
Soraru & Lon - Haito Atoriesta nite

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不如把combo colour用成四種顏色

00:14:212 (1,2) - 1頭尾顛倒,2放到旁邊這樣玩起來比較順 00:52:289 (3,1,5) - 怎麼變成13拍放clap
00:53:673 (3,5,7) - 如果這三個要排成三角形的話那00:53:212 (1,4,6) - 也排一下吧
01:13:520 (1) - finish
01:17:212 (3) - 把kiai time的clap換成normal hit試試,這樣才不會clap的聲音一直重複
01:41:673 (3,4) - 前後互換試試
01:42:135 (5) - NC
02:01:520 (1,8) - 這一段可以考慮把一些slider改成note
02:09:827 (1,2,3,4) - 這裡我會用個跳
02:49:981 (4) - 其實不太好看
03:06:135 (1) - finish
03:11:673 (1) - ^
03:13:520 (1) - ^
03:15:366 (1) - ^

00:55:520 (1,2,3) - 弄個三角形?
01:29:212 (3) - x:260 y:60
01:46:750 (1) - insane這裡沒有加NC,為什麼hard和normal就加惹
02:39:366 (9,1) - 不太好看
04:23:673 (1) - x:268 y:256

00:07:289 (1) - 怪怪的
00:35:904 (3) - x:496 y:220
02:27:366 (1) - 移一下,身體壓到還好,尾巴壓到就不太好看
03:15:366 (1) - finish
05:13:289 (1) - 讓左邊更彎一點
Topic Starter

Evil_Twilight wrote:

From my Queue

不如把combo colour用成四種顏色
合唱的部份就四種顏色都用 好喔~

00:14:212 (1,2) - 1頭尾顛倒,2放到旁邊這樣玩起來比較順 00:52:289 (3,1,5) - 怎麼變成13拍放clap 額,放錯了,fixed~
00:53:673 (3,5,7) - 如果這三個要排成三角形的話那00:53:212 (1,4,6) - 也排一下吧 不太好排
01:13:520 (1) - finish fixed
01:17:212 (3) - 把kiai time的clap換成normal hit試試,這樣才不會clap的聲音一直重複 ok~
01:41:673 (3,4) - 前後互換試試 嗯....我想保留一下這個跳
01:42:135 (5) - NC fixed
02:01:520 (1,8) - 這一段可以考慮把一些slider改成note 咦?這邊不是spin嗎?._.
02:09:827 (1,2,3,4) - 這裡我會用個跳 ok~change
02:49:981 (4) - 其實不太好看 唔 , 好吧有點難看ˊˋ , 我再調整看看
03:06:135 (1) - finish fixed
03:11:673 (1) - ^ fixed
03:13:520 (1) - ^ fixed
03:15:366 (1) - ^ fixed

00:55:520 (1,2,3) - 弄個三角形?fixed
01:29:212 (3) - x:260 y:60 fixed
01:46:750 (1) - insane這裡沒有加NC,為什麼hard和normal就加惹 好,後面同樣的地方也一起拿掉了
02:39:366 (9,1) - 不太好看 fixed
04:23:673 (1) - x:268 y:256 fixed

00:07:289 (1) - 怪怪的 額 , 好 , 把slider從白線開始試試
00:35:904 (3) - x:496 y:220 fixed
02:27:366 (1) - 移一下,身體壓到還好,尾巴壓到就不太好看 fixed
03:15:366 (1) - finish fixed
05:13:289 (1) - 讓左邊更彎一點 fixed
Thanks your mod !! :)
Hi Hi /
Just my suggestions :P

  1. Check out the Countdown plz.
  2. 00:05:673 (2) - stack on 00:03:827 (4) -
  3. 00:07:058 (1) - clap on the reverse.
  4. 00:34:520 (1,2) - This stoppage feels so sudden for me. How about this? Maybe this is fit both vocal and music.
  5. 00:49:289 (3,4) - same as above.
  6. 01:24:135 - add a note ?
  7. 02:34:289 (1) - remove this and add a spin at 02:32:904 - ?
  8. 02:35:904 (3) - This is too. Feel so sudden I think. How about this?
  9. 02:43:981 (1) - Maybe this needs not the NC?
  10. 02:51:135 (1,2) - same as above.
  11. 02:58:750 (1) - Same. Need not the NC?
  12. 04:08:904 (1) - This has only NC in this part..remove NC plz.
  13. 04:14:443 (1,2) - Maybe this is more fit the vocal?
  14. 04:38:443 (5) - This combo feels so long..NC here and remove 04:40:058 (1) - this NC plz.

  1. 00:35:904 (5,6) - ctrl + g is better flow?
  2. 01:40:058 (4) - ^
  3. 02:07:750 (2) - stack on 02:07:520 (1) - is better?
  4. 02:11:212 (3,4) - maybe this is more fit the music.
  5. 02:41:904 (6) - move to (188|300)?
  6. 02:53:904 (2) - Well, this note need not in Hard diff I think. remove?
  7. 03:06:135 (1) - This stack is not good I think. Because here is very high rather than others.

  1. 05:10:750 (5) - NC?
Insane is fine for me. lol

El SolarBeam
M4M from your queue


For preventing language misunderstanding, I'll choose my word as simple as possible, but if there's something you don't understand, you can pm me later
  1. First thing I want to point out is, your SB lyrics have too many transparent pixel, see image below for the detail
    Assuming you can use photoshop, try to use Image => Trim... => Ok , then do the same in all of your lyric's image
    It will reduce your map's filesize by half
  2. Next, I wonder how to read this one on 2.jpg (or is it really exist in the song?)
    Well, I can heard the part "tokei" until "ue de" but I really don't think that circled part exist in the lyric
  3. This is just an optional question, but is these symbols meant to be intentional?
  4. Don't forget to check AImod, there's a letterbox in breaks conflicts

  1. 00:05:673 (2) Nazi, move the middle point 1 grid downward
  2. 00:07:058 (1) Remove NC, I'm sure it should have the same NC pattern with 00:03:827 (4)
  3. 01:07:058 (3) Nazi, move the middle point 1 grid downward
  4. 01:13:520 (1,2,3,4) I think it's not good to stack this one, because the tone of the song is reducing gradually
  5. 01:17:212 (1) Move the tail point 2 grid leftward
  6. 01:19:058 (4,5,1) How about this? Looks neater
  7. 01:28:289 (1,2) I really remommend this to be a circle, sounds nice. And it will keep your rhytm consistent with 03:30:135 (1,2,3,4)
  8. 01:20:904 (1,2,3) There's a rhythm inconsistency with the next chorus, see 03:24:366 (3,4,5) for reference. Well, I think the next chorus has better rhythm
  9. 01:38:443 (6,1,2,3) Make a proper triangle, looks better
  10. 02:13:520 (2) Looks ugly, better simplify it a little
  11. 02:17:212 (2) Not sure with this shape, no need to make too complex shape unless the music really provide it. Try this one (you can make it by removing the 4th point)
  12. 02:20:673 (3) Make it symmetrical
  13. 03:18:135 (2) Nazi, move the middle point 1 grid leftward
  14. 03:25:520 (5,1) Blanket these properly
  15. 03:33:827 (5,1,2,3) The rythm here sounds really bad, I suggest you to follow 01:30:135 (3,4,1,1,2,3,4,5) I'm sure that one has better rhythm
  16. 03:44:904 (1) No, I don't think this slider looks pretty
  17. 04:11:666 (1,3) I prefer this, removing the 7th point and adjust the curve a little, and you'll get a nice pattern
  18. 04:34:750 (1,2,3,4,1) This too, have a bad rhythm, see 01:30:135 (3,4,1,1,2,3,4,5) for reference


  1. 00:42:135 (5,6,1,2,3) How about this? Adjust the position a little and it'll flow better
  2. 00:59:443 (2,3) Blanket these properly
  3. 01:13:520 (1) Stack with the previous (3)
  4. 01:39:827 (3,4) Blanket these properly
  5. 02:03:366 (1,2) ^
  6. 02:39:366 (8,9,1) Is it intentional not to stack these? I prefer to stack these though
  7. 02:46:520 (3,4) Blanket these properly
  8. 03:03:366 (3) ctrl+g, flows better and the jump fits the song
  9. 05:05:904 (1,2,3) Maybe stack?
  10. 05:10:289 (2,3,4,5,6) Well, this pattern is quite hard to see for a hard diff, and the flow isn't quite good either
  11. 05:12:366 (5,6,1) Maybe stack?
Looks good.


