
fumika - Umikaze no Brave

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etc's mod
22:50 etc: 求ar9
22:51 Evil_Twilight: 會太慢嗎
22:51 etc: 有點
22:51 etc: 有2個減速的slider覺得不舒服
22:55 etc: 四方第一個是不是有點太遠了
22:56 Evil_Twilight: 後面那邊嗎
22:56 etc: 我找找
22:57 etc: 03:29:343 (4,1) -
22:57 etc: 03:28:766 (1,4) -
22:58 etc: 03:28:766 (1) - 覺得這個可以稍微左邊來電
22:58 etc: 點
22:58 etc: 03:29:343 (4,1,2) - 這3個距離擺一樣的話好看么。。
22:59 etc: 其實還好
22:59 etc: 多打幾次的話
22:59 etc: 應該好過
23:01 Evil_Twilight: 我都沒發現四角原來跳這麼遠
23:02 etc: o.o
23:02 etc: hard裡面好多半速slider 不會影響流暢度嗎
23:03 etc: 改成ar9吧 insane
23:03 etc: 覺得會打起來很爽
23:03 etc: 有點冷姐姐的風格
23:03 Evil_Twilight: 看起來好鬼觸
23:03 etc: 你更新下我試試
23:03 Evil_Twilight: 它是誰
23:04 etc: CRYO
23:05 etc: 我覺得按照你原來的那個風格去做我那個圖不錯
23:05 *etc is listening to [ FELT - Flower Flag(MZC Echoes the Spring Liquid Mix)]
23:05 etc: 這隻
23:07 Evil_Twilight: 原來的風格是什麼風格
23:09 etc: 現在很爽 o.o.
23:09 etc: 就是circle顏色好瞎
23:09 etc: 我老年人看不清楚
23:10 etc: 要改bg成黑色就更看不清楚了 。。
23:11 Evil_Twilight: 我螢幕顏色都蠻清楚的
23:13 etc: 嚄。o
23:13 etc: o.o
23:13 etc: 我眼神不好
23:14 etc: = =
23:14 etc: 有個短的slider
23:14 etc: 哪裡板粟
23:14 etc: 半速
23:14 etc: 很不爽
23:14 Evil_Twilight: 哪裡
23:14 etc: 我找
23:15 etc: 02:25:689 (1) -
23:15 etc: 連打後面突然跟個半速的。。
23:15 etc: 明明kiaitime真是打的歡樂的時候突然卡主了的感覺
23:20 etc: 00:20:112 (3,1) -
23:21 Evil_Twilight: o.o
23:22 Evil_Twilight: o.o
23:24 etc: 00:19:727 (2,3,1) -
23:24 etc: 00:19:727 (2,3,1) -
23:24 etc:
23:24 etc: 我改成這樣了
23:26 Evil_Twilight: 看不太懂
23:26 etc: 00:34:150 (1,2,3,4,5) - 這裡會卡手 而且好像覺得疊成3連也沒差 純建議
23:26 etc:
23:27 etc: 我做了個反向
23:27 etc:
23:27 Evil_Twilight: 這邊給我的感覺是平順的
23:28 etc: o.o 嗯 我只是覺得我那樣擺會順點
23:28 Evil_Twilight: 用osu的上傳不是比較方便嗎
23:29 etc: o.o那是啥
23:29 Evil_Twilight: shift+f12 把osu的畫面拍下來自動上傳
23:29 etc: 原來如此
23:30 etc: 01:30:496 (2,3,4,1) - 我加了綠線 然後音效改成了DRUM
23:30 etc: 你試試
23:34 etc: 02:42:900 (4) - 加個circle試試
23:35 Evil_Twilight: 這裡不是本來就有嗎
23:35 Evil_Twilight: 阿沒有
23:35 etc: 0 0
23:35 etc: 03:15:689 (1) - D音效
23:36 Evil_Twilight: 跟soft好像
23:36 etc: 那裡感覺用底鼓的聲音會很棒
23:37 etc: 還有你slider不打算做靜音嗎
23:37 Evil_Twilight: 這歌聽不到什麼聲音吧
23:37 etc: 好像也是哦 o.o
23:39 Evil_Twilight:
23:39 etc: 。。。。。。。。
23:40 etc: 後面那隻是你嗎。。
23:40 Evil_Twilight: 好萌
23:52 etc: ez也沒問題
23:52 etc: 餅乾瘋了。。
23:53 Evil_Twilight: normal難作
23:55 etc: 你還要做nor么
23:55 Evil_Twilight: 我不就normal、hard和insane嗎
Pink Agate

