
err,hi? .___.

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just a new player,mabe u can offer a few tips for me?
Tips: Always practice for harder maps.
Welcome to the forum! :)
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"Practice makes perfect." That's all :)
Welcome! Enjoy Your Stay ^^ - Tip - Play, Play And Play - Then you can be pro :3
Welcome to the community NekoTomoe!
Since you're a fellow mania player, I have some tips that I can personally share with you. ;)

1. REMEMBER TO ALWAYS PLAY NOT FOR THE SCORES /RANKS (though it matters when your rank is 10k-above) BUT FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL ENJOYMENT AND SATISFACTION. Do not frustrate yourself in trying over and over a map just because you couldn't SS it. Nothing to worry, though, it will come in time, which leads me to the second tip~

2. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. Yep. That's basically it. Practice makes perfect, right? :D

3. If you've come to a point where you're playing maps that are harder/has more bpm (5k, 6k, 7k), DO NOT TEMP YOURSELF TO GLANCE AT YOUR ACCURACY METER EVEN FOR A SECOND! This could be the difference between a full combo and a broken one, 'cause it hinders you to concentrate on the keys.

4. BE FRIENDLY/HUMBLE. When in the multiplayer mode (or even in the lobby, etc), don't start cursing just because a newbie haven't yet downloaded the map. Tell them politely on how to do so. Also, don't be a douche to other players whose rank is below yours. Just because your rank is higher than them doesn't give you the priveledge to boast.

5. TRY PLAYING MAPS THAT ARE ESPECIALLY MADE FOR OSU!MANIA. This will greatly enhance your eye-hand coordination, timing, and other basic skills needed to be good at this mode. Here are some examples of those beatmaps: - fripSide - only my railgun - Wotamin - Gigantic O.T.N - ALTIMA - Burst The Gravity (TV Size)

6. REMEMBER THAT RANKS ARE JUST NUMBERS. Don't be discouraged just because you can't rank up at the moment or just because some other dude whose rank is lower than yours achieved a higher rank in a map than your performance on it.

7. WATCH REPLAYS OF SOME OSU!MANIA TOP PLAYERS. This can give you some "motivation" and can help you to pursue to rank up more. Think of it this way - "If they can do it, then why can't I?". Remember though that these are the PROS - they achieved their current rank not just because of their skills/talents but also with patience and hardwork. Probably most of them started from where you are right now. ;)

8. BUY A POTATO. (A must!)


10. START FROM THE BOTTOM. (Forgot to put this on no. 1) Play first the easy ones. This will give you the confidence you need to play higher-difficulty maps.

Hope these tips will help you on your career. :D Ganbatte~!
Welcome to the forums
Yoroshiku .. :)

I'm a O!M player too , and still learning

tips from me : ettou,.. Just try to Focus and be confidence, don't push yourself but try your best
(i'm terrible at words)

Ganbatte ne~
Hope to see u around
Just play for fun you will get better :3 and welcome~
welcome" enjoy your stay here...and experience is the best teacher
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