  1. 00:49:289 (1) Stack the tail point with the previous (5), it will flow better that way
  2. 01:09:827 (1) Seems like a troll, make it a bit further (moreover, the next part is also a stream, so trolling the player here is not good imo)
  3. 01:15:366 (1) ^
  4. 01:45:135 (2,3) ctrl+g, because the recent pattern feels like an antijump
  5. 02:07:520 (2) Change to 1/4 slider
  6. 03:09:827 (1) Same with first
  7. 04:25:750 (2,3,4,5) Any reason why not stack these?
  8. 04:30:596 (6,1) The flow doesn't feel nice imo
  9. 04:40:058 (1,2,3,4,5) Move these notes 4 grid upward so that (5) will be stacked with the previous (6)
  10. 05:18:481 I'm sure I still hear the music here, so I suggest making a stream instead of triplets
Overall, it's a nice map, good luck~
Topic Starter

Karia wrote:

Hi Hi /
Just my suggestions :P

  1. Check out the Countdown plz. oh , my mistake , thanks ~
  2. 00:05:673 (2) - stack on 00:03:827 (4) - ok~
  3. 00:07:058 (1) - clap on the reverse. fixed
  4. 00:34:520 (1,2) - This stoppage feels so sudden for me. How about this? Maybe this is fit both vocal and music.
  5. 00:49:289 (3,4) - same as above.
  6. 01:24:135 - add a note ? ok~
  7. 02:34:289 (1) - remove this and add a spin at 02:32:904 - ? ok~
  8. 02:35:904 (3) - This is too. Feel so sudden I think. How about this?
  9. 02:43:981 (1) - Maybe this needs not the NC? fixed
  10. 02:51:135 (1,2) - same as above. fixed
  11. 02:58:750 (1) - Same. Need not the NC? fixed
  12. 04:08:904 (1) - This has only NC in this part..remove NC plz. oh~ fixed
  13. 04:14:443 (1,2) - Maybe this is more fit the vocal?
  14. 04:38:443 (5) - This combo feels so long..NC here and remove 04:40:058 (1) - this NC plz. fixed
I will consider all rhythm point , and fix them after , cus star difficulty ;w;

  1. 00:35:904 (5,6) - ctrl + g is better flow? nice !
  2. 01:40:058 (4) - ^ fixed
  3. 02:07:750 (2) - stack on 02:07:520 (1) - is better? fixed
  4. 02:11:212 (3,4) - maybe this is more fit the music. ok ~ I change some here to more fit the music
  5. 02:41:904 (6) - move to (188|300)? fixed
  6. 02:53:904 (2) - Well, this note need not in Hard diff I think. remove? ok~
  7. 03:06:135 (1) - This stack is not good I think. Because here is very high rather than others. fixed

  1. 05:10:750 (5) - NC? fixed ~
Insane is fine for me. lol

Thanks a lot !!! <3
It's helpful ~
Topic Starter

El SolarBeam wrote:

M4M from your queue


For preventing language misunderstanding, I'll choose my word as simple as possible, but if there's something you don't understand, you can pm me later
  1. First thing I want to point out is, your SB lyrics have too many transparent pixel, see image below for the detail
    Assuming you can use photoshop, try to use Image => Trim... => Ok , then do the same in all of your lyric's image
    It will reduce your map's filesize by half
  2. Next, I wonder how to read this one on 2.jpg (or is it really exist in the song?)
    Well, I can heard the part "tokei" until "ue de" but I really don't think that circled part exist in the lyric
    all come from here
    it's not lyric I think lol , "(ry" = "りゃ" → "略"
    although it's isn't lyric but seems keep it is better ?

  3. This is just an optional question, but is these symbols meant to be intentional?
    ↑どこにでも転がってそうな 幸せを運ぶジンクス
    cus original PV have it , so I do it too :P

    "「『" 廃都アトリエスタにて
    it's like this but my typeface isn't support "「" this Punctuation
    so I am confused too ;w;

  4. Don't forget to check AImod, there's a letterbox in breaks conflicts
oh ~ thanks for these !!
fixed letterbox in breaks in normal , SB will fix letter ~


  1. 00:05:673 (2) Nazi, move the middle point 1 grid downward fixed~
  2. 00:07:058 (1) Remove NC, I'm sure it should have the same NC pattern with 00:03:827 (4) fixed~
  3. 01:07:058 (3) Nazi, move the middle point 1 grid downward fixed~
  4. 01:13:520 (1,2,3,4) I think it's not good to stack this one, because the tone of the song is reducing gradually fixed~
  5. 01:17:212 (1) Move the tail point 2 grid leftward fixed~
  6. 01:19:058 (4,5,1) How about this? Looks neater fixed~
  7. 01:28:289 (1,2) I really remommend this to be a circle, sounds nice. And it will keep your rhytm consistent with 03:30:135 (1,2,3,4) consider it
  8. 01:20:904 (1,2,3) There's a rhythm inconsistency with the next chorus, see 03:24:366 (3,4,5) for reference. Well, I think the next chorus has better rhythm
  9. 01:38:443 (6,1,2,3) Make a proper triangle, looks better fixed~
  10. 02:13:520 (2) Looks ugly, better simplify it a little fixed~
  11. 02:17:212 (2) Not sure with this shape, no need to make too complex shape unless the music really provide it. Try this one (you can make it by removing the 4th point) Umm.... I keep my to make diversification
  12. 02:20:673 (3) Make it symmetrical fixed some
  13. 03:18:135 (2) Nazi, move the middle point 1 grid leftward fixed~
  14. 03:25:520 (5,1) Blanket these properly fixed~
  15. 03:33:827 (5,1,2,3) The rythm here sounds really bad, I suggest you to follow 01:30:135 (3,4,1,1,2,3,4,5) I'm sure that one has better rhythm
  16. 03:44:904 (1) No, I don't think this slider looks pretty ok , I fixed some ~
  17. 04:11:666 (1,3) I prefer this, removing the 7th point and adjust the curve a little, and you'll get a nice pattern fixed~
  18. 04:34:750 (1,2,3,4,1) This too, have a bad rhythm, see 01:30:135 (3,4,1,1,2,3,4,5) for reference
I will consider all rhythm point , and fix them after too ;w;


  1. 00:42:135 (5,6,1,2,3) How about this? Adjust the position a little and it'll flow better fixed~
  2. 00:59:443 (2,3) Blanket these properly fixed~
  3. 01:13:520 (1) Stack with the previous (3) fixed~
  4. 01:39:827 (3,4) Blanket these properly fixed~
  5. 02:03:366 (1,2) ^ fixed~
  6. 02:39:366 (8,9,1) Is it intentional not to stack these? I prefer to stack these though fixed~
  7. 02:46:520 (3,4) Blanket these properly fixed~
  8. 03:03:366 (3) ctrl+g, flows better and the jump fits the song fixed~
  9. 05:05:904 (1,2,3) Maybe stack? I keep my pattern here :o
  10. 05:10:289 (2,3,4,5,6) Well, this pattern is quite hard to see for a hard diff, and the flow isn't quite good either fixed~
  11. 05:12:366 (5,6,1) Maybe stack? keep my pattern here too
Looks good.


