
What anime has left you extremely angered/annoyed?

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You might know the feeling. You're all into a series and you're loving every episode, but then something happens and you're so damn frusterated that you never want to talk about the series ever again.

There's a plot twist that makes you want to murder everyone. The show ends on a BS cliffhanger. You want two characters to get together so bad, but then they hook up with other characters. That type of crap.

It'll be nice to know why said show pisses you off so much, so I'm gonna go ahead and say this now. !!Possible Spoilers!!
Don't complain later if a show got spoiled for you.


For me, I'm going to have to go ahead and say MM!.
I don't remember how I found the show, but I had nothing else to watch so I gave it a shot. I got pretty into it. MM! was first a light novel. The author died before he could finish the story though. When it was picked up to become an anime, it was adapted as is. No ending or anything. The anime just ends abruptly. I had no knowledge about this.

At first, I thought I was missing the other half of the show. I went searching for the next bunch of episodes. Then I made the sad discovery that there were none. I still feel like kicking a puppy each time someone brings it up.
phantom: requiem for the phantom. that had some promise, then just wasted it >_>

deadbeat wrote:

phantom: requiem for the phantom. that had some promise, then just wasted it >_>
What i'm still confused about is how cal matured from looking like 7 to 20, and why zwei and ein went to highschool near the end.
I watched the first episode of Devil Survivor 2 and was disgusted, mainly because it was an adaptation of the manga's events (which is pretty awful)

On a milder note, the 13 episode premise wasn't very nice at all but by then my impression of the show was abyssmal anyway.

There would be so much more had they chose to go canon to one of the game's endings (From the death preventing, bossfighting & eventual face-off with what is basically the equivalent of God)

Wasted effort.
Like OP said; !!Possible Spoilers!!, so give my post a pass if you're sensitive to that. (or completely disregard since it's tl;dr after all 8D)

deadbeat wrote:

phantom: requiem for the phantom. that had some promise, then just wasted it >_>
Same sentiments. It wasn't necessarily annoying but it just went downhill after the first plot twist but managed to bring it back up again in Cal's arc.

Spectreee wrote:

What i'm still confused about is how cal matured from looking like 7 to 20, and why zwei and ein went to highschool near the end.
I agree that the transitions leading to the new 'parts' were somewhat confusing and forced in a sense that viewers would have to live with the drastic changes just because. They went to highschool simply because they wanted to experience and lead 'normal' lives, which would otherwise be impossible if they were to continue in their line of profession. That in itself, again, was blatantly redundant as they still had the knowledge, tact, will and means to become assassins, as if they were willing to drop their comfortable lifestyle that they yearned for to correct history. It would make more sense if they decided to drop everything about their pasts and move on to a blank new page, but that would spell the end of the anime, and a cheesy one at that.

As for Cal's abrupt return as a voluptuous, cleavage-showcasing, breasts-a'flingin' bike rider, when she was just an innocent loli a mere few episodes ago, I'll just leave it up to not question anime physics for that. I can only see it as pulling off a fanservice stunt. It did please me to a certain extent after all, to see my lil Cal grow up looking like that (if I were to completely ignore logic).
All in all, still a decent anime and I liked the ending despite the bad rep it got for being too open to viewers' interpretation.


That aside, the only title that managed to leave me with resent was School Rumble, which I recently decided to pick up again after years of being in stall. Overall, it was a great anime with bountiful comedy and cuteness. The only thing I'd complain about in the main 2-season series was the repetitiveness and constant misunderstandings among the cast, which were the driving force of the non-existent plot in the first place. However, what annoyed me was the fact that they decided to make a 'third season' comprising of only the two final episodes to cover for the manga. The first ep contained flashbacks of events that...din't happen. I guess I could just take it as little snippets from the manga in anime form if they were ever to produce a full season for it. But that was still ridiculous. That, paired with Karasuma still being on the fence about everything and his sudden illness, just..ugh. I did however feel elated and burst out in joy when Kenji socked him a good one.

Another title would be Infinite Stratos 2 but I'm not even going to go there :D :o :| :lol:

I think the timeskip was uh, 2 years as well. Her actual age is also never outrightly stated in both the game and animated adaptation but in return largely assumed by the community to be between 12 to 14.

If you went by that, she'd be 16 at most. (which is actually kind of believable !)

Requiem for the Phantom still left me with deep impressions due to it's pretty high quality productions despite Reiji getting 1-up'd in the end & Ein unnoticably consuming an Oxytropis leaf in suicide. (the poisonous kind)
any jc staff anime for having the same male mc every time
Farking Nisemonogatari
Rest of the series is decent, but that season's just enraging. I don't even wanna go into detail, otherwise I'd end up writing a 10 page rant or something.
White Album 2. It may be because I set my expectations too high, but I found it very disappointing. The MC really pissed me off, and the ending left on a bad note for all of the characters.
Accel World. I thought that maybe the main Char will stop being a Crybaby and finally grow up.... Well nope!

YayMii wrote:

White Album 2. It may be because I set my expectations too high, but I found it very disappointing. The MC really pissed me off, and the ending left on a bad note for all of the characters.
yes this so much, its started off as such an amazing anime, and then it took a school days turn.
Nerawareta Gakuen. Wtf was that.
Little Busters! ~Refrain~ I know this is supernatural but the ending feels forced happy end.
Oreimo S2. The plot twist is horrible.
Maken-ki! The manga was okay but anime screwed it up so bad.
Amagami SS Rihoko Sakurai's ending.
Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka, White Album 2, and School Days. Though W.A.2 is just the introductory chapter of the VN so can't really expect anything
Noucome and Haganai S2.
Pretty much every anime that ends up in a huge cliffanger without letting any hope for a S2. That's for the annoying part, I never been angry with any anime... maybe a bit with Another. This just ended up in a huge bloodbath and everyone started acting irrationally literally went berserk. That was too much, way too much.l
^ dem sudden plot twist
Accel World protagonist was too whiny, made it irritating. Dude, give yourself some value, you have an ultra fast brain, probably the best ability in the game, and is with "the girl". Less sir. Or i will NTR you ._.
Emiya Shirou from FSN. Maybe i will watch the anime, but from the VN all his "but this is bad! We're the good guys, the heroes!", "well done for her, maybe she will act like a proper girl now"(what.jpg), "Come on Saber, you're a girl, i will defend you!!!!"... :roll:
For the same reasons, Ikari Shinji(Evangelion) made me quite annoyed...
Shigeki no Kyojin is one thing I'm not sure if i will continue watching. Too many screams, despair, we're dammed, Titans are all-mighty, kill that guy he's saving us, more screaming because we're dammed... Dude, for god's sake stop screaming and do something!

And I'm simply not fit for watching ecchi/harem stuff. Too many 'accidents', terrible protagonists, and my suspension of disbelief gets hurt when i see little girls who are in truth monsters all mighty(date a live, looking at ya).
White Album 1 was a big piss-off, I'm never gonna start White Album 2 because of it.
They have different characters though but okay
nichijou (a bit) its just............... WTF why are thereflying cats (oh nvm thats azumanga DX)
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FireFoxZX wrote:

nichijou (a bit) its just............... WTF why are thereflying cats (oh nvm thats azumanga DX)
If it was Nichijou, I could easily say that flying cats are not the weirdest thing. Azumanga on the other hand, I have no answer. And that's my favorite series ._.
I dropped da capo for a reason
Surprised no one brought this one up, but School Days pissed me off to the point where I had to take breaks between every two episodes. The MC is a selfish, horny teen(which I guess really sums up actual high school guys) and the two girls surrounding him are just as stupid as himself. 10/10 would punch wall again.
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