
D-51 - Brand New World

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 13 марта 2009 г. at 22:17:27

Artist: D-51
Title: Brand New World
Source: One Piece
Tags: One Piece Anime Opening
BPM: 160
Filesize: 5747kb
Play Time: 03:56
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (3,61 stars, 334 notes)
  2. Normal (2,06 stars, 238 notes)
Download: D-51 - Brand New World
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
It`s time for my second one.
This song is 6th opening from One Piece anime.

-Added Normal (need help with it)
-Many changes in Hard

-Some changes in Normal

-Some changes, moved to pending
Offset @ 6058?

If you agree do Rolled's 4Rs

Rolled wrote:

Resnap, Recalc, Replay, Resubmit
Topic Starter
Offset @ 6058?
It sounds better. Thanks

But now red combo started at 2:59:64 disturbs me...
I think the bpm is too fast? Especially on the part you mentioned? Well actually the problem lies before that red combo you mentioned.
It starts being off at 02:51:21 ~ END.
If you're too lazy to adjust the bpm... Well, I would do it but I'm really bad at finding the bpm.
Just move the 02:51:21 ~ END part by 1/4 beat forward.

Tell me if it sounds better. I'm guessing its not.

IMO don't just rely on snapping all the beats, you should also take a look at all of them.
Its time consuming though.
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Just move the 02:51:21 ~ END part by 1/4 beat forward.
It sounds better. But I think what the root of the problem is not wrong bmp, but a silence before 2:51:21. I think it ruin bmp of song. So I wonder whether adding of second bmp section will help.
Updated by a version with 1/4 beat displacment

Sorry for my english
Realy great map, the only thing i don't like were some spiners in the end that have beats near their end.
Pretty complete beatmap going on here, some good work done by mods to get this on the right track too.

I rounded off the BPM to 160.00, think it sounds more or less the same. Started a new timing section 1/2 a beat before 02:51:33 (1). Also the break just before this note is kinda messed up in the editor, you'll need to delete both of them and replace it with a new break.

Could do with another difficulty, but looking rankable. *Star*
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Could do with another difficulty,
I still have problems with it :| But I do one of my others bm with several difficulty levels.

Changes are applied
01:05:30 - Overlapping slider.

And I guess you didn't resnap everything.
go to Timing > Resnap all notes > then click on Yes.
then DOUBLE CHECK throughout the whole song if theres something off or whatnot.
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My Fault. Update.
Hitoshirenu Shourai
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Oh, I forgot to bump.
So, bumped
starred cus it needs priority and has already been starred~

Spacing. Use Distance Snap.
Two red combo colours.
Inconsistent combo marking.
It's too long. Cut it off at around 03:01:99. You can disregard my modding beyond that point.


00:15:62 (8) - Shorten or lengthen by 1/4.
01:06:43 (1,2,3) - These don't feel right at all
01:30:43 - Prime offender of bad combo marking.
02:12:43 (1,2,3) - These don't feel right at all.
02:15:62 (3) - 1/2 forward.
02:57:11 (1) - Shorten by 1/2.
02:59:74 (1) - Move forward by 1/2, or add a circle at that point.
03:06:68 (2) - Move back 1/2.
03:09:11 (1,2,3) - Silly sliders.
03:13:99 (1) - Spinner is awkward.
03:21:11 (1) - Shorten by 1/2.
03:23:74 (1) - Move forward 1/2 or add a circle at that point.
03:26:18 (1) - Awkward.
03:31:61 (4) - Awkward. I remember seeing sliders similar to this before. Change them accordingly. In Hard, too.
03:33:30 (1,2,3) - Those sliders.
03:42:11, 03:48:11 - Put something in these gaps.
03:56:93 (1) - Remove.


00:52:93 (4) - It's impossible to tell which edge the slider ball will go along.
01:06:43 (1,2,3) - These don't feel right at all.
01:32:12 (3,7) - Same problem as the other triangle.
01:52:37 (1) - Lengthen by 1/2.
01:58:93 (4) - Those damn triangles.
02:12:43 (1,2,3) - Those damn nonsensical sliders.
02:48:05 (1) - Lengthen by 1/2.
02:55:80 (4) - Triangle.
03:09:11 (1,2,3) - Sliders.
03:13:99 (1) - I don't like how this spinners spans between 1 1/2 vocal lines.
03:21:11 (1) - Shorten by 1/2.
03:26:18 (1) - Vocal lines.
03:33:30 (1,2,3) - Sliders.
03:56:93 (1) - Remove this.
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