
fripSide - piece of azure

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Kuuhaku wrote:


  1. 歌词里面1-16和1-33的hutali和1-44的hutali写法不一样
  2. 00:11:843 (2,3) - 弧度做成差不多的
  3. 00:14:510 (2) - 略微弯点
  4. 00:17:843 (3) - 这是3个,不要平行,尾巴拉上来几个像素
  5. 00:28:176 (2,3) - 间隔统一一下,00:34:843 (4,1) - 也是
  6. 00:42:510 (7) - 弯
  7. 01:25:843 (1) - 这个小节是o o o o o x o o o o o x o o o o的节奏,所以试试这样
  8. 02:22:176 (2) - 没叠好,这里把gs关了叠
  9. 02:49:510 (3,4) - 统一间隔,02:54:843 (3,4) - 也是
  10. 03:07:176 (1) - 这节奏也是跟前面一样的
  11. 03:52:843 (2,3) - 避免不必要的擦边,03:54:176 (5,6) - 也是
  12. 03:57:843 (1) - 感觉这段有点像kimi no wind song
  13. 04:14:843 (3) - 折返一次,04:15:176 - 加whistle,手动补上节奏
  14. 04:10:843 (5,1) - 避免不必要的擦边,04:12:176 (3,4) - ,04:27:510 (2,3) - ,04:30:843 (3,4) - ,04:40:176 (6,1,2) -
  15. 04:38:843 (3,4) - ,04:52:843 (4,5) - ,05:00:176 (3,4) - 这类要叠的话多叠点,1/4
  16. 另外音效还可以加强下
    00:21:843 - 这段舒缓
    01:04:510 - 这段压抑
    01:28:510 - 这段强烈
    04:19:176 - 这段电吉他

KaedekaShizuru wrote:

for APP
thanks Sekai-nyan allowed me use mp3 and timing from *her map
Topic Starter

liangv587 wrote:

Kuuhaku wrote:


  1. 歌词里面1-16和1-33的hutali和1-44的hutali写法不一样 请参见上面的Lyrics BK
  2. 00:11:843 (2,3) - 弧度做成差不多的
  3. 00:14:510 (2) - 略微弯点 OK
  4. 00:17:843 (3) - 这是3个,不要平行,尾巴拉上来几个像素 OK
  5. 00:28:176 (2,3) - 间隔统一一下,00:34:843 (4,1) - 也是 OK
  6. 00:42:510 (7) - 弯 OK
  7. 01:25:843 (1) - 这个小节是o o o o o x o o o o o x o o o o的节奏,所以试试这样 只跟鼓
  8. 02:22:176 (2) - 没叠好,这里把gs关了叠 fixed
  9. 02:49:510 (3,4) - 统一间隔,02:54:843 (3,4) - 也是
  10. 03:07:176 (1) - 这节奏也是跟前面一样的 同上
  11. 03:52:843 (2,3) - 避免不必要的擦边,03:54:176 (5,6) - 也是
  12. 03:57:843 (1) - 感觉这段有点像kimi no wind song ???
  13. 04:14:843 (3) - 折返一次,04:15:176 - 加whistle,手动补上节奏 no, thanks
  14. 04:10:843 (5,1) - 避免不必要的擦边,04:12:176 (3,4) - ,04:27:510 (2,3) - ,04:30:843 (3,4) - ,04:40:176 (6,1,2) -
  15. 04:38:843 (3,4) - ,04:52:843 (4,5) - ,05:00:176 (3,4) - 这类要叠的话多叠点,1/4
  16. 另外音效还可以加强下
    00:21:843 - 这段舒缓
    01:04:510 - 这段压抑
    01:28:510 - 这段强烈
    04:19:176 - 这段电吉他

Sekai-nyan wrote:

KaedekaShizuru wrote:

for APP
thanks Sekai-nyan allowed me use mp3 and timing from *her map
I'm terribly sorry I didn't know :o

  1. Red: Unrankable Issues
  2. Bold: Highly Recommended
  3. Black: Personal Suggestions

  1. Maybe add "original soundtrack" to tags (which OST stands for).

  1. 好像你用了很多kick sliders (比如00:38:843 (2,3) - 04:20:176 (3,4) - ), 但是很多的slider之后的circle间距却很小, 这样打起来不太舒服(比如04:32:176 (6,1,2,3,4,5) - ). 一般来说slider后面的circle间距大点更舒服0.0 像这样子的一般可以多用01:00:176 (2,3) -
  2. 00:07:176 (2,3,1) - 考虑和前面一样(slider+circle),这里不需要太大的排版变化imo
  3. 00:37:510 (6) - 考虑放在304|304
  4. 00:41:010 - 漏音了
  5. 00:49:843 (4,5) - 你这样的放法我以为是1/4间隔的,因为你大多数这样子的排列都是1/4,建议这样
  6. 00:53:343 - 漏音
  7. 01:33:176 (6,7) - 和我前面提到的一样 建议拉大间距
  8. 01:47:843 (2,3) - ^ 后面不书了
  9. 03:29:510 (3,4,5) - 建议这样放 单个note在蓝线比较weird
  10. 好像整个图都差不多样子呀orz 问题都是类似的 后面也没什么大问题了

good luck and take a star for my short mod ;w;
Topic Starter

Crystal wrote:


  1. Red: Unrankable Issues
  2. Bold: Highly Recommended
  3. Black: Personal Suggestions

  1. Maybe add "original soundtrack" to tags (which OST stands for).

  1. 好像你用了很多kick sliders (比如00:38:843 (2,3) - 04:20:176 (3,4) - ), 但是很多的slider之后的circle间距却很小, 这样打起来不太舒服(比如04:32:176 (6,1,2,3,4,5) - ). 一般来说slider后面的circle间距大点更舒服0.0 像这样子的一般可以多用01:00:176 (2,3) - 我只有摆连打的时候这样放的啊QAQ
  2. 00:07:176 (2,3,1) - 考虑和前面一样(slider+circle),这里不需要太大的排版变化imo (思考
  3. 00:37:510 (6) - 考虑放在304|304 OK
  4. 00:41:010 - 漏音了 钢琴
  5. 00:49:843 (4,5) - 你这样的放法我以为是1/4间隔的,因为你大多数这样子的排列都是1/4,建议这样 OK
  6. 00:53:343 - 漏音 fixed
  7. 01:33:176 (6,7) - 和我前面提到的一样 建议拉大间距
  8. 01:47:843 (2,3) - ^ 后面不书了
  9. 03:29:510 (3,4,5) - 建议这样放 单个note在蓝线比较weird 改了 把漏音都填满算了
  10. 好像整个图都差不多样子呀orz 问题都是类似的 后面也没什么大问题了

good luck and take a star for my short mod ;w;
thank you
  1. 00:17:176 (2,3,4) - 这三个一会顺flow一会逆flow不觉得很奇怪吗,这三个连着的音如果是我我建议这样摆
  2. 00:21:843 (1) - 这里开始是不是增加一下音效音量,这个地方背景钢琴音很大,根本听不到这个finish,或者这里放whistle我觉得不错,因为这个钢琴音已经有强调的作用了
  3. 00:24:510 (1) - 这个滑条建议拆成滑条+note,因为00:25:010 - 这个音相对较重,在滑条尾上打起来挺违和,最好是note上
  4. 00:32:510 (1,2) - ^要不干脆这种地方就不要跟这个vocal了,前后也不这样跟的,略违和
  5. 00:43:176 (1) - 听不清这个clap,音效是用来给音乐增添色彩的,并不是这个是这个声音就找个一样声音的音效.-.可能我理解的有偏差
  6. 01:53:843 - 这个钢琴音漏的非常奇怪,不如前面变成滑条,这几个音用note?你前面是这么做的
  7. 02:03:176 (1,2,1,2) - ^本身3/4滑条就容易招黑,后面这样的我都列一下吧,你要改就一起改了02:24:510 (1,2) - 02:27:176 (1,2) - 02:35:176 (1,2,1,2) -
  8. 02:23:510 (6) - 这个建议移到225,183左右,看起来更美观 也有间距渐变的效果
  9. 04:17:843 - 这里最好加个note,第一遍听明显听出违和
  10. 05:09:843 (1,2) - 这也太下面了吧,都出屏幕了,上下有没有限制我不知道...你看着办
  11. combo colour再改一改吧,这个橙色挺违和的,这两个蓝色又跟BG太贴近容易看不清note
  12. 整个图的话看起来略乱,没什么梗,都是重复,有梗的地方梗不太好看,梗与前后的连接还有待改善,多用一下共用点,建议开ar0再稍微改一改物件间的空间间距

This is NM mod.

  1. Hitsound delay : soft-hitclap2 have a delay of more than about 6ms, so you must fix or change it. 這前面太平緩了,建議改一下 我忘了怎麼改
    • New Rule wrote:
      Hitsounds must have an acceptable range of delay under 5ms, unless there's a special purpose.
[Aozora] 開頭開了25%聽了一下,好像鋼琴聲有點晚了(?
01:05:843 (3) - 不跟01:03:843 (6,7) - 一樣放大點間距嗎? 有點近了 01:17:176 (6) - Same above
01:23:176 (1) - 人聲是往上升的,不使用ctrl+g嗎?
02:23:843 (7) - 用Ctrl+g will flow better.
02:37:510 (6,1,2) - 這三個分別用ctrl+g 也是能讓flow better.
02:45:843 (1) - 同01:23:176 (1)
03:20:010 (5) - 把這個note去掉會玩得更有感覺,現在連在一起打起來有點多餘
03:28:510 (1) - 尾端用個drum hitsound?
03:30:676 (7) - 同03:20:010 (5) (後面類似的也改了吧)
Topic Starter

Kagamine Ren wrote:

  1. 00:17:176 (2,3,4) - 这三个一会顺flow一会逆flow不觉得很奇怪吗,这三个连着的音如果是我我建议这样摆
    no thx
  2. 00:21:843 (1) - 这里开始是不是增加一下音效音量,这个地方背景钢琴音很大,根本听不到这个finish,或者这里放whistle我觉得不错,因为这个钢琴音已经有强调的作用了 sorry我手滑 这里的确应该是whistle
  3. 00:24:510 (1) - 这个滑条建议拆成滑条+note,因为00:25:010 - 这个音相对较重,在滑条尾上打起来挺违和,最好是note上 但是拆开的话slider没有合适的位置作为结尾
  4. 00:32:510 (1,2) - ^要不干脆这种地方就不要跟这个vocal了,前后也不这样跟的,略违和
  5. 00:43:176 (1) - 听不清这个clap,音效是用来给音乐增添色彩的,并不是这个是这个声音就找个一样声音的音效.-.可能我理解的有偏差
  6. 01:53:843 - 这个钢琴音漏的非常奇怪,不如前面变成滑条,这几个音用note?你前面是这么做的
  7. 02:03:176 (1,2,1,2) - ^本身3/4滑条就容易招黑,后面这样的我都列一下吧,你要改就一起改了02:24:510 (1,2) - 02:27:176 (1,2) - 02:35:176 (1,2,1,2) - no thx
  8. 02:23:510 (6) - 这个建议移到225,183左右,看起来更美观 也有间距渐变的效果 调整了位置
  9. 04:17:843 - 这里最好加个note,第一遍听明显听出违和 OK
  10. 05:09:843 (1,2) - 这也太下面了吧,都出屏幕了,上下有没有限制我不知道...你看着办 哪里出界了乃这是错觉
  11. combo colour再改一改吧,这个橙色挺违和的,这两个蓝色又跟BG太贴近容易看不清note
  12. 整个图的话看起来略乱,没什么梗,都是重复,有梗的地方梗不太好看,梗与前后的连接还有待改善,多用一下共用点,建议开ar0再稍微改一改物件间的空间间距

EDIT:aimod里说的SB里的闪烁效果,不开一下那个警告的东西没问题吗 乃有看到哪里闪瞎眼么- =|| aimod简直扯淡

smallboat wrote:

This is NM mod.

  1. Hitsound delay : soft-hitclap2 have a delay of more than about 6ms, so you must fix or change it. 這前面太平緩了,建議改一下 我忘了怎麼改
    • New Rule wrote:
      Hitsounds must have an acceptable range of delay under 5ms, unless there's a special purpose.
Orz 随便找了张图拉出个中意的音效就中枪 fixed

[Aozora] 開頭開了25%聽了一下,好像鋼琴聲有點晚了(? 第一个重音前面有一个1/16倚音 但是强行用1/16短滑条感觉没必要
01:05:843 (3) - 不跟01:03:843 (6,7) - 一樣放大點間距嗎? 有點近了 这里结构不一样啊
01:17:176 (6) - Same above 同上
01:23:176 (1) - 人聲是往上升的,不使用ctrl+g嗎?
02:23:843 (7) - 用Ctrl+g will flow better.
02:37:510 (6,1,2) - 這三個分別用ctrl+g 也是能讓flow better.
02:45:843 (1) - 同01:23:176 (1)
03:20:010 (5) - 把這個note去掉會玩得更有感覺,現在連在一起打起來有點多餘 的确这个点的音太轻没存在感 不过强行掐断一个短连打会不会……?
03:28:510 (1) - 尾端用個drum hitsound? 没有感觉出有什么不同(思考
03:30:676 (7) - 同03:20:010 (5) (後面類似的也改了吧)
CTRL+G的地方跟船爷感觉完全不同诶…… thanks for mod


  1. 對調黃色和淡藍色,交錯顏色會正常點……吧……
  2. 01:41:510 (5,1) - 對於這種節奏不明顯的慢歌,建議把所有1/2的堆疊都分開。這樣玩家可以不依賴縮圈和音樂判斷堆疊為1/4。而且這個地方是長白重音適合跳點,堆疊毫無理由……
  3. 1.5的ds極大的限制了排版……尤其在長圖更是非常無聊和壓抑……一定程度的浮動是不會對打圖有任何影響的,完全可以在,比如1.2~2.0之間隨便取適合的距離
  4. 03:29:510 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 建議去掉03:30:676 (7) -
  5. 00:38:843 (2,3) - 太遠了
  6. 03:55:176 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - 太難了……
  7. 挺好的圖,good luck >,
From qq 群

Combo colour 1 感觉换浅黄色会好看一点

00:33:177 (2) - 感觉可以再弯一点
00:43:176 (1,2) - 感觉是不是挨太近了
01:35:176 (4,5) - Blanket?
01:43:176 (5,2) - 头叠一起?
02:27:843 (2,5) - ^
02:54:843 (3,4) - 分开一点
04:12:176 (3,4) - ^
04:30:843 (3,4) - ^
04:38:843 (3,4) - ^

你的图太神 这样的图摸不出什么大问题orz
Topic Starter

Narcissu wrote:


  1. 對調黃色和淡藍色,交錯顏色會正常點……吧…… OK
  2. 01:41:510 (5,1) - 對於這種節奏不明顯的慢歌,建議把所有1/2的堆疊都分開。這樣玩家可以不依賴縮圈和音樂判斷堆疊為1/4。而且這個地方是長白重音適合跳點,堆疊毫無理由……
  3. 1.5的ds極大的限制了排版……尤其在長圖更是非常無聊和壓抑……一定程度的浮動是不會對打圖有任何影響的,完全可以在,比如1.2~2.0之間隨便取適合的距離 思考
  4. 03:29:510 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 建議去掉03:30:676 (7) - 跟船爷指出的差不多特征点 还是决定保留
  5. 00:38:843 (2,3) - 太遠了 拉进了
  6. 03:55:176 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - 太難了…… 诶是么……
  7. 挺好的圖,good luck >,
好啥啊好图还能被你挑那么多 thx for mod

sodarose wrote:

