
BECCA - I'm ALIVE!(Animation Size) [Taiko|Osu]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2014 at 13:26:44

Artist: BECCA
Title: I'm ALIVE!(Animation Size)
Source: 黒執事
Tags: Kuroshitsuji Black Butler Rebecca Emily Hollcraft Gero Desperate-kun Ending
BPM: 175
Filesize: 20250kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Desperate's Muzukashii (2,8 stars, 289 notes)
  2. Desperate's Oni (3,3 stars, 405 notes)
  3. Gero's Easy (1,58 stars, 91 notes)
  4. Gero's Inner Oni (4,24 stars, 500 notes)
  5. Hard (3,13 stars, 250 notes)
  6. Insane (4,14 stars, 305 notes)
  7. Normal (2,08 stars, 169 notes)
Download: BECCA - I'm ALIVE!(Animation Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

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Mapset Info:
Easy by Gero
Normal me
Hard by me
Insane by me

Muzukashii by Desperate-kun
Oni by Desperate-kun
Inner Oni by Gero

  1. 2014/10/07 Moved to Pending \o/
  2. 2014/10/11 Applied -Bakari-'s Mod
  3. 2014/10/11 Applied Regraz' Mod
  4. 2014/10/11 Applied Sieg's
  5. 2014/10/12 Applied Kenterz' Mod
  6. 2014/10/12 Applied Kyubey's Mod
  7. 2014/10/12 Applied Charlotte's Mod (Taiko)
  8. 2014/10/12 Applied ProfessionalBox's Mod
  9. 2014/10/12 Applied koreapenguin's Mod
  10. 2014/10/12 Changed Timing as pishifat told me! (<3)
  11. 2014/10/12 Applied Inyuschan's Mod
First o/
Topic Starter
lol dat speedpost and star xD
Can i make normal or second insane diff?

Add aniplex in tags
Topic Starter

gokugohan12468 wrote:

Can i make normal or second insane diff?
Sorry, the spread is already fully planned :/
Oh my god, this song makes me feel a lot happier for some reasons.

Catch me for a mod when it's pending!
Yo, as requested o/

  1. For some reason, the preview time in [Desperate's Oni] conflicts with the rest of the mapset. Make sure to fix that, please!
  2. Adding a couple of names would be nice. How about ames of the main characters from the anime? That'd help fans of the anime to find the map.
[Gero's Easy]
  1. Probably, you should drop OD as the end gets rather tricky in terms of rhythm. Please, try to get more opinions on it.
  2. 00:13:161 - probably you should add a break here. So, beginners won't think that something goes wrong.
  3. 00:25:847 (2) - the way how vocals kick at 00:26:190 - is a bit tricky. I'd rather use a pattern like this. It matches better and brings some simple and enjoyable rhythm.
  4. 00:47:447 (1,2) - I love how it flows, but I think it might be too tricky for the easiest diff. Could you, please, think of an alternative way of placing these hitobjects?
    Note: 00:58:419 (1,2) and 01:06:647 (1,2) and 01:17:276 (2,1,2) - similar, but not as serious, as the first one.

    Just a couple of tricky overlaps, overall, the diff is neat and lovely.
  1. 00:02:019 - 00:02:190 - 00:04:761 - think about mapping these beats, please. THey sound quite strong and they would make the diff a bit more interesting to play.
  2. 00:11:447 (3) - an 1/2 slider instead of a circle should fit better. The sound on the red tick is just begging for something, it shouldn't be ignored.
  3. 00:14:533 (4) - pretty sure you hould add a new combo here to emphasize the music. It looks like there is something missing if you don't add this NC. :(
  4. 00:34:247 (2) - remove this circle, please. The sound is quite minor, I am sure that it feels better without this circle.
    Note: 00:38:704 (2) - similar thing, the 1/2 chain is too long, in my opinion. this is still a Normal diff, remember!
    Note2: 00:36:476 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1) - the long part with "linear" flow does not flow well, in my opinion.
  5. 00:45:390 (2,2) - minor - the stack here mifght get better, but I feel uncomfortable bothering you with this little thing. :(

    I feel like there qwere some "extra" 1/2s, the diff itself is too full of 1/2s, I'd get rid of some of them. Try to simplify it a bit.
  1. 00:20:019 (1,2) - minor - the transition feels forced, Might be just me, but how about a pattern like this.
  2. 00:26:876 (1) - minor - verlapped with the HP Bar. Just a little bit, but still, overlapped.
  3. 00:51:390 (1,2) - minor - I will not complain about this overlap and I won't mention 00:52:590 (4,1) - the spacing here, either. I just hope that you will take a look at the lacement once again. :)
  4. 00:54:990 (3,4) - it's sorta hard to read the second repeat on these sliders. Maybe, you could find a way to make them more readable? For example, this.

