
doriko - Winter Alice

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Hi , 路過的建議


建議分開來放 , 或是用多一點slider來做變化~

加油~~ :)

xxhckxyz wrote:

This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年1月18日 at 16:07:33

Artist: doriko
Title: Winter Alice
Source: vocaloid
Tags: hatsune miku
BPM: 132
Filesize: 12161kb
Play Time: 01:43
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.92 stars, 155 notes)
  2. Hard (4.97 stars, 618 notes)
  3. Normal (4.49 stars, 245 notes)
Download: doriko - Winter Alice
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
first map. plz reply if u have some comment.

~~I love hatsune miku~~

三種模式看了之後 發現你用很多圈圈 最好長條也要用一下 兩者之間不要差很大
還有 紅線前面不要放note
另外 紅線timing是1919

00:02:828 (1) - 改綠2
00:03:745 (1) - 迴轉箭頭縮一個吧

NORMAL:最好不要很多是一音一激唷@@a 因為有分音節 而且看了會眼花 很多顏色
聲音設S 會比較柔和喔

00:04:192 (1) - 擺到00:04:078 吧
Topic Starter
謝謝各位 正在改善中~~稍後我會再更新的

很感謝各位的幫助 :D

xxhckxyz wrote:

謝謝各位 正在改善中~~稍後我會再更新的

很感謝各位的幫助 :D
你更新完如果有空可以+好友叫我mod :D 差不多晚上6點在線上
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

xxhckxyz wrote:

謝謝各位 正在改善中~~稍後我會再更新的

很感謝各位的幫助 :D
你更新完如果有空可以+好友叫我mod :D 差不多晚上6點在線上

加了好友 謝謝你~~

剛剛更新了地圖 上面所說的都改了 圓圈也刪了不少 取而代之的是加了很多SLIDER 有些連打用了SLIDER和SPINNER取代

謝謝~~ :) :)
Hi, from #modreqs


There should be some kiai time: i suggest 01:16:464 - 01:45:555


it is an easy map so please use same distance snap on this one...
variant spacing such as ( they are more than this , just example )
00:11:919 (2,3,4) and 00:31:692 (1,2,3) - they have same time spacing but different distance spacing
01:02:601 (1,2) - 01:04:419 (1,2) -
is too hard for beginner

00:34:419 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - try spread these, maybe 2 - 2 - 2

00:59:874 (1,2) - change it to sliders

01:01:805 (1,2) - ^


same thing as easy: distance spacing problem , and kiai.


Kiai : 01:16:464 - 01:45:555 | 02:16:464 - 02:45:555 | 03:29:191 - 03:43:737

00:16:465 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:18:283 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:20:101 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - .........
they look boring when there are too many of them stacked together.

note : if you want to use the same note pattern, try flip it ( CTRL + H ) ( CTRL + J ) or change something so they don't look same everywhere

need really hard work if you want to get this ranked

good luck then ~
Topic Starter

Froztic wrote:

Hi, from #modreqs


There should be some kiai time: i suggest 01:16:464 - 01:45:555


it is an easy map so please use same distance snap on this one...
variant spacing such as ( they are more than this , just example )
00:11:919 (2,3,4) and 00:31:692 (1,2,3) - they have same time spacing but different distance spacing
01:02:601 (1,2) - 01:04:419 (1,2) -
is too hard for beginner

00:34:419 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - try spread these, maybe 2 - 2 - 2

00:59:874 (1,2) - change it to sliders

01:01:805 (1,2) - ^


same thing as easy: distance spacing problem , and kiai.


Kiai : 01:16:464 - 01:45:555 | 02:16:464 - 02:45:555 | 03:29:191 - 03:43:737

00:16:465 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:18:283 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:20:101 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - .........
they look boring when there are too many of them stacked together.

note : if you want to use the same note pattern, try flip it ( CTRL + H ) ( CTRL + J ) or change something so they don't look same everywhere

need really hard work if you want to get this ranked

good luck then ~

thank you very much...this is very useful....but i need to sleep now...i will correct it tomorrow~~

may I ask a stupid question? how to add kiai time? i just know using time set up panel.... :?

haha~~go bed now...thank you for ur help~
^^ maybe my suggestion can help you , just try

Normal :

00:34:646 to 00:36:919 slider(1)(2)(3)(4) maybe too..close?player maybe miss them, Separate them ? (just my think , i am not sure) i hear some players say they hate those overlapping sliders

same → 01:13:509 silder(6) is close to silder(5)

01:00:100 to 01:03:737 oh,no too many notes batter ,the rhythm...hmm i think change to silder is good

01:14:646 this new to tell player there will in a spinner? ^^

01:22:373 (6)(7)(8)...those 3 notes i think they should appear in Hard~ here a little hard for Normal i think,,,

01:26:691 (7) (this hide in silder's end) is some player's hate,of course like this is a nice set,it can imporve player's level,your map has many like this ,consider to change some? but no change all ,it is just my think , maybe you like those^^

0.0 your map have not make all or you just want to make here to end ? it only continues 1:45 but mp3 is long....

hope your map be ranked i like this song~
對了昨天 紅線應該是offset 1009才對 要聽到的第一個音為準

2.slider兩條間距不要很近 盡量不要相鄰至少隔一條節拍線
例如Hard難度就很明顯00:05:555 (1,2,3,4) - 沒有人是這樣放的.太近
00:07:373 (1) - 像你這個長條形狀拉得很不錯但時間點有拉錯
要放在00:07:373 (1) - 尾端在00:08:055的位置

3.00:16:464 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 這一段到後面最好插幾個長條吧,方法就照我前面說的,
聽節奏放吧,盡量有時長有時短,短的話,就00:16:464 (1,2) - 差不多這樣的距離

4.normal這裡00:23:737 (1) - 這段最好是用在EASY上,這難度很少看到這麼長的,兩個slider間


xxhckxyz wrote:

thank you very much...this is very useful....but i need to sleep now...i will correct it tomorrow~~

may I ask a stupid question? how to add kiai time? i just know using time set up panel.... :?

haha~~go bed now...thank you for ur help~
no KDs for this post

Start kiai : add timing section -> Style -> check on Kiai mode
End kiai : add timing section -> Style -> uncheck on Kiai mode

Should look like this for Kiai : 01:00:051 - 01:45:555

you can adjust volume of hitsounds too, check the audio tab if you interested in it.
Topic Starter

Froztic wrote:

Hi, from #modreqs


There should be some kiai time: i suggest 01:16:464 - 01:45:555

added :)


it is an easy map so please use same distance snap on this one...
variant spacing such as ( they are more than this , just example )
00:11:919 (2,3,4) and 00:31:692 (1,2,3) - they have same time spacing but different distance spacing
01:02:601 (1,2) - 01:04:419 (1,2) -
is too hard for beginner

fixed by ur tips :) also added a slider to displace the circle...may be it becomes more easy~~

00:34:419 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - try spread these, maybe 2 - 2 - 2

fixed with ctrl + H :)

00:59:874 (1,2) - change it to sliders

i deleted two circles...i guess this may be more suitable

01:01:805 (1,2) - ^

delete one circle and put the circle under the slider, is it ok?


same thing as easy: distance spacing problem , and kiai.

distance between circle have been corrected :) hope can meet the requirement~~


Kiai : 01:16:464 - 01:45:555 | 02:16:464 - 02:45:555 | 03:29:191 - 03:43:737

00:16:465 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:18:283 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:20:101 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - .........
they look boring when there are too many of them stacked together.

umm...this position is refered from another map~haha... map also have many circle...actually, i have changed a part of circle to slider :)

note : if you want to use the same note pattern, try flip it ( CTRL + H ) ( CTRL + J ) or change something so they don't look same everywhere

need really hard work if you want to get this ranked

good luck then ~

Thank you for ur modding :) This is very useful for me...
Topic Starter

moonlightleaf wrote:

^^ maybe my suggestion can help you , just try

Normal :

00:34:646 to 00:36:919 slider(1)(2)(3)(4) maybe too..close?player maybe miss them, Separate them ? (just my think , i am not sure) i hear some players say they hate those overlapping sliders

same → 01:13:509 silder(6) is close to silder(5)

haha...maybe this type of slider should not exist in normal~~However, I can find it in some ranked hard map.

