Okay here we go. :3
00:06:889 (1) - No please please NOOOO ;_; !! I could talk to you HOURS about why mid-slider hitsounds are bad but I would end up writing a whole wall of text, and most people consider them good anyway. Here's what I'll say, and even though I consider them super bad for any kind of difficulty, here's why they are specially bad for an Easy:
This is an easy diff. New players don't know what a hitsound is. New players don't know how they work. They just have the information that tells them that whenever they hit an object, or an object ends, they heard a hitsounds. When you put mid-slider hitsounds you'll only confuse them - they won't say "oh wow, this mapper really knows what he's doing!", but rather, they won't even know what a mapper is. They just know they heard the same sound they always here when they interact with an object, but nothing has happened, as they are midway through a slider.
What gonna happen is either:
a) They release the click/key early and 100 the slider
b) They get confused and don't know what hitsounds are doing
What is NEVER gonna happen is: They are going to aknowledge the mapper took some time and put some effort to make the hitsounds fit the music EVEN THOUGH THE MAP ITSELF DOESN'T?
What I mean is, why would you force a hitsound in a place where YOU chose not to fit the music in the first place? It's just nonsense honestly. I could rant hours about this so you should better
fight me irl catch me in-game for further discussion, if you are not convinced yet.
Okay.. then, let's breathe deeply and go on
00:13:164 (1) - By the way, this pattern made me realize that your 0.9 spacing choice is not the best. It makes the note feel clusttered and almost touch each other, while 1.0 would look better without adding any considerable difficulty to the map. Now add your big-grid size to the mix, and you have some really unnecessary clusttered stuff!
00:21:791 (2,3,4) - Try to curve (4) upwards and do something like this for better flow
http://puu.sh/iJE8G/b00797cd8b.jpg00:34:732 - Why would you leave this clear snare sound + vocal sound unmapped?
00:36:693 (1,2,3) - Would flow better like this
http://puu.sh/iJEcU/8d390e8c81.jpg - then rearrange following objects
00:49:242 (1,2,3) - Flows better like this, then rearrange following objects
http://puu.sh/iJEiK/e614ffaeda.jpg01:07:281 (4) - Looks better this way?
http://puu.sh/iJElh/b189d69eb9.jpg01:36:693 (2,3) -
http://puu.sh/iJEpk/3d65c264a7.jpg is better I think.
01:54:732 (2) -
http://puu.sh/iJEzh/be1e6095f8.jpg Looks and feels better
02:18:654 (2,3,4) - (3) would fit the music a lot better if it was where (2) is, and move (2) to 02:19:438
02:24:536 (2) - Better at x280 y152
02:24:928 (1) - Looks excessively curved, try
http://puu.sh/iJEGZ/d47296c7a9.jpg02:33:164 (2,3) - Same as 02:24:536 (2) -, try
http://puu.sh/iJEJc/314a7f91e3.jpg02:41:791 (2) -
http://puu.sh/iJELe/38e466308e.jpg03:44:928 (1) - Looks excessively curved too
04:06:889 (2,3,4) - This flows better
00:10:811 (3,4,5) - Could really improve flow here don't you think? Try
http://puu.sh/iJF0z/fe34299230.jpg00:17:869 (1,2) - I'm not too sure about this triplet thingies. I mean they are OK for a Normal diff, but does the music really call for them? Either way you have plenty of them and asking you to change it would be asking you to remap, but just reconsider some of them maybe
00:26:301 (2,3) - You should actually start the slider on the red tick and add a repeat, getting rid of (2). Right now it fits the music a bit better than my suggestion, yes, but it's insanely confusing because there's a sudden break and then a note in a red tick, remember it's a normal diff.
01:08:654 (2,3) - Try to make it look a bit better like this
http://puu.sh/iJH30/c5f4a17518.jpg01:17:477 (3) - This slider breaks flow in a very... weird manner. Look
http://puu.sh/iJHbh/bc1e79341b.jpg . Try to think of a way to fix this please!
01:19:830 (3,4) - In order to emphasize the sound at 1:20:222 I suggest you do this:
http://puu.sh/iJP1z/c8957ca0f4.jpg01:25:320 (1) - This flow curve could be improved:
Right now:
http://puu.sh/iJP9q/99777efd9a.jpg (and then rearrange following objects of course)
01:37:085 (5) - I'd remove this repeat because you need to emphize the big white tick, making it clickable some way. So I suggest removing the repeat and either add a note at the big white tick or a slider starting there and ending where the following note is.
02:12:379 (3) - This would flow better and actually looks nicer in my opinion!
http://puu.sh/iJPis/1d0d09f54b.jpg02:14:732 (2,3) -
http://puu.sh/iJPkV/45b6bb898f.jpg ?
02:29:046 (2,3) -
http://puu.sh/iJPnX/d0880768be.jpg02:55:516 (6) - NC to make it more clear
03:40:418 (5,6) -
http://puu.sh/iJPww/20d9f04ce8.jpg03:43:752 (4) - It looks ugly, try to move it up and right so it doesn't touch (3)'s body like that
04:04:144 (4) - Move to x152 y32
04:11:595 (1) - Flows better like this
http://puu.sh/iJPCP/b26903a200.jpg04:28:262 - You could probably add a note here
Spacing is kind of a mess. Some intentional jumps that are good but some others are just random!