    Looks good!
  1. 00:05:961 (1) - minor - the shape feels exaggerated. Tough it is quite common these days, I still find it rather unfitting.
  2. 00:20:533 (3,4) - I'd rather have a short 1/4 slider here, it would represent the song better and give some sort of an "intruduction", so, the triplets won't kick in so suddenly, in my opinion. Givbe it a try and see for yourself. :)
  3. 00:47:447 (1,2) - the low spacing here, and 00:52:933 (1,2) - here and 00:57:047 (1,2) - 00:58:419 (1,2) - so on, feels rather forced. Try to increase it to x1.2 or so, it will prevent the little and awkward slowdown and improve playability.

    The diff is okay, nice job.
Nicely done mapset, I quite liked it.


Best of luck!
Hi, Mao! There is Regraz's mod! :)
There is a few points of my mod:

  1. Thank you for requesting a mod from me! Note that I am still learning modding skills, so I am sorry if I cannot provide help to you!
  2. Mod is just a kind of suggestion, so feel free if you dont want to make change.
  3. I hope you can reply to my mod since it can help me know the other mappers' ideas and I can also learn something new.
  4. Bond means highly suggest.
  5. This is the one of the maps I modded since I used modding framework version 3 (mfv3)


  1. dunno if this hurts or not.

Gero's Easy

  • Rhythm:
  1. 01:17:276 (2,1,2) - Try this? Follow the vocal better.
  2. At the last note the music changes a bit. So why not change this rhythm to follow the drum?
  3. 00:18:647 (3) - Guess it should be in another direction to make better flow...maybe like this?
  4. 00:28:247 (1) - Maybe this can be more smooth after adding a sliderpoint? Just ike you did at 00:44:704 (1) -
  5. 00:11:447 (4) - Personally speaking, it feels better to use N:C1 Clap instead of finish here. Because the sound in the background is short but the sound of Finish is a little long.
  6. Nice :3


  1. A little hard imo...with so many 1/2 and some irregular combinations of Fine tho...
  2. 00:23:961 (1) - This part, try this to follow the vocal better?
  3. 00:03:561 (1) - Why not place it here? Much nice than before! xD
  4. 00:15:219 (5) - (nazi) Move to 177|127 for a perfect stack.
  5. 00:28:247 (1,2,1) - (maybe nazi again lol) Try to make a perfect triangle with 00:28:247 (1) - 's tail, 00:28:933 (2) - 's head and 00:29:619 (1) - 's head
  6. 00:33:733 (1) - The hitsound change here sounds too sudden. Maybe adding a whistle on 00:33:733 (1) - 's head is better.
  7. None.


  • Rhythm:
  1. 00:08:190 Add a note here to keep rhythm coherent? (Just a suggestion, it is fine now.)
  2. 00:12:133 (2) - Leave the red line inside a silder feels lack of hit-feel. Consider use 1/2 rhythm here.
  3. 00:14:876 (3) - Oh why use this sharp shape? Why not use a smooth slider? Sharp curve sliders are only meaningful when there is a certain vocal on the red slider point.
  4. (nazi) 00:39:904 (3,3) - Make a perfect stack :3
  5. (nazi) 00:39:904 (3,1) - Blanket can be improved by adding one more slider point
  6. 01:18:304 (3,4) - Better flow:
  7. None
  8. Nice


  • Rhythm:
  1. Fine
  2. 00:10:761 (2) - Seems this jump is weird. There is no enough apparent sound in the background to support it.
  3. 01:11:790 (4) - Curve it? Also bettr flow and can be distinguished from your previous 1/2 or 1/4 rhythms.
  4. 00:28:247 (1) - Add whistle on the sliderbody. The vocal is not a short one here. And you just add whistles on the sliderbody as to other places in this part. ;3
  5. None

In all, tis map is very decent and recreational with well-made patterns! I love this map! :3 hope this get ranked soon!
Finally, good luck on your ranking!
Thanks for reading this! :D If you have something that you dont understand, feel free to send me a forum-pm and I will try my best to explain it to you clearly!
Topic Starter
I'll apply everything tomorrow! Thanks for the mods :3
Alive.... nah xD