01:00:100 to 01:03:737 oh,no too many notes batter ,the rhythm...hmm i think change to silder is good

haha....maybe it is too hard for beginner player~changed~

01:14:646 this new to tell player there will in a spinner? ^^

haha...i think there should be added something....maybe a spinner is more suitable~~

01:22:373 (6)(7)(8)...those 3 notes i think they should appear in Hard~ here a little hard for Normal i think,,,

fixed by using a slider :)

01:26:691 (7) (this hide in silder's end) is some player's hate,of course like this is a nice set,it can imporve player's level,your map has many like this ,consider to change some? but no change all ,it is just my think , maybe you like those^^

haha i think this is okay.... this map can be considered

0.0 your map have not make all or you just want to make here to end ? it only continues 1:45 but mp3 is long....

hope your map be ranked i like this song~

easy and normal are just about 1:45 but hard is about 3:30 :)

thank you for ur modding :D i have changed many things
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

對了昨天 紅線應該是offset 1009才對 要聽到的第一個音為準

改了 :) 謝謝



2.slider兩條間距不要很近 盡量不要相鄰至少隔一條節拍線
例如Hard難度就很明顯00:05:555 (1,2,3,4) - 沒有人是這樣放的.太近
00:07:373 (1) - 像你這個長條形狀拉得很不錯但時間點有拉錯
要放在00:07:373 (1) - 尾端在00:08:055的位置

這個改了我一整個小時 :( 應該沒這個問題了

3.00:16:464 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 這一段到後面最好插幾個長條吧,方法就照我前面說的,
聽節奏放吧,盡量有時長有時短,短的話,就00:16:464 (1,2) - 差不多這樣的距離

整後重做了...參考了你的難度 感覺不錯

4.normal這裡00:23:737 (1) - 這段最好是用在EASY上,這難度很少看到這麼長的,兩個slider間

改了 這的確很長...分了幾個SLIDER...


我再檢查一下 晚點會上傳上來 :)

萬分感謝 :D

00:02:796 (2) - 歪了 要對白線
00:05:327 (2) - 加note
00:06:009 (1) - 加note
00:06:463 (2) - slider折返00:06:918

00:02:145 (2) - 拉到00:02:599 接下來你應該知道怎麼放了
00:03:963 (2) - 拉到00:04:418
00:08:281 (3) - 拉到00:08:509
00:09:418 (2) - 拉到00:09:645
00:09:872 (3)

00:02:828 (1) - 這個跟前面綠的合併
00:04:190 (1) - 和00:04:645 (1) -和前面紅的合併
00:04:077 (1) - 擺到00:04:190 (1) -
00:13:055 (5,6) - 刪掉 放SLIDER折返
00:18:509 (3,4,5) - 太遠了放近一點
00:22:486 (1,2) - 放後一拍

彼此加油 :lol:
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:


00:02:796 (2) - 歪了 要對白線
00:05:327 (2) - 加note
00:06:009 (1) - 加note
00:06:463 (2) - slider折返00:06:918

00:02:145 (2) - 拉到00:02:599 接下來你應該知道怎麼放了
00:03:963 (2) - 拉到00:04:418
00:08:281 (3) - 拉到00:08:509
00:09:418 (2) - 拉到00:09:645
00:09:872 (3)

這些全部都加了 :D

00:02:828 (1) - 這個跟前面綠的合併
00:04:190 (1) - 和00:04:645 (1) -和前面紅的合併
00:04:077 (1) - 擺到00:04:190 (1) -
00:13:055 (5,6) - 刪掉 放SLIDER折返
00:18:509 (3,4,5) - 太遠了放近一點
移近了 最少我可以在有準備下全部300
00:22:486 (1,2) - 放後一拍
這個我移後了 因為是連打 所以連位置也改變了一些

彼此加油 :lol:

大家也要一起加油啊!! 輪到我給你mod了...老實說 除了找錯拍之後 我真的沒有什麼比較在行 :(
Hey, mod req from my queue ^^

Black means suggestion and advice
Red means unrankable issue


Preview point - You need to set a preview point in your map, and this must be the same for all diff. To do so, go where you want to put the preview, and in the timing menu, click on "Set current position as previw point"

Unsnapped notes. You must snap notes on the ticks of the timebar. Use the AIMod (Ctrl+Shift+A) to run AIMod and look in the snapping tab and resnap all the notes that are there.

Why did you stop mapping Easy and Normal at 01:45:554 ? This is not even half of the song! You mapped Hard until 3:45:251 so you should map all diff until about the same time. I'm not 100% sure but I think this is unrankable issue too.You also stop the hard diff on 3:45:251, which lets 1min15sec of unused music which is I believe more than the limit for rank, so if you don't intend to map this last minut, you should cut the mp3 file.


00:39:874 (1,2) - This kind of overlapping is not recommended in easy diff as it will confuse new players

01:00:101 (1,2) - same

01:17:374 (1) - remove new combo

01:20:101 (2) - Add new combo

01:28:509 (1,2,3,4) - same as 00:39:874 (1,2)


HP drain rate -1
Circle Size -1
Approach rate -1
Overall Difficulty -2

Like seriously, this is normal diff, go easy on them xD i think you should lower diff by at least what i wrote here, I would lower even more if it was my map.

00:18:737 (1) - distance snap, much too close from previous slider
00:20:101 (2) - same
ok actually it's the whole song. You need to remap this difficulty entirely using consistent distance snapping. This is normal difficulty. 22sec into the song you already used four (at the very least ^^) different distance snapping, you cannot do that in this difficulty. This is important issue, plz fix.


00:02:827 (1,1,1,1,1) - Remove all the new combos before 00:05:554 (1) that you should keep

00:05:554 (1,2,3,4) - overlap these perfectly. remove temporarily grid snap if necessary.

00:13:055 (5,6) - remove those two notes, and replace by a slider going from 00:13:054 to 00:13:168 with repeat to 00:13:281

00:26:918 (2,3,4) - distance snapping 00:27:145 (3) needs to be placed at the same distance from 2 and 4 as there is the same time between them. This is an example, but you have to apply it in general.

02:25:553 (7,8) - overlap these perfectly. You prob'ly want to do a recheck on all the map for this overlaps that you use a lot, I've prob'le missed some others that weren't aligned well

02:31:918 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - is hard to read on first play, I understand you wanna do smth hard but maybe use new combo every two notes to help read it or smth, I dunno. Obviously same comment for all the times you use this ^^

Here you go :) Good luck with this!
Topic Starter

SuperMoutarde wrote:

Hey, mod req from my queue ^^

Black means suggestion and advice
Red means unrankable issue


Preview point - You need to set a preview point in your map, and this must be the same for all diff. To do so, go where you want to put the preview, and in the timing menu, click on "Set current position as previw point"

Unsnapped notes. You must snap notes on the ticks of the timebar. Use the AIMod (Ctrl+Shift+A) to run AIMod and look in the snapping tab and resnap all the notes that are there.

