
Itou Kanae - Puzzle (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on martes, 19 de febrero de 2013 at 1:37:38

Artist: Itou Kanae
Title: Puzzle (TV Size)
Source: Shinryaku!! Ika Musume
Tags: ending shinryaku
BPM: 100
Filesize: 17168kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (0,93 stars, 75 notes)
  2. Hard (4,39 stars, 194 notes)
  3. Normal (2,35 stars, 106 notes)
Download: Itou Kanae - Puzzle (TV Size)
Download: Itou Kanae - Puzzle (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Easy: 100%
Normal: 100%
Hard: 100%
Mod Plz.!!

Timing: offset 485
El slider tick tiene que ser el mismo para todas las dificultades, te recomiendo que uses 1.

Kia time: 00:00:485 - 00:10:385 - , 00:49:085 - 01:18:485 - )Solo sugerencias)

Artist Name: 伊藤 かな恵 (Lo debes poner si o si donde dice Artist) y Kanae Ito en romanized title.

Combo Colors: Necesitas al menos 4 colores diferentes, no 2

☢ Insane ☢

sería mejor que en esta dificultad tuviese mayor Slider Velocity como 1,8 o 1,6 (eso es lo recomendado para una insane)
Este mod está basado en el SV que puse anteriormente (usaré 1,8) No te servirá si no sigues el SV
Tick 1
Recuerda resnap all the notes
después de eso, arregla unos sliders que están snappeados :3

☢ Difficulty:

00:34:685 (1,2,3) - te recomiendo usar un spacing de 1,2x
00:35:885 (3) - No me gusta este slider, reemplazalo
00:45:485 (7) - Resnap (línea blanca)
00:47:885 (1,2) - la distancia tiene que ser consistente
00:49:085 (1,2) - muy mal esto , usa distance pero como cambié la velocidad del slider te sugiero poner un timing ahí, recuerda que tiene que tener una distancia consistente a las otras notas.
00:31:085 (3,4) - Me gustaría que corrieras un poco esto para que sea más divertido, 00:29:885 (1) - x:272 y:80 00:30:485 (2) - x:144 y:208 00:31:085 (3) - x:368 y:80 00:31:685 (4) - x:144 y:208
01:14:885 (3) - slider de 1/8 .-.? no, sacalo de aquí
01:22:685 (3,4,5) - distancia
01:27:185 (1) - spinner fuera de tiempo

Cuando arregles los sliders desnapeados llámame de nuevo para hacer otro mod.

☢ Normal ☢
Usa Beatmap snap divisor de 1/2, no es necesario 1/4
tiene que tener 3 a 4 estrellas para ser Normal, o si no es una Easy
2ndo, ¿por qué tiene tantos cambios de volumen comparado con la dificultad Hard? .-.
No tienen que ser cambio de volumen muy extremos, tiene que subir de a poco o bajar de a poco (crecendo, decrecendo)

00:00:485 (1) - quita newcombo
00:23:885 (5) - quita clap
00:25:085 (7) - clap en la punta
01:15:635 (1) - un spinner en una dificultad como esta no puede estar tan cerca de una nota muevelo a 01:16:085 - hasta 01:17:285 - quita Finish.
01:26:285 (9) - distancia
01:27:185 (1) - spinner fuera de tiempo, El spinner del final tiene que ser igual para TODAS las dificultades que hagas. (termina en 01:28:985 - ) remueve finish.
01:25:085 (8) - slider de 1/4? no debes hacerlo en esta dificultad ya que confundes al jugador, tiene que ser de 1/2. (línea blanca a blanca)
01:26:285 (9) - distancia

Easy es igual a Normal .___.

Buena suerte xdd
Hello There! Since you are a new mapper, I'm gonna go easy on you! :3

