
Aoi Eir - IGNITE (TV size ver.) [Taiko]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年8月23日 at 下午 08:35:41

Artist: Aoi Eir
Title: IGNITE (TV size ver.)
Source: Sword Art Online II
Tags: sword art online ii sao 2nd season opening phantom bullet ソードアート·オンラインⅡ
BPM: 171
Filesize: 13013kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (1.97 stars, 191 notes)
  2. Kantan (1.7 stars, 125 notes)
  3. Muzukashii (2.59 stars, 307 notes)
  4. Oni (3.86 stars, 425 notes)
Download: Aoi Eir - IGNITE (TV size ver.)
Download: Aoi Eir - IGNITE (TV size ver.) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
[Taiko oni]
00:01:597 (2) - k
00:03:000 (5) - move to 00:03:000
00:03:176 - add k here ; 00:03:527 - add d here
00:03:702 (6) - k
00:08:264 (21) - d
00:08:965 (22) - k
00:09:316 - add d + 00:09:492 - add k
00:12:299 (33) ~ 00:12:474 (1) - better if 1/4 ddk
00:22:123 (20) - move to 00:22:123 (20)
00:22:825 - add d
00:28:790 - add k
00:37:386 (46) - k
00:38:264 (49,50,51,52,53) - d d k d k
00:39:316 - d
00:40:720 - D
00:40:895 (59) - k
00:54:579 (143) - K
01:15:457 (82) - k
Ending is a bit weird, perhaps remove spinner and add notes instead?

Good luck, didn't have enough time to mod the rest ^^

-Eternal Love- wrote:

Tags: xchumi 開放 xchippy ソードアート·オンラインⅡ saoii
把xchumi 和 xchippy刪掉,這是別人的ID (

Topic Starter

  1. 把BG的位置調一下:
  2. 音效建議用成Normal
  3. widescreen support 太鼓用不到,把它刪掉吧
  4. 把title 改成 IGNITE (TV size ver.) ,來源:
  5. difficultly 的 ''Taiko''可以把它刪掉,因為大家都知道這是太鼓,所以不需要再另外註解
[ Kantan]

:idea: 基本上太鼓盡量不要有break,尤其是這種只有1分30秒的歌曲
:idea: SV改成1.20

  1. 00:01:948 (2) - ,00:04:755 (6) - 這兩個note都可以刪掉,非常固定的節奏會顯得有點生硬 :?
  2. 00:18:088 - ~ 00:29:316 - 這裡感覺頗安靜的,建議把一些note刪掉比較能跟下一段做對比
  3. 00:31:071 (23,28) - 移到00:31:772 - ,00:32:474 (26) - 移到00:34:579 - 最後00:33:176 (28) - 移到00:33:878 - ,主要是跟00:34:930 (31,32,33,34,35,36) - 這個pattern
  4. 00:38:790 (41) - 建議把這個slider刪掉,這裡跟鼓聲下note會比較好
  5. 00:46:860 (53) - 改成k,這裡的鼓音調偏高
  6. 00:49:316 (59) - 雖然這裡有鼓聲,但是在打的時候就會有點卡卡的,建議刪掉
  7. 01:25:106 (1) - 這個spinner的位置有點詭異,建議從01:25:457 - 開始下會比較好前面記得加note
  8. 01:02:299 (21) -改成k,跟vocal的音調,打起來也比較順
  9. 01:04:228 (26) - ^
  10. 01:04:755 (27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34) - 這裡感覺怪怪的,試試看這樣
  11. 01:12:825 (45,46,47) - 改成kdk,不但能跟鼓的節奏,打起來也比較順

[ Futsuu]

:idea: 同Kantan,太鼓盡量不要有break
:idea: 基本上,我建議你把futsuu改簡單一點,因為這個Futsuu感覺有點難(太長1/2的note)建議你可以參考一下這個:

  1. 01:25:106 (1) - 同kantan

[ Muzukashii]

:idea: 這個Muzu稍嫌有點單調,尤其是像00:54:579 (186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194) - ,這裡應該還可以放一些1/2的鼓點,但是卻只有1/1的k感覺很奇怪,建議改一下,其他段也是有類似的情況