Why did you stop mapping Easy and Normal at 01:45:554 ? This is not even half of the song! You mapped Hard until 3:45:251 so you should map all diff until about the same time. I'm not 100% sure but I think this is unrankable issue too.You also stop the hard diff on 3:45:251, which lets 1min15sec of unused music which is I believe more than the limit for rank, so if you don't intend to map this last minut, you should cut the mp3 file.


00:39:874 (1,2) - This kind of overlapping is not recommended in easy diff as it will confuse new players

fixed with a circle

01:00:101 (1,2) - same

cancelled the circle~

01:17:374 (1) - remove new combo

01:20:101 (2) - Add new combo

01:28:509 (1,2,3,4) - same as 00:39:874 (1,2)


HP drain rate -1
Circle Size -1
Approach rate -1
Overall Difficulty -2

i have changed the difficulty by using your recommandation :)

Like seriously, this is normal diff, go easy on them xD i think you should lower diff by at least what i wrote here, I would lower even more if it was my map.

00:18:737 (1) - distance snap, much too close from previous slider
00:20:101 (2) - same
ok actually it's the whole song. You need to remap this difficulty entirely using consistent distance snapping. This is normal difficulty. 22sec into the song you already used four (at the very least ^^) different distance snapping, you cannot do that in this difficulty. This is important issue, plz fix.

i separated each beat by 0.92x.. Is it ok?


00:02:827 (1,1,1,1,1) - Remove all the new combos before 00:05:554 (1) that you should keep

00:05:554 (1,2,3,4) - overlap these perfectly. remove temporarily grid snap if necessary.

00:13:055 (5,6) - remove those two notes, and replace by a slider going from 00:13:054 to 00:13:168 with repeat to 00:13:281

00:26:918 (2,3,4) - distance snapping 00:27:145 (3) needs to be placed at the same distance from 2 and 4 as there is the same time between them. This is an example, but you have to apply it in general.

02:25:553 (7,8) - overlap these perfectly. You prob'ly want to do a recheck on all the map for this overlaps that you use a lot, I've prob'le missed some others that weren't aligned well

02:31:918 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - is hard to read on first play, I understand you wanna do smth hard but maybe use new combo every two notes to help read it or smth, I dunno. Obviously same comment for all the times you use this ^^

Here you go :) Good luck with this!

i have only editted easy and normal...

i will update it when i finish all map's editing...

Thank you for ur modding. It is very professional :D
Topic Starter

xxhckxyz wrote:

SuperMoutarde wrote:

Hey, mod req from my queue ^^

Black means suggestion and advice
Red means unrankable issue


Preview point - You need to set a preview point in your map, and this must be the same for all diff. To do so, go where you want to put the preview, and in the timing menu, click on "Set current position as previw point"

Unsnapped notes. You must snap notes on the ticks of the timebar. Use the AIMod (Ctrl+Shift+A) to run AIMod and look in the snapping tab and resnap all the notes that are there.

Why did you stop mapping Easy and Normal at 01:45:554 ? This is not even half of the song! You mapped Hard until 3:45:251 so you should map all diff until about the same time. I'm not 100% sure but I think this is unrankable issue too.You also stop the hard diff on 3:45:251, which lets 1min15sec of unused music which is I believe more than the limit for rank, so if you don't intend to map this last minut, you should cut the mp3 file.


00:39:874 (1,2) - This kind of overlapping is not recommended in easy diff as it will confuse new players

fixed with a circle

01:00:101 (1,2) - same

cancelled the circle~

01:17:374 (1) - remove new combo


01:20:101 (2) - Add new combo


01:28:509 (1,2,3,4) - same as 00:39:874 (1,2)



HP drain rate -1
Circle Size -1
Approach rate -1
Overall Difficulty -2

i have changed the difficulty by using your recommandation :)

Like seriously, this is normal diff, go easy on them xD i think you should lower diff by at least what i wrote here, I would lower even more if it was my map.

00:18:737 (1) - distance snap, much too close from previous slider
00:20:101 (2) - same
ok actually it's the whole song. You need to remap this difficulty entirely using consistent distance snapping. This is normal difficulty. 22sec into the song you already used four (at the very least ^^) different distance snapping, you cannot do that in this difficulty. This is important issue, plz fix.

i separated each beat by 0.92x.. Is it ok?


00:02:827 (1,1,1,1,1) - Remove all the new combos before 00:05:554 (1) that you should keep

00:05:554 (1,2,3,4) - overlap these perfectly. remove temporarily grid snap if necessary.

00:13:055 (5,6) - remove those two notes, and replace by a slider going from 00:13:054 to 00:13:168 with repeat to 00:13:281

00:26:918 (2,3,4) - distance snapping 00:27:145 (3) needs to be placed at the same distance from 2 and 4 as there is the same time between them. This is an example, but you have to apply it in general.

02:25:553 (7,8) - overlap these perfectly. You prob'ly want to do a recheck on all the map for this overlaps that you use a lot, I've prob'le missed some others that weren't aligned well

02:31:918 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - is hard to read on first play, I understand you wanna do smth hard but maybe use new combo every two notes to help read it or smth, I dunno. Obviously same comment for all the times you use this ^^

Here you go :) Good luck with this!

i have only editted easy and normal...

i will update it when i finish all map's editing...

Thank you for ur modding. It is very professional :D
對了 還要注意timing設定
雖然設好bpm和off 但下面那兩個sv(滑條速率)和st(滑條裡面點的數量)也有相關連
會隨著難度而改變 (速度可參考玩家的歌曲作平均分配)
當然 你也可以不動 所有難度都是一樣的滑條速度 我是沒意見

以下是mod的地方(如果你要改sv 時間會有差異 以下是同樣1.40的)

easy(我覺得建議再多放幾個 還是覺得空的有點大 幫你加幾個吧^^ 前面的)
00:01:887 (1,2) - 都歪了
00:05:327 (2) - 加個note
00:06:463 (1) - 加slider拉到00:06:918
00:07:827 (3) - 加slider拉到00:08:281
00:08:736 (4) - 加個note

應該很順吧 還是你本來想說這裡要空著? 我是聽這邊有節奏才想到要放

00:09:418 (2) - 加slider拉到00:09:872
00:10:099 (3) - 加個note
00:10:554 (4) - 加個note
00:13:054 (5) - silder折返一次拉到00:13:281

00:43:510 (4) - 長條感覺太長(?(

normal (難度設定快變成hard難度了 要調 HR-2 CS-1 AR-3或4 OD拉到3)(note再放多點)

前面4個1..可以再稍微有個變化 要放遠建議在hard放 不建議這樣放

在normal要讓玩家好打點唷~ :)

00:09:418 (2) - 加slider拉到00:09:872
00:13:281 (4) - 拉到00:13:054 (4)
00:14:190 (5) - 加note
00:36:010 (4) - 有點怪 中間的急音就這樣被帶過
00:37:145 (5,6) - 加note
00:37:599 (7) - slider拉到00:37:827
00:38:054 (8) - 加note
00:48:281 有節奏 建議加喔


00:10:100 (3) - slider尾端拉到白線
00:10:781 (4) - 加note
00:17:486 (4,5,6,1) - 重疊跟連打有點密 最好刪一兩個note 而且後面第一個音擋到了 移位置吧
00:18:281 (2,3,4) - 距離再近一點

目前先mod到這樣 我會不定時看的
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

對了 還要注意timing設定
雖然設好bpm和off 但下面那兩個sv(滑條速率)和st(滑條裡面點的數量)也有相關連
會隨著難度而改變 (速度可參考玩家的歌曲作平均分配)
當然 你也可以不動 所有難度都是一樣的滑條速度 我是沒意見