  1. I think you should increase the Lead-in seconds to 2 seconds.
  2. It's not a good idea to use the same slider velocities on all of your difficulties.
  1. 00:00:485 (1) - I think it will be a good idea to delete this note and start the map at 00:01:085.
  2. 00:02:885 (2,5,1) - Please don't let these sliders overlap each other like this, especially on the easier difficulties like this one.
  3. 00:40:085 (5) - You should add a new combo here so you don't combos that are too long. For Easy difficulty, you don't want your combos to be over 8 notes.
  4. 00:51:485 (1,3) - Remove combo at 00:51:485 and add a new combo at 00:53:885.
  5. 00:58:685 (7,1) - Try swapping these combos around.
  6. 01:03:485 (4) - New combo here please!
  7. 01:13:085 (5,1) - Add new combo at 01:13:085 (5) and remove combo at 01:15:485 (1).
  8. 01:22:685 (4) - New combo! Also add one at 01:25:085.
  9. 01:27:185 (1) -You should end this spinner at 01:29:285 (1). The spinner has to follow the music as well.
  1. 00:05:885 (5) - Add a new combo here. also add one at 00:25:085.
  2. 00:58:085 (1) - I think you should re-arrange the rhythm here. Try adding a circle first, then add a 1/1 slider at 00:58:685. Don't forget to add a new combo on this slider afterwards.
  3. 01:11:885 (1,2) - Avoid overlapping notes. Same goes with 01:22:685 (1,2).
  4. 01:27:185 (1) - Same as Easy!
  1. 00:19:085 (3,4) - Don't let these notes overlap.
  2. 01:16:385 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - You could at least try to make this pattern symmetical.
  3. 01:27:185 (1) - Same as Easy and Normal.
That's should be good for now. Good Luck!
Okay. From my modding queue.
Sorry for modding yours late, its during final exam now T_T.

Why don't you set up your offset again or inserting Audio lead-in? the first circle appears so suddenly.
I think you should put different Slider Velocity to three diffs of yours. (Lower SV for easy <-especially)
I think putting your nickname on Song Setup -> General -> Tag can be better
Changing BG Shinryaku!!.jpg into BG.jpg can be better but I'm not sure so plz ask to another modder.
01:27:185 (1) - consider this spinner shorten one bar. i mean here 01:29:285 -
I think you did a Good Job ;)

As I mentioned at the General section, I think you should change SV lower than 1.4.
00:25:085 (7,8,1) - making color of them same, or add 7 nc can be better <- suggestion
00:41:885 (8) - nc
00:58:685 (7) - nc? I think ncing here is better cuz new bar begins(Chikasugi-te) number 7 there seems a bit awkward <- just suggestion
01:22:685 (4,8) - here or there any place is ok just slice your combo <- suggestion too

noting to pinpoint. great.

00:07:985 (7) - little bit awkward. I think you should consider again to double-double circles instead of making that slider return. But it is okay not to change. No Problem.
00:58:085 (1) - awkward too. (Maybe just for me)
01:11:285 (6) - consider changing position of this circle.
01:24:485 (2) - can you change the position of this circle if you can? You don't have to but just recommend you to do.


00:19:085 (3,4) - just a little bit awkward. Can you try making slider to circle(i mean a circle coming after slider)?
I found some high-spaced jumps but BPM is low so I think that might be okay.

