
What would you do if...

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OMG Zombies!

same q
I would nuke 'em
same q
barricade myself with the necessary supplies to live for 12 yearswhile i build the perfect android sex doll ,because 4everalone.jpg

pokemon x&y were held back 3 more months?
Trash Boat
i will rush into the future with my supersonic speed and buy it, along with a 2DS, then go back to the present
what would you do if everybody forget you?
Kill myself

What would you do when you're surrounded by lions while you're only holding a pistol with a single shot?

Nathanael wrote:

What would you do when you're surrounded by lions while you're only holding a pistol with a single shot?

smoke weed with the lions

What would you do if you'll get an blackout for 30 days?
Trash Boat
move to other place with light
what would you do if Hatsune Miku grew up(today, her current age; tomorrow, 24)?
I wouldn't really care.

What would you do if you found a marijuana garden in my backyard?
I will marry you :3

What would you do with a garden full of marijuana?
Smoke it.

What would you do if you could destroy the world with the push of a button?
- Marco -
i'm not ing the button

Some1:You will be teleported to anime world, and you can go to hentai world

/me push the button

What would you do if you can walk on air?
I can being Bird-man!

What you do if you live in Gensokyo?
Go on a killing spree with Flan.

What would you do if salted-nuts proposed to you?
E: Answer removed. She took it seriously enough to probably hate me forever. knew the exact date when you're going to die?
Something like that.
not really

Same question.
- Marco -


03/09/39 (miku's number)



something like that

same q
What question were you answering to? Definitely not the previous one.
Go to a place in which no one would notice.

What would you do if... you see someone getting beat up and people around are ignoring it.
Depends on that someone. If its one of my important ones, I won't hesitate to help.

What would you if your CPU's power supply overheated?
Trash Boat
use an Extinguisher of course
what would you do if you became the most lovely person ever?
Would probably, believe this or not, try to get friends. Like, a social life outside the magical wonderland of the internet.

same q
Restless Spirit
Conceal myself in fear of too much people crowding around me, smiling at me or anything similar. I just can't stand people like this.

What would you do if you saw a video of yourself killing a loved one of whom you thought had passed away by natural means of death?
Of course, what this means is you are the killer but didn't know.
Trash Boat
i'll say: hey, is this some kind of joke? it doesn't scare me.
what would you do if some Rombian aliens come to Earth and decide to rule it applying only one single rule: NO MUSIC?
Be a rebel and listen to music anyway - duh. xD

Same q~
Hell you aliens! I will kill you! D:<

what would you do if you have a Pikachu?
use Pikachu as an electric generator.. =w=

What would you do if an osu!staff came at your house with a baseball bat?
play osu! with him and totally ignore that bat
same q
Throw circles at it and attempt to tame by feeding it cookies.

What would you do if had your own death note?
Kill all the people who I hate. And terrorists.
Basically any threat.

Same q~
if that happen, i won't know that the real deathnote and i'm gonna write my name in it at the first line of it like every notebook
same q
Trash Boat
i'll follow Light Yagami's example and try to create a perfect world
what would you do if the Armageddon takes place?

...the God appeared and told you that he would turn off the Sun?
wouldn't care, I love the moon

what would you do if you had no internet?
Restless Spirit
Probably watch anime or play games offline, including osu!. Or I'd sleep at some point. A lot. But I wouldn't freak out like certain other people.

What would you do if you've discovered that you won't ever be able to love someone?
Trash Boat
Great, one feeling less to worry about! lol JK. actually i'll postulate myself as the next captain of the Enterprise.
what would you do if someone challenged you to a duel, slaping you with a Duel Glove?

Ideolo wrote:

wouldn't care, I love the moon
But the moon is lit by reflecting the sun's light, so if the sun turned off, you wouldn't see any moon .____.

OT: I would rip them up into pieces, because nobody slaps Kitsunemimi! Especially not with some silly... Duel Glove thing...!

What would you do if you were forced to refer to yourself in third person for the rest of your life? How would you act if you had to meet new people like this?
Trash Boat
i'll do it. i'll say "battler077 is pleased to meet you. battler077 is right here. battler077 doesn't drink alcohol." etc
what would you do if some kid offered you Trick or Treat?
I'd probably freak them out first before giving treats.
Now where was that grim reaper costume I used before? =.=

What would you do if you're trapped on the top floor of the building and currently there is a storm?
Listen to music, browse forums, you know, basic shit. If I was on the roof floor, then I'd probably try to take some photos. had to choose between being immortal and being able to fly?
immortal suck so i choose being able to fly
what would you do if your osu account hacked and start posting stupid thing that make everyone hates you?
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