 (2,3) -
- 06:33:404 (4,5,6,7) - DS again
- 07:07:861 (7) and 07:18:490 (6,7) - better to unstack to match song intensity imo
Even though this genre isn't really my cup of tea, I liked this song and map. Hope my mod helps and good luck!