i'm just a noob so I found few things so I feel sorry for my low-quality mod.
Hope your map ranked! Good Luck :)
Irc mod
22:59 Katty Pie: Hi~ I can mod your map but only irc~
22:59 ThoomyyxD: ok!
22:59 ThoomyyxD: open diff easy
22:59 Katty Pie: wait
23:00 Katty Pie: I dl)
23:00 Katty Pie: first hard
23:01 ThoomyyxD: ok
23:02 Katty Pie: um for skin you should add files approachcircle.png and reversearrow.png
23:03 Katty Pie: oops hitcircleoverlay.png
23:03 Katty Pie: ^ this
23:03 Katty Pie: and if you want use hits then add 300 100 50 e.t.c files
23:03 ThoomyyxD: reedownload song for delete
23:04 ThoomyyxD: Remember /savelog for post in forum and give you kudosu
23:04 Katty Pie: ....
23:04 Katty Pie: I remember
23:04 ThoomyyxD: ok jeje
23:04 Katty Pie: !
23:05 Katty Pie: 00:03:185 (1,2,3,4,5) - very ugly pattern with different spasing
23:06 Katty Pie: try so
23:07 ThoomyyxD: HarD?
23:07 Katty Pie: yes
23:07 ThoomyyxD: ok
23:07 ThoomyyxD: one second
23:08 ThoomyyxD: fixed :D
23:09 Katty Pie: 00:07:985 (1) - make this slider more symmetry
23:10 ThoomyyxD: Fixed
23:10 ThoomyyxD: :D
23:11 Katty Pie: 00:09:785 (4,1) - hm it's not good overlap~ try this pattern ,it will be looks better
23:12 Katty Pie: 00:17:885 (1) - finish this slider on white tick
23:12 Katty Pie: 00:19:085 - here should start slider 4
23:13 Katty Pie:
23:13 Katty Pie: I think it looks better
23:16 Katty Pie: 00:22:685 (1,2,3) - make this sliders more symmetry
23:16 Katty Pie: 00:25:085 - add note here
23:16 ThoomyyxD: one minut please
23:18 Katty Pie: 00:29:885 (1,2,3,4) - unsnapped sliders~ It's unrankable~ fix it
23:18 Katty Pie: ok
23:21 ThoomyyxD: go to luck and come back
23:22 Katty Pie: 00:54:185 (1,2,1) - distance between this notes should be identical fix it
23:22 Katty Pie: 00:54:785 - remove nc
23:22 Katty Pie: 00:57:785 - remove nc and add on slider 2
23:23 Katty Pie: 01:09:785 -remove nc and add nc on slider 7
23:23 Katty Pie: 01:12:485 -stack this note with end slider 7
23:24 Katty Pie: 01:13:685 (1,2) - fix spacing here
23:24 Katty Pie: 01:27:185 - add note on x256 y192
23:25 Katty Pie: and you should add hitsounds
23:25 Katty Pie: bcz map without hs very very boring
23:25 Katty Pie: To be honest map looks very randomly~
23:27 Katty Pie: Normal need remap bcz many mistakes with spasing and without hs
23:28 Katty Pie: NC wrong too~ Put nc on every 2 white big ticks
23:29 Katty Pie: It will be looks consistently
23:29 Katty Pie: It's all what I can say about your map

You need remap easy and normal bcz now it looks very wrong~ Many mistakes with spacing and hs~ Good luck~
hi o_o/

Too small for the volume of the sound. Please match all volumes.

00:01:085 (1) - Finishi add (Volume 50% amplification)
00:23:885 (5) - Clap remove
00:25:085 (7) - NC
00:27:485 (1) - NC remove
00:29:885 (2) - NC and Finishi add?
00:49:085 (1) - Vol 60% amplification
01:27:485 (1) - Spinner end 01:29:285 -

00:07:985 (3) - Arrow delete.(Slide head Finishi add)
00:08:885 - ,00:09:485 - ,00:10:085 - In circles here?
00:10:685 (2) - Slide head Finishi add (Match on the line please)
00:15:485 (3) - Arrow Clap add
00:17:285 (5) - Clap add
00:17:885 (7) - Arrow Clap add
00:19:685 (8) - Clap add
00:25:085 (6) - NC?
00:49:085 (1) - ~ 01:11:885 (1) - Match on the line please
01:15:485 (5) - Finishi add
01:19:985 (3) - Slide head Finishi add?
01:24:785 (3) - Finishi add
01:27:485 (1) - Easy with the same

00:10:385 (1) - Arrow Finishi add
00:29:885 (1) - Slide head Finishi add
00:30:485 (2) - Slide head Clap add
00:32:285 (7) - NC add?
00:46:385 (1) - Finishi add
00:49:085 (1) - Slide head Finishi add
00:57:785 (1,2) - NC
01:12:335 - Circle add?
01:17:285 (4) - Clap add
01:17:885 (1) - Slide head Finishi add (Match on the line please)
01:24:785 (6) - Finishi add
01:27:185 (6) - ^
01:27:485 (1) - Easy with the same
-please add drums ticks line a Clap.

Good Lucky~ Ranked hope ;)
Beautiful Lies
00:41:285 trata de agregar un slider
01:15:485 (6) cambia la posicion a una un poco mas notoria

00:04:085 (3) baja la nota para que quede mas pegada con las otras
00:10:046 (4) muevela un espacio a la derecha
00:10:385 (1) ^ pero hacia la izquierda
00:10:685 El slider está descordinado con respecto a tiempo
00:17:585 (6) bajalo dos espacios
00:51:485 (5) Está descordinado con el tiempo
01:11:885 ^

00:19:985 (4) - 00:20:285 (1) Hay una distancia fuera de lo normal
00:39:335 (3) Remove clap

Está buena la cancion, aunque me gustan mas rapidas jaja suerte
hi from #modreq

i watched your map quickly, found one thing.