  1. 00:49:289 (1) Stack the tail point with the previous (5), it will flow better that way
  2. 01:09:827 (1) Seems like a troll, make it a bit further (moreover, the next part is also a stream, so trolling the player here is not good imo)
  3. 01:15:366 (1) ^ I will consider these two , but it's hard to fix so need some time to adjustment
  4. 01:45:135 (2,3) ctrl+g, because the recent pattern feels like an antijump I do this flow at ever kiai time's end , so I keep to make consistency
  5. 02:07:520 (2) Change to 1/4 slider seems fit music
  6. 03:09:827 (1) Same with first
  7. 04:25:750 (2,3,4,5) Any reason why not stack these? maybe to make a special :O
  8. 04:30:596 (6,1) The flow doesn't feel nice imo ok , fixed some
  9. 04:40:058 (1,2,3,4,5) Move these notes 4 grid upward so that (5) will be stacked with the previous (6) I stacked (1) with the previous (4) here lol
  10. 05:18:481 I'm sure I still hear the music here, so I suggest making a stream instead of triplets oh , you're right , I will fixed this :3
Overall, it's a nice map, good luck~
Thanks your mod !!
it's detailed and helpful ~

00:07:058 (3) - 消失的hitsound owo
01:30:135 (3) - 這邊要不要弄成這樣 跟第2kiai比較對稱也可以降星w 一改二用(?
03:37:289 (4) - 空空ㄉ 踹踹看(try
03:44:904 (1) - tick clap 大好~
05:13:289 (1) - 傳說中的傳說級Slider已跪

00:40:289 (1) - 想stack
02:07:520 (8) - 換Slider柑橘不錯
02:39:366 (9) - Reverse換成Note疊尾部頗刺激
03:35:443 (6) - Ctrl G讚

ㄏ勝 一堆神梗

M4M, please~

  1. I suggest to fix like the following for the meaning of lyrics
    9.png: 退屈しのぎには
    10k.png: ちょうどいいかもね
    39j.png: 空からついに白いのが
    40n.png: やってきた
    67e.png: 幸せを次の幸せへと
    68e.png: つなぐおまじない
  2. I suggest to delete the same files from mapset. for example, 5.png, 25b.png, 49n.png, 65e.png
  3. If you are going to cut transparent pixels, try to use "TopLeft" instead of "Centre"
    and, you can adjust the coodinate of lyrics more easily
  1. "cosMo@暴走P" is not useful for tags. I suggest cosMo bousouP
  1. 00:07:520- clap
  2. 00:10:520 (1,2) - I prefer to combine into 1 slider
  3. 01:04:750 (2) - move to x:379 y:134 (stack correctly)
  4. 03:13:058- clap
  5. 04:21:596 (3,4) - I prefer to combine into 1 slider
  1. 00:07:289 (1) - move to x:304 y:101 (stack correctly)
  2. 00:13:981- I prefer to add a note and clap
  3. 01:00:596 (4) - it is better to cover slider's head of 01:01:520 (6) -
  4. 03:02:443 (1) - ^
  5. 04:40:058 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - fine!
  1. 00:02:904- clap
  2. 00:54:366 (6) - how about moving to x:86 y:360 ?
  3. 02:49:520 (3,4) - this overlapping is not good
  4. 03:24:827 (2,3,4,5,6) - it looks awkward. how about this?

  5. 04:39:596 (6) - how about stack slider's head on 04:40:981 (5) - ?
Lon! <3
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

Tsumetaku wrote:


00:07:058 (3) - 消失的hitsound owo
01:30:135 (3) - 這邊要不要弄成這樣 跟第2kiai比較對稱也可以降星w 一改二用(?
03:37:289 (4) - 空空ㄉ 踹踹看(try
03:44:904 (1) - tick clap 大好~
05:13:289 (1) - 傳說中的傳說級Slider已跪

00:40:289 (1) - 想stack
02:07:520 (8) - 換Slider柑橘不錯
02:39:366 (9) - Reverse換成Note疊尾部頗刺激 lol , 暫時保留 , 這個梗不知道要怎麼調整才好
03:35:443 (6) - Ctrl G讚 唔..我想保留這個Jump :P

ㄏ勝 一堆神梗

好ㄉ , 其他都調整了些 ~

Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:

M4M, please~

  1. I suggest to fix like the following for the meaning of lyrics
    9.png: 退屈しのぎには
    10k.png: ちょうどいいかもね
    39j.png: 空からついに白いのが
    40n.png: やってきた
    67e.png: 幸せを次の幸せへと
    68e.png: つなぐおまじない
    Ok ~ fixed all !! thanks ~
  2. I suggest to delete the same files from mapset. for example, 5.png, 25b.png, 49n.png, 65e.png
  3. If you are going to cut transparent pixels, try to use "TopLeft" instead of "Centre"
    and, you can adjust the coodinate of lyrics more easily
these two will fix later
  1. "cosMo@暴走P" is not useful for tags. I suggest cosMo bousouP
Ok ~ Added
  1. 00:07:520- clap fixed
  2. 00:10:520 (1,2) - I prefer to combine into 1 slider
  3. 01:04:750 (2) - move to x:379 y:134 (stack correctly) fixed
  4. 03:13:058- clap fixed
  5. 04:21:596 (3,4) - I prefer to combine into 1 slider
  1. 00:07:289 (1) - move to x:304 y:101 (stack correctly) fixed
  2. 00:13:981- I prefer to add a note and clap
  3. 01:00:596 (4) - it is better to cover slider's head of 01:01:520 (6) -
  4. 03:02:443 (1) - ^ I will consider these three
  5. 04:40:058 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - fine! <3
  1. 00:02:904- clap fixed
  2. 00:54:366 (6) - how about moving to x:86 y:360 ? fixed
  3. 02:49:520 (3,4) - this overlapping is not good ok , I will try to fix this lol
  4. 03:24:827 (2,3,4,5,6) - it looks awkward. how about this? Oh nice ~ fixed !

  5. 04:39:596 (6) - how about stack slider's head on 04:40:981 (5) - ? umm.... I want to keep the jump here
Lon! <3
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter
Finally , SB all fixed ~
这图先点个赞 还是挺喜欢的


01:07:404 (7,8) - 这里稍微改一下 看起来流畅
04:25:750 (2,3,4,5) - 这里的没遮得住 不知道是不是故意的啊;w;

;w;就这些了 祝你成功 :)
Topic Starter

[Kamiya] wrote:

这图先点个赞 还是挺喜欢的


01:07:404 (7,8) - 这里稍微改一下 看起来流畅 好,我再修改看看~
04:25:750 (2,3,4,5) - 这里的没遮得住 不知道是不是故意的啊;w; Ohh,應該是不小心的,Thanks~

;w;就这些了 祝你成功 :)

I went through the entire song :> Normal, Hard and Storyboard. Didn't find anything wrong, so not modding. Good luck!
Topic Starter

yurunneram wrote:

I went through the entire song :> Normal, Hard and Storyboard. Didn't find anything wrong, so not modding. Good luck!

ok , Thanks for your check and star too ~ :)
NM req from my Q


03:10:058 (2) - 关Grid 调一下吧,稍微有点没放准

01:04:520 (2,3,4,5,6) - 这种摆放是比较难读,要是在开头的话就会好很多,在连打后确实是很难
01:08:789 (7,8) - 这里也是
01:11:327 (9,10,11,1) - orz这里太难了
01:12:250 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 减少间距?把圈弄得小一点
01:15:596 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^

Good Map 基本没有问题,祝好运。
Topic Starter

[Twinkle] wrote:

NM req from my Q


03:10:058 (2) - 关Grid 调一下吧,稍微有点没放准 好的www fixed

01:04:520 (2,3,4,5,6) - 这种摆放是比较难读,要是在开头的话就会好很多,在连打后确实是很难
01:08:789 (7,8) - 这里也是 這2個我希望在重音的時候能做個這種效果,所以暫時先保持/w\
01:11:327 (9,10,11,1) - orz这里太难了 好的 , 這邊我會試著在調整看看
01:12:250 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 减少间距?把圈弄得小一点
01:15:596 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ 圈小ㄧ些感覺好像會有點醜醜的,所以我也先保持著

Good Map 基本没有问题,祝好运。
感謝mod ~~ :)
Hi, mod from my queue :)