  1. you can try this video, no bb but quality is still not epic cus I wasn't able to find proper source
  2. fix preview point on oni
Gero's Easy:
  1. nice and clean
  2. there are some overlaps but I guess they okay and quite common to use now
  1. you can get rid of 00:07:504 (4) - 00:09:904 (3) - without any harm to rhythm to make begging not so intense
  2. 00:11:790 (1) - whistle on start?
  3. 00:13:161 (1,2,3) - Mao-nyan please :\ also 00:15:219 (2) - on 00:13:847 (3) - end
  4. 00:20:704 (3,4) - yep, I know what stands behind such rhythm placement but don't you think this is too intense for normal, maybe just make 00:20:704 (3) - as 1\1 slider
  5. 00:24:476 (2,3,4) - try such rhythm seems more comfortable to me cus of slider start on 00:24:819 (3) -
  6. 00:37:676 (4) - despite this is kiai I'll suggest you to make rhythm less intense by removing this one, also this will balance a bit this part with following 00:38:876 (2,1,2,1) -
  7. 00:43:161 (3) - ^ same here
  8. 00:49:504 (2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) - it would be great if you can split this somehow too but you have lyrics 00:50:704 (2,3) - so idk what to suggest you here :3
  9. sad fact that because of so many 1/2 and chosen SV/DS difficulty looks not so clean, can't be helped tho :\
  1. 00:00:818 (1,1,1,1) - wow wow, good idea to put this similar according to similar music but split this please? maybe
  2. 00:09:733 (3,4) - nazi blanket here
  3. 00:11:790 (1) - maybe whistle on start to not shock with such sudden hs transition
  4. 00:34:933 (1) - smooth
  5. 00:35:619 (3,1) - space this a bit more this will help to identify 1\1 here better, maybe or even bigger
  6. 00:51:390 (1,2) - if you want to keep overlap you maybe should try overlap with just straight line seems too random imo, not a big deal tho
  1. 00:00:818 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - same as for hard
  2. 00:11:791 (1) - and here also, whistle would be good on start
  3. 00:20:533 (3,4) - way too forced, i prefer to play bigger jump or kick-slider instead such hard to read visually\flow break
  4. 01:14:190 (3) - nazi again, why your waves so lazy :3 more smooth please
  5. plays great nothing much to mod here (:
Good Luck!
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

  1. 00:20:019 (1,2) - minor - the transition feels forced, Might be just me, but how about a pattern like this. I really like the transition ;_; Will keep it for now!


Regraz wrote:


  1. 00:23:961 (1) - This part, try this to follow the vocal better? Changed differently due to another mod!


  1. 00:12:133 (2) - Leave the red line inside a silder feels lack of hit-feel. Consider use 1/2 rhythm here. I don't feel like the red tick is important here o.o I think this covers it well so therefore I'll keep it for now!
  2. 00:14:876 (3) - Oh why use this sharp shape? Why not use a smooth slider? Sharp curve sliders are only meaningful when there is a certain vocal on the red slider point. Music sound pretty strong here due to the guitar and stuff :3
  3. 01:18:304 (3,4) - Better flow: Wanted to have something more unique here and I really like it!


00:10:761 (2) - Seems this jump is weird. There is no enough apparent sound in the background to support it. Emphasizing the strong sound of the dominant instrument here D:


Sieg wrote:

  1. you can try this video, no bb but quality is still not epic cus I wasn't able to find proper source I don't know much about videos. Gero gave me the one I have now. Looks fine for me o.o
  1. 00:13:161 (1,2,3) - Mao-nyan please :\ also 00:15:219 (2) - on 00:13:847 (3) - end I love this ;_;
  1. 00:51:390 (1,2) - if you want to keep overlap you maybe should try overlap with just straight line seems too random imo, not a big deal tho Huh, dunno what's actually wrong with this D:

Everything else has been fixed guys! :3 Thanks for the mods <3
Hello as requested :3