  1. 00:11:772 (27,28,29,30,31,32,33) - 這裡明顯有強烈的鼓聲,建議改成這樣: (27,28) - 改成大圓)
  2. 01:25:106 (1) - 同kantan

[ Oni]

:idea: kat的結構略顯鬆散,這首有明顯的鼓聲,如果完全沒有跟鼓聲的話打起來會顯的很雜,舉例來說:00:54:579 - ~ 00:57:386 - 這裡00:54:579 (143,146,148,151,154,156,159,163) - 都有明顯的鼓聲,你可以試試全部都改成k或者是跟鼓的音調
:idea: 有一些地方可以跟一下鼓,尤其是01:17:035 - ~ end
:idea: 有些地方可以加大圓,記得要加

  1. 01:25:106 (1) - 同kantan

多找一些mod吧 :)
hi from m4m req.

Taiko Oni
00:04:228 (8,9) - 00:04:930 (11,12) - 00:05:632 (14,15) - 00:06:334 (17,18) - delete
00:12:913 (4) - move to 00:12:737 -
00:16:421 (28) - move to 00:16:246 -
00:17:737 (5,6,7) - delete
00:39:141 - k d & 00:39:492 (54) - delete
00:40:720 - d & 00:41:158 (61) - move to 00:40:983 -
00:44:053 (78,79,80,81,82,83,84) - move to 00:43:878 - & 00:44:755 - d
01:25:281 (119) - d

Taiko Muzukashii
00:11:860 (28) - delete
00:16:685 (47) - delete
00:44:755 (146) - move to 00:44:579 - & 00:44:930 - d
00:01:246 (1,2) - 改成k
00:14:053 (11,13) - 改成kdk
00:14:404 (14,15,16) - 改成dkd
00:18:088 (7) - 改成大圓
00:21:948 (19,20,21) - 改成dkd
00:44:755 (86,87,88,89,90) - 改成kdkdk
00:45:369 (91) - 移到00:45:281
00:45:281 (91) - 改成k
From your Forum-PM request

**This Mod chage your style** sorry ... :(
Don't Accept all of this mod 'Cause it really Change your style :P

00:01:597 (2) - move to 00:01:772 (2) -
00:06:509 (14) - delete
00:06:860 (14) - remove finish or add finish to 00:07:562 (15) - , 00:08:264 (16) - , 00:08:965 (17) -
00:11:772 (26) - k
00:30:720 (91) - , 00:31:071 (92) - , 00:31:421 (93) - change to d
00:32:299 (96) - d
00:33:176 (100) - k
00:34:579 (106) - k
00:38:088 (118) - d
00:40:544 (128) - remove finish
00:40:720 (129) - add d 00:41:071 (131) - add d If you accept this 2 mod i suggest to decrease difficult by 00:40:369 (127) - delete this
00:41:772 (133) - add d
00:42:123 (135) - add d
00:43:351 (141) - remove finish
00:43:527 (142) - add k
00:43:878 (144) - add k
00:43:176 (140) - delete
00:44:579 (146) - , 00:44:930 (148) - add d
00:45:281 (150) - , 00:45:369 (151) - add d
00:46:685 (158) - add d
00:50:369 (172) - k

00:53:878 (181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189) - oh no !! :P Overmap for Muzukashii my suggestion

k k ddd K

00:55:807 (190) - add d
00:56:509 (193) - add k
00:56:685 (194) - d
00:56:860 (195) - add d
00:58:790 (204) - k
01:02:650 (219) - d
01:04:755 (226) - , 01:04:930 (227) - d
01:04:842 (227) - add d
01:05:106 (229) - k
01:06:509 (236) - k
01:07:211 (238,239) - Ctrl+G
01:10:018 (250) - d
01:12:299 (259) - d
01:17:035 (275,278) - Ctrl+G

01:20:544 (290) - move to 01:20:369 (290) - and change to k
01:20:895 (291) - move to 01:20:720 (291) -
01:21:071 (292) - add d
01:21:597 (295) - delete

[I]MMoRTal[S : Exhuasted ... :lol:

00:01:597 (2) - move to 00:01:772 (2) -
00:04:053 (7) - k
00:06:509 (18) - k
00:06:860 (19) - k
00:10:193 (25) - k
00:10:895 (27) - k
00:11:421 (29,31) - Ctrl+G
00:11:772 (31) - K
00:12:386 (34) - add k
00:14:492 (15) - move to 00:14:667 (16) -
00:14:930 (18) - k
00:15:281 (21) - k
00:16:158 (27,28,29,30,31) - kkddk
00:19:316 (11) - add d
00:19:842 (13) - k
00:20:369 (16) - add k
00:20:544 (17) - d
00:20:895 (19) - add d
00:21:421 (21) - add d
00:23:000 (27) - k
00:23:878 (30) - , 00:24:228 (32) - add k
00:24:755 (34) - move to 00:24:579 (34) -
00:25:457 (1) - add k
00:27:035 (8) - add k
00:28:439 (13) - d
00:28:965 (15) - k
00:29:141 (16) - d
00:31:246 (24) - add k
00:33:176 (33) - k
00:36:246 (46) - k
00:38:264 (54) - k
00:39:141 (59) - , 00:39:316 (60) - add k
00:39:667 (62,63) - Ctrl+G
00:40:018 (64) - add k
00:40:369 (66) - add d
00:40:720 (68) - add D
00:41:597 (73,74) - add finish
00:43:000 (82,83,84,85,86) - kkkdk
00:46:860 (110) - k
00:47:386 (112) - add d
00:53:000 (147) - k
00:53:878 (151) - , 00:54:053 (152) - , 00:54:404 (154) - d
01:00:281 (192) - add d
01:01:772 (205,206,207,208,209) - ddkkd
01:07:562 (32,36) - Ctrl+G
01:10:369 (51) - k
01:11:071 (57) - d
01:12:035 (64) - d
01:13:527 (75) - k
01:15:106 (81,82) - k
01:16:772 (90) - add d
01:18:614 (97) - k
01:20:193 (103) - k
01:21:421 (107) - k
01:22:123 (109,110,111,112) - k d k k

[I]MMoRTal[S : Sick :o

G.. Good L... Luck ~~ :oops:
mother of mod =w=)b
不專業mod XDDDD

Taiko Kantan
00:05:457 (7) o
00:06:158 (8) o
00:37:913 (37,38) delete
00:55:632 (4) o
01:02:299 (21) o
01:04:228 (26) O
01:09:316 (35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42) 看圖owo
大概改這樣 個人覺得整體難度還可以降一點
Taiko Futsuu
00:09:667 (27,28) oo
00:10:895 (31) O
00:17:211 o 00:17:386 o
00:23:351 (20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27) 看圖owo
00:28:965 (39) delete
00:43:351 (91) O
00:46:158 (100) O
01:02:650 (35) o
Taiko Muzukashii
00:06:509 (14) o
00:16:158 (43,44,45,46) 看圖owo
00:23:878 69移到這邊
00:24:228 70移到這邊
00:24:579 71移到這邊
00:24:930 o
00:35:106 o
00:35:457 112移到這邊
00:35:807 113移到這邊
00:36:158 (114) 移到這邊然後轉d (o)
Taiko oni
00:10:895 (27) O
00:59:842 (178) o
01:15:457 (82) O
01:18:965 (97) o

不專業mod結束 :D
有看不懂再問我就好~ 8-)
Hi Mod by request~
HP3 OD3.作为底难度不要设置太凶残orz
00:12:299 (11) - 我感觉kD的这种组合有些难于kantan了 可以把k删掉
或者把它移到 00:11:772 - 变成K

00:31:421 - 这边加一个d.之前2/1白线上都有音的 这里突然变道会有点解读障碍

00:37:913 (31,32) - 感觉这两个没有什么必要 加大了难度不说 而且跟Vocal的话会更好

00:40:544 - 我觉得这样更好

00:43:878 - 如果采取了上面的建议话 这里也需要修改

00:44:755 (47) - 然后这里这个去掉

00:49:667 - 加一个Note吧

00:50:544 (58) - 抓Vocal是可以的 但是有点点难 可以去掉 或者变成同色系

00:57:562 (5) - 这个..对于Kantan难了吧? 去掉吧

00:59:492 (11) - 变成d

01:19:141 (50) - 变成d

01:27:913 - 最后懂你想要做出1/2的那种效果了 但是因为转盘的原因 实际打起来那种效果是基本上被忽略掉了的
所以建议是把Spinner拆了 或者直接把Spinner延长到最后一个Note的时间点 把那个Note去掉即可。
^最后一个建议适用于所有难度 这个好好想一下吧我觉得挺关键的