From qq 群

Combo colour 1 感觉换浅黄色会好看一点 的确 换个和沙滩接近的颜色

00:33:177 (2) - 感觉可以再弯一点 no thx,我习惯摆不对称
00:43:176 (1,2) - 感觉是不是挨太近了 手滑忘了改 fixed
01:35:176 (4,5) - Blanket? fixed
01:43:176 (5,2) - 头叠一起? OK
02:27:843 (2,5) - ^
02:54:843 (3,4) - 分开一点
04:12:176 (3,4) - ^
04:30:843 (3,4) - ^
04:38:843 (3,4) - ^ 以上all fixed

你的图太神 这样的图摸不出什么大问题orz
神你一脸 thx for mod
From qq 群


  1. 雖然已經有另一個rank版本了,不過感覺風格挺大分別的,你這個滑條多很多,不過不知道會不會受歡迎呢(被打


  1. 01:25:843 ~ 01:28:510 - 這個綠線部分的SV可以調快點
    03:07:176 ~ 03:09:843 - 同上
    04:40:510 ~ 04:43:176 - 同上

  2. 01:18:343 (2,3) - 放遠了,靠近一點
    01:55:676 - 同上,放下一點
    04:01:343 (4) - 放遠了

  3. 01:00:510 (3,4) - 這裡換成一個滑條如何
    02:32:510 (1,2) - 同上

  4. 01:41:510 (5,1) - 這裡不要堆疊,其實我也建議把所有1/2的堆疊都分開會比較好,不然不看縮圈真的有點難讀
    01:57:843 (1,2) - 同上
    02:11:176 (1,2) - 同上
    02:43:176 (1,2) - 04:19:843 (2,3) - 04:59:843 (2,3) - 05:09:843 (1,2) - 這些都是

Topic Starter

ken2010123 wrote:

From qq 群


  1. 雖然已經有另一個rank版本了,不過感覺風格挺大分別的,你這個滑條多很多,不過不知道會不會受歡迎呢(被打


  1. 01:25:843 ~ 01:28:510 - 這個綠線部分的SV可以調快點
    03:07:176 ~ 03:09:843 - 同上
    04:40:510 ~ 04:43:176 - 同上 no thx 拉开间距即可 加SV没必要

  2. 01:18:343 (2,3) - 放遠了,靠近一點 OK
    01:55:676 - 同上,放下一點 OK
    04:01:343 (4) - 放遠了 这里是摆几何形状

  3. 01:00:510 (3,4) - 這裡換成一個滑條如何
    02:32:510 (1,2) - 同上

  4. 01:41:510 (5,1) - 這裡不要堆疊,其實我也建議把所有1/2的堆疊都分開會比較好,不然不看縮圈真的有點難讀 好吧这里我妥协
    01:57:843 (1,2) - 同上
    02:11:176 (1,2) - 同上
    02:43:176 (1,2) - 04:19:843 (2,3) - 04:59:843 (2,3) - 05:09:843 (1,2) - 這些都是

thx 没写的都没改

00:11:843 (2) - 头部是不是少了个clap?

试验型意见00:11:843 (2) - 00:14:510 (2) - 00:17:176 (2) -

00:19:176 (1) - 这里尾部的finish声音太小了,建议调大

00:21:843 (1) - 相对的这里觉得用finish会好点


00:53:343 (6) - 建议头部都加上clap

00:55:510 (4) - 建议加上clap

00:55:510 (4,5,6) -
00:58:176 (4,5,6) - 头部都加上clap会好些

比如01:02:510 (3) - 尾部01:03:510 (5) - 头部

01:19:176 (4) - whistle实话说感觉有点突兀,相对而言clap在这里更好

01:22:176 (3,4,5) - 3,4间的距离大些,4,5之间的距离小些
03:03:510 (3,4,5) - 也是一个意见

01:30:176 (5) - 加上whistle,01:40:510 (4) - 的中间也是一个意见

01:44:176 (7) - 加个whistle似乎更好

01:55:676 (2) - 同上

02:19:176 (1) - 头部似乎finish更好

02:23:176 (5) - 是不是少了个whistle

02:56:510 (1) - 音效改成normal-finish试试看

03:09:843 (1) - 既然前面有运用默认的soft-finish音效,那么这里也用是更好的选择

03:56:176 (4,5,6,7,8,9) -
04:19:176 (1) -
04:19:176~04:35:176 声音似乎过小了,增加10看看

04:40:843 (3,4,5,6) - 这之间的距离似乎可以大一些来突出节奏

04:53:176 (5) - 这里的绿线似乎声音大了些,调成35试试
04:53:843 这里和后面同理

05:04:510 (1) - 这里也适合用soft-finish
05:09:843 (1) - 也是

05:25:843 作为复唱的副歌部分,再次增强音效是个合理的选择

05:35:176 (3) - clap音效放反了吧?

05:52:176 (6,7,1) - 距离可以逐渐缩小

05:57:843 (1) - 在06:00:343断一下分成两个转盘也是个选择,不过看你了
Hi! From QQ Group req.
00:40:510 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这里顺着音高变化改变间距?或者两个/四个为一组改善一下几何图形?