Gero's Easy

  1. 00:07:676 (4,5) - This pattern is quite annoying because it makes a weird slow. I'd suggest to reverse the 2 sliders like in this exemple :
  2. 00:11:790 - You can add a break here, it feels good with the "play-warningarrow" in the screen.
  3. 00:14:876 (2) - This slider is quite problematic since it makes the beat at 00:15:219 not played, and it should be in my opinion because it'll follow the voice.
  4. 00:25:847 (2) - Same as above for this slider.
  5. 00:34:419 (1) - This spinner's end makes a little part of the kiai unplayed. I suggest to make it ends at 00:35:790 (because there's a little change in the song here) and then you can map the start of the kiai.
  6. 00:42:304 (2) - Same problem for this slider, it makes a beat unplayed, and since this beat is the from the voice, it should/must be played.
  7. 00:59:104 (2) - Just a suggestion here, but maybe you can move it at x344|y264 (and then maybe move (1) + (2) some grids down ?) because it'll blanket with (1) (like if it was a curved slider). Also I like the transition it makes between (1) and (2), something very curved, it's quite funny to play.
  8. 01:06:647 (1,2) - You missed a good opportunity to make a blanket here (like you made for 00:47:447 (1,2) - ) and it's quite sad =/


  1. 00:00:818 (1,2) - I don't get why you added a circle at 00:02:019. You don't play the 2 first beat (00:00:990 - is not played), so why would we play the other one ? I think it doesn't really fit, so I suggest to delete (2), or maybe to add a circle before (1) (and start the slider at 00:00:990), then all the 1/2 beats will be played. Same for the second pattern
  2. 00:15:219 - I suggest to add a 1/2 slider here to follow the vocals. Try to follow this pattern maybe ? :
  3. 00:20:533 (2) - I find this circle better at 00:21:219 since it follow the voice
  4. 00:35:961 (2) - I suggest to make this circle a 1/2 circle since there's a beat at 00:36:133 (it's from the guitar). Then it won't let a gap of 3/2 beat.
  5. 00:39:733 - I suggest to add a circle here like the previous pattern (00:36:476 (1,2,3) - )
  6. 01:22:076 (2) - I suggest to move this hitclap at 01:21:561 (1)'s tail, it fits better in my opinion.


  1. 00:06:647 (3) - This slider makes the beat at 00:06:819 unplayed, it's quite sad, I really suggest to fix it =/
  2. 00:08:190 (2,3) - Just a suggestion, but maybe you could blanket here ? It'll make the pattern cleaner. This kind of details will makes people love your diff :3
  3. 00:09:219 - I suggest to add a circle here, for the same reasons as above (to follow the rythm)
  4. 00:16:933 (4,1) - I'm sure you can improve this blanket, it's not tottaly blanket at the moment.
  5. 00:17:961 (2,3,4) - I suggest a pattern to makes the beat from the voice clickable : "circle-slider-circle" instead of "circle-circle-slider". (if you understood what I mean xD).
  6. 00:25:333 - You should also add a circle here to follow the voice :3
  7. 00:35:961 (1) - Maybe you can ends it on a red tick to follow the rythm, or you can make the end silenced, at the moment it's quite strange, so I really suggest to fix one of the suggestions.
  8. 00:59:104 (3,4) - You can also improve that blanket.
  9. 01:03:819 (5) - This circle is overmapped since there's no beat on this blue tick, so you must delete it.
  10. 01:14:876 (1,3) - I suggest to make these 2 slider blanket, it'll makes a better pattern in my opinion.
  11. 01:21:561 (1) - The beat on the head of the slider isn't emphasized, so it doesn't need a finish.


  1. 00:05:961 (1) - I suggest to make the end of this slider silenced because the sound it makes isn't meant to be here.
  2. 00:24:047 (5) - This circle shouldn't be placed here because nothing justify it. Just move it between the 2 sliders, it'll be better to play.
  3. 00:24:647 (3) - I suggest to move this slider around x472|y356 to make a blanket with 00:24:133 (1).
  4. 00:28:161 (7) - Same as above, there's no reason to place it here.
  5. 00:35:962 (1) - Quite same suggestions as in the hard : you can ends it on a red tick or silence the end.
  6. 01:21:561 (1) - The finish isn't needed at the head of the slider, it doesn't follow anything

I hope my mod was helpful ;w;

