1. The ranking board looks AMAZING! 2. The mod cards don't seem like they fit in with the theme (Maybe have optional extra mod cards with different color in a extra folder?) 3. Gameplay looks really nice and neat, love it. 4. Song selection menu also looks AMAZING 5. Maybe change the scorebar-bg to a brighter white or something, it seems a bit too dark to mix in with the rainbow bar.
Overall this is really nice! Once again this is my opinion you don't have to change anything if you like it how it is!
I'd be glad to keep updated with this skin, if you like, you can add me in game, maybe I can help with some other elements! If you choose to do so send me a message so I can add you back!
owo i like it a lot, the varying colors combos sure keep me awake lol you could include a background for the home screen just use whatever your current one is, since its your own skin