
Everything and a little bit more...

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Hello people, I am Dequilla!

As you might see I am not really new to the game, I have played on and off for about a year and got into it a lot more recently (ca 3-4 months ago).
I thought that it would be time to finally introduce myself and maybe stop being all alone in this game!

So here I am, I am currently 18 and live in Sweden(BLUE AND YELLOW FOR THE WIN), I am happily social if possible, especially with people from around the globe, but really don't mind and actually quite enjoy being alone at times. I am a very creative perosn and quite productive if i enjoy what I am doing and I really enjoy everything, hence my title! If you'd ask me what I'd do before I die you would get the answer "too much". Ofcourse there is things I dislike to but they are outweighed by miles.

Though alot of people playing this game are what seems you call "weaboos" I am not, I still enjoy the spot I've secured in this community and would like to partace in it properly!

You guys have a great day now and feel free to add me or alike, I'd really want someone to talk to whilst in this game, only managed to trick one friend to play and he is a bit on the lower side compared to me and also doesn't like the game as much as I do.

Have a great day!
Much love Dequilla!

*insert obligatory im sorry, not english so my english suck sentence here even though its probably not true, like always*

Welcome to the forums, have fun
Hey ! Welcome to the forums ! o/
Welcome to the forums
Hi 8-)
Zayum, what a grand exquisite entrance, 最好!!
Welcome :3
Topic Starter

NolanM wrote:

Hi 8-)
Zayum, what a grand exquisite entrance, 最好!!
Welcome :3
I wouldn't call it too grand but when I do stuff I like doing it properly (unless it's really boring) but thank you ^^
And thanks for the welcome from the rest aswell! :D

And after a quick visit to google: 最好 to you too!

Dequilla wrote:

NolanM wrote:

Hi 8-)
Zayum, what a grand exquisite entrance, 最好!!
Welcome :3
I wouldn't call it too grand but when I do stuff I like doing it properly (unless it's really boring) but thank you ^^
And thanks for the welcome from the rest aswell! :D

And after a quick visit to google: 最好 to you too!

8-) I read your mind
And wao, Google translate actually translated something right for once! (Well it only seems to translate one word at a time well; with sentences, eh. No.
Blue and yellow? You are gravely mistaken. It's blue and >WHITE<.

Welcome to the forums.
Raisha Millenia
Welcome to the forums!
Topic Starter

olivia272 wrote:

Blue and yellow? You are gravely mistaken. It's blue and >WHITE<.

Welcome to the forums.
You guys are pretty cool too but sorry yellow wins over white ;)
Thanks a anyways!

NolanM wrote:

8-) I read your mind
And wao, Google translate actually translated something right for once! (Well it only seems to translate one word at a time well; with sentences, eh. No.
Took a while to understand what oyu meant but yea :P
And yea, google can work sometimes, what a surprise! :)
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