
Okui Masami - Shuffle Long Version

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on den 23 juni 2008 at 02:57:54

Artist: Okui Masami
Title: Shuffle Long Version
BPM: 84,01
Filesize: 5259kb
Play Time: 04:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Normal (2,98 stars, 336 notes)
Download: Okui Masami - Shuffle Long Version
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
The Longer version of Shuffle from Yu-gi-oh! Let's set Osu! in attack mode!
It is actully a bit longer, but it's no singing at the end so i skipped it.
Hello hello.

BPM and offset seem fine, but you have to absolutely, positively, get rid of that last note at 5:05. Otherwise, players will just sit through two and a half minutes of nothing. :o

And you seem to be placing a lot of notes on the 1/6 divisor. Don't do it that way. Keep it on 1/4. Most, if not all of the notes should fall right on those lines. Go through again and make sure the notes are on them. The sliders should start and end on them as well.
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