TitleUnicode:海風のブレイブ ,Ttile必须是英文,全部难度这里改一下吧


00:04:150 (4,5) - 放在
00:04:919 (1) - 减少一个回转,在00:04:919 (1) - 这里开始加个slider到00:04:919 (1) - 结束
00:46:266 (3) - 这里开始建议用个普通的长silder到00:46:266 (3) - 结束就可以了
00:54:535 (1) - 其实有些BAT比较挑剔,据说这种回转很多次短滑条在normal里是不被允许的,反正我是试过了
00:55:689 (1) - 如果上面的短滑条去掉了,这个滑条就要在这里开始
01:21:843 (2) - 在这里放个普通的cricle就可以了加个finish
02:45:881 (2) - 这里开始,后面用大概2个circle就可以了,
感觉你这个normal略难打啊 :o



00:04:919 (1) - 这里坑,不如放在外边
00:06:073 (2,1) - 这里2个才应该叠起来才对
00:07:996 (1) - 这里开始就不对劲了,为什么这样放?坑,断定你不是个善良的麻婆 :roll:
00:07:996 (1,2) - 换成普通的slider
00:17:035 (6) - 这个不如叠在00:17:227 (1) - 这个滑条的头
00:18:573 (5) - 滑条延长到00:19:150 (6) - 把6号circle删了
01:20:304 - 这里开始,换一下后面那几个,现在这白法节奏感不强,这里01:21:843 - 开始背景乐节奏有三个鼓点,不如放三个普通的corlce,如果是我我会这样放
01:55:496 (6) - 这个Circle叠在01:55:689 (7) - 头部上面
03:19:631 (2,3) - 在03:19:919 (2) - 这里放换成普通的circle?


01:01:073 (1) - 如果你真的喜欢这样放,这里的nc最好变成01:01:458 (2) - 这里开始,为了区分后面2个叠在slider上面的小连打
01:47:419 (3) - NC应该从这里开始01:47:996 (1) - 这里的去掉NC
03:45:881 (2) - 黑色的NC从这里开始

Topic Starter

Pink Agate wrote:


TitleUnicode:海風のブレイブ ,Ttile必须是英文,全部难度这里改一下吧 fixed


00:04:150 (4,5) - 放在 圖片爆炸了lol
00:04:919 (1) - 减少一个回转,在00:04:919 (1) - 这里开始加个slider到00:04:919 (1) - 结束 no, 還有你是不是複製錯了 :?
00:46:266 (3) - 这里开始建议用个普通的长silder到00:46:266 (3) - 结束就可以了 no, 又複製錯了嗎lol
00:54:535 (1) - 其实有些BAT比较挑剔,据说这种回转很多次短滑条在normal里是不被允许的,反正我是试过了 沒問題的,之前沒被挑過
00:55:689 (1) - 如果上面的短滑条去掉了,这个滑条就要在这里开始
01:21:843 (2) - 在这里放个普通的cricle就可以了加个finish no, 只放一顆感覺不太對
02:45:881 (2) - 这里开始,后面用大概2个circle就可以了 fixed, 稍微改了一下
感觉你这个normal略难打啊 :o


OD-1? fixed
其实你这个应该开1/4来做比较好,有些note完全可以放在蓝线上 條成1/2是因為作完了在檢查,前後滾比較快 :D

00:04:919 (1) - 这里坑,不如放在外边 no
00:06:073 (2,1) - 这里2个才应该叠起来才对 no
00:07:996 (1) - 这里开始就不对劲了,为什么这样放?坑,断定你不是个善良的麻婆 :roll: no, 這邊給我的感覺是跳躍的,然後我很善良的 ;)
00:07:996 (1,2) - 换成普通的slider no
00:17:035 (6) - 这个不如叠在00:17:227 (1) - 这个滑条的头 no, 疊起來感覺不太好
00:18:573 (5) - 滑条延长到00:19:150 (6) - 把6号circle删了 no
01:20:304 - 这里开始,换一下后面那几个,现在这白法节奏感不强,这里01:21:843 - 开始背景乐节奏有三个鼓点,不如放三个普通的corlce,如果是我我会这样放 fixed,改了一下
01:55:496 (6) - 这个Circle叠在01:55:689 (7) - 头部上面 no, 疊起來感覺不太好
03:19:631 (2,3) - 在03:19:919 (2) - 这里放换成普通的circle? no, 我用過note過但是排不好看,而且我不擅長打slider接note :o


01:01:073 (1) - 如果你真的喜欢这样放,这里的nc最好变成01:01:458 (2) - 这里开始,为了区分后面2个叠在slider上面的小连打 no
01:47:419 (3) - NC应该从这里开始01:47:996 (1) - 这里的去掉NC no
03:45:881 (2) - 黑色的NC从这里开始 no


抱歉我是個龜毛的mapper :P
from #modreqs

->Combocolour 1 is a little hard to see...?
->"ROBOTICS;NOTES" is correct source
->add tags. "5pb." "Nitro+"("NitroPlus") etc...
Not limited to these,please try to add tags to help search.
->Japanese title(artist) is also acceptable. (example,
->I dont know criteria to use whistle and clap...
For example,00:11:073 (1,2) - end on whistle. 00:18:766 (2,3) - end on clap.(Normal)
Since there is no significant change in the melody, I dont know difference...

