
Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Grimoire of the Rift

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I'm surprised there wasn't a thread on ffta2. The osu! community is pumped up for this game right? it comes out tomorrow(maybe sooner).

FFTA2 is the sequel to the gba FFTA2 and is for the Nintendo DS. New stuff in ffta2 are new races like the Seeq and Gria, 500 missions total, new jobs like Chocobo Knight and Yojimbo, your characters can now level up to 99 instead of 50 which=more fun. Sadly, there's no online functionality but you can trade items. The story is not that great and is very similar to ffta for the gba. FFTA2 uses tactics for the battle system. I'm gonna try to buy the game and support square even though most people will pirate it but it is indeed a game worth buying.

They're making it more like Tactics than Tactics A? That's interesting.

awp wrote:

They're making it more like Tactics than Tactics A? That's interesting.
Hardly. :[ It's pretty much exactly the same as FFTA. Menial differences really (new classes, modified law system).

Anyway I'm playing through it now. I played the Japanese version way back when and built my characters up quite high so my main purpose with the English version is finding out what the hell was going on with the story. :/

I'm a little confused why the changed "Engage" to "To Battle" and S Abilities to P Abilities but I think I'll get over it.
Aw shit. Well, I was one of the few who still liked FFTA for what it was (all-moogle party ftw) so I'll definitely check this game out.

awp wrote:

Aw shit. Well, I was one of the few who still liked FFTA for what it was (all-moogle party ftw) so I'll definitely check this game out.
FFTA was actually my favourite game of all time, hah.

I have this game reserved, I just need to...get the other part of the payment down. x3 Seriously, I'm looking forward to this game so much.
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I broke 2 laws already...and the law only applies to you as so i've heard.

Nakao wrote:

I broke 2 laws already...and the law only applies to you as so i've heard.
That rule ends up creating some pretty strange battles.
In one the Judge set things up so that the enemies were the only ones who could use MP. :lol:

On a mostly unrelated note, not being able to miss is a pretty dumb law.
They can arrest you for MISSING?

That is so gay
Actually, the judge system is slightly different from FFTA. No more carding. Instead, your whole party gains a buff of your choice provided you do not break the law allocated to it. You break it, you lose it. If you don't break the law for the whole battle you gain bonus items as a reward.
Oh awesome that sounds much better. I'll have to sink my teeth into it once FOE2 has slowed down a bit.
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Haha the Auction House is so abusable.
I've been playing this quite a bit over the past few days. Finally got the doublecast rapier out of an auction house, and I've been soloing missions with my red mage/summoner, it's mildly ridiculous.

Or at least it was ridiculous until I got too close to a tonberry and got karma'd for 999.
It takes a little while before the game really picks up by the looks of it. Granted I'm like 3 hours in.
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So I just got this game last night and played it for about two hours today.

I <3d FFTA so lets see i liek this one too.
Finally playing again after 3 days away from my DS.

I think this game has grabbed the top spot in my list of favourite games ever.
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How's the story in this?

I'm planning on getting it.
So far, shit sucks for story, but the gameplay is a welcome change from the system previously.

Time to play even more, I'm still only six hours into this. ):
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At least Luso is a badass not terribly childish and his attitude doesn't send me to tears. Though my red mage still leads my party whenever possible for that sweet sweet viera dialect.

mild spoiler that doesn't make sense regardless and not like you care about the story anyway:
Also, the witch of the fens is hot.
Luso kinda seems like a dumb main character, and by dumb I mean totally unrealistic. He immediately accepts whatever situation comes his way, including being warped into a magical world full of monsters and danger, and doesn't seem show any signs of fear or worry. He shifts his focus constantly, and 4 hours into the game he hasn't once even thought about his family (apart from fearing his aunt whipping him or whatever).

Also what the fuck is with Cid basically immediately letting Luso lead his clan? It's like "hey person that's new not just to the clan but to the entire fucking planet, let's give you a couple crash courses okay that's good now I've got shit to do lead my clan for me okay bye"

Wouldn't the other clan members have seniority?