00:06:889 (1) - Okay this breaks the flow curve that the previous notes were creating, it feels kinda uncomfortable to play! Look
http://puu.sh/iJPXu/3fbca0155c.jpgYou should try to do something like this -
http://puu.sh/iJQ0b/98132551c8.jpg - and then rearrange the following objects.
00:09:830 (3,1) - Is this spacing change intentional? It looks like an awkward jump but maybe it is intentional!
00:25:320 (3) - I think this jump is not necessary, while the following jump fits the music perfectly, so I suggest this:
http://puu.sh/iJQpw/2092f5ecfa.jpg00:50:026 (5,6,7,8) - This curve could be improved
http://puu.sh/iJQBG/ee499a7281.jpg00:56:301 (3,4,5,6) - This looks like kind of a mess D: you could either go for a real square or something like this
http://puu.sh/iJQFb/f287cfe90e.jpg (I just moved (5) and (6)
01:01:007 (2,3,4,5,6) - Maybe this is a bit confusing for low AR but I can't think of a solution
01:08:262 (2) - No reason not to move this to x112 y56
01:13:556 (2,3,4,5,1) - Looks better like this
http://puu.sh/iJQSn/26b10731f9.jpg01:24:536 (3,4,1) - (1) doesn't flow with (3,4) at all, try to think of a way of fixing this?
01:50:811 (2) - Feels excessively curved, move last point to x208 y80
02:14:144 - I'd add a note here
02:30:418 (3,4,5,6) - Unnecessarily confusing for a hard diff!
02:33:556 (4) - Maybe it's a little bit extreme but don't you think moving this to x488 y32 flows better?
03:08:654 (4,1,2) - This would flow a lot better
http://puu.sh/iJRy9/43a9a35090.jpg03:18:654 (2) - This would be okay if it wasn't for the fact that you mapped total stacks here in the past, instead of partial stacks like this one.
03:22:967 (1) - Flows better if you curve the other way around, like, moving the last dot up
03:28:458 (4,5,6,7,1) - Make this a little more polite making a perfect square?
03:43:360 (1) - Improve flow
http://puu.sh/iJRNq/1216c79b02.jpg03:44:928 (1) - Try to go for a blanket
04:07:673 (4,5,6,7) - Yeah this curve could be a lot better
http://puu.sh/iJRSM/1ccaea2785.jpg04:10:811 (3,4,5,6) - Same, try to go for a curve maybe
04:28:262 (5) - Should make it equally distant to (4) and (6)
Has several flow issues but I'll just point out some examples and you can think about the rest, applying the same logic.
00:06:889 (1) - Look at how you break the flow:
Right now:
http://puu.sh/iJScO/a8d0cb6fa0.jpgSee how slider (1) forces an uncomfortable "bump" in the line/curve you were suggesting? Now look at my suggestion:
http://puu.sh/iJSiN/834ec43c77.jpgYou can rearrange the following slider as you please or just leave it like that.
00:14:144 (4,5) -
Stacking these two fails to fit the music. You should either stack 3 with 4, or don't stack any of them. oh, you went for the snare sound. Still I don't quite like it but it's good.
00:16:105 (5,1) - Same as my first suggestion of this diff: this breaks flow in a VERY simillar way so I don't need to point it out.
00:27:085 (5,1) - Doesn't flow well
http://puu.sh/iJSvV/7fa80e36b0.jpg . Try something like
http://puu.sh/iJSz1/6fd894af1c.jpg or rearrange the slider in such a way that it flows well.
00:34:732 (5,6) - Try
http://puu.sh/iJSEp/7d6f305b41.jpg00:41:399 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Looks kinda random in my opinion, what's the logic behind this note placement? (5) and (6) are oddly close to each other and the whole pattern looks like a dull shape D:
00:49:242 (3) -
http://puu.sh/iJSKm/dc0c8759db.jpg looks and flows better
01:13:948 (4,5,1,2,3) - Looks odd, maybe you can try to make something fun and nice like a star or idk
01:33:752 (5) - What about moving this to x288 y176
01:50:418 (1) - Excessively curved and (2) doesn't flow well with it, try to fix this
02:27:281 (5,6,7,8) - These four notes look kinda random too
03:04:732 (4,5) - Move (5) so it follows the line of 3 and 4
03:21:203 (8,1) -
http://puu.sh/iJTOc/088503d19d.jpg the weird bump that (1) forces you to make could be fixed by moving its tail AND middle point down.
03:23:556 (2,3) - Try
http://puu.sh/iJTU5/4d8a8b2790.jpg for better flow and then rearrange following objects
03:31:399 (4) - This note feels super awkward here. Too close to previous note, and inconsistent to the previous pattern
03:31:987 (6,1) -
http://puu.sh/iJU23/bce29bd3b6.jpg . My suggestion would be
http://puu.sh/iJU7a/ace68f081e.jpg03:40:026 (2) - Does this shape really fit the music?
03:41:791 (1) -
http://puu.sh/iJUbL/e1a97d127c.jpg , try this ->
http://puu.sh/iJUfe/68f61b278e.jpg04:28:458 (7,8) -
http://puu.sh/iJUk0/7300edb911.jpg feels better
okay this diff uhmmm. There's not much I can point out because most of the stuff I found to be wrong, are actually intentional. Many "random" patterns that feel dull, like, you should try to go with more insteresting and thought-of shapes. But nothing too serious!
Good luck and good song :3