00:08:264 (16,17) - 这两个都变成d.因为Vocal的关系 其实4个音是有变化的 做出一点这种效果比较好 而且也不会影响难度

00:10:544 (21) - 变成d打起来更舒服一点

00:13:176 (24) - 变成d

00:22:650 (10) - 删掉这一个 感觉不是很需要

00:25:106 - 这里为什么突然空掉了..如果跟的Vocal 有音 鼓的话一样有音

00:40:895 (53) - ..感觉违和感十足 移到 00:40:720 -

00:40:720 - ~00:46:158 - 我觉得通过上面的Mod你应该知道我想说什么了..这一段违和感爆满 不如乖乖地跟背景音

01:24:404 (90) - 变成d

00:30:720 (93,95) - 变成d 一直k很单调..

00:38:264 (121) - 变成d 而且可以对照后面两个Note

00:44:404 - 感觉加一个k违和感会变低一点

00:53:878 - 喂喂..这个太凶残了啊 只是Muzukashii怎么会有串出现了 00:53:965 (183,185) - 删掉这两个是没问题的

00:55:281 (192,195) - 这两个变成d..感觉你的图里面好多k

01:02:299 (218) - 这个变成d和前面的对应

Mod by PM request

00:12:299 移到 00:11:772 換成 d
00:26:860 k , "Kantan" 譜避免換太多顏色
00:32:825 加k
00:33:878 刪
00:37:913(30,32) 刪, 這對kantan太密了
00:38:614 刪
00:44:053 k
00:46:158 d

00:06:509 刪
00:24:053 刪 , 這裡沒音
00:25:106 k
00:26:860 移到 00:27:211
00:56:334 刪
00:58:439 刪
01:01:948 刪
01:05:807 k

這張譜對futsuu來說好像太密了 沒vocal的地方可以刪一些音符

00:24:755(70,71,72,73,74) kkddk
00:25:807 k
00:33:702 d

00:53:878 這串試著簡化成這樣
基本上Muzukashii譜(本家)最多只有同色三連音 再難的就不算是muzukashii了

00:56:685 d
01:07:913 d
01:08:439 k
01:13:878 k

建議不要用太多 dkdkdk 除非真的很合音樂, 沒有對到音會使玩家不順手

00:12:913 d
00:13:439 k
00:14:141 k
00:15:544 k
00:16:158 k
00:16:421 d
00:16:509 k
00:41:158 d
00:43:088 k
00:45:895 k
00:48:965 k
01:09:492 k
01:09:842 k
01:14:228 - 01:14:755 - 01:15:106 - 01:15:457 可以換成D (同其他難度)
Hi from Charlotte's Taiko Modding Queue

D(big d)
K(big k)


Slider is too many (1/4 roll tired)

00:06:860 (5) - delete
00:06:862 - add d
00:07:561 - add d
00:08:264 (7) - delete
00:08:262 - add k
00:08:965 - add d
00:54:579 (1) - delete (Then add note)
00:57:386 (4,5,6) - This is difficult in Kantan (1/1)
01:00:193 (12) - delete (Then add note)
01:01:597 (13) - ^
01:06:158 (23) - delete
01:14:404 (38) - delete


00:38:095 - add d
00:38:614 (50) - change k (be better?)
01:16:860 (67,68) - ctrl + G
01:17:386 (69,70) - ^


00:31:421 (95) - change d
00:53:965 (183) - change k
00:54:492 (187) - ^
00:54:930 (189) - change d
00:56:334 (193) - ^


00:25:457 (1) - change k
Timing here will not deviate

Good luck :)
Hi, here comes a taiko mod as requested.

