This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 06 January 2014 at 03:27:34
Artist: Feint
Title: The Journey ft. Veela
Tags: dnb drum and bass d'n'b
BPM: 172
Filesize: 8082kb
Play Time: 04:02
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I'm actually going to remap this - dec 2014
Artist: Feint
Title: The Journey ft. Veela
Tags: dnb drum and bass d'n'b
BPM: 172
Filesize: 8082kb
Play Time: 04:02
Difficulties Available:
- Crappier journey (5 stars, 667 notes)
- Newer 3/4 bigger journey lol (5 stars, 674 notes)
- Pretty Hard Journey (4.99 stars, 584 notes)
- Standard Journey (4.66 stars, 88 notes)
- THIS WILL BE NORMAL GODDAMMIT (4.61 stars, 33 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I'm actually going to remap this - dec 2014