01:19:843 (6,1) - 没包好

01:22:176 (3,4,5,1) - 这个DS有点乱? 建议突出音高的话可以让 4 5 1之间的间距大一些 3 4之间的间距小一些。 还有一种思路是 345 摆一个三角形 然后5 到1用一个跳。突出1的音

01:25:843 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这里音乐变强了 可以摆3连 比如 01:25:843这个折返滑条就可以作为三连,突出音乐变化。

01:33:843 (1,2) - 包好?

03:01:176 (7,1) - 包一下吧,这个真的不是很厚看

03:54:176 (5,6) - 2.2的间距? 前面一个小节这里好像间距不一样,考虑一下?

04:18:510 (7) - 加一个音效突出一下这个音?

04:33:843 (7) - NC一下吧


Sakaue Nachi
good luck~
Topic Starter

Kuuhaku wrote:


00:11:843 (2) - 头部是不是少了个clap? 手滑233

试验型意见00:11:843 (2) - 00:14:510 (2) - 00:17:176 (2) -
后面02:03:176~02:21:510也是一个意见 no thx 太突兀了

00:19:176 (1) - 这里尾部的finish声音太小了,建议调大
不然改成clap也行,正好也是2/4白线的位置 加大到45%

00:21:843 (1) - 相对的这里觉得用finish会好点 这段类似位置全换成了finish

*我觉得你的整体音效声音偏小,加大一些会比较好 no thx 但是加大了00:21:843起始的音量 还是不想太吵

00:53:343 (6) - 建议头部都加上clap

00:55:510 (4) - 建议加上clap

00:55:510 (4,5,6) - OK

00:58:176 (4,5,6) - 头部都加上clap会好些

比如01:02:510 (3) - 尾部01:03:510 (5) - 头部 类似位置全部补上

01:19:176 (4) - whistle实话说感觉有点突兀,相对而言clap在这里更好 OK

01:22:176 (3,4,5) - 3,4间的距离大些,4,5之间的距离小些
03:03:510 (3,4,5) - 也是一个意见 想做个变距看来太大了 平均了451的间距

01:30:176 (5) - 加上whistle,01:40:510 (4) - 的中间也是一个意见

01:44:176 (7) - 加个whistle似乎更好 太轻了 感觉没必要

01:55:676 (2) - 同上 同上

02:19:176 (1) - 头部似乎finish更好 这段的长白线全部换成finish

02:23:176 (5) - 是不是少了个whistle 手滑>.<

02:56:510 (1) - 音效改成normal-finish试试看 镲音不够重

03:09:843 (1) - 既然前面有运用默认的soft-finish音效,那么这里也用是更好的选择 这里不是镲音啊前面相同的位置也没这么用啊

03:56:176 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - no thx

04:19:176 (1) - OK 其实向上凸还是向下凸也犹豫过

04:19:176~04:35:176 声音似乎过小了,增加10看看 加到45%

04:40:843 (3,4,5,6) - 这之间的距离似乎可以大一些来突出节奏 转动了5

04:53:176 (5) - 这里的绿线似乎声音大了些,调成35试试
04:53:843 这里和后面同理 all fixed

05:04:510 (1) - 这里也适合用soft-finish
05:09:843 (1) - 也是 no thx

05:25:843 作为复唱的副歌部分,再次增强音效是个合理的选择 OK

05:35:176 (3) - clap音效放反了吧? 手滑

05:52:176 (6,7,1) - 距离可以逐渐缩小 没必要的感觉

05:57:843 (1) - 在06:00:343断一下分成两个转盘也是个选择,不过看你了 没必要的感觉
thank you

Regraz wrote:

Hi! From QQ Group req.
00:40:510 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这里顺着音高变化改变间距?或者两个/四个为一组改善一下几何图形? 的确是两个两个一组啊

01:19:843 (6,1) - 没包好 fixed

01:22:176 (3,4,5,1) - 这个DS有点乱? 建议突出音高的话可以让 4 5 1之间的间距大一些 3 4之间的间距小一些。 还有一种思路是 345 摆一个三角形 然后5 到1用一个跳。突出1的音

01:25:843 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这里音乐变强了 可以摆3连 比如 01:25:843这个折返滑条就可以作为三连,突出音乐变化。

01:33:843 (1,2) - 包好? 感觉没歪啊

03:01:176 (7,1) - 包一下吧,这个真的不是很厚看 是包好的啊 不过的确有点偏 fixed

03:54:176 (5,6) - 2.2的间距? 前面一个小节这里好像间距不一样,考虑一下? sorry 03:52:843 (2,3) 漏了 应该拉开一点和这里一样

04:18:510 (7) - 加一个音效突出一下这个音? 这里有clap的说

04:33:843 (7) - NC一下吧 OK


thank you

Sakaue Nachi wrote:

good luck~
个人口味嘛2333 这图真做4星以上会爆炸的Orz thanks for your KDS
As requested.