以下是mod的地方(如果你要改sv 時間會有差異 以下是同樣1.40的)

easy(我覺得建議再多放幾個 還是覺得空的有點大 幫你加幾個吧^^ 前面的)
00:01:887 (1,2) - 都歪了
00:05:327 (2) - 加個note
00:06:463 (1) - 加slider拉到00:06:918
00:07:827 (3) - 加slider拉到00:08:281
00:08:736 (4) - 加個note

應該很順吧 還是你本來想說這裡要空著? 我是聽這邊有節奏才想到要放

00:09:418 (2) - 加slider拉到00:09:872
00:10:099 (3) - 加個note
00:10:554 (4) - 加個note
00:13:054 (5) - silder折返一次拉到00:13:281

00:43:510 (4) - 長條感覺太長(?(

normal (難度設定快變成hard難度了 要調 HR-2 CS-1 AR-3或4 OD拉到3)(note再放多點)

前面4個1..可以再稍微有個變化 要放遠建議在hard放 不建議這樣放

在normal要讓玩家好打點唷~ :)

00:09:418 (2) - 加slider拉到00:09:872
00:13:281 (4) - 拉到00:13:054 (4)
00:14:190 (5) - 加note
00:36:010 (4) - 有點怪 中間的急音就這樣被帶過
00:37:145 (5,6) - 加note
00:37:599 (7) - slider拉到00:37:827
00:38:054 (8) - 加note
00:48:281 有節奏 建議加喔


00:10:100 (3) - slider尾端拉到白線
00:10:781 (4) - 加note
00:17:486 (4,5,6,1) - 重疊跟連打有點密 最好刪一兩個note 而且後面第一個音擋到了 移位置吧
00:18:281 (2,3,4) - 距離再近一點

目前先mod到這樣 我會不定時看的

呵呵謝謝了 :) 我今天沒空 可能要夜晚才可以修改...晚上也會幫你看一下的啊 :)
Hi from my Queue sorry for late mod

miku2.jpg is 1395x768, which differs from the recommended size of 1024x768.
miku.jpg is 800x547, which differs from the recommended size of 1024x768.

MP3 Bitrate
The bitrate for 05. Winter Alice.mp3 is 320 kb/s, which is above the maximum of 192 kb/s.

Inconsistency in Kiai Times:

- [Easy] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:00:044, ends on 01:45:555
Kiai #2: Starts on 02:16:464, ends on 02:45:555
Kiai #3: Starts on 03:29:191, ends on 03:43:737

- [Hard] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:00:051, ends on 01:45:555
Kiai #2: Starts on 02:16:464, ends on 02:45:555
Kiai #3: Starts on 03:29:191, ends on 03:43:737

- [Normal] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:00:051, ends on 01:45:555
Kiai #2: Starts on 02:16:464, ends on 02:45:555
Kiai #3: Starts on 03:29:191, ends on 03:43:737

00:11:010 move it to x:96 y80
00:34:419 (1,2,3,4,5) – this look so bad imo try to do it more clean and fun maybe like this:

02:20:327 (1,2,3,4) –so hard for new players try make it more clean and easy to read for new players
02:43:963 try make slider more fun maybe like this:

03:15:555 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) – again so confuse try to make it readable for new players
03:28:055 (1,2,1,2,3) - ^


00:16:236 (2) - Consider adding a NC here, since this note follows a spinner.

00:12:827 move it to x304 y256 to be perfect stacked with previous slider
00:23:736 (1,2) – look bad imo

xxhckxyz wrote:

smallboat wrote:

對了 還要注意timing設定
雖然設好bpm和off 但下面那兩個sv(滑條速率)和st(滑條裡面點的數量)也有相關連
會隨著難度而改變 (速度可參考玩家的歌曲作平均分配)
當然 你也可以不動 所有難度都是一樣的滑條速度 我是沒意見

以下是mod的地方(如果你要改sv 時間會有差異 以下是同樣1.40的)

easy(我覺得建議再多放幾個 還是覺得空的有點大 幫你加幾個吧^^ 前面的)
00:01:887 (1,2) - 都歪了
00:05:327 (2) - 加個note
00:06:463 (1) - 加slider拉到00:06:918
00:07:827 (3) - 加slider拉到00:08:281
00:08:736 (4) - 加個note

應該很順吧 還是你本來想說這裡要空著? 我是聽這邊有節奏才想到要放

00:09:418 (2) - 加slider拉到00:09:872
00:10:099 (3) - 加個note
00:10:554 (4) - 加個note
00:13:054 (5) - silder折返一次拉到00:13:281

00:43:510 (4) - 長條感覺太長(?(

normal (難度設定快變成hard難度了 要調 HR-2 CS-1 AR-3或4 OD拉到3)(note再放多點)

前面4個1..可以再稍微有個變化 要放遠建議在hard放 不建議這樣放

在normal要讓玩家好打點唷~ :)

00:09:418 (2) - 加slider拉到00:09:872
00:13:281 (4) - 拉到00:13:054 (4)
00:14:190 (5) - 加note
00:36:010 (4) - 有點怪 中間的急音就這樣被帶過
00:37:145 (5,6) - 加note
00:37:599 (7) - slider拉到00:37:827
00:38:054 (8) - 加note
00:48:281 有節奏 建議加喔


00:10:100 (3) - slider尾端拉到白線
00:10:781 (4) - 加note
00:17:486 (4,5,6,1) - 重疊跟連打有點密 最好刪一兩個note 而且後面第一個音擋到了 移位置吧
00:18:281 (2,3,4) - 距離再近一點

目前先mod到這樣 我會不定時看的

呵呵謝謝了 :) 我今天沒空 可能要夜晚才可以修改...晚上也會幫你看一下的啊 :)

沒關係 慢慢來 我也是夜晚才修改 呵呵
song setup -audio -最下面的 music track 調1或2 seconds


00:32:827 (3) - 加note
00:33:054 (4) - 取消折返 尾端拉到前面白線
變成hard難度了 注意一下

00:16:236 (1) - 到00:17:828 (3) -這段應該可以加一些note..?
00:28:054 (6) - 到00:28:963 (7) -節拍修一下


00:12:145 (3) - 中間有音 應該要修改一下吧?
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:

Hi from my Queue sorry for late mod

miku2.jpg is 1395x768, which differs from the recommended size of 1024x768. fixed
miku.jpg is 800x547, which differs from the recommended size of 1024x768. fixed

MP3 Bitrate
The bitrate for 05. Winter Alice.mp3 is 320 kb/s, which is above the maximum of 192 kb/s.

Inconsistency in Kiai Times:

- [Easy] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:00:044, ends on 01:45:555 fixed
Kiai #2: Starts on 02:16:464, ends on 02:45:555
Kiai #3: Starts on 03:29:191, ends on 03:43:737

- [Hard] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:00:051, ends on 01:45:555
Kiai #2: Starts on 02:16:464, ends on 02:45:555
Kiai #3: Starts on 03:29:191, ends on 03:43:737

- [Normal] :
Kiai #1: Starts on 01:00:051, ends on 01:45:555
Kiai #2: Starts on 02:16:464, ends on 02:45:555
Kiai #3: Starts on 03:29:191, ends on 03:43:737

00:11:010 move it to x:96 y80
00:34:419 (1,2,3,4,5) – this look so bad imo try to do it more clean and fun maybe like this:

02:20:327 (1,2,3,4) –so hard for new players try make it more clean and easy to read for new players
02:43:963 try make slider more fun maybe like this:

03:15:555 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) – again so confuse try to make it readable for new players
03:28:055 (1,2,1,2,3) - ^


00:16:236 (2) - Consider adding a NC here, since this note follows a spinner.