Good luck for rank <3
Topic Starter
Thanks! I'll apply it soon :3
[Gero's Easy]
00:15:904 (3,1) - make it more overlapping? it would look cutier
00:44:361 (4) - ??? not cute
00:47:104 (4) - this too, fix the spacing pls
00:49:847 (3) - here too
01:02:190 (2) - too
01:06:647 (1) - i'd move it up one grid for making the tail of this slider look better with 01:07:333 (2) - sliderbody
01:11:447 (3,1) - 1.36 ds? is this intentional?
01:17:276 (2,1,2) - i don't think this is a good flow, newcomers can be confused and click on slider first after (2). better to make something rounder like this (just a draft, don't get this pic as a suggestion of pattern)
01:18:990 (3,4,1) - make the spacing same
AR5.3? why? use 5.5 for neater number, it's not noticeable anyway
and there's a lot of NCs, this affects the whole drain so i suggest to reduce hp drain. but if you do it, spread consistency will be broken... i'm not sure, but anyway you should think about it
00:00:818 (1,2) - it was pretty hard to catch (2) even for me. how about kicksliders or this rhythm? it will at least give some info about rhythm of the track and player will be prepared to catch 00:02:019 (3) - this note
00:03:561 (1,2) - too
00:06:304 (2) - start NC here instead of 00:05:961 (1) - this?
00:23:961 (1,2,3,4) - how about this rhythm? it's easier and follows the vocals better imo
00:35:961 (2,1) - you can make this blanket better (if it even a blanket)
00:45:390 (2,2) - this thing can be hard to notice, you can do something like 01:04:590 (2,1,2) - this
00:52:933 (1) - this touches the score meter so move it up a little. do not forget that score meter is used by almost everyone and it is enabled in client by default
Same thing about hp drain, it's too high because lot of NCs, two missed sliders = death. so better to reduce it
00:10:590 - i'd suggest this rhythm because it follow that sound in the track well, and that 1/4 repeat sounds strange, but feel free to ignore tht
00:16:504 - there's no sound, maybe better to make it soft-normal?
00:18:304 - again rhythm suggestion, this would follow vocals better imo
00:21:219 (1,2) - and here same rhythm suggestion, 1/2slider-note-1/2slider instead of two sliders. as you did 00:23:961 (1,2,3) - here
00:24:647 (3) - this touches the score meter a little
00:26:533 (4,1) - make it more or not overlapping for better view?
00:26:876 (1,2) - that rhythm again, but it seems like you want to make it look like this so you can ignore all these rhythm suggestions
00:34:247 (2,3) - touches the score meter again
00:39:733 (2,3) - this little overlap looks like unneat, i'd make it more overlapping or not overlapping
00:46:933 (5) - touches again
00:07:676 (1) - seems like noone's thinking about score meter nowadays but Captain Kyubey will rescue everyone! :3
01:01:847 (3) - and again
01:02:361 (1,3) - i don't think this overlap is really cute, how about removing?
rest is pretty fine imo

good luck with ranking!
add "best" in tag :D

00:10:076 (2) - siento que aqui le falta el clap con sampleset nomarl
y suena bien

00:21:047 (2) - esta nota esta peligrosamente arriba :P
nomas un poco

01:09:076 (3) -unesnaped

[desesperate oni]
→ resnap all notes

[hard ]
Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:28:859 - snap to 00:28:847
00:28:945 - snap to 00:28:933

muy buen mapa :o
Hi from PM request.

D(big d)
K(big k)

Desperate's Muzukashii

00:19:333 (61) - move to 00:19:162 -
00:27:561 (95) - move to 00:27:388 -
00:53:447 (207,208,209,210) - kkdd→ddkk.because,follow the vocal

Desperate's Oni

AI mod→unsnapped

OD6→5 because,Inner Oni is OD6.

add a note because,it was felt a little easier

00:08:459 - add k
00:25:259 - ^
00:33:989 - add d
00:34:682 - ^
00:35:369 - add k
00:35:549 - add d
00:43:774 - ^
00:43:937 - ^
01:02:621 - ^
01:02:972 - ^
01:03:468 - add k

Gero's Inner Oni

Widescreen Support (uncheck)

Very good~.