- 00:02:904 (3) - move the second point just a grid up and make the blancket perfect (just for precision XD)
- 00:47:443 (4) - move this 2 grids down to make at the same high of 00:46:520 (2) -
- 00:57:596 (3) - if you move the second point of the slider one grid right the blancket will be enphatized better imo
- 01:07:058 (3) - same here, move the second point a bit up, just to enphatize better.
- 02:05:673 (2,3) - here maybe is better if you change this: I mean the pattern note-slider-note is not always recomanded, especially because this is still the easyest diff in the map (I mean you can also keep this but probably is better to change) maybe try this:
- 02:56:904 (4) - move this note 2 or 3 grids down, just to make it perfectly on the line of the previous slider.
- 03:13:520 (1,3) - blancket better here too.
- 05:19:058 (4) - what about adding a whistle? :3
preatty good diff anyway :)


- 00:05:904 (2,4) - I think these 2 sliders should have the same curve.
- 00:13:981 - here: or you add a note, or you delete this 00:12:366 (7) - note here. because I think you should decide if following the vocal or the music (and in the most of the map you follow vocals). This 00:13:750 (4,1) - can be confusing maybe (I sayd it because I didn't got it the first time)
- 01:06:827 (3,4,2) - maybe you can try making these 3 with the same inclination?
- 01:11:673 (1,2) - make this blancket better.
- 02:45:827 (2) - curve this a bit more? I feel like there is too much difference between these 2 02:45:827 (2,4) -
- 03:07:981 (1) - move one grid left to make in the same line of 03:07:750 (5) -
- 04:04:981 (1,2) - enphatize the blancket a bit more
- 05:04:289 (1,2) - this blancket can be a bit better
- 05:19:058 (7) - if you did in easy add a whistle here too :3


- 01:10:058 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - try to place these notes to make a btter curve. try in this way: - 01:30:596 (3) - maybe move this to x:296 - y:264 so you make a triangle with 01:30:135 (1,2) - (and also a sort of blancket with 01:30:827 (4) - )
- 02:14:904 (4) - move this note to 02:15:020 - I think it follow better the background sound
- 03:12:596 (4,5) - the blancket can be improved
- 05:18:827 (10) - whistle on the slider tail if you did also in other diffs :3

That's all. osu need more soraru! I want to give a star for this XD and for the good map ofc :3
(leon, keep working on shounen brave too XD)
Topic Starter

luxoDeh wrote:

Hi, mod from my queue :)


- 00:02:904 (3) - move the second point just a grid up and make the blancket perfect (just for precision XD) Fixed~
- 00:47:443 (4) - move this 2 grids down to make at the same high of 00:46:520 (2) - Fixed~
- 00:57:596 (3) - if you move the second point of the slider one grid right the blancket will be enphatized better imo Fixed~
- 01:07:058 (3) - same here, move the second point a bit up, just to enphatize better. Fixed~
- 02:05:673 (2,3) - here maybe is better if you change this: I mean the pattern note-slider-note is not always recomanded, especially because this is still the easyest diff in the map (I mean you can also keep this but probably is better to change) maybe try this: Umm.... suggestion is great and comfortably to me :3 Fixed
- 02:56:904 (4) - move this note 2 or 3 grids down, just to make it perfectly on the line of the previous slider. Fixed~
- 03:13:520 (1,3) - blancket better here too. Fixed~
- 05:19:058 (4) - what about adding a whistle? :3 Fixed~
preatty good diff anyway :)


- 00:05:904 (2,4) - I think these 2 sliders should have the same curve.
- 00:13:981 - here: or you add a note, or you delete this 00:12:366 (7) - note here. because I think you should decide if following the vocal or the music (and in the most of the map you follow vocals). This 00:13:750 (4,1) - can be confusing maybe (I sayd it because I didn't got it the first time)
- 01:06:827 (3,4,2) - maybe you can try making these 3 with the same inclination?
- 01:11:673 (1,2) - make this blancket better.
- 02:45:827 (2) - curve this a bit more? I feel like there is too much difference between these 2 02:45:827 (2,4) -
- 03:07:981 (1) - move one grid left to make in the same line of 03:07:750 (5) -
- 04:04:981 (1,2) - enphatize the blancket a bit more
- 05:04:289 (1,2) - this blancket can be a bit better
- 05:19:058 (7) - if you did in easy add a whistle here too :3
Fixed all here !! but not update yet , prepare some other now , will update when all thing ready ~

- 01:10:058 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - try to place these notes to make a btter curve. try in this way: Do some adjustment~
- 01:30:596 (3) - maybe move this to x:296 - y:264 so you make a triangle with 01:30:135 (1,2) - (and also a sort of blancket with 01:30:827 (4) - ) Fixed~
- 02:14:904 (4) - move this note to 02:15:020 - I think it follow better the background sound I keep my pattern here , cus maybe 2 2 3 combo hit will be comfortable to play I think
- 03:12:596 (4,5) - the blancket can be improved Fixed~
- 05:18:827 (10) - whistle on the slider tail if you did also in other diffs :3 Fixed~

That's all. osu need more soraru! I want to give a star for this XD and for the good map ofc :3
(leon, keep working on shounen brave too XD)
Thanks a lot for mod and star !!!

will post reply and update later , sorry for slow , my computer just show some problem :(

shounen brave ? sure XD
Thanks for support <3
from my queue
Mod Info

  1. Black: Suggestions
  2. Blue: Important things. You should consider
  3. Red: Unrankable issues. You Must Fix

  • General
  1. 你break太多 而且每个时间太长 打的时候感觉很难受 不如把break时间map了 然后一个难度app

  • Insane
  1. 00:12:366 (7,2) - 叠起来呗 看起来整齐一些
  2. 00:40:750 (4,5,6) - 这三个换成三个3/4滑条感觉好得多 他每个音都拖下去了 用滑条更合适的感觉
  3. 00:42:827 (3) - ctrl+G? 这一声感觉反向flow比顺flow合适
  4. 00:45:596 这里补个note吧 这个空很难受 别的地方都是满1/2的节奏的
  5. 01:00:366 一样
  6. 01:09:366 这里是鼓点重音空下来感觉不太好 这个二连有点勉强了 可以吧01:09:250 (9) - 改成一个小滑条
  7. 01:10:058 (2) - 这里加个NC帮助读图
  8. 01:10:635 (7,8) - 这节奏也听起来怪怪的
  9. 01:15:596 (2) - NC吧
  10. 01:30:827 (4) - 这个感觉用note比较好 因为这声和前面三个很适合组一个四note跳的梗 间距大一些。比如这样 其中01:30:135 (1) - 和01:28:750 (2) - 的尾巴叠在一起的 01:30:366 (2,7) - 这两个是叠在一起的 01:31:058 (5,1) - 这两个是叠在一起的 你要是喜欢的话这里是代码
  11. 总觉得你的kiai段落有点无力。没有激烈的感觉
  12. 02:05:673 (3) - 这声这么重 可是间距这么小 很不合适
  13. 02:06:596 (7,8,9) - 这三声各不相同 换成折返滑条吧 或者用有弧度的间距大一些的三连
  14. 02:07:981 (4,5,6,7) - 这么有特色的你就用往返全带过去了啊。。。而且02:08:904 (6,7) - 这两处应该是1/6节奏 不是1/4
  15. 02:11:673 (4,5,6,1,2,3) - 这些都是1/6 你仔细听听 节奏错了
  16. 02:14:443 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 你这里的节奏我也没听明白你到底追的啥 如果你02:14:443 (1,2) - 这两个追的是那个类似小号吹的那个声音的话 02:15:020 这里也应该有note才对 而且02:15:366 (7) - 这个应改变成1/4节奏才对 可是如果你追的是鼓点 前面那个二连就不对劲 你在仔细听听这段想想节奏
  17. 02:29:212 (3,4,5,6) - 一样是1/6
  18. 02:47:443 建议补note
  19. 04:25:750 (2,4) - 要么叠好 要么就再分开一点
  20. 04:33:827 (5) - 这个建议重拉一个 现在这样flow不太好 而且不太符合音乐 比如做成一个从左往右的 下凸的滑条
  21. 别的就是些和前面一样的建议 你自己看改不改吧
  22. 03:06:135 (1) - 去掉finish 因为03:07:981 (1) - 03:09:827 (1) - 这些一样的地方你都没加 要么都加上 要么都不加 其实我个人建议全都加上finish比较好 顺便所有这种节奏你都统一一下 比如你开头就没加。 特别的乱
  23. 00:12:596 (1) - 头漏了finish
  24. 01:20:904 (1) - 头finish
  25. 01:28:289 (1) - 头finish
  26. 01:29:212 (3) - 头finish
  27. 01:30:135 (1) - 头finish
  28. 01:43:981 (3,1) - 这两个finish
  29. kiai段你就每两小节在长白线上加一个finish 然后出现01:28:289 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - 这种音乐就在1 3白线上加 所有kiai都这么加 后面两个你自己检查一下吧
  30. 02:21:827 (1) - finish
  31. 算了。。。不给你查音效了。。我发现完全是24clap+13whistle 然后finish都是乱的 完全没有统一在那里加。都是做一个右一个。。你音效部分真心需要重做的 24clap在这首歌做节拍器是可以的 但是已经用clap做节拍器了 再用13whistle完全多余 可以用whistle追人声的高音部分 这样用clap和whistle分别体现歌曲的鼓点和人生双音轨。然后finish你全部重加吧