00:28:085 line up to 00:27:485 slider. meaning it an angle.
like if you dont fix up my opinion dont kds pls good luck!
Topic Starter
Thanks :)

00:27:485 (3) - clap at end
00:41:885 (4) - NC

00:10:085 (1) - NC move to 00:10:685 (3) -
00:12:785 (1) - delete NC
00:32:285 (5) - NC

00:01:085 (2) - move to y:260

nice map, good luck
Topic Starter

Blackshane wrote:


00:27:485 (3) - clap at end
00:41:885 (4) - NC

00:10:085 (1) - NC move to 00:10:685 (3) -
00:12:785 (1) - delete NC
00:32:285 (5) - NC

00:01:085 (2) - move to y:260

nice map, good luck
Thanks for mod ;)
modding upon request~

Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

Artist: 伊藤かな恵

00:03:485 (3) - this doesn't look good under 00:01:085 (1), maybe move 00:01:085 (1) down a bit and adjust its shape to a blanket
00:17:885 (5) - move last node one grid down
00:26:285 (2,3) - this overlap can cause confusion to new players since you have to suddenly change direction to hit 00:27:485 (3), see if u can reposition this somewhere else (also to get rid of the overlap on 00:30:485 (2))
00:49:085 (1) - add finish to slider head
01:01:085 (3) - whistle on end
01:10:085 (2) - one grid up

AR+1 ><
00:02:885 (1) - add finish on the repeat
00:10:685 (1) - why not follow the vocals like u did at 00:13:085 (3,4)? Players better too imo
00:29:885 (1,2,3,4) - this combo doesnt look very pleasing, try this:

00:31:685 (4) is hidden under 00:29:885 (1)
00:37:085 (1) - take whistle off slider body
00:38:285 (3) - ^
00:59:885 (2) - whistle
01:25:685 (1) - I would change this into a repeat slider with a repeat at 01:26:285 to represent the violin sound

CS+1 to differentiate it from Normal, also OD+1 if u wish
00:16:985 (4,5,6) - make these perfectly linear, seems to be ur intention
00:23:285 (2) - make slider end stack 00:22:385 (9) better
00:28:085 (2) - finish on slider head sounds kinda random, maybe swap it for soft clap or drum clap; and add whistle to slider end
00:30:485 (2) - reverse selection (ctrl+G) plays better imo
00:48:185 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - make this smoother, something like this:
00:57:785 (4) - stack perfectly under the tail of 00:56:585 (2)
01:00:485 (3,4,5,6,7) - perfect place to put a star, the current combo doesn't look very good
01:12:485 (3) - stack under the repeat of 01:10:685 (1)
01:23:885 (5) - whistle on slider head

You have improved greatly on mapping~ Good luck on ranking ^_^
Topic Starter

jonathanlfj wrote:

modding upon request~

Black is suggestion
Blue is highly recommended
Red is unrankable

Artist: 伊藤かな恵

00:03:485 (3) - this doesn't look good under 00:01:085 (1), maybe move 00:01:085 (1) down a bit and adjust its shape to a blanket
00:17:885 (5) - move last node one grid down
00:26:285 (2,3) - this overlap can cause confusion to new players since you have to suddenly change direction to hit 00:27:485 (3), see if u can reposition this somewhere else (also to get rid of the overlap on 00:30:485 (2))
00:49:085 (1) - add finish to slider head
01:01:085 (3) - whistle on end
01:10:085 (2) - one grid up

AR+1 ><
00:02:885 (1) - add finish on the repeat
00:10:685 (1) - why not follow the vocals like u did at 00:13:085 (3,4)? Players better too imo
00:29:885 (1,2,3,4) - this combo doesnt look very pleasing, try this:

00:31:685 (4) is hidden under 00:29:885 (1)
00:37:085 (1) - take whistle off slider body
00:38:285 (3) - ^
00:59:885 (2) - whistle
01:25:685 (1) - I would change this into a repeat slider with a repeat at 01:26:285 to represent the violin sound

CS+1 to differentiate it from Normal, also OD+1 if u wish
00:16:985 (4,5,6) - make these perfectly linear, seems to be ur intention
00:23:285 (2) - make slider end stack 00:22:385 (9) better
00:28:085 (2) - finish on slider head sounds kinda random, maybe swap it for soft clap or drum clap; and add whistle to slider end
00:30:485 (2) - reverse selection (ctrl+G) plays better imo
00:48:185 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - make this smoother, something like this:
00:57:785 (4) - stack perfectly under the tail of 00:56:585 (2)
01:00:485 (3,4,5,6,7) - perfect place to put a star, the current combo doesn't look very good
01:12:485 (3) - stack under the repeat of 01:10:685 (1)
01:23:885 (5) - whistle on slider head

You have improved greatly on mapping~ Good luck on ranking ^_^
Thanks For You Mod! I Love You
M4M as on #modreqs

Unsure about Kiai Time at the beginning. But my opinion, so feel free to ignore this.