00:12:827 move it to x304 y256 to be perfect stacked with previous slider
00:23:736 (1,2) – look bad imo
Thank you for ur modding. Sorry for my late reply.

i have considered a part of upper since i have edited whole map.
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

song setup -audio -最下面的 music track 調1或2 seconds


00:32:827 (3) - 加note
00:33:054 (4) - 取消折返 尾端拉到前面白線
變成hard難度了 注意一下

00:16:236 (1) - 到00:17:828 (3) -這段應該可以加一些note..?
00:28:054 (6) - 到00:28:963 (7) -節拍修一下


00:12:145 (3) - 中間有音 應該要修改一下吧?



至於之後的 有部份有加到地圖中的 :)

xxhckxyz wrote:

smallboat wrote:

song setup -audio -最下面的 music track 調1或2 seconds


00:32:827 (3) - 加note
00:33:054 (4) - 取消折返 尾端拉到前面白線
變成hard難度了 注意一下

00:16:236 (1) - 到00:17:828 (3) -這段應該可以加一些note..?
00:28:054 (6) - 到00:28:963 (7) -節拍修一下


00:12:145 (3) - 中間有音 應該要修改一下吧?

這是指一開始音樂會延遲N秒來播放 避免一開始就直接進行遊戲點擊

ok 不一定要全用 應該也可用一點你剛才normal的 這邊就是要學"加時間點timing"的方法了
至於之後的 有部份有加到地圖中的 :)
那我稍後mod :)
Topic Starter
:) 謝謝 我剛剛做好了真正的EASY~~
你難度是想做 E N H I嗎?

每個難度的SV我看了一下 就只有第一個是08其它都1.40
不知是否有一個可以1.0或1.1? 看你意願

LEVEL 2的難度如果按照N的難度 三圍有點低喔
00:09:190 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - clap..換whistle要嗎?
00:33:281 (5) - 尾端拉到前面白線
00:54:872 (3) - 有點太長
而且後面唱ha shi是在下一段發聲不應該跟前面連在一起
01:13:509 (6) - 縮小折返

00:17:599 (2,4) - 加note 4疊在3上
00:19:190 (1) - 取消一次折返
00:20:554 (2) - 加note
00:21:918 (2) - 取消一次折返
00:22:599 (3) - 加note


00:04:190 (6,7) - 離5有點遠 再近一點
00:06:009 (2,3,4) - 途中有急促轉折節奏 應該可用折返取代?
00:11:009 (1) - slider有點長 拉到前面白線處
00:11:690 (2) - 加note
00:12:145 (4) - 中間有節奏 可以加note?
你難度是想做 E N H I嗎?

每個難度的SV我看了一下 就只有第一個是08其它都1.40
不知是否有一個可以1.0或1.1? 看你意願

LEVEL 2的難度如果按照N的難度 三圍有點低喔

00:09:190 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - clap..換whistle要嗎?
00:33:281 (5) - 尾端拉到前面白線
00:54:872 (3) - 有點太長
而且後面唱ha shi是在下一段發聲不應該跟前面連在一起
01:13:509 (6) - 縮小折返

00:17:599 (2,4) - 加note 4疊在3上
00:19:190 (1) - 取消一次折返
00:20:554 (2) - 加note
00:21:918 (2) - 取消一次折返
00:22:599 (3) - 加note


00:04:190 (6,7) - 離5有點遠 再近一點
00:06:009 (2,3,4) - 途中有急促轉折節奏 應該可用折返取代?
00:11:009 (1) - slider有點長 拉到前面白線處
00:11:690 (2) - 加note
00:12:145 (4) - 中間有節奏 可以加note?
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

你難度是想做 E N H I嗎?

每個難度的SV我看了一下 就只有第一個是08其它都1.40
不知是否有一個可以1.0或1.1? 看你意願

LEVEL 2的難度如果按照N的難度 三圍有點低喔 我調高一點吧...
00:09:190 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - clap..換whistle要嗎?
00:33:281 (5) - 尾端拉到前面白線
00:54:872 (3) - 有點太長
而且後面唱ha shi是在下一段發聲不應該跟前面連在一起
01:13:509 (6) - 縮小折返


00:17:599 (2,4) - 加note 4疊在3上 4這個我看不到....
00:19:190 (1) - 取消一次折返
00:20:554 (2) - 加note
00:21:918 (2) - 取消一次折返
00:22:599 (3) - 加note



00:04:190 (6,7) - 離5有點遠 再近一點 我設了距離是1.3x 應該是可以的
00:06:009 (2,3,4) - 途中有急促轉折節奏 應該可用折返取代? [color=#BF0040這個不太懂是什麼意思...[/color]
00:11:009 (1) - slider有點長 拉到前面白線處 改了
00:11:690 (2) - 加note 本身已經有...
00:12:145 (4) - 中間有節奏 可以加note? 改了
我看了lv3之後 其實第一個音前面那幾個節奏也可以加
不一定4個難度都不一定從相同note起步 也可用slider
SV你要從0.8跳到1.4? 之間不用1.0或1.2試試看嗎?

00:01:009 (1) - 加slider拉到00:01:236處
00:01:463 (2,3,4) - 加note
00:02:145 (5) - 加note
00:03:736 (9) - 刪掉note,slider拉到00:03:963
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

我看了lv3之後 其實第一個音前面那幾個節奏也可以加
不一定4個難度都不一定從相同note起步 也可用slider
SV你要從0.8跳到1.4? 之間不用1.0或1.2試試看嗎?

00:01:009 (1) - 加slider拉到00:01:236處 加了一拍的slider
00:01:463 (2,3,4) - 加note 加了
00:02:145 (5) - 加note 加了
00:03:736 (9) - 刪掉note,slider拉到00:03:963加了

剛剛把level 2改了做1.2...然後整張地圖都改了~~呵呵
lv1你設定的是normal吧? 那變hard了 clap聲有點多 再縮減一些
lv3 圈再大一點吧 難度三圍部分..最好再想一下 都快變頂了

如果真的想做的很難 就把後面的打鼓聲跟前面都加節奏吧


lv2.5 (上面的2哩?)
00:36:009 (5) - 縮短兩次折返
00:36:690 (6) - 加slider加折返到00:37:145

00:07:372 (1) - 縮短到前面白線處
00:08:054 (2) - 加note
00:09:418 (2) - 加note
00:09:872 (4) - 加note
00:13:736 (7) - 縮短到前面紅線處
00:14:190 (8) - 加note
00:17:259 (3) - 這段跟上面距離差好遠 很難點到呢
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

lv1你設定的是normal吧? 那變hard了 clap聲有點多 再縮減一些
lv3 圈再大一點吧 難度三圍部分..最好再想一下 都快變頂了

如果真的想做的很難 就把後面的打鼓聲跟前面都加節奏吧


lv2.5 (上面的2哩?)
00:36:009 (5) - 縮短兩次折返 fixed
00:36:690 (6) - 加slider加折返到00:37:145 加了notes 感覺是hard所以放多一點note應該可以吧...