00:11:073 (1,2) - remove whistle on end,and add whistle on start
00:14:150 (1) - Unkind to normal player
00:18:766 (2,3) - remove clap on end,and add clap on start
00:21:843 (1) - add whistle on start and end
00:49:535 (2,4,6) - add clap on start
00:54:535 (1) - unnatural and unkind...
If you accept this suggestion,dont forget add finish on start 00:55:689 (1) -
01:02:612 (2) - Unkind to normal player
01:04:919 (1,1) - hmm...a little unkind? change 1/1 slider.
01:38:766 (1) - add clap on start and end
01:41:843 (1,2) - remove clap on end,and add clap on start
01:44:919 (4) - add clap on start
01:46:458 (1,2) - unnatural.
If you accept this suggestion,add clap on start both 01:46:458 (1,2) -
02:14:919 (4) - clap on start
02:15:689 (5) - clap on both
02:17:227 (1) - clap on start
and add whistle on start both
01:47:996 (1) - remove clap on end
02:20:304 (1) - unnatural
02:29:535 (1,1) - as well 01:04:919 (1,1) -
03:09:535 (1,2) - add clap on start
03:12:612 (4) - add clap on both
03:19:535 (1) - Kiai time should start with a downbeat move to 03:20:304 (x) -
03:27:996 (1,1) - as well

About the hit sound, please try to think about other diff

00:04:919 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - confusing... Some changes to the slider? Change how to take sound?
00:18:958 - Why not place objects here?
01:29:535 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1) - There is no regularity,confusing
03:15:689 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - Maybe will not be acceptable in hard

I think AR9 is fast...
01:01:554 (x) - add circle?
03:28:573 (4) - Unstack 03:27:996 (1) - ,03:28:573 (4) - .Its confusing,because new pattern compared with - 01:04:919 (1,2,3).
good diff~

good luck
Topic Starter

MerryGate wrote:

from #modreqs

->Combocolour 1 is a little hard to see...? @okay, fixed
->"ROBOTICS;NOTES" is correct source @fixed
->add tags. "5pb." "Nitro+"("NitroPlus") etc... @fixed
Not limited to these,please try to add tags to help search.
->Japanese title(artist) is also acceptable. (example, @fixed :D
->I dont know criteria to use whistle and clap...
For example,00:11:073 (1,2) - end on whistle. 00:18:766 (2,3) - end on clap.(Normal)
Since there is no significant change in the melody, I dont know difference...

00:11:073 (1,2) - remove whistle on end,and add whistle on start @fixed
00:14:150 (1) - Unkind to normal player @okay, fixed
00:18:766 (2,3) - remove clap on end,and add clap on start @no
00:21:843 (1) - add whistle on start and end @fixed
00:49:535 (2,4,6) - add clap on start @no
00:54:535 (1) - unnatural and unkind... @fixed
If you accept this suggestion,dont forget add finish on start 00:55:689 (1) - @fixed
01:02:612 (2) - Unkind to normal player @fixed
01:04:919 (1,1) - hmm...a little unkind? change 1/1 slider. @fixed
01:38:766 (1) - add clap on start and end @no
01:41:843 (1,2) - remove clap on end,and add clap on start @no
01:44:919 (4) - add clap on start @no
01:46:458 (1,2) - unnatural. @fixed
If you accept this suggestion,add clap on start both 01:46:458 (1,2) - @fixed
02:14:919 (4) - clap on start @fixed
02:15:689 (5) - clap on both @fixed
02:17:227 (1) - clap on start @fixed
and add whistle on start both @fixed
01:47:996 (1) - remove clap on end @fixed
02:20:304 (1) - unnatural @no
02:29:535 (1,1) - as well 01:04:919 (1,1) - @fixed
03:09:535 (1,2) - add clap on start @i add on end
03:12:612 (4) - add clap on both @no
03:19:535 (1) - Kiai time should start with a downbeat move to 03:20:304 (x) - @no
03:27:996 (1,1) - as well @fixed

About the hit sound, please try to think about other diff

00:04:919 (1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - confusing... Some changes to the slider? Change how to take sound? @fixed, change pattern
00:18:958 - Why not place objects here? @fixed, add note
01:29:535 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1) - There is no regularity,confusing @i follow drum here
03:15:689 (1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - Maybe will not be acceptable in hard @fixed, change to slider

