
Avatar Request

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I found this picture that i really like and i want it has an avatar on Osu. but when i use it, u cant see the face or the body properly since its so small.
I need some help editing this picture so that u can see the upper body and face clearly.

If u guys could help me with that, ill be truly grateful
[ Pingu ]
Can you request on one of the shop forum posts? That's what they're here for...
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[ Pingu ] wrote:

Can you request on one of the shop forum posts? That's what they're here for...
srry i didnt know, im new to this forum :x
[ Pingu ]
I know, but there's plenty of forum posts here, and you decide to do one seprate? ._.'

Sonatora wrote:

request in any of the graphic shops around dude

a good example would
be these threads

make sure to follow their rules, some may be strict but some are not that punishing
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AllRiseSilver wrote:

Sonatora wrote:

request in any of the graphic shops around dude

a good example would
be these threads

make sure to follow their rules, some may be strict but some are not that punishing
ok thx :)
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