低难度懒得看了。真的不如把insane做好 然后直接app :o
如果你把音效重下了 可以再来找我 我帮你在检查一下
hello~ Request from Gamu's Standard Modding Queue

[ General]
  1. About Artist: そらる & ろん Romanised Artist: Soraru & Lon
    Please use the "&" instead of ",". I think it is very good, and looks good.
  2. About Romanised Title: Haito Atoriesta nite
    Please refer to this
  3. Mp3 bitrate is 256kbps. This is Unrankble element. You must be change to 192kbps or less.

    Ranking Criteria wrote:

    The bitrate of a beatmap's audio file must be no lower than 128kbps and no higher than 192kbps.

[ Normal]
  1. 01:09:366 (4) - Clap's missing a the start point.
  2. 01:13:520 (1) - Add a finish since emphasizes the sound
  3. 02:01:520 (1) - I want a sound of something. For example, add a normal-hitnormal...etc
  4. 02:04:981 (1) - Add a whistle at the start point.
  5. 02:09:827 (2) - ^ and add a clap at the end point
  6. 02:18:827 (2,1,3) - Add a whistle to these.
  7. 02:23:443 (1) - ^
  8. 02:32:904 (1) - The same as 02:01:520 (1).
  9. 03:11:673 (1) - Add a finish since emphasizes the sound.
  10. 03:37:289 (1) - circle's not necessary.

[ Hard]
  1. 02:01:520 (1) - The same as Easy diff.
  2. 02:34:058 (1,2,3) - Add a normal-hitnormal (volume 30%). and of course, remove a whistle.
  3. 03:11:673 (2) - Add a finish at the start point since emphasizes the sound.
  4. 03:15:366 (1) - ^
  5. 04:17:212 (1) - whistle pls!
  6. 04:17:443 (2) - ^ at the end point.

[ Insane]
  1. 00:38:212 (6) - It looks a little bad flow. Move to x:296 y:324~
  2. 02:34:058 (1,2,3) - The same as Normal diff.
  3. 03:46:750 (5) - Add a new combo in order to maintain consistency.
  4. 04:17:673 (4) - Add a whistle here~
  5. 04:36:366 (1) - CTRL+G? Flow will be better
  6. 04:47:673 (7) - The same as 03:46:750 (5).

good mapset~ 8-)
form:Paper modding team Queue!<STD><closed>

05:09:596 (3,1) - 这两根滑条感觉不好看,可以的话调整一下

01:11:673 (1) - 这个note感觉放的好怪,如果坚持现在的排版的话,把NC一到01:11:904 (2) - 如何?
01:27:366 (4) - 这个摆上一点会比较好看
04:31:520 (2) - 不要踩到04:31:058 (1) - 的头
04:44:904 (6,7,8,1,2,3) - 这段可以摆成五角星。不过要把04:45:712 (2) - 去掉。


这张图现在差不多超出我能摸的水平了,渣摸见谅 :)
Topic Starter

kamisamaaa wrote:

from my queue
Mod Info

  1. Black: Suggestions
  2. Blue: Important things. You should consider
  3. Red: Unrankable issues. You Must Fix

  • General
  1. 你break太多 而且每个时间太长 打的时候感觉很难受 不如把break时间map了 然后一个难度app

  • Insane
  1. 00:12:366 (7,2) - 叠起来呗 看起来整齐一些
  2. 00:40:750 (4,5,6) - 这三个换成三个3/4滑条感觉好得多 他每个音都拖下去了 用滑条更合适的感觉
  3. 00:42:827 (3) - ctrl+G? 这一声感觉反向flow比顺flow合适
  4. 00:45:596 这里补个note吧 这个空很难受 别的地方都是满1/2的节奏的
  5. 01:00:366 一样
  6. 01:09:366 这里是鼓点重音空下来感觉不太好 这个二连有点勉强了 可以吧01:09:250 (9) - 改成一个小滑条
  7. 01:10:058 (2) - 这里加个NC帮助读图
  8. 01:10:635 (7,8) - 这节奏也听起来怪怪的
  9. 01:15:596 (2) - NC吧
  10. 01:30:827 (4) - 这个感觉用note比较好 因为这声和前面三个很适合组一个四note跳的梗 间距大一些。比如这样 其中01:30:135 (1) - 和01:28:750 (2) - 的尾巴叠在一起的 01:30:366 (2,7) - 这两个是叠在一起的 01:31:058 (5,1) - 这两个是叠在一起的 你要是喜欢的话这里是代码
  11. 总觉得你的kiai段落有点无力。没有激烈的感觉
  12. 02:05:673 (3) - 这声这么重 可是间距这么小 很不合适
  13. 02:06:596 (7,8,9) - 这三声各不相同 换成折返滑条吧 或者用有弧度的间距大一些的三连
  14. 02:07:981 (4,5,6,7) - 这么有特色的你就用往返全带过去了啊。。。而且02:08:904 (6,7) - 这两处应该是1/6节奏 不是1/4
  15. 02:11:673 (4,5,6,1,2,3) - 这些都是1/6 你仔细听听 节奏错了
  16. 02:14:443 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 你这里的节奏我也没听明白你到底追的啥 如果你02:14:443 (1,2) - 这两个追的是那个类似小号吹的那个声音的话 02:15:020 这里也应该有note才对 而且02:15:366 (7) - 这个应改变成1/4节奏才对 可是如果你追的是鼓点 前面那个二连就不对劲 你在仔细听听这段想想节奏
  17. 02:29:212 (3,4,5,6) - 一样是1/6
  18. 02:47:443 建议补note
  19. 04:25:750 (2,4) - 要么叠好 要么就再分开一点
  20. 04:33:827 (5) - 这个建议重拉一个 现在这样flow不太好 而且不太符合音乐 比如做成一个从左往右的 下凸的滑条
  21. 别的就是些和前面一样的建议 你自己看改不改吧
  22. 03:06:135 (1) - 去掉finish 因为03:07:981 (1) - 03:09:827 (1) - 这些一样的地方你都没加 要么都加上 要么都不加 其实我个人建议全都加上finish比较好 顺便所有这种节奏你都统一一下 比如你开头就没加。 特别的乱
  23. 00:12:596 (1) - 头漏了finish
  24. 01:20:904 (1) - 头finish
  25. 01:28:289 (1) - 头finish
  26. 01:29:212 (3) - 头finish
  27. 01:30:135 (1) - 头finish
  28. 01:43:981 (3,1) - 这两个finish
  29. kiai段你就每两小节在长白线上加一个finish 然后出现01:28:289 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - 这种音乐就在1 3白线上加 所有kiai都这么加 后面两个你自己检查一下吧
  30. 02:21:827 (1) - finish
  31. 算了。。。不给你查音效了。。我发现完全是24clap+13whistle 然后finish都是乱的 完全没有统一在那里加。都是做一个右一个。。你音效部分真心需要重做的 24clap在这首歌做节拍器是可以的 但是已经用clap做节拍器了 再用13whistle完全多余 可以用whistle追人声的高音部分 这样用clap和whistle分别体现歌曲的鼓点和人生双音轨。然后finish你全部重加吧

低难度懒得看了。真的不如把insane做好 然后直接app :o
如果你把音效重下了 可以再来找我 我帮你在检查一下


Topic Starter

Gamu wrote:

hello~ Request from Gamu's Standard Modding Queue

[ General]
  1. About Artist: そらる & ろん Romanised Artist: Soraru & Lon
    Please use the "&" instead of ",". I think it is very good, and looks good.
  2. About Romanised Title: Haito Atoriesta nite
    Please refer to this
  3. Mp3 bitrate is 256kbps. This is Unrankble element. You must be change to 192kbps or less.