I think AR9 is fast... @okay, fixed
01:01:554 (x) - add circle? @no
03:28:573 (4) - Unstack 03:27:996 (1) - ,03:28:573 (4) - .Its confusing,because new pattern compared with - 01:04:919 (1,2,3). @fixed, because here is last kiai time :D
good diff~

good luck

thank you for mod!
such a good map :) !
what I dislike...
black combo color. XD
00:58:381 (4,5,6,1) - close spacing for staked notes when I play
01:03:958 (3,4) - hard to read (others fine, only this part)
01:26:843 (1) - put near center pls. this note after spinner was not expectable.
03:12:227 (6) - maybe you need 1 or 2 grids up. this head of slider is hanging out of flame.

nice map and song.
I'd prefer AR9 to 8, but respect your decision. 1st star :D
Topic Starter

Fumika wrote:

such a good map :) !
thank youヾ(*′∀‵*)ノ゛

congaan wrote:

what I dislike...
black combo color. XD i make it more light now ;)
00:58:381 (4,5,6,1) - close spacing for staked notes when I play i dont know how to fix it lol
01:03:958 (3,4) - hard to read (others fine, only this part) fixed
01:26:843 (1) - put near center pls. this note after spinner was not expectable. fixed
03:12:227 (6) - maybe you need 1 or 2 grids up. this head of slider is hanging out of flame. fixed

nice map and song.
I'd prefer AR9 to 8, but respect your decision. 1st star :D
i will change ar when others thought ar9 is better :D
thank you for mod and star
I found this map is quite good and neat in overall. I guess I can mod this after getting few more mods there.
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:

I found this map is quite good and neat in overall. I guess I can mod this after getting few more mods there.
thank you sooo much :D


color 1 & color 2 , color 3 & color 4太相近建议换一个或者换成1324这种,最好错开


AR-1 OD+1
00:04:919 (1) - 折返这么多次有点水
00:27:996 (2,1) - 这种重叠梗在normal和easy中禁止使用
00:36:843 - 再来一个note?
00:46:843 (4) - 删掉,然后00:47:227 (5) - 挪到00:47:035 (5) -
01:01:073 (6) - 加上whistle,这个滑条

01:02:419 - 到 01:03:381 - 的节奏不对
01:02:419 - 使用5/8滑条
01:02:612 (2) - 去掉
01:03:381 - 再加个note

01:37:227 (3) - 挪到 01:37:035 (3) -
01:38:381 (4) - 删掉
01:38:189 - 1/8滑条折返一次
02:23:381 (5,6) - 同00:27:996 (2,1) -


其实我建议用grid 4 重新排一下

00:06:266 - 再来个note?
00:15:112 (5) - NC
00:15:689 (1) - 去掉NC
00:17:131 - 再来个note吧
00:18:958 - 这里在节奏上是空空的,想办法填上吧
00:28:766 (5,6,7,8) - 试试摆一个小跳
00:33:381 (3) - NC,因为突然变速
00:43:189 (3) - 个人感觉这个note下在这里不合适
00:46:266 (4) - ^
01:00:689 - 这里会坑死一群人
01:30:496 (2,3,4,1) - 还是flow问题
01:54:919 (4,5,6) - 建议换一个梗
02:29:439 (5,1) - 分开摆,不要叠
02:32:419 (6,1,2,3) - 换一个梗吧,一张图只用这一种梗会感觉没意思的
03:12:419 (4,1,2,3) - 坑死一群人
03:18:766 (1,2,3) - hard里最好不要用这种梗
03:47:996 (6,7) - 这样会好些

03:51:650 (4,1) - 从这里DS就开始变



我还是建议用grid 4 重新排一下

00:04:150 (3,4) - 挪到112|256
00:06:266 (1,2) - 个人觉得不太适合用跳,在这里

00:06:458 (1) - 去掉nc
00:08:189 - 再来个note?
00:09:727 -
00:10:304 -
00:15:304 (6,7,8) - 删掉中间的7或者换成一个滑条?
00:22:419 (2,3) - 压蓝线不建议这样叠
00:32:035 (7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - 建议用0.5的DS,不然后面的变速很别扭
00:37:996 (3,4) - 4不来个跳?
00:41:843 (1) - 不建议减速,建议加一个折返
00:44:919 (1) - ^
00:48:381 (2,3,4,5,6) - 摆个形状?
00:52:612 (1,2,3,4,5) - 摆好看点?
00:53:958 (3) - 改成一个1/4slider?
00:56:843 (3) - 用1/16slider外加一次折返试试?
01:01:073 (1,2) - 1/4滑条?
01:20:304 (1) - 去掉nc
01:21:843 (2) - nc
01:33:958 (5,1) - 这个地方跳有些不合适
01:36:266 (2) - 136|296在flow上会好点
01:45:593 - 这里再来个note?
01:46:843 (2,3,4) - 这里flow上有问题,注意时间轴
01:50:496 (10,11,12,1) - 来个跳?
02:05:881 (1,2,3) - 匀加DS试试吧
02:09:343 (8,1,2,3) - 8到1,2到3不等距可以吗?
02:27:035 (3,4,5,1) - 4,5,1匀DS试试?你这样会造成flow问题
02:39:919 (4) - flow问题,和后边的note
02:41:650 (8) - NC
02:41:843 (1) - 去掉NC
02:44:919 (1) - 这里接后面的连打flow有问题,建议连打用0.5x DS
03:14:150 (2) - NC
03:17:227 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - 建议用稍小的DS
03:22:804 (5) - 挪到512|304
03:23:189 (7) - 挪到456|360
03:33:477 (4,5) - 挪到 03:33:573 (4,5) -

