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Shut up and go listen to you stupid video game metal you stupid pirate guy!!!!!!!1!!awp wrote:
wow someone's gettin' all defensive, like they got a secret to hide or something but is not very good at hiding secrets which is strange given the absence of pressure on the Internet so what's your REAL deal huh, nardi11011?
Oh yeah? Well I... oh wait. Yeah it's pretty good.awp wrote:
I was playing Kobo Deluxe on the Homebrew Channel. Damn, that game is addicting. It's pretty much the only Homebrew Browser game I've played for more than ten minutes.
Hmm? I've never heard of it. Better Google it before people start hammering me with Google search links...awp wrote:
I was playing Kobo Deluxe on the Homebrew Channel. Damn, that game is addicting. It's pretty much the only Homebrew Browser game I've played for more than ten minutes.