    Ranking Criteria wrote:

    The bitrate of a beatmap's audio file must be no lower than 128kbps and no higher than 192kbps.

[ Normal]
  1. 01:09:366 (4) - Clap's missing a the start point.
  2. 01:13:520 (1) - Add a finish since emphasizes the sound
  3. 02:01:520 (1) - I want a sound of something. For example, add a normal-hitnormal...etc
  4. 02:04:981 (1) - Add a whistle at the start point.
  5. 02:09:827 (2) - ^ and add a clap at the end point
  6. 02:18:827 (2,1,3) - Add a whistle to these.
  7. 02:23:443 (1) - ^
  8. 02:32:904 (1) - The same as 02:01:520 (1).
  9. 03:11:673 (1) - Add a finish since emphasizes the sound.
  10. 03:37:289 (1) - circle's not necessary.

[ Hard]
  1. 02:01:520 (1) - The same as Easy diff.
  2. 02:34:058 (1,2,3) - Add a normal-hitnormal (volume 30%). and of course, remove a whistle.
  3. 03:11:673 (2) - Add a finish at the start point since emphasizes the sound.
  4. 03:15:366 (1) - ^
  5. 04:17:212 (1) - whistle pls!
  6. 04:17:443 (2) - ^ at the end point.

[ Insane]
  1. 00:38:212 (6) - It looks a little bad flow. Move to x:296 y:324~
  2. 02:34:058 (1,2,3) - The same as Normal diff.
  3. 03:46:750 (5) - Add a new combo in order to maintain consistency.
  4. 04:17:673 (4) - Add a whistle here~
  5. 04:36:366 (1) - CTRL+G? Flow will be better
  6. 04:47:673 (7) - The same as 03:46:750 (5).

good mapset~ 8-)
All fixed ~~

Thanks your mod~
Topic Starter

sodarose wrote:

form:Paper modding team Queue!<STD><closed>

05:09:596 (3,1) - 这两根滑条感觉不好看,可以的话调整一下 好的

01:11:673 (1) - 这个note感觉放的好怪,如果坚持现在的排版的话,把NC一到01:11:904 (2) - 如何?
01:27:366 (4) - 这个摆上一点会比较好看
04:31:520 (2) - 不要踩到04:31:058 (1) - 的头
04:44:904 (6,7,8,1,2,3) - 这段可以摆成五角星。不过要把04:45:712 (2) - 去掉。



这张图现在差不多超出我能摸的水平了,渣摸见谅 :)
感謝mod~~ :)
Hello! Request from Tari

Correct Romanised Title: Haito Atoriesta nite

Sorry, I checked the metadata in the old days, but it was wrong ;;
Since this is a correct metadata, you must fix it soon~

no kudos
Topic Starter

Gamu wrote:

Hello! Request from Tari

Correct Romanised Title: Haito Atoriesta nite

Sorry, I checked the metadata in the old days, but it was wrong ;;
Since this is a correct metadata, you must fix it soon~

no kudos
Ok , Fixed now ~

Thank you for the check again
Topic Starter
Forget to update correct .mp3 file before
change 192kbps .mp3 again here
Ultima Fox
Nom Nom Nom M4M Nom Nom Nom


00:53:212 (1) - No need for New combo here
01:31:520 - Circle here?
02:43:981 (2) - Make it curve like (1) to blanket just a little
03:33:366 - Circle here + Clap
04:10:750 (1) - Why this shape?
04:18:135 (3) - Fill this space?
04:32:904 (5) - why this shape again
05:13:289 (1) - ^ ?


00:46:750 (3) - Blanket better :)
05:10:520 (3,4,5) - A little awkward flow


00:40:750 (4) - new Combo
00:56:904 (1) - Make this slider prettier :)
01:00:596 (1) - ^
01:01:520 (3) - ^
02:01:520 (1) - Put a hitsound on this

Thats all i really found
good luck!
Topic Starter

GyroX20 wrote:

Nom Nom Nom M4M Nom Nom Nom


00:53:212 (1) - No need for New combo here Ok~
01:31:520 - Circle here?
02:43:981 (2) - Make it curve like (1) to blanket just a little I will consider here
03:33:366 - Circle here + Clap
04:10:750 (1) - Why this shape?
04:18:135 (3) - Fill this space? it fit with a space for pause cus music I think
04:32:904 (5) - why this shape again
05:13:289 (1) - ^ ?
shape just cus some shape it too long and it put them only Straight or Curve will be board (for me) , so I set like this , isn't fun :? ?


00:46:750 (3) - Blanket better :) OK~
05:10:520 (3,4,5) - A little awkward flow purposely to do it


00:40:750 (4) - new Combo Umm ... I think it's not in need here
00:56:904 (1) - Make this slider prettier :)
01:00:596 (1) - ^
01:01:520 (3) - ^ fixed some on this
02:01:520 (1) - Put a hitsound on this Fixed ~

Thats all i really found
good luck!
Yay ~ Thanks for your mods ~

  • General

  1. Map needs an epilepsy warning, to enable that got to song setup>design and you can find it there.

  • Insane

  1. 00:41:212 (5) - Try to put it here Symmetrically for this 00:40:173 (2) - and 00:41:673 (6) - Should be where 00:40:173 (2) -
  2. 00:43:981 (1,2,3) - For a better flow, i think you should MOVE 00:44:673 (2) - on to and do Ctrl + G on 00:44:904 (3) -
  3. 00:45:827 (1,2,3) - Same with these, as above.
  4. 00:58:750 (1,2,3) - Same thing happens here.
  5. 01:00:596 (1,2,3) - Same thing here, but i'll let this go.
  6. 01:09:481 (10,11) - The (10) is too early.
  7. 01:21:596 (3,4) - I prefer not to overlap this.
  8. 01:29:212 (3,4) - Same here.
  9. 01:43:058 (1,2) - This is a good example for not overlapped sliders. You could do the same with the others above.
  10. 01:44:443 (4,2) - Stack properly, i can that it's like 1 micro grid to the right, left nor up.
  11. 02:14:673 - There's a beat here. You can do something like this:
  12. 02:15:366 (6,8) - Stack properly.
  13. 02:22:520 (2,3) - I prefer that you should use the same shape like:

    And if you don't think it fits too well where it is. Try to move 02:22:520 (2) - here to
  14. 02:32:904 - I prefer to mute the end of this slider by adding a new green line with the volume of 5%
  15. 02:34:750 (1,3) - Stack properly.
  16. 02:45:827 (3,4,5) - This part is just like this part 00:43:981 (1,2,3) -
  17. 02:47:673 (1,2,3) - Same as above.
  18. 02:49:520 (3,4,5) - Ugly overlap here:
  19. 04:05:673 (4,5) - This part is good, but this part is the same 04:07:520 (2,3) - and why not map it the same way?
  20. 04:18:366 - I think you should enable a little break here. If the break doesn't show up when u play, it's because it's too short. But i don't think it will :D
  21. 04:29:673 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe switch places for 04:29:904 (3,5) - and for 04:30:135 (4,5) -
  22. 04:31:058 (1,2) - Avoid this overlap my making this 04:31:520 (2) - to a blanket for 04:31:058 (1) -
  23. 04:31:981 (3,4) - Avoid this little overlap.
  24. 04:32:904 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Move this whole part 1 grid down, so 04:33:366 (3) - Stacks with 04:31:981 (3) -
  25. 04:34:520 (1,2,3,4) - Same with. Just make it stack with 04:31:981 (3) -
  26. 05:04:058 (1,2) - I prefer to delete these to circle, because it's a little bit sudden after a break, and there's no vocal there.
  27. 05:19:058 - I prefer to add a green line here that have the volume of 5%