Topic Starter

-[NYAN]- wrote:



我给你的建议是重新去找320k的音频然后重新转成192k的音源替换一下 已經確認過沒問題了o.o
color 1 & color 2 , color 3 & color 4太相近建议换一个或者换成1324这种,最好错开 fixed
排列有待于加强,整体有些乱 小弟會在加強的


AR-1 OD+1 fixed
00:04:919 (1) - 折返这么多次有点水 no, 兩次應該剛剛好 :P
00:27:996 (2,1) - 这种重叠梗在normal和easy中禁止使用 fixed
00:36:843 - 再来一个note? no
00:46:843 (4) - 删掉,然后00:47:227 (5) - 挪到00:47:035 (5) - fixed
01:01:073 (6) - 加上whistle,这个滑条 fixed

01:02:419 - 到 01:03:381 - 的节奏不对 no
01:02:419 - 使用5/8滑条
01:02:612 (2) - 去掉
01:03:381 - 再加个note

01:37:227 (3) - 挪到 01:37:035 (3) - no
01:38:381 (4) - 删掉 no
01:38:189 - 1/8滑条折返一次 這邊不太懂意思,應該用不到1/8吧 :?
02:23:381 (5,6) - 同00:27:996 (2,1) - 這裡也不太懂 :?


OD+1 fixed
其实我建议用grid 4 重新排一下 我覺得網格這樣剛剛好,太多串我才會用到4

00:06:266 - 再来个note? no
00:15:112 (5) - NC no
00:15:689 (1) - 去掉NC no, 間距和從這裡才變
00:17:131 - 再来个note吧 no
00:18:958 - 这里在节奏上是空空的,想办法填上吧 fixed, 加了一顆note了
00:28:766 (5,6,7,8) - 试试摆一个小跳 no, 我覺得這裡不適合放跳
00:33:381 (3) - NC,因为突然变速 no
00:43:189 (3) - 个人感觉这个note下在这里不合适 我覺得還不錯 :P
00:46:266 (4) - ^ ^
01:00:689 - 这里会坑死一群人 是因為 01:00:881 (7) 不夠選的關係嗎
01:30:496 (2,3,4,1) - 还是flow问题 在下這邊(前面也是)的時候我也卡了很久,可以的話希望大家能提出一些意見 :)
01:54:919 (4,5,6) - 建议换一个梗 這邊給我的感覺像一下停一下動,但半速slider的梗前面用過了這裡不太想再用 :|
02:29:439 (5,1) - 分开摆,不要叠 分開的話不太喜歡,抱歉我很龜毛 :o
02:32:419 (6,1,2,3) - 换一个梗吧,一张图只用这一种梗会感觉没意思的 這邊這樣擺是因為剛好能變成三角形,中間又有一顆note
03:12:419 (4,1,2,3) - 坑死一群人 fixed, 改成note
03:18:766 (1,2,3) - hard里最好不要用这种梗 比起note我覺得slider比較簡單些
03:47:996 (6,7) - 这样会好些 03:48:381 沒東西的話感覺少了東西