  1. 01:32:510 (5) - 01:43:176 (5) - 03:13:843 (5) - 03:24:510 (5) - 03:45:843 (5) - 04:01:843 (5) - 04:12:510 (4) - 04:23:176 (3) - 04:28:510 (4) - 04:33:843 (1) - 05:08:510 (5) - 05:19:176 (5) - 滑条尾 Missing whistle
  2. 04:07:176 (5) - 这里滑条尾加了,不过这个特别放出来说一下,这个滑条头,在之前的节奏型下是用的finish,怎么这里变成whistle了
  3. 01:38:176 (4) - Missing whistle
  4. 03:35:510 (7) - ^
  5. 05:30:177 (7) - ^
  6. 01:53:510 (4) - 头尾 Missing whistle
  7. 04:14:843 (3) - ^
  8. 01:54:843 (7,8) - Missing clap 它和04:08:176 (7) - 是一样的啊
  9. 03:07:176 - Finsih 接下来四个clap 然后03:08:176 - whistle, 03:08:343 - clap, 03:08:676 - clap, 03:08:843 - 03:09:010 -whistle, 03:09:176 - 03:09:510 - 03:09:676 - 这三个都是clap
  10. 03:28:510 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^ 节奏是一样的
  11. 03:55:176 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^ 一样的,这几个地方都下错了orz
  12. 05:01:843 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^
  13. 05:23:176 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^
  14. 03:41:343 (6) - 这里可能是whistle或者clap,不太确定
  15. 04:15:510 (4) - Missing whistle
  16. 04:17:510 (3) - whistle 04:18:176 (6) - 头whistle,尾clap
  17. 04:40:510 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 这一段音效不对,04:40:510 (1) - whistle 04:40:676 (2) - clap 04:40:843 (3) - whistle 04:41:176 (4) - clap 04:41:510 (5) - 头whistle尾clap 04:42:010 (6) - clap 04:42:176 (7) - 两whistle 04:42:510 (8) - 头clap 04:42:843 (9) - 两clap
Topic Starter

[Teichan] wrote:

As requested.

  1. 01:32:510 (5) - 01:43:176 (5) - 03:13:843 (5) - 03:24:510 (5) - 03:45:843 (5) - 04:01:843 (5) - 04:12:510 (4) - 04:23:176 (3) - 04:28:510 (4) - 04:33:843 (1) - 05:08:510 (5) - 05:19:176 (5) - 滑条尾 Missing whistle all added
  2. 04:07:176 (5) - 这里滑条尾加了,不过这个特别放出来说一下,这个滑条头,在之前的节奏型下是用的finish,怎么这里变成whistle了 因为是间奏
  3. 01:38:176 (4) - Missing whistle
  4. 03:35:510 (7) - ^
  5. 05:30:177 (7) - ^ 以上all added
  6. 01:53:510 (4) - 头尾 Missing whistle 头上加了 尾端感觉没必要?
  7. 04:14:843 (3) - ^ 同上
  8. 01:54:843 (7,8) - Missing clap 它和04:08:176 (7) - 是一样的啊 OK
  9. 03:07:176 - Finsih 接下来四个clap 然后03:08:176 - whistle, 03:08:343 - clap, 03:08:676 - clap, 03:08:843 - 03:09:010 -whistle, 03:09:176 - 03:09:510 - 03:09:676 - 这三个都是clap 只在这串第一个上改成finish 别的都跟你说的一样啊0.0
  10. 03:28:510 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^ 节奏是一样的 并不完全一样 同上
  11. 03:55:176 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^ 一样的,这几个地方都下错了orz 同上
  12. 05:01:843 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^ 这里的第一个不能用finish
  13. 05:23:176 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^ 同上
  14. 03:41:343 (6) - 这里可能是whistle或者clap,不太确定 普通hitsound即可
  15. 04:15:510 (4) - Missing whistle fixed
  16. 04:17:510 (3) - whistle fixed 04:18:176 (6) - 头whistle,尾clap fixed
  17. 04:40:510 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 这一段音效不对,04:40:510 (1) - whistle fixed 04:40:676 (2) - clap no 04:40:843 (3) - whistle no 04:41:176 (4) - clap 04:41:510 (5) - 头whistle尾clap 04:42:010 (6) - clap 04:42:176 (7) - 两whistle OK 04:42:510 (8) - 头clap 04:42:843 (9) - 两clap