  • Feedback

    Wow, nice map :D Good luck with it, i want to see it ranked!
Topic Starter

-Tochi wrote:

  • General

  1. Map needs an epilepsy warning, to enable that got to song setup>design and you can find it there.

  • Insane

  1. 00:41:212 (5) - Try to put it here Symmetrically for this 00:40:173 (2) - and 00:41:673 (6) - Should be where 00:40:173 (2) - OK~
  2. 00:43:981 (1,2,3) - For a better flow, i think you should MOVE 00:44:673 (2) - on to and do Ctrl + G on 00:44:904 (3) - Fixed
  3. 00:45:827 (1,2,3) - Same with these, as above.
  4. 00:58:750 (1,2,3) - Same thing happens here.
  5. 01:00:596 (1,2,3) - Same thing here, but i'll let this go. I fixed these all~
  6. 01:09:481 (10,11) - The (10) is too early. I think it's fit the lyrics here
  7. 01:21:596 (3,4) - I prefer not to overlap this.
  8. 01:29:212 (3,4) - Same here. these place I feel overlap will be good too look too
  9. 01:43:058 (1,2) - This is a good example for not overlapped sliders. You could do the same with the others above.
  10. 01:44:443 (4,2) - Stack properly, i can that it's like 1 micro grid to the right, left nor up. Ok~
  11. 02:14:673 - There's a beat here. You can do something like this: Umm.. I fixed here too , but I try another way
  12. 02:15:366 (6,8) - Stack properly. OK
  13. 02:22:520 (2,3) - I prefer that you should use the same shape like: Fixed here , use same shape ^^

    And if you don't think it fits too well where it is. Try to move 02:22:520 (2) - here to
  14. 02:32:904 - I prefer to mute the end of this slider by adding a new green line with the volume of 5% Ok~ but I set on 30% frist here
  15. 02:34:750 (1,3) - Stack properly. fixed
  16. 02:45:827 (3,4,5) - This part is just like this part 00:43:981 (1,2,3) - same
  17. 02:47:673 (1,2,3) - Same as above. ^
  18. 02:49:520 (3,4,5) - Ugly overlap here:
  19. 04:05:673 (4,5) - This part is good, but this part is the same 04:07:520 (2,3) - and why not map it the same way? Same as to fit lyrics
  20. 04:18:366 - I think you should enable a little break here. If the break doesn't show up when u play, it's because it's too short. But i don't think it will :D yay , it too short , but if add a break I think it will be hurry to restart , so I keep here , maybe I will lost some HP during here , but I guess it's ok
  21. 04:29:673 (2,3,4,5) - Maybe switch places for 04:29:904 (3,5) - and for 04:30:135 (4,5) - Great , fixed
  22. 04:31:058 (1,2) - Avoid this overlap my making this 04:31:520 (2) - to a blanket for 04:31:058 (1) - Fixed
  23. 04:31:981 (3,4) - Avoid this little overlap. ^
  24. 04:32:904 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Move this whole part 1 grid down, so 04:33:366 (3) - Stacks with 04:31:981 (3) - ^
  25. 04:34:520 (1,2,3,4) - Same with. Just make it stack with 04:31:981 (3) - ^
  26. 05:04:058 (1,2) - I prefer to delete these to circle, because it's a little bit sudden after a break, and there's no vocal there. Fixed these ~
  27. 05:19:058 - I prefer to add a green line here that have the volume of 5% OK

  • Feedback

    Wow, nice map :D Good luck with it, i want to see it ranked! I want to rank this too , will work hard on this ^^
Thanks for your mod ~~

it's very detailed and really helpful
我滴妈5分钟3diff normal跳了 我来组成sp

00:07:289 (1,4) - 没叠好,后面还有很多nazi就不挑了.你自己检查下吧.
00:42:135 (5,4) - 分别nc 00:43:289 (1) - 不要nc 00:43:981 (4) - 这里正好是长白 而你又放了跳.
01:25:289 (4) - ctrl+g比较顺
02:07:289 - 不需要空拍吧,这里空一拍感觉好怪异 233
02:14:443 (1,2) - 这里节奏你再考虑下?

使用ds的部分间距不要老是变来变去的..而且也是有部分地方想叠好 但是没叠好的..还有如果你想做成良心送分图的话 就不要放很容易断的地方.比如
01:09:827 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) -
00:40:058 (1,2,3) - 450,119
00:54:366 (6,7,1,2,3) - 跳的略大...好像后面都没这么大间距的跳了
01:32:673 (5) - ctrl+g 01:33:596 (1) - 你看如何
01:41:443 (2) - 往上移一点
02:26:443 (5) - 和6平行
02:28:520 (6,7,8) - 这里建议改成一个1/4折返滑条
03:15:827 (2,3,4) - 好看一点
03:48:135 (2) - 这个就用 03:47:673 (1) - ctrl+J+H 03:48:596 (2) - 放正中间 如何
04:09:596 (5) - 96,116

希望你能在圣诞的时候rank :P
Topic Starter

Pururut wrote:

我滴妈5分钟3diff normal跳了 我来组成sp

00:07:289 (1,4) - 没叠好,后面还有很多nazi就不挑了.你自己检查下吧. 我自己看都是壓的準的 , 可是好多人挑嗚嗚 , 總之再修一次了
00:42:135 (5,4) - 分别nc 00:43:289 (1) - 不要nc 00:43:981 (4) - 这里正好是长白 而你又放了跳. 對喔 , 好的 , 修改
01:25:289 (4) - ctrl+g比较顺 我比較喜歡繞圈的感覺xD
02:07:289 - 不需要空拍吧,这里空一拍感觉好怪异 233 我跟著後面的電子音 , 所已在這停一拍 , 我再考慮看看好了
02:14:443 (1,2) - 这里节奏你再考虑下? 好吧 , 我看看要怎麼改

使用ds的部分间距不要老是变来变去的..而且也是有部分地方想叠好 但是没叠好的..还有如果你想做成良心送分图的话 就不要放很容易断的地方.比如
01:09:827 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 良心圖也想坑人(?
00:40:058 (1,2,3) - 450,119
00:54:366 (6,7,1,2,3) - 跳的略大...好像后面都没这么大间距的跳了 我也覺得突兀 , 那就改小一點好了
01:32:673 (5) - ctrl+g 01:33:596 (1) - 你看如何 這邊是3個一組的所以沒有想要包起來
01:41:443 (2) - 往上移一点
02:26:443 (5) - 和6平行 好的
02:28:520 (6,7,8) - 这里建议改成一个1/4折返滑条 紅線起我覺得3連Note比較舒服
03:15:827 (2,3,4) - 好看一点 Ok~ Fixed
03:48:135 (2) - 这个就用 03:47:673 (1) - ctrl+J+H 03:48:596 (2) - 放正中间 如何 這邊沒有想用跳這麼大的排版
04:09:596 (5) - 96,116 OK

希望你能在圣诞的时候rank :P
感謝Mod ~~~ :D

Christmas☆Queue 2014

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue
Pink = Will be discussed if not changed


  • There are 2 files of storyboard with alike names, check if they're all used (im not good in sb)