03:51:650 (4,1) - 从这里DS就开始变 no


HP+1 fixed

我还是建议用grid 4 重新排一下

00:04:150 (3,4) - 挪到112|256 fixed
00:06:266 (1,2) - 个人觉得不太适合用跳,在这里 no

00:06:458 (1) - 去掉nc
00:08:189 - 再来个note?no
00:09:727 - no
00:10:304 - no
00:15:304 (6,7,8) - 删掉中间的7或者换成一个滑条? no
00:22:419 (2,3) - 压蓝线不建议这样叠 不覺得這排法很棒嗎 :D
00:32:035 (7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - 建议用0.5的DS,不然后面的变速很别扭 no, 這邊有突然煞車的感覺
00:37:996 (3,4) - 4不来个跳? 4跳的話感覺不對
00:41:843 (1) - 不建议减速,建议加一个折返 no
00:44:919 (1) - ^ no
00:48:381 (2,3,4,5,6) - 摆个形状? 這樣排起來蠻順的
00:52:612 (1,2,3,4,5) - 摆好看点?這串我用slider轉note的 lol
00:53:958 (3) - 改成一个1/4slider? no
00:56:843 (3) - 用1/16slider外加一次折返试试? no
01:01:073 (1,2) - 1/4滑条? no
01:20:304 (1) - 去掉nc fixed
01:21:843 (2) - nc fixed
01:33:958 (5,1) - 这个地方跳有些不合适 no
01:36:266 (2) - 136|296在flow上会好点 fixed
01:45:593 - 这里再来个note?fixed, 順便改了排版
01:46:843 (2,3,4) - 这里flow上有问题,注意时间轴 有什麼不對勁嗎 :?
01:50:496 (10,11,12,1) - 来个跳? no
02:05:881 (1,2,3) - 匀加DS试试吧 fixed
02:09:343 (8,1,2,3) - 8到1,2到3不等距可以吗? 不行嗎(;゚Д゚)
02:27:035 (3,4,5,1) - 4,5,1匀DS试试?你这样会造成flow问题 no
02:39:919 (4) - flow问题,和后边的note no
02:41:650 (8) - NC no
02:41:843 (1) - 去掉NC no
02:44:919 (1) - 这里接后面的连打flow有问题,建议连打用0.5x DS no
03:14:150 (2) - NC no
03:17:227 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - 建议用稍小的DS 個人是習慣用0.5x、1x、1.5x、2x這些間距的
03:22:804 (5) - 挪到512|304 no
03:23:189 (7) - 挪到456|360 no
03:33:477 (4,5) - 挪到 03:33:573 (4,5) - no


謝謝mod :D


Kiai times should be identical on all diffs~ fix this

• Combo colors~ I think better replace gray color on more visible color

Combo2 : 87,111,106


00:06:073(2,3,1) - better make identical distance between this notes It will be looks better and more playable
00:11:073(6) - This slider very hide~ better rorate on 450 and cntr + H It will be more visible
00:15:689(1,2,3,4,5) - this place not readable with gray color. and overlap, you should correct form this pattern you can choose any form of but plz withiout overlaps
00:22:419(2,3) - same as 00:11:073
00:24:343(1,2,3) - make identical distance between this notes for better jump
01:04:535(3,4) - overlap.This place can very confused players bcz some mappers can put so and It's hard for read. Will be better if you put this pattern in down, It will be more understandable for players
01:33:766(4,5,1) - this pattern will be more playable
01:34:727(2) - this slider not sound on blue tick, make this slider 1/2 it's better follow the music
01:43:381(1) - same as 01:04:535
01:54:535(3,4,5) - stack it better
02:00:304(1) - same as 00:11:073
02:12:419(6) -
02:28:573(2) - overlap again, put this note in other place this pattern will be more playable
02:31:650(4) - same as 01:34:727
03:19:343(2,10) - stack it better


00:14:727(4) - same on Insane
00:18:958(6) - NC
00:24:343(2,3,4) - wrong spacing, make identical distance between notes
00:56:843 - same on Insane
01:11:843 - I think better add note here, better follow for rhythm
01:29:343(8,3,4) - overlap looks not good plz correct this pattern
03:00:304(10) - add NC
03:28:189(2,2) - ugly overlap


Distance spacing should be 0.8 on normal diffs~ fix this

On this diff you have so many mistakes with spacing ~ plz check it on all diff~

Oh map need more work, I hope you can make it better~ good luck ^^
Topic Starter

Katty Pie wrote:



Kiai times should be identical on all diffs~ fix this @Fixed

• Combo colors~ I think better replace gray color on more visible color Fixed, i like this color :D

Combo2 : 87,111,106


00:06:073(2,3,1) - better make identical distance between this notes It will be looks better and more playable X, i feel jump on this note -> 00:06:458 (1)
00:11:073(6) - This slider very hide~ better rorate on 450 and cntr + H It will be more visible X, i think this is playable and i like this pattern XD
00:15:689(1,2,3,4,5) - this place not readable with gray color. and overlap, you should correct form this pattern you can choose any form of but plz withiout overlaps X
00:22:419(2,3) - same as 00:11:073 X
00:24:343(1,2,3) - make identical distance between this notes for better jump X
01:04:535(3,4) - overlap.This place can very confused players bcz some mappers can put so and It's hard for read. Will be better if you put this pattern in down, It will be more understandable for players O
01:33:766(4,5,1) - this pattern will be more playable X, i feel jump start from 01:34:150 (1)
01:34:727(2) - this slider not sound on blue tick, make this slider 1/2 it's better follow the music X
01:43:381(1) - same as 01:04:535 X
01:54:535(3,4,5) - stack it better Fixed
02:00:304(1) - same as 00:11:073 X
02:12:419(6) - O
02:28:573(2) - overlap again, put this note in other place this pattern will be more playable X
02:31:650(4) - same as 01:34:727 X
03:19:343(2,10) - stack it better Fixed


