
See rank excluding halftime scores [invalid]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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For example:
Lets say a map has 700 ranks
You're rank 400 on it
So right now it shows #400

But ranks 201-300 are all HalfTime plays, and you want to know your rank out of real plays and exclude the HT ones,
in this example, your rank would move up to #300 (from #400) since there are 100 HT plays above you.

Basically, there should be a tab that goes "excluding halftime"

This would be far more useful than (Selected Mod), especially when checking maps with a low amount of FCs.

honestly, HT should just become an unranked mod like relax and autopilot, it reduces the difficulty of maps far more than deserving 0.3x score, it shouldn't even deserve 0.1x score, but if that's not happening soon then at least this...
You could just select every mod in mod selection screen (except HT ofc) then click on "Global Ranking (Selected Mods)". Problem solved.
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XPJ38 wrote:

You could just select every mod in mod selection screen (except HT ofc) then click on "Global Ranking (Selected Mods)". Problem solved.
That doesn't work at all, multiple mod selection is AND not OR. Not to mention this excludes nomod plays.
hey guys, i don't like <insert mod here>, can we have a filter to remove it from the ranking screen >_>
no need for this
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deadbeat wrote:

no need for this
correction: you have no need for this
I know a bunch of people who'd use this all the time.
also, halftime is a special case, in the sense that it completely breaks maps and breaks ranking boards due to the nature of quadratic scores up to FCing

Aqo wrote:

That doesn't work at all, multiple mod selection is AND not OR. Not to mention this excludes nomod plays.
Oh yeah, my bad.

Aqo wrote:

I know a bunch of people who'd use this all the time.
I personally know nobody who would use that feature because we all probably think that HT is a perfectly valid mod, especially on maps like chipscape. Besides, the HT issue affects only a handful of hardcore maps that only a few people play w/o mods. A new feature should concern everybody in osu!, not only the 200-250 people out of the million active who can pass an hardcore map w/o mods.
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XPJ38 wrote:

A new feature should concern everybody in osu!, not only the 200-250 people out of the million active who can pass an hardcore map w/o mods.
you're jumping into assumptions way too easily
there's way more than 250 people, and those people are always the most active players who keep this community running. The game should cater to long-time players who are here for years and months and not to random players that come and go after a few weeks.

BRBP wrote:

How is HT a valid mod when I can get #100 on several maps that I can't even pass nomod? It makes no sense.
Why not? If nobody can pass the map or with a very low score, FCing it with HT with a very good score and getting #100 sounds fair to me.

But eh, I guess this is just personal preference. But since HT is considered as a valid mod today, this feature doesn't make sense because of what deadbeat said:

deadbeat wrote:

hey guys, i don't like <insert mod here>, can we have a filter to remove it from the ranking screen >_>
This request could be reconsidered if a debate about HT is run, but that won't take place in this thread (because this is Feature Requests, not General Development or Gameplay & Rankings).

Aqo wrote:

there's way more than 250 people, and those people are always the most active players who keep this community running. The game should cater to long-time players who are here for years and months and not to random players that come and go after a few weeks.
Again, that's a debate that shouldn't be run here.
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XPJ38 wrote:

BRBP wrote:

How is HT a valid mod when I can get #100 on several maps that I can't even pass nomod? It makes no sense.
Why not? If nobody can pass the map or with a very low score, FCing it with HT with a very good score and getting #100 sounds fair to me.
It's not. Once you get good enough to play those maps you'll understand why.
Right now I can FC Freedom Dive with HT in 20 tries or so, and so can over 500 players who know how to aim on streams and have good stamina, but all of them are choosing not to do it since it would be impossible to beat that HT score with a nomod score, and there's a HUGE difference.
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