The more I think about it, the more I come to realise that FFTA2 was very poorly written and totally unrealistic, even from a fantasy perspective, but I forgive it because it's a good game anyway.
I always got this sort of vibe that there wasn't much leading done in clans, that it was more of a group of people that just ran around killing shit/solving people's problems for fat wads of cash, unlike FFT where it's about Ramza and his struggles with politics/the church/family/assassins with stop bracelets.

I guess when Luso noticed that the journal fills itself out, and that it's apparently his ticket home, he concentrates on just working in Ivalice while his journal completes itself. The plot sort of throws him into a cage, and he realizes that the only way to get out is to stay in the cage for 70 hours or something. So he decides to make the most of out of it and enjoy his time there. Cid probably thinks he's an interesting character and has taken him under his wing, so I guess he's like an apprentice while the other clan members are just lackeys.

The only reason I'm somewhat defending the ffta2 storyline (and I do agree that the writing is bad) is that later in the game it becomes evident that Luso is overworking himself, to the point where the important fellows in the clan are always telling him to slow down and chillax. I think he wants to go home, badly, but he just doesn't talk about it.

Ugh, why am I analyzing this shit.
Analyzing this game's story is at about the same level as analyzing Big Rigs.
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Yeah the story isnt very good but the gameplays nice.

Also, Cleaning to Ordalia is nearly impossible, if anyone has done this plz give me some tips on how to beat this.On my 3rd try, cleaned up the 4 near the front expecting the missons to end and then i learn that theres 2 more spots at the far end, WTH!!
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oh god i haven't posted on here for how long 3 months i believe

I'm about 20 hours in, and 100 quests completed. Shit just got real a few storyline quests ago, though, yeah, I share the sentiment that it isn't the best of stories.

Oh, and gamebreaking tactic: Seeq Trapper + Mirror Items + 99 X-Potions + Ninja Tabi + Move/Speed privelige = Solo'd Red, Blue, Green, Black, and White Mages of Cinquleur at level 18, as well as record-time ass-whoopings.
Surefire status effects from the ability don't hurt either if you don't feel like cheating.
you will defeat the final boss in the end.
I'd totally do the seeq ranger thing if I didn't hate seeq with a passion, as well as nu mou and moogles (sorry mogs). Bangaa too, but tricksters are pimps so there's one exception.

Ivalset wrote:

nu mou

I love my time mage/illusionist. Just broke 230 magick with him earlier today; full screen aoe's for 170+, 280+ on weaknesses. I should make a group of illusionists~

Ivalset wrote:

moogles (sorry mogs)
I'd forgive you but you hate me. D:

Mogs totally needs to get more done today. I've got only 10 hours put into this still (composing/Osu have been keeping me busy, plus my brother stole my DS for awhile).

edort: Happy birthday, Saturos!
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Haha i need to play this more, too much mgs4 and ff4.

Saturos i need a nu mou like yours, well the stats of your numou. Overall, the weakest race in my team comes down to moogles and the numou. I set my nu mou as an illusionist and its slow so no casting illusions for a while and it has low attack. Moogles are only good for smiling..
I suppose my nu mou is pretty broken. Then again, I'm talking about a 60+ nu mou.
Get Half MP for the Illusionist Nu Mou you have. Actually, scratch that. ALL Nu Mou you use.

That ability guarantees nigh-eternal hard-hitting spell casting. Especially when paired with the MP Channeling clan privilege. Just make sure to level up the Nu Mou as a Black Mage or Time Mage because of the higher magic stat growth.

Moogles are great when you combine Fusilier and Moogle Knight, especially when you have their Ultima ability. Shooting death from half the screen away yea~. In fact, if you don't want to deal with the hassle of chocobos, that and Juggler Smile support are the only really good uses for Moogles.
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Some of the responses in this thread make me sad D:

Moogles are great shut up
Come, Mogsworth. We will form a moogle army unparalleled in all Ivalice. Then, they will feel our wrath. They will tremble, and they will fear us. But we will grant them no respite, for we do not forgive.

Just pray they don't have any kupo nuts - it would render our entire army useless.
(throws kupo nuts into the topic)

I just got this awhile ago (yeah im late stfu), and only just beat that story-mission with the sandstorm ant thing (annoying lil shitter). Playing on Hard coz I want a challenge but this is way more than I bargained for... it's really damn hard. T_T

Also screw you, Gunner moogles are awesome. INSANE range and good damage. Ftw.