00:07:372 (1) - 縮短到前面白線處 fixed
00:08:054 (2) - 加note fixed
00:09:418 (2) - 加note fixed
00:09:872 (4) - 加note already have a note omg..
00:13:736 (7) - 縮短到前面紅線處 fixed
00:14:190 (8) - 加note fixed, added two
00:17:259 (3) - 這段跟上面距離差好遠 很難點到呢 distance-snap ratio is 2.21x, i think it is okay for insane :)

from #modreq

sorry for this one diff mod


level 0

00:21:918 (9) - slider頭的finsh去掉,只保留尾巴的finsh

00:27:372 (5) - nc

00:34:645 (6) - nc

00:39:418 (4) - 如果這難度是easy的話,這個點不能被上一個slider蓋住喔

00:49:190 (7) - nc

00:56:463 (7) - nc

00:57:145 (8) - 和00:39:418 (4)相同建議

01:01:918 (2) - 這個slider的路徑感覺有點不好判斷,建議修改一下

01:26:690 (4) - 和00:39:418 (4)相同建議

01:27:145 (5) - nc

01:33:281 (5) - nc

02:01:918 (2) - 和01:01:918 (2)相同建議

03:24:872 (4) - 和00:39:418 (4)相同建議

03:15:554 - 03:43:736 呃,全部都設clap不是很好耶




level 3

建議AR-1或是size-1 (呃,這是我個人的感覺,可以不要理我XD)

Good map I think~

加油~ :)
Topic Starter

leon1341414 wrote:

from #modreq

sorry for this one diff mod

音量建議調小,因為這首歌比較輕柔,100%感覺有點大聲,我推薦60% 全部改成了50-70 :)

level 0

00:21:918 (9) - slider頭的finsh去掉,只保留尾巴的finsh 改了 :)

00:27:372 (5) - nc 改了 :)

00:34:645 (6) - nc 改了 :)

00:39:418 (4) - 如果這難度是easy的話,這個點不能被上一個slider蓋住喔 這個真的不知道...呵呵 :)

00:49:190 (7) - nc 改了 :)

00:56:463 (7) - nc 改了 :)

00:57:145 (8) - 和00:39:418 (4)相同建議 改了 :)

01:01:918 (2) - 這個slider的路徑感覺有點不好判斷,建議修改一下 改了 :)

01:26:690 (4) - 和00:39:418 (4)相同建議 改了 :)

01:27:145 (5) - nc 改了 :)

01:33:281 (5) - nc 改了 :)

02:01:918 (2) - 和01:01:918 (2)相同建議 改了 :)

03:24:872 (4) - 和00:39:418 (4)相同建議 改了 :)

03:15:554 - 03:43:736 呃,全部都設clap不是很好耶 在長白線前後都加 應該可以吧 :)




level 3

建議AR-1或是size-1 (呃,這是我個人的感覺,可以不要理我XD) 這個我要考慮一下...因為本身地圖已經不算難 再調少難度的話可以就變成空有insane難度的hard了

Good map I think~

加油~ :)

謝謝你 很多new combo的放法我都不太清楚 而聲音的問題也是我一直不知道怎樣解決的 感覺很亂 :)
level 1

00:48:509 - add a circle
00:54:872 (3) - shorten it to end at 00:55:099
01:07:145 (1) - move it to 01:07:356, make it end at 01:08:281
01:08:281 (2) - remove
01:14:190 (1) - remove spinner, add circles at 01:14:190, at 01:14:645 and 01:15:554
02:07:145 (1) - move to 02:07:372, make it end at 02:08:281
02:08:281 (2) - remove
02:14:190 (1) - remove the spinner, instead, add a slider starting from 02:14:645, ending at 02:15:099, and add a circle at 02:15:327
03:12:372 (1) - move it to 03:11:918
難度設定從1跳到2.5 中間沒2嗎? 要不然再改一下 :?:

1009這邊後面這邊怎麼沒東西了 可以加吧?

00:52:599 (7) - 加note 或slider拉到這裡
01:30:099 (1) - 拉到後面紅線

00:06:009 (2) - 縮到前面紅線
00:06:463 (3) - slider折返到後面紅線

lv3 AR-1或2 OD+1
00:01:009 (1) - 縮到前面紅線
00:01:463 (2) - 加note
00:05:554 (1) - 這段位置不太好
00:06:804 (4) - 加note
00:08:736 (1) - 可是否配前面取代第4個note?
00:09:190 (1) - 兩個刪掉 用slider取代
Topic Starter

neonat wrote:

level 1

00:48:509 - add a circle added ;)
00:54:872 (3) - shorten it to end at 00:55:099 fixed with other way ;)
01:07:145 (1) - move it to 01:07:356, make it end at 01:08:281 fixed ;)
01:08:281 (2) - remove fixed ;)
01:14:190 (1) - remove spinner, add circles at 01:14:190, at 01:14:645 and 01:15:554
02:07:145 (1) - move to 02:07:372, make it end at 02:08:281
02:08:281 (2) - remove
02:14:190 (1) - remove the spinner, instead, add a slider starting from 02:14:645, ending at 02:15:099, and add a circle at 02:15:327
03:12:372 (1) - move it to 03:11:918

after 02:00:099 - just repeat the upper part so don't need to look very careful :) thanks for ur modding :D

smallboat wrote:

難度設定從1跳到2.5 中間沒2嗎? 要不然再改一下 :?:

1009這邊後面這邊怎麼沒東西了 可以加吧?

00:52:599 (7) - 加note 或slider拉到這裡 加了notes ;)
01:30:099 (1) - 拉到後面紅線 加了一個notes ;)

00:06:009 (2) - 縮到前面紅線 這個應該不用改 因為slider中間有tick可以發聲 ;)
00:06:463 (3) - slider折返到後面紅線 加了一個notes ;)

lv3 AR-1或2 OD+1
00:01:009 (1) - 縮到前面紅線 改了 ;)
00:01:463 (2) - 加note 改了 ;)
00:05:554 (1) - 這段位置不太好 感覺還可以 ;)
00:06:804 (4) - 加note 本身已經有... ;)
00:08:736 (1) - 可是否配前面取代第4個note? 這個不太明白... ;)
00:09:190 (1) - 兩個刪掉 用slider取代 改了 ;)
謝謝 感覺好了好多 :)
lv3 AR-1或2 OD+1

00:08:736 (1) - 可是否配前面取代第4個note? 這個不太明白... ;)

是說跟前面00:07:372 (1,2,3) - 的紅色note配在一起
記得要做lv2的地圖喔 不然很怪..



01:09:247 (7,8) - 這兩個設NC

00:51:520 (6) - 移到前面紅線?

lv2.5 OD+1或+2

01:42:429 (8) - 移到前面紅線加長到白線
或01:42:202 (7) - +note

00:01:975 (5) - 換成slider是否比較好?
00:16:975 (2,3) - 兩個是否再近一點?
00:21:975 (11) - 感覺很難點
01:27:429 (8) - 折返的間距是否調小? 移到01:27:656 (8) - 好像ok,拉到01:28:111
01:31:975 (1) - 要不要放在下面2的旁邊?
01:37:429 (7) - 這點上面沒節拍
01:37:656 (8) - 這段是白線發聲
01:38:338 (9) - 沒對到
01:43:224 (1) - 很少有看到放這麼多圈的 除非app..@@a 我沒意見
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

記得要做lv2的地圖喔 不然很怪..


1009紅線後面沒東西.. offset不是第一個聽到你音嗎? 跟之後有沒有東西有什麼關係?