00:14:727(4) - same on Insane X
00:18:958(6) - NC O
00:24:343(2,3,4) - wrong spacing, make identical distance between notes Fixed
00:56:843 - same on Insane X
01:11:843 - I think better add note here, better follow for rhythm O
01:29:343(8,3,4) - overlap looks not good plz correct this pattern X, i dont want stack them :?
03:00:304(10) - add NC O
03:28:189(2,2) - ugly overlap Fixed


Distance spacing should be 0.8 on normal diffs~ fix this 1.0x is ok

On this diff you have so many mistakes with spacing ~ plz check it on all diff~

Oh map need more work, I hope you can make it better~ good luck ^^

thank you for mod :D
kanpakyin 試試用這個hitclap? 放在2.4拍上面
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote: 試試用這個hitclap? 放在2.4拍上面
someone found this nice map for me
but I haven't time to mod it this days.. feel free to find me later when the map's ready
btw, offset=1851(+8) is better imo
good luck
Topic Starter

wcx19911123 wrote:

someone found this nice map for me
but I haven't time to mod it this days.. feel free to find me later when the map's ready
btw, offset=1851(+8) is better imo
good luck
fixed :)
you asked for a MAT request, and you got one ;). found this on #modreqs.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Green: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or curiosity about something.


00:04:927 (1) - i'm feeling 1 repeat followed by 2 1/1 circles starting at 00:09:158. it would look fun and it wouldn't look that dull during gameplay IMO. i feel that this would give a nice introduction to the song during gameplay as well.
00:23:774 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - remove all claps and add them at every 2nd and 4th downbeat. since the finish at the the previous note, the claps would give off a smoother transition in the hitsounds during gameplay.
00:54:543 (1) - NC here because this follows the drums. there's nothing connected from the previous combo since the vocals stop and the BGM is different.
00:58:774 (5) - perhaps you can add a whistle at the end? i think that if you add it, it would sound a lot nicer and it'll show emphasis in the vocals and the BGM if you listen carefully.
01:07:427 (2) - perhaps you can add a finish with the whistle so that it can show emphasis in the vocals and to show that the chorus is gonna start over again?
01:23:581 (1) - i can hear cymbals at the end of the spinner, so add a finish to go along with it.
01:51:850 (2) - idk if it's me, but add a clap at the beginning. there's a fade out in the BGM during gameplay. it's a slight clap in the song.
01:52:620 (3) - if you follow the suggestion above, then add a clap at the end for consistency with (2).
02:07:235 (2,3) - i hear claps at the 1/2 ticks, so consider adding claps at the end of (2) and at the beginning of (3) because of that.

00:19:927 (4) - you're forgetting a clap here. add it at here for consistency in the clap pattern.
00:32:235 - you can do 2 things: add a circle here to keep the flow going in the vocals since it feel awkward with the sudden pause, or remove (8) and add a 1/2 slider to follow the vocals and to keep the flow going during gameplay.
01:00:120 (6) - i highly suggest that you put this on the middle of (5) perfectly. right now it look ugly and it makes the flow feel awkward for me. it should look like this or something close to this.
02:07:812 (5) - perhaps a clap here since there a clap in the BGM?

No problems here.

just a few minor things, but before i can re-check this, i would like you to get your SP up to +15 since it's my priority. for now here's a star and GL :D.

Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

you asked for a MAT request, and you got one ;). found this on #modreqs.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Green: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or curiosity about something.


00:04:927 (1) - i'm feeling 1 repeat followed by 2 1/1 circles starting at 00:09:158. it would look fun and it wouldn't look that dull during gameplay IMO. i feel that this would give a nice introduction to the song during gameplay as well. @O
00:23:774 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - remove all claps and add them at every 2nd and 4th downbeat. since the finish at the the previous note, the claps would give off a smoother transition in the hitsounds during gameplay. @O
00:54:543 (1) - NC here because this follows the drums. there's nothing connected from the previous combo since the vocals stop and the BGM is different. @O
00:58:774 (5) - perhaps you can add a whistle at the end? i think that if you add it, it would sound a lot nicer and it'll show emphasis in the vocals and the BGM if you listen carefully. @X
01:07:427 (2) - perhaps you can add a finish with the whistle so that it can show emphasis in the vocals and to show that the chorus is gonna start over again? @O
01:23:581 (1) - i can hear cymbals at the end of the spinner, so add a finish to go along with it. @ O
01:51:850 (2) - idk if it's me, but add a clap at the beginning. there's a fade out in the BGM during gameplay. it's a slight clap in the song. @O
01:52:620 (3) - if you follow the suggestion above, then add a clap at the end for consistency with (2). @O
02:07:235 (2,3) - i hear claps at the 1/2 ticks, so consider adding claps at the end of (2) and at the beginning of (3) because of that. @X