Good luck :)
so you asked for a mod... but there's some timing things that are broken, like 00:37:847 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 00:46:933 (5,6,7,8,9) - 01:06:476 (8,9,1) - and a bunch of stuff near the end.

red lines

you already know that like half of these timing points are for taiko barlines n stuff so i'm not gonna explain that

also 01:11:777 (4) - really shouldn't be snapped on a 1/8 tick. the bass drum there is slightly early, like it is at 00:59:101 (3) - and a couple other places (and with new timing it's closer to the 1/2 tick than the 1/8 tick anyway). i already explained that sort of unsynced instrument stuff in your avril lavigne map so uh would be best to just make it into a 1/2 slider.
Hello! In-game mod req ~

Gero's Easy

>00:18:647 (3) - This slider isnt that appealing (atleast to me, I am really picky though xD)
>00:37:161 - Imo you could already have a slider here
>00:47:447 (1,2) - This is just lovely, nothing to fix
>01:02:533 (3,4) - These are not blanketing eachothers
>01:06:647 (1,2) - Move the (1) a bit up so that it overlaps perfectly


>00:35:961 (2,1) - Maybe blanket theses or something i dunno
>00:54:304 (1,2) - Move the (2) so that the distance between the beginning of (1) is bigger, I cant explain it properly so I will just include before and after images


>00:50:876 (3,1) - Blanket fix
>00:59:104 (3,4) - ^
>01:14:876 (1,3) - ^
>01:18:647 (4) - Flip this upside down?


>00:37:161 (3,1) - Maybe blanket these?
>00:58:933 (2,3) - Maybe move the head of (3) to mirror that of the (2) if you know what I mean
>00:59:790 (1) - This slider could be better looking imo x)
>01:01:676 (2,3) - This is the same as the one mentioned before
>01:01:161 (1,3) - Not parallel

This map is way too polished for me to mod properly - sorry lol. Good luck with this, and while I liked the other diffs a lot, I loved the insane ^^
K.Penguin's One Day One Mod

  1. seem AudioLeadIn: 2000 is so long, so how about change 1500, first note's start offset is 818 so 1500 + 818 is better.
Gero's Easy
  1. 01:09:047 (3) - unsnap note is here
  2. 00:00:819 (1,1) - how about add whistle on head and tail, about music when they are playing drum's hit crash(finish) same time hit bass. so it's more sound is better imo :3
- nothing to say about this diff lol


- same as normal diff, i can't find any problems orz

  1. 00:11:276 (4) - how about this?, when do play that, it's more clearly for flow
  2. 00:56:704 (4) - ctrl+G :3 ? you can hear strong beat on 00:56:704 - here, so if place just here it's more exciting for play and it's coordinate with song's fit
  3. 01:18:647 (4) - same here :3 01:18:647 (4,1) - has strong beat them :3, i like follow song's fit then make more fun map :D
- omg, good diff even this


- nice insane :3

Charlotte wrote:

Hi from PM request.

D(big d)
K(big k)

Desperate's Muzukashii

00:19:333 (61) - move to 00:19:162 - Okay
00:27:561 (95) - move to 00:27:388 - Okay
00:53:447 (207,208,209,210) - kkdd→ddkk.because,follow the vocal Okay

Desperate's Oni

AI mod→unsnapped Fixed

OD6→5 because,Inner Oni is OD6. Fixed

add a note because,it was felt a little easier

00:08:459 - add k Done
00:25:259 - ^ Done
00:33:989 - add d Done
00:34:682 - ^ Done
00:35:369 - add k Done
00:35:549 - add d I don't like it there
00:43:774 - ^ ^
00:43:937 - ^ Done
01:02:621 - ^ I don't like it there
01:02:972 - ^ Done
01:03:468 - add k I don't like it there

Very good~.

Good luck :)
Thank you!
Topic Starter

Kenterz wrote:


  1. 00:00:818 (1,2) - I don't get why you added a circle at 00:02:019. You don't play the 2 first beat (00:00:990 - is not played), so why would we play the other one ? I think it doesn't really fit, so I suggest to delete (2), or maybe to add a circle before (1) (and start the slider at 00:00:990), then all the 1/2 beats will be played. Same for the second pattern Was suggested by Bakari and I like it but I also know what you mean but for me it would be too complex to have this first ntoes already be 1/2 :< I'll see what I can do with this!
  2. 00:15:219 - I suggest to add a 1/2 slider here to follow the vocals. Try to follow this pattern maybe ? : I feel like following the not so dominant Vocals in the song would be way too hard for the Normal so I'll stay for the Instrument. This also fits the general rhythm better.
  3. 00:35:961 (2) - I suggest to make this circle a 1/2 circle since there's a beat at 00:36:133 (it's from the guitar). Then it won't let a gap of 3/2 beat. No, it doesn't feel very fitting to me since the most dominant stuff are the vocals here. Also I feel like the Circle on the red tick is needed as there the build-up to thhe Kiai starts which makes this intuitive.