I preferred the original FFTA, the one with Marche. He was godly, I first got him to Ninja, learnt the dual-wield passive ability, then turned him into the strongest melee class (forgot what it was). RAPE! Imma do that with this guy too.
I'm kupo for kupo nuts

Also, FFTA2 had a more improved system than FFTA, but I did miss Mr. Antenna-bitch somewhat.
Eh, I may be a bit biased, since some of my moogles are sorely underdeveloped.

My Fusilier/Moogle Knight still kills from across the map, so I don't worry too much about getting any other moogles.
Gah, Brightmoon Tor floor 25 tore me apart. 5 level 99's with illusion spells that hit for over 200 on my 70+'s. And the main boss is immune to everything except holy/dark and has evade magic. They also all have an illusion mp erasing spell, so my illusionist is useless, even with halve mp.

I think I'm going to have to give in and break my current race/class setup in favor of an odd build for this specific fight. Thinking 2 time/black mages, 2 dual wield paladins w/ paired excaliburs, and 2 elementlist/summoners, evade magic on everyone and halve mp on all casters. That's the best I can think of for now. D:

Nocky wrote:

Eh, I may be a bit biased, since some of my moogles are sorely underdeveloped.
At least give those other moogles a chance. A moogle army is always devestating.
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Tricksters are surprisingly good, best range at attack can go up high 100s for me.
I want to read the source code for accuracy rolling. I get hit by every 50% double damage attack people throw at me (three-in-a-row in a single stage) and it's fucking bullshit, man.
Final Brightmoon Tor (floor 35) is ridiculous. Just a heads up for you guys.

I found this out the hard way, but have everyone equipped with something to make you immune to stone, or at the very least, a cleanse bot with one so they can remove stone from everyone else. Wasted 3 hours last night only to have my entire party stoned before I could have a turn.

Also, 91 hours and counting in this. Mainly due to me never dispatching quests, though. 280+ completed.
Double post <3

Beat Brightmoon Tor, 3rd Watch. Fuck yes. I'm considering this my official 'I've beat the game' landmark. It was actually rather easy once you anticipate/prepare for stone spam. Played through on Hard, 4 lv 99's, 102 hours, nothing dispatched except for two exploration missions that are literally impossible without dispatching.

My main 6 consisted of a dual-wield hume paladin, summoner/elementalist viera, time mage/illusionist nu mou, hunter/archer hume (Gastrophetes is an amazing bow), dragoon bangaa, and a gladiator bangaa. I hated the gladiator. Was going to switch to a trickster, but his speed would suck ass at the level I would have switched him at, so I just stuck with it. Also considered replacing him with a double casting summoner/red mage, double casting elementalist/red mage, or spellblade/sniper viera, but I didn't want to grind it~.

Time to move on to a new game (read: FFIV. Damn Squeenix.).

/me wins
0 moogle gunner knights with Ultima shot and break equipment bullets == fail >=(
I hate Moogles. And Seeq. Gria...well, Ravager in particular, looked promising due to pretty solid 2-hand melee and no need for fairie shoes since they can fly, but I didn't want to level one. I used to love Bangaa, but they nerfed their attack in favor for speed on most classes, so I kind of wished I hadn't leveled those two. Though Dragoon was a pretty balanced/awesome class this time around. Had the highest natural speed stat of my 6 (lol speed, everything I use is fat~), and attack that didn't fall too short of my Gladiator, as well as AOE and two tile attacks. Very solid class.

Besides, my hunter/archer has Ultima Shot, and Gastrophetes makes bow range nearly as large as guns but with more debuff options/looting/damage available (Sidewinder = 2x damage on anything not one of the playable races - it's basically a manaless Ultima Shot), so it's all good.
Current team:

Luso: Currently Ninja, using Ninja/Parivir skills, leveling to at least get speed up past 80 and get Dual Wield
Bangaa: Master Monk with White Monk secondary for Aurablast
Moogle #1: Thief, Juggler secondary
Moogle #2: Fusilier, Moogle Knight secondary for Ultima Shots and status effects across map
2 Seeqs: Rangers, Item secondary, with Malbows, Ninja Tabi, 90+ speed, and a ton of X-Potions for Mirror Items.
Viera: Sniper, Item secondary, Doubleshots.
Gria: Hunter, Ravager secondary, GODLY with Sidewinder and Sneak Attack, great with Ribbon to counteract negative effects of Full Assault and the +Attack -Defense ability.
Frimelda: She's probably the cutest female in the game. Equipped with Sequencer and Fallen Angel, no changes to abilities.
Adelle: Ninja, Heritor secondary. Dual-wield, Hyakushiki-Masamune and Masamune.
Cid: FUCK YEAH CANNONEERS, Master Monk secondary.

Currently at a loss as to how to get Montblanc just for completion's sake.
I've been playing this a bit while on vacation, and I've grown to use Adelle as a spoiler class/seer, abusing dual wield and Magick Frenzy. The Fallen Angel + Hyashiki-Masamune is pretty painful. I wish I had a better spell for Frenzy (using Blizzara right now just so I can use it, don't feel like getting any other seer spells). I have my summoner/redmage with blood price still, but doublecasted Maduin isn't as great as Magick Frenzy; she's much better off as a healer/reviver. I also have a parivir with Geomancy, but I dislike having to get close for the elemental blades. I've also started using Frimelda just because her face image is awesome. The lone moogle I have is a juggler for Smile Toss and Ring Toss (and gil toss has saved my ass at least 4 times). I think that's pretty much my party composition.

If I had the item to teach Nu Mou blood price, I would consider recruiting one. I'd probably turn him into a uh...Scholar? The ones that hit everything including your own units. Then equip some elemental absorbing robes and go to town. My only fear is that Nu Mou are too slow, unable to benefit from Adelle's hacker weapons (I think mine has 124 speed now with Tiptaptwo and Nagrarok).

In short, if you're not using Adelle, stop it and start using her. She's better than every other human.

(Also, Elpe + someone that can revive = broken, Elpe + someone who can revive units to full = fuckin' broken)
i bet your favourt class is the chocobo knight amirite or amiright
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I reaaally need to pick this up again, currently 32 hours in FFIV.
Finally got around to teaching Adelle some illusionist spells, and wow. Magick Frenzy + illusion spells = full screen ownin'. The only problems are you can only dual wield rods, and mp acquisition is tricky. I'm currently using Seer's Recharge spell as well as Replenish MP, but there's probably a better way of going about it. I'd use Halve MP but I prefer dual wield for Magick Frenzy. Also considering Geomancy with an elemental rod.

Also, I never realized the rare item chests dropped such elite hacker warez; I got a Ragetsu-denbu and a ribbon in two of them (finally have enough ribbons to deck out six females in ribbons.

My viera is now an assassin/redmage, using a gastrophetes with Ultima Masher to snipe people for 540 damage (<3 blood price). I'd change the red mage to something else but the red mage skills are so versatile. Her magick isn't anything near to satty's rapesauce (I think her magick is about 154 at level 59), but it's enough heal/revive sufficiently as summoner/redmage.

If anyone uses Gria, Ravager + unscarred + Sneak Attack + backattack generally equals about 320 damage assuming you have full health. Gria are excellent with ninja tabi since they can already fly to exploit directional facing.

Still haven't recruited a Seeq yet.

I want to get a Nu mou just for Study, since I'd like to know the lewts and stuff of enemies, but I still haven't gotten the blood price weapon for nu mou. Assuming they can learn it, I'm pretty sure I've seen a few nu mou with it.

Moogles are still meh to me, juggler is the only class I think is worth anything.

I guess I should throw in my current stats. Adelle and my viera are level 59ish, with the rest in the mid 40s. Played for about 66 hours, 181 quests completed. Also, I hate item recovery quests.

And I'll finish with a question: Where the fuck is the minister of slaughter or whatever the hell it was. I looked all over in plumfrost. I assumed he was in the ruins of delgantua. Now that I write this, I'm wondering if it's not in the area unlocked by the stone with no name quests...
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awp so terribad
Well Crisis Core decided to pull a 180 and become a FUN game so I've been playing a couple hours of that every day. Now I only find time for FFTA2 when I'm working late.
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