00:19:927 (4) - you're forgetting a clap here. add it at here for consistency in the clap pattern. @O
00:32:235 - you can do 2 things: add a circle here to keep the flow going in the vocals since it feel awkward with the sudden pause, or remove (8) and add a 1/2 slider to follow the vocals and to keep the flow going during gameplay. @O, add circle here :D
01:00:120 (6) - i highly suggest that you put this on the middle of (5) perfectly. right now it look ugly and it makes the flow feel awkward for me. it should look like this or something close to this. @O
02:07:812 (5) - perhaps a clap here since there a clap in the BGM? @X

No problems here.

just a few minor things, but before i can re-check this, i would like you to get your SP up to +15 since it's my priority. for now here's a star and GL :D.

Thank you for mod
and SP is 15 now :D
damn~ already o.o? looks like i can re-check now :3.

01:13:197 (3) - move this note back by 1/2 and follow the 1/1 rhythm in this. it feel as if this note doesn't follow anything during gameplay IMO. so in this case, make this a 1/1 slider and add a circle or a repeat to follow the drums in this part of the song.
01:52:620 (3) - add the clap at the end, not at the beginning. it breaks the consistency pattern in the claps during gameplay.

00:06:274 - add a circle here. it'll be consistent with the next pattern since it follows the drums all over again.
00:47:043 (6) - i thought i heard cymbals when this note is hit, so add a soft finish to match it, and it'll be consistent with the previous pattern since the finishes sound the same.
02:06:466 - add a timing point here. and decrease the SV to 0.50 it'll be consistent with 00:41:851 (1) - since it follows a similar phrase in the vocals.
02:09:543 (1) - ^

01:57:235 (1) - here as well. add a timing point and decrease the slider speed to 0.50 to make it more dramatic in the vocals during gameplay.
02:06:466 (1) - ^

and that's all for now :3.
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

damn~ already o.o? looks like i can re-check now :3.

01:13:197 (3) - move this note back by 1/2 and follow the 1/1 rhythm in this. it feel as if this note doesn't follow anything during gameplay IMO. so in this case, make this a 1/1 slider and add a circle or a repeat to follow the drums in this part of the song. fixed
01:52:620 (3) - add the clap at the end, not at the beginning. it breaks the consistency pattern in the claps during gameplay. fixed

00:06:274 - add a circle here. it'll be consistent with the next pattern since it follows the drums all over again. fixed
00:47:043 (6) - i thought i heard cymbals when this note is hit, so add a soft finish to match it, and it'll be consistent with the previous pattern since the finishes sound the same. fixed
02:06:466 - add a timing point here. and decrease the SV to 0.50 it'll be consistent with 00:41:851 (1) - since it follows a similar phrase in the vocals. fixed
02:09:543 (1) - ^ fixed

01:57:235 (1) - here as well. add a timing point and decrease the slider speed to 0.50 to make it more dramatic in the vocals during gameplay. no
02:06:466 (1) - ^ no

and that's all for now :3.

done :)
before i bubble this, saying "no" doesn't tell me anything. can you give me a reason why you don't wanna slow down the sliders in "Believe"?
fumika waiting for your bubbies :33333
omg why do i say bubbles ;~;. it's bubbies ><

ty Fumi-chan <3.
Topic Starter
just want to make some different and more fun.

if you cant agree i will change it (;゚Д゚)
well~ i can go with that. if that slowdown was there, it would catch me off guard and the flow is broken :P. basically it'll ruin the fun like you said. unless a BAT disagrees with it.

anyways now that i think that all diffs are good, here you go :3.

Topic Starter
thank you so much :D
Very nice for a new mapper.
haha i did not expect this at all :lol:

congratz on the rank ;)
Topic Starter
thank you ヾ(*′∀‵*)ノ゛

NatsumeRin wrote:

Very nice for a new mapper.

Doesn't really looks like a "new mapper".
Congrats for it ^^
OP and ED ranked in same day, cool~
Komeiji Yuki
恭喜G神 >.0

NatsumeRin wrote:

Very nice for a new mapper.
why would you put genre as "unspecified" and language as "other" though
I usually forget to change the genre. Thanks for whoever did this change for me.
Full ver got ranked before TV Size wwww
fumikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wwwww
Gratz =w=b
fumika! w
恭喜了~ 本來打算下午看的



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