01:09:247 (7,8) - 這兩個設NC 加了

00:51:520 (6) - 移到前面紅線? 加了note

lv2.5 OD+1或+2

01:42:429 (8) - 移到前面紅線加長到白線 加了note
或01:42:202 (7) - +note

00:01:975 (5) - 換成slider是否比較好? ok
00:16:975 (2,3) - 兩個是否再近一點? 這個距離為2.21x...感覺合理
00:21:975 (11) - 感覺很難點 移了少少位...感覺這是insane...要有點難才可以
01:27:429 (8) - 折返的間距是否調小? 移到01:27:656 (8) - 好像ok,拉到01:28:111 這個不太懂...
01:31:975 (1) - 要不要放在下面2的旁邊? 放在下面的話感覺太難了.....
01:37:429 (7) - 這點上面沒節拍
01:37:656 (8) - 這段是白線發聲 改了一點
01:38:338 (9) - 沒對到 這個不太明白 :?
01:43:224 (1) - 很少有看到放這麼多圈的 除非app..@@a 我沒意見 呵呵...看到其他insane都沒有這麼多,,,,不過這應該也可以用的吧....
謝謝了 改了很多 :D
hi ! from my modding queue

- You can press "G" button in the editor mode to change "Grid size" to let you able to add notes prettier
- consider changing the source to "Vocaloid" , this is highly recommended
- why don't use formal difficulty name like "Easy Normal Hard Insane", not a big problem but I'm curious :D
- change Audio Lead-In to 0 for every diffs

- the end of the song is really bad because it suddenly stops so I recommend you put fade out into the mp3
here it's the fixed mp3 I did for you, Click!!
please unzip this file and replace the mp3 into your song's folder

level 0
01:16:520 first Kiai must start here according to the music , second kiai part and the last part
increase Approach Rate(AR) and Overall Difficulty(OD) to 1 , the current are 0 ,which is unrankable
00:36:747 (4,1) - this kind of pattern looks really hard in this diff. please make it less complicated like this
00:38:338 (3) - this slider should end at 00:39:020 (4) - to follow the vocal .. don't forget to correct the spacing between 00:39:020 to 00:39:475 (must be around 1.2x)
01:07:429 (4,5,6) - looks really hard in this diff too.. please make it easier
01:18:793 (2) - this slider should end at 01:19:020 , don't forget to fix the spacing again
01:27:202 (1,2,3,4,5) - these look hard for this diff too.. make it easier !
the other parts I didn't point out because they are exact copying of the first part so I won't mod copied part.

Your rhythm is quite nice. It follows the music greatly but the major problem is
some parts look really hard. They look complicated and messy.
another problem is most of your sliders look ugly.
something like 00:18:338 (4) - , 00:24:247 (3) - , 00:31:066 (2) -
You don't have to use ctrl+click to add so many points in the slider. to use only 1 point is enough like this
00:31:066 (2) - after you get the ideas, please fix them by yourself

level 1
copy and paste again..
alright, it's not a problem since you are new mapper so what I'm going to suggest is
try checking some recent ranked maps , open them in the editor for the normal diff and see how you can fix
try to compare them . I used to do like this before , it helped a lot :)
some problems I want to point out :
01:16:520 first Kiai must start here according to the music , second kiai part and the last part
unsnapped notes, use "hold ctrl+shift and then press A" AIMod will appear and you are to choose the tab "snapping" and fix them (it's written as "Object's End is not snapped!"
press delete these sliders and create again to fix this problem, you have to fix this because it's unrankable
00:38:794 (1) - if you move this up 1 grid, you can avoid overlapping with this slider 00:38:111 (3) -
you don't have to be afraid of "spacing" on the top right hand side. no one can notices that such a minor problem. if it's better to fix the spacing
00:47:884 (6,7,1,2,3) - these look hard for a normal diff
00:54:020 (1) - you shouldn't use new combo without the reason like this
01:05:611 (2) - ugly slider again, use only 1 point in the slider is enough :D
something like this looks totally better
01:09:702 (4) - move its tail to an another point like this to avoid overlapping with this slider 01:09:020 (3) -

level 2
01:16:520 first Kiai must start here according to the music , second kiai part and the last part
HP Drain Rate - 1 , it's quite too hard as is
choose the tab "Timing" on the same line as File,Edit,View,Compose , something like that and choose the red thing "Resnap All Notes" to snap all unsnapped notes for being rankable
00:32:202 (1) - don't new combo like this without reason
00:36:747 (6,7,8) - this looks really hard and unintuitive because of overlapping too much, I think you should move (7) (8) out from under this slider 00:36:065 (5) -

level 3
01:16:520 first Kiai must start here according to the music , second kiai part and the last part
HP Drain Rate : 6 please, I suggest you put HP Drain rate lower the Approach Rate by 1 (if HP is 8 , Approach Rate should be 9)
something like this , take it as a suggestion :P
01:17:429 (1,1,2,1,2,1,2) - these jumps don't fit with the music, You should place jumps on where the music sounds louder more than other parts or something like that (my personal mapping technique to create a jump)
01:31:975 (1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - ^
and many others out there which I am not going to mention

I hope you will get some ideas from my mod, open new ranked maps and try checking them, compare it with your map and see how can you copy from them

at least, don't copy paste like this because you should dedicate to your map more than this.
to just copy and paste will not let you get ranked easily I guarantee.

Good luck ! and fight fight ! , first map is always hard to get ranked (I used about 6 months to get first ranked map)

I was checking the thread, I've noticed that you've given multiple kudosu to the same modder. Kudosu should be given just 1 time, 2 at max when there's a long period between mod and mod, you've given more than 8 kudosu to the same modder.

Maybe all those posts are valid mods but the point is that all the issues should be addressed in a single mod maybe a re-check, or a new mod when there's a "re-mapped" difficulty but this is not the case. Anyhow, I've removed those kudosu, please be more careful next time.

Good luck with this.
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:

hi ! from my modding queue

- You can press "G" button in the editor mode to change "Grid size" to let you able to add notes prettier
- consider changing the source to "Vocaloid" , this is highly recommended fixed :D
- why don't use formal difficulty name like "Easy Normal Hard Insane", not a big problem but I'm curious :D okay i will change it :D
- change Audio Lead-In to 0 for every diffs All are zero now :D

- the end of the song is really bad because it suddenly stops so I recommend you put fade out into the mp3
here it's the fixed mp3 I did for you, Click!!
please unzip this file and replace the mp3 into your song's folder

Thx a lot. downloading :D it is 256kbps and i conversed it to 192kbps

level 0
01:16:520 first Kiai must start here according to the music , second kiai part and the last part fixed
increase Approach Rate(AR) and Overall Difficulty(OD) to 1 , the current are 0 ,which is unrankable fixed
00:36:747 (4,1) - this kind of pattern looks really hard in this diff. please make it less complicated like this fixed
00:38:338 (3) - this slider should end at 00:39:020 (4) - to follow the vocal .. don't forget to correct the spacing between 00:39:020 to 00:39:475 (must be around 1.2x) fixed, also around 1.2x
01:07:429 (4,5,6) - looks really hard in this diff too.. please make it easier fixed
01:18:793 (2) - this slider should end at 01:19:020 , don't forget to fix the spacing again fixed
01:27:202 (1,2,3,4,5) - these look hard for this diff too.. make it easier ! fixed
the other parts I didn't point out because they are exact copying of the first part so I won't mod copied part. i have press ctrl+H and ctrl+J to make the shape become different now :D

Your rhythm is quite nice. It follows the music greatly but the major problem is
some parts look really hard. They look complicated and messy.
another problem is most of your sliders look ugly.
something like 00:18:338 (4) - , 00:24:247 (3) - , 00:31:066 (2) -
You don't have to use ctrl+click to add so many points in the slider. to use only 1 point is enough like this
00:31:066 (2) - after you get the ideas, please fix them by yourself