  • [Kantan]
  1. 00:07:562 (6,7,8) - k d k would follow the vocal pitch much better.
  2. 00:10:544 (11) - consider changing this note to d ? It has a lower vocal pitch compared to 00:10:193 (10,12) -
  3. 00:13:176 (15) - d could result in a better flow imo.
  4. 00:16:509 - add D here so that the drum could be mapped.
  5. 00:17:386 (21,1) - k D could fit both the vocal pitch and the stressed sound well.
  6. 00:32:825 (21,22) - d k ? The vocal pitch drops significantly at 00:32:825 (21) -
  7. 00:38:088 (31) - move to 00:38:264 - ? The vocal appears there.
  8. 00:47:211 (47) - I recommend moving this to 00:46:860 - , as a prominent sound occurs there.
  9. 00:50:369 (52,53) - 1/2 d k pattern is a bit hard for Kantan, so consider removing 53 and change 52 to D ?
  10. 00:56:685 (4,5) - d k could follow the snare sound at 00:57:035 (5) - better.
  11. 00:57:562 (7) - I strongly recommend you to delete this note. Three consecutive notes at 1/2 are just too hard for Kantan.
  12. 00:59:492 (13) - As the vocal pitch is relatively low, d would be better imo.
  13. 01:00:193 (14,16) - d if you want to follow the vocal pitch.
  14. 01:02:299 (17) - maybe k for pattern consistency as 01:00:895 (15) - ?
  15. 01:05:807 (26) - adding finish here would be great.
  16. 01:15:106 (43,44) - d k if you want to follow the vocal pitch.
  17. 01:28:088 (1) - delete and extend the spinner to here would be better imo.
  • [Futsuu]
  1. 00:06:860 (13,15) - d would be much better for following the vocal.
  2. 00:13:176 (23) - same as Kantan
  3. 00:20:895 (7) - k here if you want to reflect the slight increase in the vocal pitch.
  4. 00:29:316 (26) - consider adding finish here ? It needs to be emphasized imo.
  5. 00:39:842 (52) - maybe k for the snare sound ?
  6. 00:48:965 (77,78) - change 77 to k and delete 78 ? A short break seems to be nice.
  7. 01:05:807 (34) - same as Kantan
  8. 01:28:088 (1) - delete and extend the spinner to here would be better imo.
  • [Muzukashii]
  1. 00:16:509 (45) - adding finish here would be nice as stressed sound occurs.
  2. 00:29:316 (88) - same as Futsuu
  3. 00:34:930 (109,110) - swap these notes to k d ? This could fit the vocal in a way better.
  4. 00:44:571 - add d here ? I feel like something is missing.
  5. 00:50:369 (165) - k would be nice, as it has a higher vocal pitch than the next 00:50:544 (166) -
  6. 00:53:965 (183) - consider deleting this note ? kdk is quite hard for Muzukashii imo.
  7. 00:54:404 (186) - change to d if you agree with ^
  8. 01:24:755 (305,306) - k d could fit both the vocal pitch and the snare well.
  • [Oni]
  1. 00:17:211 (1,2,3) - ddk could follow the snare at 00:17:386 (3) - nicely.
  2. 00:32:650 (27) - d ? The vocal pitch is the same as 00:32:825 (28) -
  3. 00:33:176 (29) - maybe k for the snare sound ? You mapped 00:31:772 (22) - as k as well. The pattern would become more consistent if you change this.
  4. 00:39:492 (54) - move to 00:39:316 - and change to k ? Similar reason as ^
  5. 00:43:878 (80) - d could result in a better flow imo.
  6. 00:50:895 (118,119) - k k could match the increase in vocal pitch.
  7. 01:00:369 (181,182,183,184,185,186) - ddkkd k looks much better in terms of vocal pitch imo.
  8. 01:02:299 (198) - k could be used so as to fit the high-pitched vocal.
  9. 01:21:772 (114) - k for pattern consistency as 01:18:965 (104) -
  10. 01:27:913 (1) - D would be better imo. It lacks emphasis.
I think Kantan, Futsuu and Oni diffs could still be improved considerably in terms of note patterns and consistency. Good luck~ :D
Topic Starter
Hi, Is a response for a Kioshin Modding queue :D!

About the Map
Some parts are offset :c
00:44:053 (144,145,146) - (Muzu) this part can remap :3 ()

I modding muzukashii and oni ok :3?
  1. 00:23:702 (22,23,24,25) -
  2. 00:31:246 (21,22,23) -
  3. 00:53:527 (138,140,142) - d
  4. 01:04:579 (11,13) - k
  5. 01:10:018 (55) - k
  1. 00:13:176 (32,33,34,35) -
  2. 00:40:720 - add big D
  3. 00:41:071 (133) - Add k
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