00:01:085 (1) - Move end of slider from 00:02:435 to 00:02:285
01:26:885 (2) - I think this should be a circle, and the spinner should be moved to 01:27:185. But it's only a suggestion.

01:26:885 (2) - Same as Easy difficulty

Nothing obviously wrong or mistimed.

Nice map, hope it's ranked soon! :)
M4M :3

00:01:085 (1) - Short the slider to the white tick.
00:16:085 (2) - Ths note gets hidden by 00:13:085 (2) That might confuse newer players.
00:20:285 (1,2,3) - Incorrect spacing
00:51:485 (1) - Remove NC here and add NC to this 00:53:285 (2) and then remove it here 00:53:885 (1)

00:51:185 (4,5) - Placing them like this plays better imo.
00:55:385 (3) - Line up with 00:54:485 (2) and adjust the next following notes.
01:19:685 (2,1) - Make this a better looking blanket~

00:04:385 (3) - Move one grid up.
00:25:385 (4) - How about making this round instead?
00:27:485 (1,2) - Line them up properly (2) seems a bit too much tilted to the left.
00:31:085 (3) - Stack it with 00:29:885 (1) slieder end. Looks better
00:31:385 (4) - Stack with 00:30:485 (2) start.
00:31:985 (6) - Stack with 00:31:085 (3)
00:32:285 (1) - Move 4 grids down~ sow you have a nice squarish pattern.
01:08:285 (1) - Make it more symmetrical

Thats all~
Good luck!
IRC, modded. Couldn't save the log, major clean up done (object placement, patterns, hitsounds, inherited sections and flow suggestions).
Topic Starter

Gonzvlo wrote:

IRC, modded. Couldn't save the log, major clean up done (object placement, patterns, hitsounds, inherited sections and flow suggestions).
IRC Mod For Gonzvlo
01:07 Gonzvlo: En general en toda la canción puedes seguir el patrón de histounds de 2do Beat -> Clap, 4to Beat -> Clap
01:07 Gonzvlo: Lo sigues en muchas partes, asegurate de completar todo
01:07 ThoomyyxD: no entendi lo que dijo
01:07 ThoomyyxD: D:
01:08 Gonzvlo: Ves las líneas blancas grandes?
01:08 ThoomyyxD: see
01:08 Gonzvlo: Ese es un 1er beat, lo que significa que el siguiente es el 2do beat
01:09 Gonzvlo: luego 3ro y 4to, y denuevo una línea blanca grande
01:09 ThoomyyxD: ok arreglare eso luego
01:09 Gonzvlo: Tus hitsounds van así, en la línea de tiempo | Clap i Clap |
01:09 Gonzvlo: Es decir, cada 2do y 4to beat tiene que haber un Clap
01:10 Gonzvlo: Por ejemplo, aqui faltan 00:25:085 (1,2) -
01:10 Gonzvlo: Este slider no tiene muy buena forma 00:53:885 (2) - , es muy irregular intenta algo diferente
01:10 ThoomyyxD: El (2) si tiene calp en el final
01:12 ThoomyyxD:
01:12 Gonzvlo: De esa forma cubrirás el repeat con el hitburts de (1)
01:12 ThoomyyxD: _C
01:13 Gonzvlo: 01:15:635 (1) - No es bueno usar spinners cortos en medio de otros objetos en Easy, intenta reemplazar esto por un slider
01:13 Gonzvlo: 01:15:635 (1) - No es bueno usar spinners cortos en medio de otros objetos en Easy, intenta reemplazar esto por un slider
01:13 Gonzvlo: Lo mismo para los "kick sliders" 01:19:685 (2) - , evita usarlos en Easy
01:14 Gonzvlo: Acerca del Kiai, si te das cuenta, en este momento es más del 60% del mapa, lo cual está mal
01:14 ThoomyyxD: espere
01:14 Gonzvlo: Elimina el de el comienzo, y mantén solo el del coro
01:15 ThoomyyxD:
01:15 ThoomyyxD: Así mejor?
01:17 ThoomyyxD: Listo
01:17 ThoomyyxD: los errores
01:17 ThoomyyxD: de
01:17 ThoomyyxD: El kick sliders
01:17 ThoomyyxD: lo arregle
01:17 Gonzvlo: Como te explique antes, es mejor que los objetos no se toquen
01:18 Gonzvlo: Okay
01:18 ThoomyyxD: y arregle el spacing que se iban a aparecer
01:18 Gonzvlo: Leiste lo del Kiai?
01:18 ThoomyyxD: sipi
01:18 ThoomyyxD: y lo cambiare al tiro
01:18 ThoomyyxD: listo
01:18 ThoomyyxD: ya lo saque del easy
01:18 ThoomyyxD: ahora los camiare en la otras 2 diffs y lo subire
01:18 Gonzvlo: manten el Kiai solo de aqui 00:49:085 - a 01:17:885 -
01:18 Gonzvlo: Espera, espera
01:19 Gonzvlo: Aún no hagas update
01:19 ThoomyyxD: ok
01:19 Gonzvlo: El offset está mal, no es necesario que sea Negativo
01:19 ThoomyyxD: hmm..
01:19 ThoomyyxD: la version rankeada tiene el mismo
01:20 Gonzvlo: Oh, en la último nivel hay notas antes del offset real
01:20 Gonzvlo: Okay, está bien entonces
01:20 Gonzvlo: Bueno, cambia el Kiai en todas las diffs
01:20 ThoomyyxD: listo
01:20 ThoomyyxD: pero
01:20 ThoomyyxD: 01:17:885
01:20 ThoomyyxD: luego de eso elimino el kiai?
01:20 Gonzvlo: Y necesito que revises todo lo que te dije en Easy que puedas aplicar en las otras dificultades. Lo de los overlaps, las formas de los sliders y los hitsounds
01:20 Gonzvlo: Y necesito que revises todo lo que te dije en Easy que puedas aplicar en las otras dificultades. Lo de los overlaps, las formas de los sliders y los hitsounds
01:21 Gonzvlo: A mi parecer sí, sin embargo puedes dejar si quieres, ya que tiene el mismo enfasis que el coro
01:21 Gonzvlo: No, no, mejor sí eliminalo
01:22 Gonzvlo: Bueno, intenta arreglar todo lo que puedas en Normal y Hard y avisame para terminar esto
01:22 Gonzvlo: Postearé este log y te daré una estrella para la motivación :3
01:22 ThoomyyxD: esére un segundicfho
01:22 ThoomyyxD: ya saque el kia que me dij
01:22 ThoomyyxD: y lo mantube asta lo que me dijo
01:22 ThoomyyxD: es así ent odas las diffs?
01:22 Gonzvlo: Sí
01:23 ThoomyyxD: ok ^

I also I have the chat, so I leave it there :D

Thanks for IRC

Tu kiai deberia terminar en 01:08:285 -


Por que no usaste drum claps en vez de los normales como hiciste en las otras dificultades? Deberias tratar de mantener tu concistencia, ademas de que algunas partes suenan mejor si los hubieras cambiado a drum como lo hiciste con tu normal y hard

00:11:585 - Whistle
00:53:285 (1,2) - Muevelos, trata de que no se solapen tan feamente. Puedes mover el slider un poquito mas para arriba y solucionado.
00:53:885 (2) - Ademas, este slider le faltan sus hitsounds, creo que te olvidaste de ellos.


00:10:385 (6) - En mi opinion, me parece que suena menos confuso si borraras este circulo
00:30:485 (2) - Intento moverlo a otro lugar, que no se solape con el slider
00:44:285 (1) - Este spinner... simplemente esta mal... No va bien con tu cancion. Prueba con esto:


00:00:485 (1,2) - Quitale el stack. Algo como esto quizas:
00:25:685 - te falto una clap aqui
00:57:785 (4,1) - Quitale el stack. Algo como esto quizas: - No te olvides de arreglar el spacing de los objetos que vienen despues del slider azul
01:08:285 - Agrega finish
01:08:885 - te falto tu drum clap aqui
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