IRC log from earlier
2015-02-02 02:55 xxdeathx: sekai-nyan is girl?
2015-02-02 02:56 KaedekaShizuru: yeah
2015-02-02 02:56 xxdeathx: how do you know :O
2015-02-02 02:57 KaedekaShizuru: she came to my thread and emphasize it
2015-02-02 02:57 KaedekaShizuru: you can see it in this thread
2015-02-02 03:03 xxdeathx: okay
2015-02-02 03:03 KaedekaShizuru: 0.0
2015-02-02 03:03 xxdeathx: 05:10:176 (2,3) - can you use smaller spacing here
2015-02-02 03:03 xxdeathx: since the big spacing is unexpected
2015-02-02 03:04 KaedekaShizuru: DS2.87 here……
2015-02-02 03:04 xxdeathx: yes, very big
2015-02-02 03:04 xxdeathx: jump doesn't fit here
2015-02-02 03:05 KaedekaShizuru: 2.5 is ok?
2015-02-02 03:05 xxdeathx: maybe
2015-02-02 03:05 KaedekaShizuru: OK
2015-02-02 03:07 KaedekaShizuru: 旋转 it
2015-02-02 03:09 xxdeathx: chinese is hard to read orz
2015-02-02 03:09 xxdeathx: i don't know those words
2015-02-02 03:10 KaedekaShizuru: pinwheel?
2015-02-02 03:10 KaedekaShizuru: I must use google translation tool
2015-02-02 03:10 KaedekaShizuru: Orz
2015-02-02 03:12 xxdeathx: x.x
2015-02-02 03:12 xxdeathx: did you update?
2015-02-02 03:12 xxdeathx: wait
2015-02-02 03:12 xxdeathx: add 1500 ms audio lead in
2015-02-02 03:12 KaedekaShizuru: no,last update was yesterday night
2015-02-02 03:13 xxdeathx: add 1500 ms audio lead in and then update
2015-02-02 03:13 KaedekaShizuru: OK
2015-02-02 03:16 KaedekaShizuru: ready!
2015-02-02 03:21 xxdeathx: oh
2015-02-02 03:21 xxdeathx: soft-hitclap2.wav has delay
2015-02-02 03:21 KaedekaShizuru: puuuu
2015-02-02 03:22 KaedekaShizuru: but smallboat had mod it
2015-02-02 03:22 KaedekaShizuru: I cut 3ms
2015-02-02 03:23 xxdeathx: need to cut more
2015-02-02 03:23 KaedekaShizuru: how many
2015-02-02 03:23 xxdeathx: cut 7 ms
2015-02-02 03:25 KaedekaShizuru: OK
2015-02-02 03:25 xxdeathx: also i don't know much about storyboards
2015-02-02 03:25 xxdeathx: RC says you need to remove transparency
2015-02-02 03:26 KaedekaShizuru: now it in RC?
2015-02-02 03:26 KaedekaShizuru: oh god
2015-02-02 03:26 xxdeathx: There must not be any unnecessary transparency around storyboarded images, so crop and resize them as much as possible.
2015-02-02 03:27 KaedekaShizuru: then I should ask sber remove it
2015-02-02 03:27 KaedekaShizuru: QAQ
2015-02-02 03:27 xxdeathx: yeah
2015-02-02 03:28 KaedekaShizuru: he is not online now TAT
2015-02-02 03:28 xxdeathx: i need to sleep
2015-02-02 03:28 xxdeathx: 3:30 AM
2015-02-02 03:29 KaedekaShizuru: ok, good night

One more thing I noticed:
04:01:343 (4) - Space it better so that it doesn't look like the same distance between 04:01:176 (3) - and 04:01:843 (5) - even though 1/4 vs 1/2 rhythm is different.
Topic Starter

xxdeathx wrote:


IRC log from earlier
2015-02-02 02:55 xxdeathx: sekai-nyan is girl?
2015-02-02 02:56 KaedekaShizuru: yeah
2015-02-02 02:56 xxdeathx: how do you know :O
2015-02-02 02:57 KaedekaShizuru: she came to my thread and emphasize it
2015-02-02 02:57 KaedekaShizuru: you can see it in this thread
2015-02-02 03:03 xxdeathx: okay
2015-02-02 03:03 KaedekaShizuru: 0.0
2015-02-02 03:03 xxdeathx: 05:10:176 (2,3) - can you use smaller spacing here
2015-02-02 03:03 xxdeathx: since the big spacing is unexpected
2015-02-02 03:04 KaedekaShizuru: DS2.87 here……
2015-02-02 03:04 xxdeathx: yes, very big
2015-02-02 03:04 xxdeathx: jump doesn't fit here
2015-02-02 03:05 KaedekaShizuru: 2.5 is ok?
2015-02-02 03:05 xxdeathx: maybe
2015-02-02 03:05 KaedekaShizuru: OK
2015-02-02 03:07 KaedekaShizuru: 旋转 it
2015-02-02 03:09 xxdeathx: chinese is hard to read orz
2015-02-02 03:09 xxdeathx: i don't know those words
2015-02-02 03:10 KaedekaShizuru: pinwheel?
2015-02-02 03:10 KaedekaShizuru: I must use google translation tool
2015-02-02 03:10 KaedekaShizuru: Orz
2015-02-02 03:12 xxdeathx: x.x
2015-02-02 03:12 xxdeathx: did you update?
2015-02-02 03:12 xxdeathx: wait
2015-02-02 03:12 xxdeathx: add 1500 ms audio lead in
2015-02-02 03:12 KaedekaShizuru: no,last update was yesterday night
2015-02-02 03:13 xxdeathx: add 1500 ms audio lead in and then update
2015-02-02 03:13 KaedekaShizuru: OK
2015-02-02 03:16 KaedekaShizuru: ready!
2015-02-02 03:21 xxdeathx: oh
2015-02-02 03:21 xxdeathx: soft-hitclap2.wav has delay
2015-02-02 03:21 KaedekaShizuru: puuuu
2015-02-02 03:22 KaedekaShizuru: but smallboat had mod it
2015-02-02 03:22 KaedekaShizuru: I cut 3ms
2015-02-02 03:23 xxdeathx: need to cut more
2015-02-02 03:23 KaedekaShizuru: how many
2015-02-02 03:23 xxdeathx: cut 7 ms
2015-02-02 03:25 KaedekaShizuru: OK
2015-02-02 03:25 xxdeathx: also i don't know much about storyboards
2015-02-02 03:25 xxdeathx: RC says you need to remove transparency
2015-02-02 03:26 KaedekaShizuru: now it in RC?
2015-02-02 03:26 KaedekaShizuru: oh god
2015-02-02 03:26 xxdeathx: There must not be any unnecessary transparency around storyboarded images, so crop and resize them as much as possible.
2015-02-02 03:27 KaedekaShizuru: then I should ask sber remove it
2015-02-02 03:27 KaedekaShizuru: QAQ
2015-02-02 03:27 xxdeathx: yeah
2015-02-02 03:28 KaedekaShizuru: he is not online now TAT
2015-02-02 03:28 xxdeathx: i need to sleep
2015-02-02 03:28 xxdeathx: 3:30 AM
2015-02-02 03:29 KaedekaShizuru: ok, good night

