
Megurnine Luka SKin

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Name: Megurine Luka
Creator: FreakyTy
Size: 8-9 MB


This is my first attempt at making a skin and it took me all day to pull off... I still have some more stuff I might add to it like taiko and CTB skins as well, but for now I'm taking a break. It's nothing super special I think but like I said this is the first skin I've made. Please leave feedback if you choose to try it out so I can make better skins in the future!


- Vahe -
Just tried the skin :) I have to say not bad for your first attempt.

Some feedback/Own opinions

- Nice cursor
- The hitcircles are nice and readable
- All elements are similar themed
- Awesome scorebar-ki :D

- The hitbursts look good but maybe a bit too big, made the notes hard to read especially at streams and generally just at notes close to each other, at least for me. I would recommend making them a bit smaller.
- The spinner made me dizzy :s
- Some elements look a bit pixelated /

Hope this helped, again some the feedback are just opinions.
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Thanks for the feed back, I appreciate it!

I'll take what you said into consideration and work on it. I thought the spinner was a bit off too, but it is way better than the first one I tried using :P

I wanted to change the back button too. It came really bad and don't know why. I think GIMP just likes to make things pixely I'm too used to PS from using it at school all the time.

Again thanks! :D
- Vahe -
Sorry I've never used GIMP :P PS FTW , so I'm not sure why its getting so pixelated either.

Only thing I can think of is that when you use some kind of shape tool and for example make circle, and then make it bigger it can sometimes become pixelated. Starting with a bigger shape you actually need is always a good move. Scaling it down to your liking later on will keep it "sharp" and with smooth edges. But...... I'm not sure if you actually did use a shape tool or not lol, so the info above could be useless haha.

Anyways good luck completing your skin :)
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