  1. Try AR 3.5 or 4.0, fits better in SV imo
  2. Take a note, next time mapping Normal try using more claps than vocal, it helps players to hit with more accuracy (beat)
  3. Check your New combos, some parts are kinda messy
  4. 00:10:058 (2,1) - Looks a bit off, changing them to slider would help better in reading
    ^ Just so, strong vocals are at 00:10:058 - , 00:10:289 - , 00:10:520 - , and 00:10:981 -
  5. 00:31:058 (1) - Need more ready time after spinner, consider shorten it to 00:32:443 - (need a white tick space). Removing works too, if you wish
  6. 00:51:827 (1,2,3,4) - Claps are wrong here, should be at 00:51:827 - , 00:52:750 - , 00:53:673 - , and 00:54:596 - for consistency
  7. 01:00:596 (1) - Remove NC for constant 2 beat NC
  8. 01:03:366 (3,1,2) - A bit bad flow here, prefer not to stack. Change if you have other ideas of mapping that part
  9. 01:31:981 (1) - A bit bad flow from 01:30:135 (3) - , at least try something like:
  10. 02:01:520 (1) - Same as previous, need a white tick of space after spinner
  11. 02:05:673 - Clap should be here, instead of 02:06:135 -
  12. 02:32:904 (1) - As mentioned recently
  13. 02:49:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Need NC around here, constant 1 beat NC (big white tick)
  14. 03:48:596 (4) - NC? Like did at 01:46:750 (1) - , need them to be constant
  15. 05:11:212 - Try adding a circle blanket with 05:11:673 (1) - , really bad flow here :w:
  16. 05:19:058 (4) - Ending NC like other parts?


  1. 00:37:750 (4) - Try using 1.0x DS, feel it's soft part
  2. 00:47:443 (1) - This is hard to read sometimes, for a Hard diff. But it's still fine to use
  3. 01:23:443 (3) - Feel placing a bit up (pic) would have better flow:
  4. 02:11:673 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Might be a bit too hard here, could cause combo break or a combo miss. Try changing this 02:12:596 (5,6) - to 2 long sliders then link to 02:13:520 (7,8) - cuz you're doing the same in Insane
  5. 02:17:212 (3) - This one looks like 3 hits (1 reverse), try reducing it and place a circle at 02:17:673 -
  6. 02:34:058 (1,2,3) - Wrongly snapped, it's 4 hits of 1/6. Could try a reverse slider
  7. 02:56:443 (3,4) - Prefer not to stack this one
  8. 03:15:366 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - As mentioned before


  1. 01:29:212 (3,4) - Try avoiding the stack, looks not good imo
  2. 02:34:058 (1,2,3) - Wrongly snapped, it's 4 hits of 1/6.
  3. 02:49:981 (4,5) - Try not to stack with 02:49:520 (3) - , too complex
  4. 03:05:327 (3,4,5) - Feel this one's a bit strange >_< , prefer to make it like 03:08:789 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  5. 04:30:366 (5) - Whistle should be at 04:30:135 (4) - ?


  • Insane diff is quite fine

    Maybe can get like 1-2 mods for Normal and Hard diff if you think it's ok

    Anyways, call me when you feel you're ready
Topic Starter

Rakuen wrote:

Christmas☆Queue 2014

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue
Pink = Will be discussed if not changed


  • There are 2 files of storyboard with alike names, check if they're all used (im not good in sb)
    well , check and remove some that didn't used


  1. Try AR 3.5 or 4.0, fits better in SV imo ok~
  2. Take a note, next time mapping Normal try using more claps than vocal, it helps players to hit with more accuracy (beat) I'll mind it :D
  3. Check your New combos, some parts are kinda messy checked and set NC more tidy ~
  4. 00:10:058 (2,1) - Looks a bit off, changing them to slider would help better in reading Fixed , and also after this some where like this
    ^ Just so, strong vocals are at 00:10:058 - , 00:10:289 - , 00:10:520 - , and 00:10:981 -
  5. 00:31:058 (1) - Need more ready time after spinner, consider shorten it to 00:32:443 - (need a white tick space). Removing works too, if you wish Remove all spinner , cus I have no idea on this ;_;
  6. 00:51:827 (1,2,3,4) - Claps are wrong here, should be at 00:51:827 - , 00:52:750 - , 00:53:673 - , and 00:54:596 - for consistency Fixed
  7. 01:00:596 (1) - Remove NC for constant 2 beat NC OK
  8. 01:03:366 (3,1,2) - A bit bad flow here, prefer not to stack. Change if you have other ideas of mapping that part
  9. 01:31:981 (1) - A bit bad flow from 01:30:135 (3) - , at least try something like: Fixed some here
  10. 02:01:520 (1) - Same as previous, need a white tick of space after spinner ^
  11. 02:05:673 - Clap should be here, instead of 02:06:135 - Fixed
  12. 02:32:904 (1) - As mentioned recently ^
  13. 02:49:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Need NC around here, constant 1 beat NC (big white tick) Fixed
  14. 03:48:596 (4) - NC? Like did at 01:46:750 (1) - , need them to be constant Fixed
  15. 05:11:212 - Try adding a circle blanket with 05:11:673 (1) - , really bad flow here :w: OK~
  16. 05:19:058 (4) - Ending NC like other parts? Fixed here too


  1. 00:37:750 (4) - Try using 1.0x DS, feel it's soft part Fixed
  2. 00:47:443 (1) - This is hard to read sometimes, for a Hard diff. But it's still fine to use
  3. 01:23:443 (3) - Feel placing a bit up (pic) would have better flow: Fixed
  4. 02:11:673 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Might be a bit too hard here, could cause combo break or a combo miss. Try changing this 02:12:596 (5,6) - to 2 long sliders then link to 02:13:520 (7,8) - cuz you're doing the same in Insane
  5. 02:17:212 (3) - This one looks like 3 hits (1 reverse), try reducing it and place a circle at 02:17:673 - Fixed
  6. 02:34:058 (1,2,3) - Wrongly snapped, it's 4 hits of 1/6. Could try a reverse slider Fixed
  7. 02:56:443 (3,4) - Prefer not to stack this one OK~
  8. 03:15:366 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - As mentioned before I think I will want to leep these , after request some Hard diff player to testplay , feel it's ok in my view , also cus I don't have more idea ; ;


  1. 01:29:212 (3,4) - Try avoiding the stack, looks not good imo
  2. 02:34:058 (1,2,3) - Wrongly snapped, it's 4 hits of 1/6.
  3. 02:49:981 (4,5) - Try not to stack with 02:49:520 (3) - , too complex
  4. 03:05:327 (3,4,5) - Feel this one's a bit strange >_< , prefer to make it like 03:08:789 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  5. 04:30:366 (5) - Whistle should be at 04:30:135 (4) - ? Oops , forgot to change these when I fix this before
Fixed Insane all~ :)


  • Insane diff is quite fine

    Maybe can get like 1-2 mods for Normal and Hard diff if you think it's ok

    Anyways, call me when you feel you're ready
Thanks mod ~~ :D


  1. Add 1520ms of audio lead-in for 1.5s ready times.


  1. 00:02:212 (4) - There is no vocal. Plz never let players hit air ( Except you use hitsound remix the rhythm ) . Vocals downbeat on 00:01:981 - and 00:02:096 - . So add 1/4 slider on 00:02:096 - .
  2. 00:04:981 (7) - Same thing. Just make 00:04:635 (6) - end on 00:04:981 - .
  3. 00:06:366 (9) - Remove. No vocal here.
  4. 01:28:289 (1) - Add a finish on slider head?
  5. 01:46:173 - and 01:46:635 - Why missed these sounds?
  6. 02:10:520 (4) - Remove then add 1/2 slider on 02:10:404 - ?
  7. 03:08:212 (2) - So weird...
  8. 03:47:673 (1,2) - Same as 01:46:173 - .
  9. 04:48:596 (1) - ^.
  10. 05:18:135 (5) - ^ ;w;.


  1. 00:04:981 (6) - Same as Insane diff.
  2. 03:13:289 (7) - Remove.
    Fine. After spinner one-beat add note is readable imo. This song only have 130bpm.


  1. Fine.


Call me back.
Topic Starter

Rakuen wrote:

Thanks Rakuen ~ :D
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