One more thing I noticed:
04:01:343 (4) - Space it better so that it doesn't look like the same distance between 04:01:176 (3) - and 04:01:843 (5) - even though 1/4 vs 1/2 rhythm is different.
fixed and similar as 04:06:176 (2,3,4,5)
Bubble #1!!
  1. bg could be 1366 x 768 i guess.
  2. may i ask how the diff name relates to the song?
    wait wat why is letterboxing grayed out
  1. 00:12:510 (3) - curve this slider a bit more maybe? i think itll look better with 00:11:843 (2) -
    01:52:510 (1) - ^
  2. 00:29:843 (1,3) - copy paste her maybe?
  3. 00:34:843 (4) - why not just a circle? 1/4 slider kinda overmap
  4. 00:56:176 (6) - nazi stack
  5. 02:26:510 (6) - nerf this jump a little, you've never used this type of thing before so it will look like a 1/2 instead of 1/4
  6. 02:56:510 (1) - should space this out to emphasize the finish
  7. 03:07:676 - should all be mapped out imo. skipping them sounds weird and can be misleading. mapping them out will create better build up towards kiai
    03:08:010 - ^
    03:08:843 - ^
  8. 03:17:176 (5) - maybe use a 1/4 slider instead
  9. 03:28:843 (2,3) - make spacing better to show its 1/2
  10. 04:35:176 (1) - no need for nc since you have one at 04:35:510 (1) -
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

  1. bg could be 1366 x 768 i guess.
    RC Skin
    Background images must be at a maximum of 1024x768 pixels for 4:3, 1366x768 pixels for 16:9.
    So 1200*720(16:9) is fine, and we couldn't find larger one instead.
  2. may i ask how the diff name relates to the song?
    At first the madedata was copyed from Sekai-nyan's set, diff name "Aozora" means blue sky. But as the new RC I must changed the artest to fripSide. As you know, fripSide's singer is nao before 2009, so I moved nao to tags and changed diff name to "Naozora", which means nao+Aozora.
    wait wat why is letterboxing grayed out
Entire journey no break and has storyboard.
  1. 00:12:510 (3) - curve this slider a bit more maybe? i think itll look better with 00:11:843 (2) -
    revised 00:11:843 (2)
    01:52:510 (1) - ^ here is circle so I'm not understand 0.0?
  2. 00:29:843 (1,3) - copy paste her maybe? fixed
  3. 00:34:843 (4) - why not just a circle? 1/4 slider kinda overmap 00:35:010 - here have voice
  4. 00:56:176 (6) - nazi stack fixed
  5. 02:26:510 (6) - nerf this jump a little, you've never used this type of thing before so it will look like a 1/2 instead of 1/4 use slider instead, fixed
  6. 02:56:510 (1) - should space this out to emphasize the finish fixed
  7. 03:07:676 - should all be mapped out imo. skipping them sounds weird and can be misleading. mapping them out will create better build up towards kiai
    03:08:010 - ^
    03:08:843 - ^ I don't think it can be misleading, and not cram is better.sorry
  8. 03:17:176 (5) - maybe use a 1/4 slider instead I think there is no need. sorry
  9. 03:28:843 (2,3) - make spacing better to show its 1/2 fixed
  10. 04:35:176 (1) - no need for nc since you have one at 04:35:510 (1) -
but I should use white combocolor on 05:24:176 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) so I want to keep it, sorry.
thank you

edit for a word type mistake
maybe you don't need "~" these. i don't think many people are going to type that while searching for the song anyway in the tags.

if you want to keep it put it as a separate tag via spaces (also you only have to keep one of them)

metadata confirmed at this site i think
Topic Starter

Kibbleru wrote:

maybe you don't need "~" these. i don't think many people are going to type that while searching for the song anyway in the tags.

if you want to keep it put it as a separate tag via spaces (also you only have to keep one of them)

metadata confirmed at this site i think
So Sekai-nyan made a mistake at that time. lol
btw, now people see "fripSide", they usually think of 南條愛乃 instead nao, sad.
fixed and update
bubble 2
looking :3

泡了我就不操心了,射个星星 :D
Adol Christin
Topic Starter
Thank you everyone! :)
恭喜 :D 恭喜
おめでとう! :oops:
Neil Watts
Relaxing map, great job!
囍,piece of atrue
[backgroundcolor=#0088FF]2000만점대라니... 꿈만 같아서 우주로 날아갈 것 같아요.
노래도 좋구요. 정말 이제는 만사가 평화롭더라고요.
게다가 시간도 6분으로 넉넉했고요. 노래도 좋은 데다가 상당히 또, 아름다웠어요. :D.
이 점수는 저희 osu 역사에 오래도록 기억되고 또 하나의 osu! 게임에서의 멋진 추억으로 남겠죠.
It was a Wonderful, Bravo and Excellent, Amazing, Perfect score on OSU!
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