
Help with new default skin

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You can get the new skin with the test build.

I'm absolutely thrilled about the new follow-point animations. Can someone help make a new follow-point to go along this skin that would basically be just a straight line? i.e., rather than dots or arrows appearing between circles, a straight line would appear instead. The reason why I really want this is because I think it would help *greatly* on gameplay that requires very fast reaction time, such as Flashlight 100combo+ or AR10 + DT (AR11)

I know the way it would animate might look bad, but I wish to give it a try regardless; and I can always modify the given image slightly to adjust to my preferences. I just have no idea on how to create what I want from scratch.

EDIT: UGH... got too impatient to wait for a response so I decided to create my own little ghetto followpoints. The straight lines didn't work as expected, but I made some arrows that work perfectly.

AR11 derpiness

Little Boots Remedy [Hard] DT+ HR
it's either you have broken lines, or you have a line that extends further than the circle itself.
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Yes, i think the only way to make it work is by coding an entirely new type of followpoints that would render lines between each circle, kind of like the ones in osu stream.

On a side note, i found out the hitcircles i have been using (non-default) cause the sliders to render incorrectly. I will put up a screenshot once I get home.
Stick with lines. The point of followpoints (ahem) is that they indicate spacing. Followpoints which leap sparsely across the screen indicate high spacing and jumps. Lines would probably lessen the effect, although you'd still have the speed indication. Furthermore, I think that the new theme of arrows should be maintained, because they make a massive difference to readability and visual appeal.

DEEDIT: Yeah, those arrows look nice. Maybe a bit cumbersome in use, but that screenshot looks very promising.
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D33d wrote:

DEEDIT: Yeah, those arrows look nice. Maybe a bit cumbersome in use, but that screenshot looks very promising.
Thanks, I made them on paint and added the transparency with Gimp. They are big but thats they way I like them.

Here's my other problem. I tried using the hitcircles I have been using for over a year and they seem to break on sliders.

I also tried other hitcircles and they still break. Maybe I have to change something in some config file? IDK.
[Kanzaki Ranko]

Purple wrote:

D33d wrote:

DEEDIT: Yeah, those arrows look nice. Maybe a bit cumbersome in use, but that screenshot looks very promising.
Thanks, I made them on paint and added the transparency with Gimp. They are big but thats they way I like them.

Here's my other problem. I tried using the hitcircles I have been using for over a year and they seem to break on sliders.

I also tried other hitcircles and they still break. Maybe I have to change something in some config file? IDK.
Try making them smaller. Apparently they're anchored on the upper left corner, and aren't resized by the game.
or maybe you just have to restart the game? my hitcircle overlay is anchored to the center

Purple wrote:

Can someone help make a new follow-point to go along this skin that would basically be just a straight line? i.e., rather than dots or arrows appearing between circles, a straight line would appear instead.
Why yes, that is a magnificent straight line followpointy line to go with the magnificent new never-before-seen _Glassline(HD) skin that is in fact completely original and is not made out of any mixed skin elements. Why? You want it? TAKE IT!

.zip format

.osk format

matthewrobo wrote:

Purple wrote:

Can someone help make a new follow-point to go along this skin that would basically be just a straight line? i.e., rather than dots or arrows appearing between circles, a straight line would appear instead.
Why yes, that is a magnificent straight line followpointy line to go with the magnificent new never-before-seen _Glassline(HD) skin that is in fact completely original and is not made out of any mixed skin elements. Why? You want it? TAKE IT!

.zip format

.osk format
cool skin! Why not make the cursor rotate?

darkmiz wrote:

cool skin! Why not make the cursor rotate?
The cursor went off center, and my OCD doesn't allow for that. You can change the .ini if you want to see what I mean.
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