  1. 00:06:647 (3) - This slider makes the beat at 00:06:819 unplayed, it's quite sad, I really suggest to fix it =/ Following the guitar here which doesn't really play something strong here. I'll fix if anybody else tells me to. Really need mroe opinions :/
  2. 00:09:219 - I suggest to add a circle here, for the same reasons as above (to follow the rythm) Skipped by the main instrument. Therefore I didn't follow it D:
  3. 00:17:961 (2,3,4) - I suggest a pattern to makes the beat from the voice clickable : "circle-slider-circle" instead of "circle-circle-slider". (if you understood what I mean xD). I see what you mean here but the Instrument I'm following plays the note you want to have mapped by the tail as the strongest which wouldn't really fit into my style of rhythm :<
  4. 01:03:819 (5) - This circle is overmapped since there's no beat on this blue tick, so you must delete it. There is a fairly quiet note. Also the build-up was intuitive for me also to emphasize the following note :/


  1. 00:24:047 (5) - This circle shouldn't be placed here because nothing justify it. Just move it between the 2 sliders, it'll be better to play. Stacked to emphasize the build-up to the white tick.
  2. 00:24:647 (3) - I suggest to move this slider around x472|y356 to make a blanket with 00:24:133 (1). Overlap is intentional.
  3. 00:28:161 (7) - Same as above, there's no reason to place it here. It does. Same as above.
  4. 00:35:962 (1) - Quite same suggestions as in the hard : you can ends it on a red tick or silence the end. Vocals end here, but still going to silence it more (not fully).


Kyubey wrote:

AR5.3? why? use 5.5 for neater number, it's not noticeable anyway It would make a difference o.o Also it fits nicely between the other ARs /me runs

00:10:590 - i'd suggest this rhythm because it follow that sound in the track well, and that 1/4 repeat sounds strange, but feel free to ignore tht I really think the repeat supports the feeling of the isntrument here well ;_;


ProfessionalBox wrote:

>01:18:647 (4) - Flip this upside down? As I've already mentioned before I really love how these work and I wanted them to be more unique!


koreapenguin wrote:

  1. 00:56:704 (4) - ctrl+G :3 ? you can hear strong beat on 00:56:704 - here, so if place just here it's more exciting for play and it's coordinate with song's fit Well, I don't really want to add jumps for now as I feel like the diff is hard enough. Don't want to add jumps for now ;_;
  2. 01:18:647 (4) - same here :3 01:18:647 (4,1) - has strong beat them :3, i like follow song's fit then make more fun map :D ^

Applied everything I didn't mention here! Thanks for the mods <3
Topic Starter
@Modders: The timing isn't fixed in Gero's difficulties yet! Please don't mention that since it will be fixed soon! (:
from pm request :3

btw I don't mod taiko, sorry >:


  1. disable widescreen support in Normal since there isn't a SB o3o
  2. clean
Gero's Easy:

  1. 01:04:933 (2) - esto debería estar en x:192 y:144 pero bueno, habría que mover un poco el slider también y blabla así que haz como veas, sólo es una pequeña sugerencia
  2. 01:17:276 (2) - muévelo a x:252 para mejor flow

  1. 00:33:047 (2,3) - these notes with that bpm seems a bit difficult for normal imo, I'd use a slider ><

  1. 00:06:304 (2) - NC? because stanza :c
  2. 00:10:590 (2) - maybe Ctrl+J to follow next note? (and move it to y:336)
  3. 00:18:133 (3) - I'd do a straight line moving this to x:84 *runs*
  4. 01:18:636 (4) - Ctrl+J o3o (and move it to y:304)

  1. 00:54:987 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - what about making a nice form with this? maybe curving a bit o3o something like this but better done ;///;
well I could only say that, I'm sure this map is ready >3<

good luck ~
Topic Starter

Inyuschan wrote:


  1. 01:18:636 (4) - Ctrl+J o3o (and move it to y:304) Still dunno what's wrong with this pattern. It's a try to do something not seen in every map what it would be if the slider is CTRL+J'd. Therefore no fix.

  1. 00:54:987 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - what about making a nice form with this? maybe curving a bit o3o something like this but better done ;///; Meh, I like mine better :/
well I could only say that, I'm sure this map is ready >3<

good luck ~

Thanks! Everything not listed here has been applied :p
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