The shape of sliders have became more goodlooking :D Thanks for ur advices

level 1
copy and paste again..
alright, it's not a problem since you are new mapper so what I'm going to suggest is
try checking some recent ranked maps , open them in the editor for the normal diff and see how you can fix
try to compare them . I used to do like this before , it helped a lot :)
some problems I want to point out :
01:16:520 first Kiai must start here according to the music , second kiai part and the last part also fixed
unsnapped notes, use "hold ctrl+shift and then press A" AIMod will appear and you are to choose the tab "snapping" and fix them (it's written as "Object's End is not snapped!" resnapped
press delete these sliders and create again to fix this problem, you have to fix this because it's unrankable
00:38:794 (1) - if you move this up 1 grid, you can avoid overlapping with this slider 00:38:111 (3) -
you don't have to be afraid of "spacing" on the top right hand side. no one can notices that such a minor problem. if it's better to fix the spacing fixed
00:47:884 (6,7,1,2,3) - these look hard for a normal diff fixed
00:54:020 (1) - you shouldn't use new combo without the reason like this fixed
01:05:611 (2) - ugly slider again, use only 1 point in the slider is enough :D fixed
something like this looks totally better
01:09:702 (4) - move its tail to an another point like this to avoid overlapping with this slider 01:09:020 (3) - fixed

level 2
01:16:520 first Kiai must start here according to the music , second kiai part and the last part also fixed
HP Drain Rate - 1 , it's quite too hard as is reduced
choose the tab "Timing" on the same line as File,Edit,View,Compose , something like that and choose the red thing "Resnap All Notes" to snap all unsnapped notes for being rankable fixed, forgot to check it before :(
00:32:202 (1) - don't new combo like this without reason fixed
00:36:747 (6,7,8) - this looks really hard and unintuitive because of overlapping too much, I think you should move (7) (8) out from under this slider 00:36:065 (5) - fixed, maybe this type should just be put in insane...

level 3
01:16:520 first Kiai must start here according to the music , second kiai part and the last part fixed
HP Drain Rate : 6 please, I suggest you put HP Drain rate lower the Approach Rate by 1 (if HP is 8 , Approach Rate should be 9)
something like this , take it as a suggestion :P okay, changed.
01:17:429 (1,1,2,1,2,1,2) - these jumps don't fit with the music, You should place jumps on where the music sounds louder more than other parts or something like that (my personal mapping technique to create a jump) fixed by changing a part of notes to sliders
01:31:975 (1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) - ^
and many others out there which I am not going to mention also fixed

I hope you will get some ideas from my mod, open new ranked maps and try checking them, compare it with your map and see how can you copy from them

at least, don't copy paste like this because you should dedicate to your map more than this.
to just copy and paste will not let you get ranked easily I guarantee.

Good luck ! and fight fight ! , first map is always hard to get ranked (I used about 6 months to get first ranked map)

thanks a lot. your modding is very useful for me.

I have already opened a lot of ranked maps and try to get some idea on them. Hope it can improve me mapping skill.

if u have spare time, could you please help me mod the map again after i update the map?
Topic Starter

Gonzvlo wrote:


I was checking the thread, I've noticed that you've given multiple kudosu to the same modder. Kudosu should be given just 1 time, 2 at max when there's a long period between mod and mod, you've given more than 8 kudosu to the same modder.

Maybe all those posts are valid mods but the point is that all the issues should be addressed in a single mod maybe a re-check, or a new mod when there's a "re-mapped" difficulty but this is not the case. Anyhow, I've removed those kudosu, please be more careful next time.

Good luck with this.

sorry for this. but it is very difficult to find someone to mod my map. So I m4m with him.

actually, some of those are modding after a update. maybe can you check it more clearly or ask someone which know chinese to double check it?

xxhckxyz wrote:

if u have spare time, could you please help me mod the map again after i update the map?
I will when I have time :D
Actually, Vocaloid shouldn't be in the source at all. Move it to tags if you want to keep it.
Hi, from my modding queue

00:01:975 - The song starts here, not on the pickup :>

00:17:884 (3) - Whistle (and after that on every 4th (with the change in General) beat of the measure, like 00:19:702 (5) )
00:30:611 - Stop here with the whistle rythm
00:34:247 (5) - Whistle
00:37:429 (1) - Keep previous combo
00:37:884 (2) - Whistle
00:38:338 (3) - Start new combo
00:40:611 (7) - Whistle on slider end
01:00:156 (1) - Move 3rd red point on slider to x:312 y:120 and 4th red point to x:312 y:64
02:00:156 (1) - Same slider as the last one, do the same
02:00:156 - 02:45:611 - Rotate by 180° so it feels a bit different
03:23:793 (4) - Move 2nd slider point to x:432 y:168 and the end point to x:432 y:64, do the same with all other sliders that look like this one

00:02:884 (2) - Whistle on slider end and delete on slider start (and after that on every 4th (with the change in General) beat of the measure, like 00:05:156 (2) )
00:30:611 - Stop here with the whistle rythm
01:29:020 (5) - Move to 01:28:906, do the same with all repeats of this section

00:17:884 (2) - Whistle (and after that on every 4th (with the change in General) beat of the measure)
00:19:247 (1) - Keep combo
00:23:338 (5) - New combo, keep combo on 00:23:793
00:40:611 (6) - Move 1st red slider point to x:260 y:132, move 2nd red slider point to x:260 y:72
01:04:475 (1) - Move to 01:04:550 (1/6 note), do the same with all repeats of this section.
01:09:702 (4) - Move to x:108 y:288, do the same with all repeats of this section
01:09:929 (1) - Keep combo, start new combo on (2), do the same with all repeats of this section (will not say that anymore, if it repeats you do the changes on all parts :>)
01:28:793 (3) - Move to 01:28:906, delete (4), move to better x/y positions

00:02:884 (7) - New combo
00:53:338 (1) - Keep combo
01:17:884 (2,1) - Unnecessary jumps
01:19:020 (5) - Unnecessary jumps
01:32:884 (2,1) - ^

Nice map, but it repeats too often for me
;) 抱歉来晚了(最近没时间啊XD)

00:20:156 (6) - NC
01:07:429 (4) - NC
01:09:247 (1) - delete NC
01:20:611 (4) - NC
01:33:338 (1) - delete NC
01:34:702 (4) - NC
02:00:156 (1,2,3) - 这一段和前面完全一样不好(本身这三个滑条就拉的不太好)
02:07:429 (4) - delete NC
02:09:247 (1) - NC
- -话说你后面是照搬前面的是吧..这样没有变化不太好rank的说
03:41:975 (1) - 转盘从03:43:793 - 开始到03:47:429 - 结束?

00:03:793 (1) - delete NC
00:05:611 (3) - NC
00:31:520 (1) - delete NC
01:00:156 (1) - 类似这样的滑条真的很糟糕- -

00:07:543 (4) - 这个note是做什么用的..没有韵律在上面..删去吧
00:16:975 (1) - delete NC
00:20:611 (1) - delete NC
01:00:156 (1,2,3) - 都hard难度了不要再出现这么长的滑条了... :o
01:04:702 (2) - 这种多回转点的滑条最好拆分成几个小滑条+点,至少在hard里尽量避免多回转
01:09:929 (1) - delete NC
01:10:838 (2) - NC 后面的NC删掉
01:15:611 (1) - 这个转盘unranked,因为太短,auto君只能转3000(至少要4000)
01:25:611 (6) - NC
01:41:975 (7) - NC

00:03:793 (9) - NC
00:09:588 (2,3) - 这么远的连打太糟糕了..
00:20:156 (7) - NC
00:53:338 (1) - delete NC
01:01:975 (1,2,3) - 节奏不对


很棒的歌但是可惜三个图都没有rank的= =。。
00:58:338 这种滑条空拍藏二连打的梗最好还是亚咩纳萨伊~~"o((>ω< ))o"可能是我太弱 但是对这个真的很苦手。。。。
可否考虑一下退而求其次 降低难度用ar9 cs改大?现在的主流TVsize的oped好像都是这样。。。柑橘比较容易过rank的赶脚。。。

纯属个人意见仅供参考"o((>ω< ))o"
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